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    • Hari 13

      Mainz. Op verkenning

      16 Agustus 2023, Jerman ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Mainz. Mooie stad aan de Rijn. Der Altstadt ligt mooi aaneengesloten. Met mooie Rijnoevers en veel volk op de kades.
      Lekker gegeten waar de lokale Duitser ook eet. Eigengebrouwen bier. Bijzondere smaak.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 10

      Day 10 German Tuscany with Maike

      20 September 2023, Jerman ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      The Pfalz - in Rheinland Pfalz Region - is where we spent our last 2 days, touring the countryside, tasting wines, walking through castle ruins and eating delicious German food!

      Thanks to Maike for touring us around.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 18

      Mainz, Germany

      11 April 2023, Jerman ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      We farewelled Miltenberg and hit the road to our next stop. Who knew an hour and fifteen minute drive would take almost double that time. With a large truck on fire on the autobahn and us taking the wrong ring roads three different times, it seemed like we had been driving forever by the time we made it to Mainz. We are just hoping there were no cameras for the red light Brad mistakenly drove through. It was not a fun driving day.

      However Mainz lifted our spirits. Being the largest and capital of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, it didn’t have that big town feel which was very surprising. Situated on the Rhine River, it is known for its old town, with half-timbered houses and medieval market squares.

      Mainz was founded by the Romans in the 1st century BC as a military fortress and is famous as the birthplace of Johannes Gutenberg, the inventor of a movable-type printing press, who in the early 1450s manufactured his first books in the city, including the Gutenberg Bible. Mainz was heavily damaged in World War II; with more than 30 air raids destroying most of the historic buildings in the city centre, but many were rebuilt post war.

      This is one town we wish we had more time to explore. There was so much to see and such little time. We wandered the market square, admiring the decorative buildings, the spring time flowers and Easter displays, the historic buildings and soaring cathedral. Sadly the Cathedral was closed so we were unable to peak inside.
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    • Hari 3

      Day 1 Flying and Frankfurt

      1 September 2023, Jerman ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      After a leisurely start to the day with casual packing followed by a bit of panic and quick packing we were off. John drove us to Auckland airport and we were there at 3.30 for our flight leaving at 8.30. Maybe Trisha will be a good influence on me? Security was no issue except for Trisha leaving her money belt on and needing to be checked by Hayley who happened to be on duty.

      We had booked 2 aisle seats next to each other and it was great for us to have a spare seat each next to us for our first 17 hour flight. Unfortunately the girl 2 seats away was really sick, coughing and looking like death warmed up for all of the flight.

      Had 3 hours in Dubai, only enough time to get off plan go to the loo find some stuffed dates and then on plane for the next 6.5 hour flight. Both of us slept a bit on the plane and were feeling quite good and excited when we touched down in Europe - first time for Trisha.

      I had made a contact with a lady through a fb group called host a sister and arranged for her to meet us at the airport. She had mixed her days up so wasn’t there, but lived close and we had nowhere else to go so just waited for her. Golly that was such a great plan. Frankfurt airport has been undergoing alterations and my plan of knowing where to catch the train would not have worked well as we had to catch a shuttle bus first. We would have worked it out I’m sure but it was so much easier not having to.

      So we took a train into Frankfurt, found our accomodation which is in the city centre. Very basic with 2 beds in a room with shared shower toilets and laundry and a small lounge area. $110 for the night so was perfect.

      So dropped bags and put shorts on because we were both really hot. It was about 18 degrees but NZ has been a bit colder than that recently.

      We walked around the old town went through a market with yummy fruit and veges, cheese, meat etc. I bought 2 granidilla and was very excited to see them there. Unfortunately 1 wasn’t nice and the other had just the hint of the yummyness of the ones I had tried in South America. There was a bit of a loud drunken crowd in the old square and the police were there on horseback to monitor the situation. We just walked around the other way and by the time we got back they had dispersed.

      We went into many bakeries, and chocolate shops just enjoying the great sights and smells. I think both have ideas about what we can eat tomorrow. The last lunch on the plane was very substantial with a main meal as well as profiteroles, cheese and crackers, bread roll, and a quinoa salad. So we didnt think we needed to eat for a while. Walked over the bridge which was pretty cool and then we both hit the wall. I think we had done pretty well though. Had intended to do a walking tour tomorrow but Martina was probably better than that. She is a lovely lady who used to work at the airport and if people were stranded she would offer them a couch in her small apartment. So then went to a ALdi supermarket got some raspberries, blueberries and chocolate - priorities sorted! Then found a really nice salad type place for dinner.

      Then back to apartment where we crashed. Didn’t even manage to have a shower. So that was 8pm and I had hoped for a good sleep. Which I did have until 1am. Trisha woke up at 3am so I took iPad out to lounge to type this blog and hopefully will be able to go back for a bit more sleep now. I have been feeling ok, but still coughing a bit.
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    • Hari 18

      Schillerplatz, Mainz

      11 April 2023, Jerman ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      After exploring the church we made our way to Schillerplatz, one of the most beautiful squares in Mainz. Surrounded by protected buildings and a small oasis of green, it features a statue of Friedrich Schiller (German poet, philosopher, historian, and playwright) that was erected in 1862, and Fasnachtsbrunnen, the Mainz Carnival fountain.

      The Mainz Carnival (Fasching) Fountain was erected in 1967.  Created by Blasius Spreng, the nine metre high bronze fountain has more than 200 figures on it. Fasching is known as the "Fifth Season", and it begins each year on 11 November at 11:11 a.m. at the Fasching Fountain, and finishes on Ash Wednesday with the main festivities happening around Rosenmontag.

      The fountain is fascinating, with so many different figures to look at and admire, and with water shooting out from so many different places, it is a very interesting centrepiece. We decided to sit in the square and enjoy a drink while admiring the fountain, before hitting the road again for Cochem.

      Mainz is a town I wish I knew more about when planning this trip as I would have made sure we had a couple of days to really enjoy it.
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    • Hari 2

      Eltville by Night

      16 Oktober 2023, Jerman ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Gegen 17.00 Uhr in Mainz angekommen. Busfahrt durch Mainz nach Eltville, wo uns ein Sektumtrunk in der Kurfürstlichen Burg erwartete. Anschliessend ein schöner Stadtrundgang durchs nächtliche Eltville.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 5

      We Discover a Real Genius

      25 Agustus 2017, Jerman ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Our time in Mainz has been an absolute delight. It has proven to be the perfect way to recover from the long journey and to prepare for the more demanding schedule once the cycling starts this weekend. After a comparatively late start we walked back to the centre of the old town looking for a place to have breakfast. We settled for a lovely restaurant right near the Dom. Outside the crews were busy assembling a huge stage and overhead tent for some sort of upcoming activity. We later discovered it is some sort of liturgical function to ordain a new bishop (archbishop, cardinal, pope, etc) and that all the media would be there for the event. I couldn't see that happening in Australia. We also noticed that the city was also preparing for another exciting event. All over the town they had raised huge flags with giant bicycle symbols on them. It was obvious that somehow word had got out about the arrival of the famous Ghostriders cycling team and that the town had pulled out all the stops to make us welcome.

      On the way back to the hotel we stopped by at the Gutenburg Museum. Johannes Gutenburg was the most famous son of Mainz and his invention of the movable type printing press in 1459 is recognised as the most important invention of the second millennium. It was his device that began the information revolution, the renaissance, the reformation and the "Age of Enlightenment". I thought we should learn a little more about him. Two hours later we were both so glad that we had taken the time, especially when our great ages qualified both of us for the extra low admission price of only 3 Euros each !

      The story of Gutenburg really is amazing. When he came up with his idea for the printing press he needed a financial backer and borrowed a considerable sum from his brother-in-law. He then not only had to invent the process of printing, but even had to perfect the formula for the ink. Over a period of three years his business was able to produce around 180 copies of the bible. The typesetting and printing process allowed them to print about 200 copies of the same page a day. The pages were set aside to dry while work started on the next page.

      Previously it had taken an expert copier around 3 years to hand copy a complete bible, so Gutenburg's process was a huge improvement. The problem was that he was not such a great businessman. The funds were mismanaged and after the first 180 bibles were printed, old Gutenburg was in trouble. He was taken to court and made bankrupt. The press was closed down and the production of bibles ceased. Although he had worked out a working method to mass produce books, it took many years before the presses started printing again.

      Of the original 180 bibles, only 49 are now accounted for and two of them are now in the Gutenburg Museum. These are stored in a massive vault on the second floor, along with several other priceless examples of early books. The value of these artefacts would be in the order of a 100,000,000 Euros or more, so the security is quite impressive. I learnt this when I lent over the glass case to examine them in more detail. A few seconds later a guard ordered me to "stop touching the glass". I felt suitably humiliated and apologised profusely. "I am just a stupid old Australian who does not know any better", I explained. We soon became friends and the guard then spent quite some time with us answering our questions. It was clearly evident that he felt it was a huge privilege for him to be able to be so close to these special books every day of his life.

      After our time at the museum we returned to our hotel for a short break. One thing that I find interesting about Europe is the ear splitting volume of their emergency vehicles. Unlike in Australia where you can hardly hear them, the vehicles here have sirens that could be clearly heard in the neighbouring countries.

      It was while we were in our room that I could hear a rising cacophony of sirens coming our way. I looked out the window to see a convoy of fire trucks, police vehicles and ambulances speeding past our hotel. They were certainly on a serious mission to get somewhere fast. The sirens faded into the distance, but a couple of minutes later I could hear more coming. The strange thing is that these were coming from the opposite direction. By the time the volume rose to true eardrum bursting levels I was surprised to see it was the same vehicles flying past in the opposite direction. They had obviously been going the wrong way. The faces on the drivers were as red as their fire engines. I just hoped that the fire was only a small one. I was even able to watch the spectacle of further emergency vehicles trying to U turn right outside our room. It brought back memories of those wonderful keystone cops.

      Later in the day we met Paul and Claire Cowen and went back to the town centre to have a drink with them. We noticed a rather dishevelled guy staggering around the square with his backback undone and a glazed look on his face. Hang on, the face looked familiar. It turned out to be Douglas. He had just arrived in Mainz after his harrowing journey from Australia.

      When we pointed out that his zipper was completely undone (his backpack, not his fly) he left his bag with us and retraced his wandering steps to make sure that he had not dropped anything. Fortunately all was OK, although he really did look like he needed a rest (maybe about 4 days would be sufficient). We welcomed him to Mainz and noted that we now had about 13 riders safely in the city.

      A couple of hours later I received an SMS from Bob Andrews (rider 14). Apparently he had just collapsed into the city also. His message read simply "I am in a lather and am heading to the shower". He had apparently forgotten the normal sequence of events and had soaped himself up before getting in the shower. The next 5 weeks will be interesting !

      Maggie and I had decided to have a simple picnic dinner in our room so went to the supermarket for supplies and then carried them back to the room. I could not wait to enjoy the fresh baguettes and fruit we had bought. The only problem was that David and Carol had stolen our butter. It was in their fridge and they were nowhere to be seen. I had to go out in search of another supermarket to buy some butter. I managed to find such a place, just a few short kilometres from our hotel and then staggered back into the room. By now I really was ready for our feast.

      We unpacked our goodies and pulled open the drawer to get the cutlery out. I discovered that the butter was not the only thing that David and Carol had taken - all of our knives, forks, spoons and plates were also in their room as well. I rang David and tried to explain that we were starving, but due to a hearing aid malfunction, he couldn't hear a word I was saying to him.

      After a very late dinner and a coffee by the river we finally collapsed into bed around 10.30 pm. It really had been a great day.
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    • Hari 6

      Claire Becomes a Sexagenerian

      26 Agustus 2017, Jerman ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Our day began with a group breakfast at the ALEX cafe in the centre of town. The rat pack has now grown to 14 people so we are becoming quite a force in this city. During breakfast Greg announced that he and Andrea had discovered a beautiful ruin of a church and they would love to show it to the rest of us. I could have added that, if I really wanted to see any ruins, all I had to do was look around the table, but somehow Greg convinced the group that it really was worth seeing.

      After finishing the breakfast we formed a walking peloton with Bob Andrews and Douglas Lee staggering along in the rear. After a few hours sleep Bob insisted that he was no longer "in a lather", but I had to admit that young Douglas looked like he was still sleep walking.

      Greg took up the lead position, while the group followed behind. I could only hope that no one would see us, since everyone knows how much I deride such tourist groups. All Greg was lacking was a red umbrella - and a sense of direction. We wandered aimlessly back and forth through the streets. "It's this way", followed by "I think it's up there", finally "I don't know where it is". Talk about stating the bleeding obvious. I looked around and tried to pretend I had nothing to do with the rest of the group.

      Eventually Maggie saw a sign pointing to St Christophe's ruin (or something like this). With renewed vigour Greg set off again and, about 20 minutes later, we finally found the place. It was about 50 metres away from where we had breakfast.

      The women seemed excited and went off exploring the ruin. The men went off to explore the nearby bike shop. Douglas went to sleep standing up. About 30 minutes later we decided it was time to split up. People dispersed in different directions. Douglas staggered along, trying hard to remain vertical. I was starting to worry about the staying power of these young people.

      About 20 minutes later Douglas woke up enough to make a frightening discovery. No, it wasn't that he had had his fly undone the whole morning. It was far worse than that. He had lost his mobile phone. That finally woke him up. With his legs flying he set off back to the ruined church and, to his relief, found that it was still there. It would have been a terrible way to start the trip.

      Maggie and I then spent the rest of the day looking for the wine festival that David and Carol had told us was so amazing. Due to David's directions we never had any real chance of finding it, but did manage to see most of Mainz and much of the surrounding towns in the search. We finally just gave up and decided to sit by the river instead. It was a lovely place to watch the continuous parade of boats going up and down the river.

      The evening was going to be one of the early highlights of the trip, after all it is not every day that someone turns 60. In our group it is much more common for someone to be turning 70 or 80. Claire had previously announced that tonight would be her birthday party and that everyone was invited to come along and bring a present. She had even chosen the venue. It was called the Holy Ghost (Heiliggeist) Restaurant and it was in the middle of a huge converted church. The name certainly seemed appropriate for a group of Ghostriders and, when I found that it was right next door to our hotel, I readily agreed that it was a great idea.

      At 6.45 we were ready. I even put on my good pair of pants and was pleased that we had been able to remove some of the blue ink from the front of my groin. (see the infamous plane incident previously reported). The fine weather had broken and a heavy rain started pouring. We were glad that we only had about 20 metres to walk, while the others would have to walk across the town.

      I had tried to make the booking via the Internet from Australia, but my single word German vocabulary (Nein), did not make the process simple. Fortunately the Maitre D was expecting us and escorted us to our table. With the arrival of Lionel Rex, our group had swollen to 15. It would have been even more if Mary Kinch's flight had not been delayed in Melbourne. The delay had caused her to miss the connecting flight and, the last I heard from her she was stuck in Dubai airport. I felt sorry for her and glad that we had allowed several days to cover such contingencies.

      We took our places at the large table they had prepared for us and soon we were sweating profusely in the stifling humidity. We all made makeshift fans out of anything that was not nailed down (and a few things that had been nailed down as well). After much pleading we succeeded in getting the waiter to open the huge side door. That helped a lot, but I think that they might have been worried that we were about to do a runner.

      The food was very well prepared and the huge servings meant that much was left on the plates. We presented Claire with her presents and she seemed pleased with the sterling silver bicycle necklace we presented her with. A couple of rounds of "Happy Birthday" and some cheers completed the occasion. "But where is my cake ?" she asked. I looked around having to admit that I had not seen that one coming. "It was too large to bring on the plane", was all I could think of. It could have been true.

      While this was happening Bob Andrews had obviously got his second wind (but that is not why we wanted the door opened). He started off on one of his animated political discussions. With arms waving and chest pumping he proceeded to explain to Douglas why our politicians are all rubbish. Douglas responded by closing his eyes completely and wishing he was sitting at the other end of the table.

      An hour later we had finished our dinners, Douglas was still fast asleep under the table and we decided that it was time to retreat to someplace quieter. Douglas staggered off to bed with Bob continuing his political lecture right behind him. The rest of us wandered into town to find a suitable place for coffee. The rain had stopped, leaving the wet cobblestones glistening in the lamplight. This is the real essence of European cities.

      The evening concluded with coffees and another round of Happy Birthday for Claire. It had been a memorable night. Tomorrow we will bid farewell to the city that has been our home for four nights and board our boat for the first leg of our ride.
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    • Hari 296

      Tschüss Rüdiger 🥺🥲❤️

      28 Maret 2022, Jerman ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Wir hatten eine unglaublich schöne Zeit mit dir und du hast uns auf unserer Reise nie im Stich gelassen. Jetzt erfreut sich eine junge, sehr nette, Familie an ihm und er wird weiter viel von der Welt sehen. Den Namen wollen Sie beibehalten.

      Danke für ALLES lieber Rüdiger. Wir werden dich vermissen ❤️
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    • Hari 24

      Nach dem Spiel ist vor dem Spiel. Mainz

      2 September 2019, Jerman ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Erstmal...vielen lieben Dank für all eure Nachrichten und Kommentare! Mit vielen haben wir ja zwischenzeitlich gesprochen, aber trotzdem nochmal danke!

      Warum haben wir solange nichts geschrieben?
      Weil wir traurig waren, sehr traurig.
      Natürlich ist keiner gestorben. Natürlich hat sich keiner weh getan. Aber Bernd ist down. BERND IST DOWN! Und damit ein Trip ohne wirkliches End-Date, den wir grade angefangen hatten so richtig zu genießen. Perfekt ausgerüstet für wildestest camping unter der Sonne und einem glorreichen TouchDown am Strand samt tollen Tagen in Sardinien! Selbst den goldenen Herbst auf der Rückkehr...lassen wir das.

      Was in der Zwischenzeit geschah?
      So einiges - und sovieles davon hat damit zu tun, dass wir uns in Mainz so wohl fühlen und immer gerne zurückkommen...

      Die Rückkehr:
      Pacey Pace, der Ehrenmann, hat uns mit Bier am Bahnhof abgeholt - trotz Mittagsrausch, Döner vor der Brust und nur 20min Vorlauf!
      Die Familia, Ehrenfamilia, hat einen EnteAbend ausgerufen - sogar ohne zu wissen, dass wir zurückkommen!
      Mainz, Ehrenmainz, hat das schönste Fest des Jahres am Wochenende abgehalten - den Weinmarkt im Rosengarten (ist am kommenden Wochenende nochmal, A.d.R.)
      Auch eine PoolKinderparty in Walluf mit vielen Freunden wurde extra nochmal ausgerichtet - EhrenRikeundFabi!

      Es gab in Summe also genügend Weinschorle, um unser kleines großes Trauma zu verarbeiten....aber wer jetzt glaubt wir wären in Schorlelethargie ertrunken, der täuscht sich!
      Wir haben uns zusammengerissen. Wir haben ganz businesslike (deshalb der Spritz) in der erwähnten Zeitungsente gesessen und Flugpreise verglichen. Wir sind bei EhrenIna (bestes Frühstück, siehe Bilder!) und EhrenMarcellus ein- und wieder ausgezogen bevor uns EhrenIrina ihr Zimmer im Palazzo angeboten und damit eine kleine große Rückkehr ermöglicht hat...nächste Woche ziehen wir dann bei EhrenOlli und EhrenMaya ein.

      Und vor allem haben wir neue, grooooße Pläne gemacht!
      Wir werden am 12. September nach Bali fliegen! Boom! Hub of Indonesia, gateway to Asia, call it what you want. Vielleicht Surferparadies?
      Und der nächste Footprint kommt irgendwo aus Friesland. Norden statt Süden! Heimat statt Ferne. Zug statt Flugzeug. Wetter statt Wetter.

      Lebbe geht weida. Reise geht weida. Weida, weida, immer weida!
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    Anda mungkin juga mengenal tempat ini dengan nama berikut:

    Mainz, ማይንጽ, Maganza, ماينتس, Mayns, Горад Майнц, Майнц, Magúncia, Mohuč, Μάιντς, Majenco, Maguncia, Maguntzia, ماینتس, Mayence, מיינץ, Magonza, マインツ, მაინცი, 마인츠, Mogontiacum, Magunza, Maincas, Mainca, Мајнц, माइंत्स, Maiança, Meenz, Määnz, Moguncja, مائنز, Mogúncia, Majnci, ไมนซ์, 美因茨

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