Paris 04

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    • Päivä 2

      Bonjour Paris

      8. heinäkuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Benni ist heute ziemlich kaputt, aber mächtig beeindruckt von all den Superlativen an geschichtsträchtigen Gebäuden, Brücken und Plätzen.
      Nach einem „Petite Dejeuner“ ging es erstmal ins Hotel, Koffer wegbringen, kurze Erholung von der Nachtfahrt und frisch machen.
      Benni liebt Hop-on-Hop-off, so konnten wir gar nicht anders als ihm diesen Wunsch zu erfüllen. So sieht man aber auch das Wichtigste. Einen längeren Stopp gab es natürlich am Eiffelturm, der logisch das Motiv für Verliebte ist ❤️
      Nach einem echt langen Tag gab es noch Abendessen für Benni und danach Schlafenszeit 💤
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    • Päivä 4

      Saturday morning à Paris

      17. syyskuuta 2022, Ranska ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      We had a lunch date today with Gerry Wilson and his wife Cilla to celebrate her birthday and also to just catch up. We weren’t due to meet them until 1.30 pm so we took the opportunity to wander around some favourite areas of Paris before lunch.

      First stop was the Bastille, then we walked towards Place des Vosges, stopping to buy pastries at Lenotre on the way. We did a quick walk around the beautiful Place des Voges and then got down to the serious business of eating our chocolate eclairs, which were divine.

      We then walked a little further towards central Paris to catch the metro to Trocadero - with the intention to walk to Les Ombres for our lunch date - passing St Paul’s cathedral and the very picturesque café La favourite, St Paul on the way. The areas around the Trocedero leading down to the Eiffel Tower are all under construction for the approaching 2024 Olympic Games which will be held in Paris.

      The weather has been very kind to us and today was a glorious sunny day.
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    • Päivä 9


      26. helmikuuta, Ranska ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

      Today we made it onto one of the islands in the Seine River, Île de la Cité. Home of the famous Notre-Dame.
      The cathedral suffered a large fire back in 2019, where most of the roof was destroyed along with the large spire.
      So the whole area was blocked off for renovations. You might think this was a bummer, but it turned out to be quite fascinating. There were placards all along one side talking about the restoration process. The work done to immediately stabilize the roof area, the planning of the restoration using the same materials as the original, the mobilization of craftsmen from all over. Like I said fascinating. The job at hand is literally monumental. There are over 1,000 people working on the project. You can read about it in the link below.

      Here’s the link to the Notre-Dame renovations:
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    • Päivä 1–2

      Paris - Croisants, Galettes & Yoga

      25. lokakuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Schlemmen auf der Food-Tour im 11ten Arrondissement entlang des Kanals St. Martin, verbrennen eines Teils der Kalorien bei einem ausgedehnten Spaziergang durch die Pariser Innenstadt und typisch französische Galettes zum Abendessen. Wir übernachten bei Leos Großcousine Daniela und besuchen am nächsten Morgen eine schweißtreibende Stunde in ihrem Yogastudio einen Steinwurf von Notre Dame entfernt. Beim Kampf mit den Citybikes verliert Leo fast die Nerven aber wenn man/frau dann im Sattel sitzt, hat man die perfekte Reisegeschwindigkeit durch die Stadt der Liebe.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 9

      Bits & pieces from Paris

      26. helmikuuta, Ranska ⋅ 🌧 6 °C

      First thing is the traffic: Cars, motorcycles, bicycles, & pedestrians. Keep in mind that intersections in Paris all have 5 or more roads into them. Cars pull as far as they can into the intersection, blocking traffic. Motorcycles don’t use the lanes, instead they go between or beside the cars. Bicycles are the worst, they don’t want to stop for anything because they would have to put their feet down. Pedestrians go wherever there is a break in traffic or traffic is stopped because of cars jamming up the intersections.

      Paris is funny because you will have all the same type of stores on the same street selling the same stuff. Souvenir shops, crepe stands, glitter shops, and of course sex shops. All right next to each other.

      We came across this guy in the window rolling out dough into flat breads. It was kind of mesmerizing to watch. After a while we decided to go in to eat. So halfway through our meal the power goes out, no big deal lots of light from the windows. Then the place starts filling up with smoke because the hood fan was not working anymore. We were almost ready to make it a takeout meal when they finally got the power back on and the smoke quickly cleared up. Happy ending!
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    • Päivä 60

      Walking our Legs Off in Paris

      16. lokakuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      My biggest concern before we arrived in Paris was just how mobile we would be. Maggie had been seriously compromised with a bad back, and walking any distance had been very hard for her. And yet the only way to truly explore Paris is on two legs. This was truly a dilemma.

      I don't know whether it is because her back is healing, or whether she is just running on pure adrenaline. Whatever the reason, I am relieved to report that we have been able to cover large portions of the city on foot. Although Maggie is still in some discomfort, she has still been able to walk a considerable distance. That is a huge relief for both of us.

      This morning we set off heading away from the river towards Les Halles, and managed to rediscover the place where we both had glasses made when we here in 2019. The place makes the claim that they can make your glasses "in 10 minutes or 10 Euro". And that is what they do.

      When we returned this morning, we found that the business had actually expanded to include the next couple of shops. It is now possible to watch the entire process happening before your eyes. First you do the eye test to determine your prescription, then you choose the frames, then from then on the whole process is automated. A short time later your new spectacles are ready ! Simple.

      We then wandered along the right bank of the river to the Louvre Museum, where we were surrounded by a whole tribe of gypsies, all trying to accost us with their bogus petitions. This scam has been going on for many years, and has resisted all attempts by the authorities to stamp it out. Fortunately they are not aggressive, and they generally are deterred by a firm "non".

      Our walk took us through the Tuileries Gardens and back onto the Rue de Rivoli. We followed it as far as the famous chocolate shop called "Angelina's". This place is regarded as a Paris institution, and always has a long queue of hopeful patrons trying to gain entry. We had already visited the shop a couple of times previously, and the last time we were there, we were both underwhelmed. We had other plans in store.

      Way back on the L'ile St Louis there is a tiny Salon de The, where we have made a habit of enjoying a quiet lunch every time we have been in Paris. So that is where we headed next. It was a long walk, but we made it in time for lunch.

      Maggie and I then separated to make our own ways back to our apartment, having another close look at the progress on Notre Dame. By the time I finally climbed the six floors to our room, my watch was telling me I had walked over 15,000 steps. My legs were telling me it had been many more.

      This really is a hectic, crazy, eccentric, enigmatic, confronting and wonderful city. With all its faults, I can never get tired of visiting.
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    • Päivä 3

      Im hotel

      23. syyskuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Hab leider vergessen vom essen ein foto zumachen war jetzt aber auch nich so die bombe aber ja man kann ned alles haben danach sind wir durch paris gestapft und haben zu Fuß 15 km hinter uns gelassen ein paar eindrücke davonLue lisää

    • Päivä 5

      Athena's Last Night in Paris

      21. elokuuta 2019, Ranska ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Hi Athena here, just letting you know about our last night in Paris.

      It all started with us chilling in our hotel room & me falling asleep. Sandra finally waking me up as it was 8pm &, we needed to start getting ready for our cruise where we had no idea on what time it was leaving & where it was leaving from & we had purchased no tix. As you can tell, our organisation was non existent. I said to Sandra, OK start getting ready, she responds with I'm ready.... I thought hmmmm, I asked her whether she's wearing what she had on, she said yea why?,i said don't you want to get dressed up for our last day in Paris & the cruise..... Sandra agreed in putting something other than what we call her comfy dress. Well she wore a beautiful dress 👗 and she looks awesome.

      We headed out & realised that the ferry doesn't depart from Notre-Dame & that it actually depends from the eiffel 🗼. So we went on line to purchase tix just to realise that there were no seats available!!!!!. Oh well by this time it was 9.30pm & I was starving for my onion soup for the fourth night in a row.

      The first night we arrived in Paris we had dinner at a beautiful restaurant 🍴 & the food and service was outstanding so we decided to head back & make our last night a nice one.

      As soon as the waiter saw us his eyes 👀 lit up & we found ourselves having e waiter's looking after us.

      Hi Sandra back again... We enjoyed our soup, I got drunk and we walked back, whilst I became all philosophical about what love really should look like.
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    • Päivä 21


      9. kesäkuuta, Ranska ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Okay stain glass is genuinely the prettiest thing i’ve ever seen & this medieval chapel for the king and his staff is no exception!! The windows tell biblical stories and show that relics from the passion used to be here (these now reside in notre dame)! it’s small but worth a visit! I recommend going to concert which we did later that night! The piano was beautiful!Lue lisää

    • Päivä 3

      Saint Chapelle

      19. elokuuta 2019, Ranska ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Lots of young hot gendarme around. Bit distracting to Athena and I !!

      Saint Chapelle sits opposite Notre Dame. We walk up the winding staircase and I turn to watch Athena's face as we enter the chapel room. Oh wow she exclaims.
      Inside the cathedral walls are all devine, set in stained coloured glass columns. Such a pretty thing to behold. Breathtaking and peaceful.

      Although it was packed we didn't feel squashed. Whenever the din got loud, a voice over the loud speaker all told us to hush please in French.

      On our exit we passed down the tight spiral staircase worn slippery smooth over time. Athena became quite petrified making her way downward on the steeped steps. She regained her composure once out in the courtyard faced with the handsome, tight bummed youthful gendarmes.
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