Ruisseau du Peugue

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    • Dia 24

      Afternoon wander and dinner at Akashi

      7 de outubro de 2022, França ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      After Luc dropped us back at the apartment, we stored our wine purchases, freshened up and headed back out to have a bite to eat. We found a good burger place not too far from our apartment in a nice little square. As it was such a lovely day the locals and tourists were out in force. After lunch, we meandered down some streets heading back towards our place for a bit of down time.

      We had a dinner reservation for 7.30 pm at Akashi, a lovely restaurant with French and Japanese influences. We splurged and ordered a bottle of Pomerol red to go with our Menu découverte, which was three courses plus an amuse-bouche.

      The amuse-bouche was made up of three bites - a corn/popcorn emulsion, a crumbed prawn and a piece of aged beef. First course was a Cocktail de fruits de mer (seafood) with avocado and a soft boiled egg. Main was Retour du pêche en beignet (fish fried in a ‘doughnut’ batter) served with black rice, shitaké and a Provençal sauce, and dessert was a Tartelette aux mirabelles (plums). It was a lovely meal, very nice clean flavours, and the wine was sensational.
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    • Dia 2.766

      Bordeaux, Grosse Cloche

      18 de março de 2023, França ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Der Haupt-Jakobsweg Via Turonensis verlässt den Stadtkern durch dieses Tor und führt über Dax nach Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port. Diese Städte besucht auch der Eurovelo 3, allerdings schlägt er vorher noch einen großen Bogen landeinwärts. Direkter (nach Pamplona) ist es jedoch, von hier Richtung Atlantik zu fahren und dort der Voie de Soulac parallel zum Ozean zu folgen - und so geht es auch weiter.Leia mais

    • Dia 96

      Ruhetag 1 in Bordeaux

      6 de outubro de 2018, França ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Da muss ich erst nach Frankreich runter düsen, damit Franzi sich mal ein bissl Ruhe gönnt 😉
      Die Wiedersehensfreude ist natürlich sehr sehr groß!
      Nach einem leckeren Abendbrot gestern hieß es heut erst einmal ausschlafen und entspannt frühstücken. Trotz Ruhetag wird trotzdem nicht gefaulenzt 💪🏼
      Nach dem petit dejeuner machten wir uns auf zum Stadtrundgang durch Bordeaux. Viele schöne Ecken gibt es hier zu sehen. Und auch die Einflüsse von St. Jacques begleiten uns auf unserem Rundgang
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    • Dia 97

      Ruhetag 2 in Bordeaux

      7 de outubro de 2018, França ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Heute zeigte sich Bordeaux von seiner regnerischen Seite. Also wurde das museé d‘aquitaine besichtigt. Frère St. Jaques war natürlich auch vertreten.
      Anschließend noch einen Regenspaziergang zum Hauptbahnhof um unsere morgigen Abfahrten zu erkunden und anschließend macarons 😋
      Auch heute war kulinarisch wieder einiges geboten!
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    • Dia 7

      Bordeaux Day 1

      12 de agosto de 2019, França ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      We woke up in Paris and with great sadness we got ready to move onto the next adventure. There is so much to see and do in Paris that we both agree it’s somewhere we would love to come back to. But on to Bordeaux. We caught our fast train which was super comfy and fast. Great way to travel. Pete says better than the plane!

      Arrived in Bordeaux and worked out the transit system and found our bnb, which is in a quiet neighbourhood in a 17th century apartment. Amazing building and a lovely hostess called Michelle.

      After settling in we headed out to explore and found our way to some of the sights in Bordeaux. We went to two art museums and tried to get in to a couple of things that were not open Monday’s, but we walked through some amazing parts of the old town. We were worn out, well our feet and calves were, so we headed back for a rest.

      Seems like the best way to do it as when we woke up we headed out for more exploring. Went to the mirror pools, which because of everyone walking in it wasn’t so much a mirror but still a beautiful building. Watched some line dancing, yes in Bordeaux and then wandered the old town until we found a dinner spot and then home. Really amazing how we are finding our way around without too much trouble! Google maps does help 😊😊
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    • Dia 5

      SixBridges Revival #1 - Bordeaux

      13 de setembro de 2023, França ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Erkennt ihr die Bar wieder ???

    • Dia 3


      19 de abril de 2019, França ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Wir sind Mittwochabend in Bordeaux gelandet und wurden direkt von Migue am Flughafen abgeholt. Wir haben zusammen ein Airbnb genommen und haben uns am nächsten Tag Bordeaux angeguckt. Eine sehr schöne lebenswerte Stadt. Man kann ganz toll am Fluss entlang spazieren die Altstadt ist hübsch und erinnert ein bisschen an die Gassen in Barcelona, es gibt wie in Münster sehr viele Kirchen, imposante Architektur und eine entspannte Atmosphäre, zumindest in der Nebensaison im April. Das Wetter war schon sehr sommerlich warm. Auf dem Markt haben die Spanier direkt ein paar Austern geschlürft. Savoir vivre!Leia mais

    • Dia 180

      Meet and Greet in Bordeaux

      12 de outubro de 2018, França ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Nach fünf Tagen auf dem CVSM in Tirol, ging es für uns weiter in Richtung München. Unser Van Finn sollte seine Winterreifen aufgezogen bekommen. Da unser Termin Montag Vormittag war, legten wir noch einen Stopp in Garmisch-Partenkirchen ein und sparzierten bei schönstem Herbstwetter einmal um den Eibsee herum. Was für eine traumhafte Kulisse, wenn das Herbstlaub so schön bunt in der Sonne schimmert!

      Montag morgen ging es dann zeitig nach München und nach einer Autowäsche und Winterreifen aufziehen, weiter in Richtung Frankreich. Wir hatten ein strammes Programm vor uns, da wir in zwei Tagen Freunde in Bordeaux besuchen wollten, bevor es dann endlich weiter in Richtung Süd-Europa und Sonnenschein gehen sollte. Unser erster Stopp in Frankreich war Autun. Abends hatten wir noch die Chance etwas zu grillen und morgens wachten wir mit tiefhängenden Nebelschwaden auf. Damit fiel der Besuch in Autun aus. Diese Nebelschwaden nahmen wir über den ganzen Tag hin mit. Da wir uns gegen das Bezahlen der Autobahngebühren entschieden hatten, ging es nur sehr schleppend voran und so bummelten wir übers Land und durch das ein oder andere Dorf irgendwo im Nirgendwo. Mit Tempo 80 dauert doch alles ganz schön lange.

      Unseren nächsten Stopp machten wir in Dun-le-Palestel und standen ganz alleine auf einer riesigen Wiese im dortigen Camping. Den Campingplatz hatten wir vollständig für uns alleine, so dass wir die Chance nutzten, sowohl unseren Van als auch unsere Wäsche mal wieder auf Vordermann zu bringen. Heute war es dann endlich soweit! Wir waren von unseren Freunden Johanna und Flavian eingeladen worden, sie in Bordeaux besuchen zukommen. Über das kleine Städtchen Saint-Emilion, welches für seine vorzüglichen Weine bekannt ist, ging es für uns in einen Vorort von Bordeaux. Leider hatten wir mit dem Wetter in Saint-Emilion nicht ganz so viel Glück und unser Besuch fiel aufgrund des Regens recht kurz aus. Durch die ein oder andere Weinhandlung und Kirche sind wir dann aber doch noch spaziert.

      Den Abend ließen wir dann bei einem vorzüglichen Raclette mit Wein und Bier ausklingen und hatten jede Menge Spaß. Es gab soviel zu erzählen von unseren gemeinsamen Abenteuern, die wir in den unterschiedlichsten Ländern in Süd-Ost-Europa erlebt haben. Wir haben uns in so vielen Ländern getroffen, dass wir gar nicht mehr alle zusammen bekommen.

      Am nächsten Morgen fuhren wir gemeinsam mit unserem persönlichem Guide Johanna nach Bordeaux. Mit der Bahn ging es bis in die Innenstadt von Bordeaux und bewaffnet mit einem Stadtplan ging es auf große Sightseeing Tour. Über den Place des Quincones ging es zum Grands Hommes vorbei an Galerien, Kirchen und gefühlt hunderten von Straßencafés in die historische Altstadt, die nicht ohne Grund zum UNESCO Welterbe gehört. Die Innenstadt von Bordeaux hat uns von der ersten Minute an begeistert und wir sind in das südländische Flair in Kombination mit den historischen Gebäuden eingetaucht. Ganz besonders gut haben uns die Stadttore gefallen, die ein ganz besonderes Wahrzeichen von Bordeaux darstellen und von denen wirklich noch viele erhalten sind. Am Fluss Garonne lässt sich gut verweilen und auch dort finden sich viele tolle Fotomotive. Petrus hatte für unseren Bordeaux Besuch auch ein Einsehen und ließ die Sonne strahlen. So macht Sightseeing doch gleich viel mehr Spaß. Insbesondere die Altstadt hat es uns wirklich angetan und wir werden bestimmt wiederkommen. Der kurzweilige Stadtausflug ging dann aber auch viel zu schnell zu Ende und so mussten wir unsere beiden Freunde schon wieder zurücklassen und weiterziehen.

      Am späten Nachmittag ging es für uns noch gute 45 Minuten weiter in Richtung Süden nach Arcachon. Auch ein kleiner hübscher Küstenort. Vom Campingplatz sind wir am Abend noch ins Zentrum gelaufen und haben den Abend in einer netten Pizzeria verbracht. Morgen früh sollte es ganz zeitig, bevor die ganzen Touristen Massen auftauchen, zur Dune du Pilat gehen. Der größten Sanddüne Europas! Wir sind schon riesig gespannt was uns dort für ein gigantisches Naturschauspiel erwartet.
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    • Dia 9

      La Rochelle to Bordeaux

      18 de setembro de 2018, França ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      We really couldn’t wait to get out of the ‘Aire de Camping’ in La Rochelle, but we stopped to top up the water and dump the grey water tank before we left. The highway to Bordeaux was excellent and we found our way there no problem, but we had to investigate parking options for leaving Albi so spent a lot of time poking around the industrial areas around the Merignac airport before making our way ‘downtown’.

      Unfortunately, it was rush hour and our GPS took us straight through the town, so we ended up in endless lineups and lights, and our 430PM arrival time ended up being more like 7 PM. Luckily for us, the place we found on ‘Park4nite’ turned out to be really good - right next to a marina and a McDonald’s so we got WiFi, a view and a ready toilet open most hours of the day.

      We got ourselves set up and Gin cooked us a great meal that we enjoyed overlooking the marina. There were they very big fish, that looked like maybe catfish, swimming around below us and grabbing the bits of food we tossed in to them. The weather was again perfect and although our plans to get to the tourist information Centre to plan our stay fell through, we spent the evening plotting out the plan for the next day. The place was quite industrial but there were several other RV’s about - some looking like they’d been there for a very long time. One even had several ‘outbuildings’ set up where I think his pets slept at night. We crossed path with some of these people in the McDonald’s in the morning getting coffee and using the toilets.

      The next morning we were searching for a few bits and pieces for the RV so we popped into the local boat chandler. It looked like a good place to possible park long-term so we talked the them about paying something to leave the RV. After exploring several options nothing panned out unfortunately but we did find some of the electrical bits we needed and got some ideas for other things. Albi has been a bit neglected with preventative maintenance so there are a few electrical connections and metal brackets that have rusted out so I wanted to replace those and get the connections redone before anything failed. We also bought some covering for the salon seats because they are cream colored and are very quickly going to get dirty and worn badly.

      Having that sorted we jumped on our bikes and headed into town, which was about a 5KM ride. At the tourist information we picked up a walking tour/map and a bunch of information on the wine regions and the coastal area and the national park nearby. The whole Bordeaux wine area is set up for biking and there are many maps. There are also at least 100 different Terroir/Chateaux that permit RV’s to stay out the property - many for free, so we got the contact information for those in order to plan out our stay in the area.

      We locked up the bikes and began the longer version of the walking tour of the city. It proved to be a good tour of the main sites and gave us a good orientation of the city with some background history and architecture. Bordeaux is nicknamed the ‘Moon Port’ because of the curve in the Gordonne river that looks like a sliver of a moon. We walked through the crowded cobblestone pedestrian shopping areas, along the river and in and out of the many town gates that formerly protected the city’s center. Bordeaux has been described as one of France’s most beautiful cities and we certainly enjoyed the architecture and shopping along the way.

      With the walking tour complete we made our way back to our marina front camping spot for dinner and a nice glass of wine. We found Albi safe and sound but with two new ‘neighbours’ on each side of us. A very large bus RV with a family inside and a smaller one behind us with a couple from France and their scooter. The French couple was parked just a foot or two off our rear bumper which we were none too pleased about, but since we were leaving the following day we let it stand without a fuss. We did wonder with all the space available why they had to be so close - perhaps they felt it was more secure to be close to the other campers.

      The following day we decided to try and find some parking for the week of our absence and spent some time on our bikes around the area. Just over a small bridge I found another RV parked behind a locked gate and after driving around a bit I found the access point. Although it is posted as ‘Keep Out’ and ‘Defense d’entrer’ when we went in we discovered that is essentially an area of house boats built from barges and the RV parked there belonged to one of the owners of the barges (from a sign in the window). This gave us an idea. We decided to move Albi in there and make a sign of our own. We had overheard a couple talking about being in an Air BnB on the barges, so we made a sign for Albi that said (in French) ‘we are staying on the adjacent boats for a few days, if there are any problems please calll...’ and our number. The area is fenced in and secure, and we figured that the sign would at least defer any issues until our return. With the van secured we jumped on our bikes for ‘day 2’ in Bordeaux.

      The second day we returned to town and completed the ‘hidden sights’ walking tour, which somewhat overlapped our first day but took us slightly further afield. We found some hidden and quiet squares, cathedrals and markets and of course stopped for our daily gelato. ;) The tour told the story of a successful trading town that thrives today as the center of the wine industry and a bustling tourist hub. Back on our bikes and back to the RV so that Ginette could get the tram out to the airport for her flight to Canada in the afternoon.

      After sorting the bikes I walked back to the Bacalan district ‘Eataly’ area - a market area and restaurant warehouse at the termination of the tram where the locals and tourists congregated for drinks and dinner in the evening. On Wed and Thurs night they offer $1 oysters on the half shell so I had a great oyster meal and a couple ‘blanche’ beers. I met up with a US couple and their new baby having some problems finding accommodation so I helped them out with French booking into a BnB and we chatted about the town, the state of Canada/US affairs and each other’s lives. Soon enough they were off and I was back at the RV making sure all was ready for my own departure to Amsterdam the following day to visit some old cruising friends from our sailing days.

      The following day it was cold and raining and my plans to bike to town fell apart pretty quickly. Instead I walked the 15 minutes to the recently opened wine region museum and spent the day there. This was a really cool experience that explores the worldwide wine industry and gives some insight into the Bordeaux region’s suitability as a successful participant for so many years. There are many interactive displays including one dedicated to wine tasting which allows you to experience the many fragrances and tastes of wines. There are many historical dioramas and displays that discuss how wine evolved over the years, its history and place in human culture and the state of the industry today. I discovered that France is the largest producer of wine followed closely by Italy and Spain. The New Zealand wine industry has nearly quadrupled it’s output in the last 10 years! I also paid the extra to have a tour of the spectacular building which was completed in 2016 and cost nearly 300 million euros. It is designed to look like wine swirling in the glass and is very unique both inside and out. Too quickly it was time to go and after securing Albi and the bikes in the rain I boarded the tram. For 1.70 I was at the airport in 45 minutes as opposed to a 45 Euro quote from a taxi or 35 Euro Uber!

      I finally arrived in Amsterdam many hours later after flight delays and an overcrowded Schipol airport. It was strange to be in Schipol again as we had used it many times when we were in Germany for our travels. I even remembered where the Starbucks was! I am now hanging out in a small town north of Amsterdam on our friend Monique and Janbart’s boat ‘Cocoon’. Unfortunately we cannot sail because the boat is in maintenance but we are having a nice relaxing time exploring and catching up. I am hoping that Albi is OK back in Bordeaux, and am assuming since nobody has called me all is well. When I return we will leave the city and head for the wine regions and the coast around Bordeaux. We will have about 10 days after Ginette gets back to explore this before I leave for work again. Ginette will head west into Spain and take on a few legs of the Camino de Santiago, and we will meet up again in early November to work our way south for warmer weather. It is chilly in Holland, and the 30’s we’ve had in the last few weeks I’m afraid are gone until next summer. I’ve bought some warmer clothes here to prepare, and hopefully we can eke out a few more weeks of warmth before I need to pull them out.

      Until next time.

      Derek and Ginette
      Fast Albert
      Bordeaux, France
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