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Top 10 Travel Destinations Pyrénées-Atlantiques
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    • Day 5

      Oh look, its Pamplona!

      June 27 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

      Pamplona came upon us fast. It was a nice, easy breezy walk, barring what seems to be some emerging blisters!😰 Jon and I reflected on the significance of milestones and how in our culture, and in the Christian faith, they help us to transition to new experiences by letting go of what has come before. Upon reflection, it was significant for me to think of all the many milestones I’ve passed through in my life: birthdays, anniversaries, sacramental celebrations, graduations, deaths, births, beginnings, ends. I’m glad I’m celebrating my 50th in a away that gives me the opportunity to reflect on all the goodness that has come to me through both the blessings and challenges of my life. I so appreciate being able to live this milestone transition over an extended period of time to be able to reflect on the impact of the experiences and people in my life.

      One group of people in my life that has had great significance are the people and staff at Our Lady Of Mount Carmel church for the last 10+ years. Jon and I found the cathedral church and lit some candles (again, electric😣) and prayed for them. I cannot say enough about how much I have been moved by the people of this community. They continue to inspire and teach me about true Christian discipleship. It is a privilege to work and serve amongst such people.

      A final observation of the day is that I think for the first time in a very, very long time I have not known what day of the week it is. Noticing this today has had special importance to me. I think I’ve known the day of the week every day for what seems like decades. To have the capacity to live more in the present moment and less time attending to the multiple responsibilities of both myself and those that I’m caring for is a true gift. Jon and I noticed that we are already five days into the trip. For most vacations, I would already have my mind back into what I need to do when I return at this point. Nothing could be further from that reality for me now. I’m happy to live in greater Kairos than Cronos.
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    • Day 5

      Pamplona Recap and Full Bellies

      June 27 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

      Check out the videos on this post for our debrief of the Pamplona walking day.

      The end of our day was spent with perhaps the best meal I’m likely to have on this trip. Our hotel is fortunate enough to have a Michelin star rated restaurant, as you’ve likely heard in prior posts.

      It’s rare for me to eat at a restaurant like this. Let me say that for someone who loves great service and superior food this place did not disappoint. The steak melted in my mouth. We had two surprise amuse bouches. Given that we had our fill of tapas and gelato in the afternoon we both were feeling like the Gordito pedestrian crossing signal! We may have filled our bellies so much that there may not need to be a food truck tomorrow! It was a true treat and ridiculously inexpensive. Mary, we may have our retirement location!😉

      Tomorrow is 13 miles on a level 3 day. We are interested in finding out what a level three day feels like. Hopefully I will keep the blisters away!
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    • Day 7

      Day 5 - Rest day in Pamplona

      September 13, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

      Day 5 - Rest day in Pamplona
      Today I had a rest day. Or so I thought. But I ended up walking 10 to 12 km throughout the day. I visited a beautiful church! A famous Catholic in Pamplona called “Catedral de Santa María la Real de Pamplona”. So beautiful, as Catholic churches are! I also shopped for a bag to send some of my overpacking to Santiago to wait for me. It was a nice break.Read more

    • Day 8

      Pamplona, cheers.

      July 11 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Walked 17 km to Pamplona today, so it was fairly relaxed. Although some blisters are starting to appear. Much of today was in the shade, thankfully as temperature climbed to 31 by lunch time.
      Stopped at Villava for a really tasty potato tortilla. Enjoyed a chat with the grandkids back home about 5 km into the walk, and caught up with Phil while waiting for our hostel to open.
      Lovely place tonight with individual pods to sleep in. We have spent the afternoon walking around Pamplona, visiting some bars, and joining in with the locals. Very cool vibe, and definitely worth the stay. Many pilgrims have been encouraged not to stay here due to inflated prices, but I think staying is totally worth it.
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    • Day 9–10

      Zubiri to Arre (part 1)

      July 14 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Started walking at 7:30 am. It started off well, with beautiful, cool weather and decent paths. After brunch 11:30am, the weather was hot at 33 degrees and not much shade. Throughout the walk, I consistently met up with some nice young Germans and a Quebecoise (Chrissy), and American from Utah (Peter).Read more

    • Day 9–10

      Trinidad de Arre, Albergue

      July 14 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Arrived at the albergue, Trinidad de Arre, at 3:30pm. The signage for the entrance pointed to the door that had the "open" sign, but in actuality, the entrance was around the corner. Another sign instructed to stamp our own credenciel. Fortunately, after I rang the bell at the "entrance", a nice young man, Xavier from Spain, came to find me. The same confusion happened to him. The host, José, was nice enough, but no information was given about the facilities, and the wifi didn't work in the rooms. It only worked near the office which outside of the sleeping quarters and was untidy & rustic: like a caved entrance. The accomodations were sparse. In town, everything was closed because of San Fermin. I found an open shop which had mostly candy but I found some chips and beer for supper. I sat in the park to eat and the one other man there might have thought I was a hobo, but I ate my spicy chips with gusto lol. 9:00pm, the boys at the other end of the floor watched the EURO Soccer match between Spain and UK (2-1).Read more

    • Day 5

      Onward to Pamplona!

      June 27 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 72 °F

      We got out a bit earlier this morning and it paid off by beating the heat. According to our travel service today’s walk was a #2 difficulty day. Day one was a 5 and yesterday was a 4. We like #2 days! The walk was very pleasurable and we made it to Pamplona by noon!…

      …However, my feet began to feel different than they had the first two days. It’s something I hadn’t felt even in my practice walks. I was concerned about the famed hot spots (places where blisters may begin to form) that I hadn’t really experienced yet. I stopped briefly to check my feet and add a bit of sheep’s wool where a hot spot may have been forming toward my heel.

      The feeling persisted as we got to the outer city limits. Upon arrival to the hotel I checked my feet. There’s one location where it looks like a blister was beginning to form and one of my heels felt a bit raw. I added some moleskin and compede to the two locations in hopes that it mitigates any foot issues. We shall see. 😰
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    • Day 200

      🐄In den Bergen 🐎

      July 11 in France ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Wir kommen an den Anfang der Pyrenäen und fahren auf einen kleinen Camping auf 1000m Höhe. 3 km weiter endet die Straße und ab hier geht es nur noch zu Fuß weiter. Wir sind in der Zone der Tierwelt und Tafeln erklären uns die Verhaltensregeln gegenüber Kühen, Pferden, Schafherden und deren Hunde. Der erfrischende Gebirgsbach plätschert und wir hören den ganzen Tag die Glocken der Kühe um uns herum. Bei unserer Wanderung am nächsten Tag ist es zum Glück nicht mehr so heiß und es kühlt sogar bis auf 5°C in der Nacht ab👍Read more

    • Day 8–10

      Albergue Rio Arga Ibaia, Zubiri

      July 13 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Today,Saturday, July 13, is a rest day. My sleep was restless and the other pilgrims left at 6am. I later woke up at 9:50am when Sabine entered the room to clean. I tried getting the technological authentification process figured out between credit card and my European phone number: called twice to Canada but their help did not help. Finally, figured it out with Sabine's suggestion of switching the SIM card. Went for lunch at 1:00 pm (My tummy was breakfast). Found a small restaurant just around the corner, and had a lovely lunch. Later, did laundry, looked after my blister, strolled through town, and ate the other half of my burger for supper.Read more

    • Day 7–9

      Roncesvalles to Zubiri

      July 12 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      At 8:10, after breakfast, and answering Glen's (Perth, Australia) difficult question of why I'm doing the camino, I headed out on the 22 km in the rain, on the rocky-road trek to Albergue Rio de Arga, in Zubiri. I arrived at 6:10 pm (stopped for about 1.5 hours sporadically on the way). Each time I saw more rocks and steep slopes downward, I took a moment to strategize which way would cause the least threat to fall, twist the ankle, and leave me to the wild dogs. In Zubiri, the first albergue I went to, was very welcoming and the host carried my backpack up to the room. I met Yong (SK- Sports psychologist) and Pierre (Limoges) who I shared the room with. Then, I was invited to eat with kind Italians who later partied on the balcony, under my open window, til about 1:00 am to the background music of the Arga river. No worries because I could barely sleep anyway-my back and legs were killing.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Département des Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Departement des Pyrenees-Atlantiques, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Pirineos Atlánticos, Pirinio-Atlantiarrak, Pirenei atlantici, Pirenèus-Atlantics, Pirineus Atlânticos

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