Landkreis Ostallgäu

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Landkreis Ostallgäu
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    • Day 13

      King's Castles

      October 8, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      Hohenschwangau and Neuschwanstein, "Mad" King Ludwig's famous castles. The first is actually the older one, where he actually grew up. The second is his more famous "fairytale castle project," and was the inspiration for the castle in Sleeping Beauty. Although newer, it was built over the ruins of an older medieval castle (Hohenschwangau was also built on top of an older site). Pics also include famous Mary's Bridge viewpoint (also shown from afar, at the castle) and hike to nearby higher (and less crowded) overlook.Read more

    • Day 28


      August 11, 2022 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Pfronten ein wirklich schöner Ort. Wir kennen ihn nur im Herbst zum Viehscheid oder im Winter zum Hornschlittenrennen. Im Sommer auch wirklich sehr schön. Überall Wiesen gemäht und der Duft von frischem Heu, die Kühe laufen draußen und haben teilweise Glocken um.
      Im Biergarten vom Falkensteiner Hof haben wir ein schönes Weizen aus der eigenen kleinen Brauerei getrunken. Super lecker und schön kalt. Auf dem Rückweg sind wir über Vils in Österreich gefahren. War ganz schön weit, aber eine schöne Strecke. Am Lechfall haben wir eine kurze Pause gemacht. Fotos geschossen und Melone gegessen.
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    • Day 4

      Schloss Neuschwanstein

      August 28, 2022 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 61 °F

      Took a day trip from Munich to Fussen today to see King Ludwig’s Neuschwanstein Castle.
      It was another day of multiple transfers. Walk, train, bus, bus, walk. Then repeat. 12,000 steps already. Transportation chewed up a lot of time. The tour is surprisingly short and The views are obv amazing. The bridge spanning the river above the castle has floor boards that have more give than u want lol.

      We’re on the train back to Munich for our last night- heading out early tomorrow by bus to Bolzano to pick up our teeny tiny car and begin our Italian adventure! Stay tuned 💟
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    • Day 11


      August 29, 2022 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Heute sind wir schon früh gestartet, damit wir vor allen anderen unterwegs sind 😅 hat sich gelohnt, wir waren fast die ersten, die da waren!
      Haben als ersten Stopp den Lechfall angepeilt und sind dann weiter Richtung Erlebnispfad gewandert und haben da eine kleine Waldlehre gemacht 😄 als Belohnung gab es einen Abstecher in die City zum bummeln.
      Da wir jedoch noch nicht genug hatten sind wir noch etwas weiter gelaufen und haben ein empfohlenes Restaurant aufgesucht - der Tipp hat sich gelohnt & das von dort selbst gebraute Bier wurde ebenfalls eingepackt 🥰🤤
      Morgen geht es zu unserem letzten Stopp auf unserer Reise - die Wasserfälle haben wir alle gesehen & machen noch spontan einen Städtetrip 😍
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    • Day 10

      Regentag 😊

      August 29, 2023 in Austria ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      Nach dem Tag gestern waren die Sachen noch nicht trocken und ich habe beschlossen, Füssen mal zu Fuß anzuschauen.
      Ein schöner Tag trotz Regen.
      Statistik: viel Regen, 19729 Schritte, 4 Kugeln Eis, diverse Snacks 😊Read more

    • Day 34

      34. Neuschwanstein

      March 9 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Instead of driving to the car park closest to the castle and paying a hefty parking fee , we decided to park a couple of miles away and cycle to the start of the footpath up to the famous castle . James towed Maddy in her little dog trailer , which is always comical and good fun - James did very well towing Maddy up the hills , considering she is 23 kg !
      The walk up to the castle was very steep , but didn't take nearly as long as what we thought it would . Once at the entrance of the beautiful castle , we discovered that it was only 18 euros each to complete an audio guide of the castle . We were under the impression that it was going to be 50 euros each when researching the night before ! We were absolutely gutted we didn't know this sooner as we couldn't enter the castle with Maddy.
      None the less , we enjoyed walking around the grounds of the majestic castle and stopped off for a picnic before walking back down .
      After all that walking and cycling , we made the decision to drive back to the campsite we had stayed at the previous night so we could shower and chill .
      We spent the evening planning our next moves and decided that we were going to visit the romantic old town of Füssen before going back to Neuschwanstein castle to complete the tour . We had a chicken and veg sir fry in preparation for another active day tomorrow !
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    • Day 14

      Cows and Swans and a Cat

      May 29 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      Departed Garching this morning (no sleeping in) after meeting Scott at the Garching Bahnhof. Made our way to Munich Hbf then jumped a regional train and then a bus to eventually arrive on the northern foothills of the Alps in Füssen. Enjoyed seeing the pastoral scenery and many healthy looking dairy cows along the way, not to mention other livestock and a couple free-range swans visible out the train window (they were huge!).

      Dumped bags at the hotel, I did some work and Scott explored, then we headed to Schloss Neuschwanstein via more buses. Did our tour then walked back down from the schloss in the rain to await our final bus of the day back to town. Four separate trains and four (six for me) buses today.

      The castle tour was interesting and though not the very aged medieval type of castle that Scott and I prefer, it was still interesting to see first hand and the surrounding landscape was stunning despite the cloudy and rainy weather. Apparently King Ludwig II had a thing for swans (and knights in search of the holy grail among other things…), so we saw them in the artwork everywhere inside the schloss and in many locations around town.

      Got back to our hotel and swapped out wet socks and shoes for slippers (Scott anyway) and roamed about the town for a place for dinner. Ended up at this medieval-themed restaurant serving up tourist fair, but we got the Bavarian food we wanted. Not much was open at 8:30p on a Wednesday. Scott had this amazing encounter with the restaurant house cat that came over to him for licks and scritches. After a few minutes of that it curled up on a seat pillow and fell asleep next to Scott.

      Just about pau for the night. Grabbing a drink at a hopping place next to our hotel and then on to bed. It’s still game day tomorrow as far as we know though the weather is looking very dodgy still.
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    • Day 3

      Royal Castles

      February 23, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Today was a full day tour of two of the royal castles of Bavaria, located close to the Austrian border, about 90 minutes from Munich.

      Linderhof Palace is the smaller castle, the only one of King Ludwig II’s castles which he lived to see completed. He liked to be alone and built the castle with no provision for guests. He also liked to dine alone and out of sight of his servants, so had installed a table that was lowered through the floor with a crank mechanism so it could be set in the room below, and raised when ready, ensuring no interaction with his servants. The table is still in working order, the only one of its kind in the world.

      After Linderhof we visited Oberammergau, home of the famous Passion Play, held every 10 years since 1634.

      We had a stand-up wurst lunch, before we visited Neuschwanstein Castle. It's often referred as a "fairy-tale castle" and was the model for the castle on the Walt Disney logo. Every room is elaborately decorated and filled with ornate furniture. Built on a rocky outcrop overlooking a valley, the best view of the castle is from Marienbruke, a bridge spanning the gorge behind the castle.

      Tours of the castle start every 5 minutes, with a maximum of 65 people per tour. Tickets must be purchased in advance, as it's a 45 minute walk from the ticket office to the castle entrance... and if you miss your allotted timeslot, you can't join another tour, and no refunds are given.

      After a long day and much walking, we arrived back in Munich at 7pm and grabbed some takeaway on the way back to our hotel.
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    • Day 15

      A Rain-out to Remember

      May 30 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      Well, not unexpected, but planned games today were cut short by thunderstorms. We made it as far as the bottom of the 4th inning in the 1st game - just enough to make it an official game with the Atomics losing 4-2. Unfortunate, as Atomics had a real chance to win that game despite the score at the time. And the day started out so nice!

      The second game, which would have been the one that Scott would have pitched in, will apparently be re-scheduled and played at another time. Scott did go 1-3 hitting in the first game and scored the Atomics first run after hitting a 2-out single, then advancing to 2B where he spent a bit of time dancing around and drawing pick-off throws and (I think) getting their pitcher a little rattled, and eventually being plated by a double from the Atomics big hitter.

      I had an enjoyable and relatively brief trudge in the rain back to my hotel where I could start my shoes and clothes to drying and get a hot shower and a nap. Scott rode back to Garching with Stefan.

      Grabbing some dinner as I write this at an Italian place, La Perla, near the hotel; dining al fresco, and by “fresco” I mean chilly. Only outside tables were available as I didn’t have a reservation for an inside table. The restaurant I chose is in appreciation and honor of the Royal Bavarian’s baseball team, as it is a major sponsor of their club as you may notice if you look closely at their uniforms.

      Pix from the field today are attached.

      Tomorrow I make my way to Zurich, my last stop and point of departure back to Honolulu in a couple days.

      And the hard rain has decided to come down again. Brrrrr….
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    • Day 49


      July 27, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Day 48:
      Distance: 39.37 km (1,572.68 km)
      Steps: 56,682 (2,245,209)
      Move time: 9h29 (349h15)
      Spend: £7.02 (£734.36)
      (↗️ 2,677m; ↘️ 1,892m)

      🇩🇪 Füssen to Brunnenkopfhütte. 🇩🇪

      I fed the calves good and proper with over 4,500 metres of elevation change and almost 40 kilometres of pure alpine trekking today. I don’t even know what else to say, I'm just lucky to have been able to have reached here. It's so beautiful and serene. Another bonus is that after having been a member of Bath Uni Mountaineering Club, I am technically already a member of the British Mountaineering Council, which has already hugely helped in saving money when staying in this mountain hut, which in itself is actually so sick. Almost makes the having to put up with some of the stuck-up climbers worth it, ey?Read more

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    Landkreis Ostallgäu, Landkreis Ostallgau

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