Who Runs The World

octobre 2019 - avril 2020
On 10 Oct 2019, I depart Hawaii on a round the world hashing excursion. Original destination was Trinidad for INTERHASH. This trip was cut short due to COVID 19. Time to quarantine, and get caught up on medical stuff. Next trip . . Even more epic En savoir plus
  • 113empreintes
  • 26pays
  • 187jours
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  • Jour 34

    Train Rumble to Mekong Indochina Hash

    12 novembre 2019, Thaïlande ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    FP got a few hours of sleep , and we packed out for a long day of hash adventure. First we rounded up for the busses that would take on various sight seeing adventures along the way to Ayutthaya. We stopped off at the old city palace, had a lunch, then bussed over to the run site by the great leaning Buddha. I was a mule hare for Whoremonger, and it turned out to be a fun but short trail through various Wats. https://www.relive.cc/view/vevW7Qyj9Gv After the trail, we rode tuk tuks to the place we had circle and beers. Once complete, we strolled out the back door and loaded onto dinner boats and floated the river while feeding on excellent Thai food. Then it was back on the busses, to the train station. By this time, we were both ready for some sleep, so piled our stuff up and jumped into our bunk. Sleep on the train was not to bad, especially since they have upgraded the tracks to the long rails, so no clickety clack, just smooth rolling. We arrived in Chiang Mai on Wednesday morning, and made our way to the hotel and relaxed for the rest of the day. Thursday starts 5 days of hash trails in and around Chiang Mai.En savoir plus

  • Jour 36

    Mekong Indochina Hash 2019

    14 novembre 2019, Thaïlande ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Today starts 5 straight days of hashing in and around Chiang Mai, for the annual Mekong Indochina Hash. We are staying in the Duangtawan Hotel, which is a comfortable place, and centrally located.

    Lanna Bush H3 - FP ran with the CM Bunny / Iron P***y Hash (mostly only women), and I ran with the Lanna Bush (Men Only) trail. It was quite an excursion to get out to the run site, as we stopped every 10 minutes for the drivers and the hares to coordinate. Once we finally got on trail, it was an excellent jungle trail, with plenty of climbing. I had to tap out at the beer check, as my chest was hurting. https://www.relive.cc/view/vmqX1NYBdov

    Thinking Drinking H3 - On Friday, we went out of town again for the long awaited 75th running of the TDH3. Hares were Ibo Ibo and Diarrhea, who promised a fun, but elevating trail. It was elevating for sure, lots of climbing. https://www.relive.cc/view/vXOnEZJn3Bv

    Mekong Indochina Hash Trail day 1 - After a sore shoulder on Friday, I was thinking I would have to sit out for the Saturday trail, but I rallied and went out for the short walkers trail. Now this is new territory for me, I have never done a strictly walkers trail before. So off we went for what I thought would be about a 30 minute ride to the run site . . . well,, two hours later we finally got all 20 plus songthaews to the same spot and off we went into the jungle. It was an excellent trail with several checks, ending at a reservoir where the beer was cold and sun was warming. A great day, but by the time I got back to the hotel, my throat was starting to hurt again, so had to make a short night of it, but did get to see the Lady Boy shows at the venue. Also caught up with several old friends that I had not seen in years . . . good times. https://www.relive.cc/view/vrqDmgmXVLv

    Mekong Indochina Hash Trail day 2 - After a pretty rough week, and a few aches and pains, I decided to take today off for some rest. FP ran the hangover trail today, and she is running very well. Even up the front on many trails. Here is a quick recap of my journey so far after 35 days . . . Countries = 3, Hash Trails = 27, Hikes = 4, total distance = 247 Kms. Probably can add another 30-40+ Kms for just general walking around, but lots of exercise to say the least. Upcoming journeys include Taiwan, Korea, and Indonesia to wrap up 2019.

    MIH Full Moon Run - The postlube event of the Mekong Indochina Hash, one that I had been looking forward to . . . I ended up giving it a miss. Still pretty sick (body aches, cold shivers, fever, coughing, runny nose, you get the picture), I stayed in bed all day, trying to recover. Tuesday was a scheduled down day, for anything we wanted to do in Chiang Mai, but it also turned into a recovery day. Wednesday morning, we packed up our stuff, and all the new hash give-aways, and off to the airport . . . next stop: ASIA UNITED in Taiwan.
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  • Jour 43

    Asia United Hash

    21 novembre 2019, Taïwan ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

    After several days of sickness, finally starting to feel better. Flew out of Chiang Mai Wednesday afternoon, and arrived here in Taiwan (Taoyuan City) in the evening. Getting through the airport was super easy and fast, and then we had a short 30 min taxi to the hotel. We were both feeling a bit hungry, and Jo suggested we get some sushi. Luck was in our favor, there was a sushi bar a half a block from our hotel. Even better, I was expecting it would probably be expensive, but it was ($1 per plate), so after a full dinner, it came to only 420 TWD ($14 US). A beer and a movie back at the hotel finished off the evening, and a good night's sleep.

    AU Red Dress Run - We wandered down to the venue in the morning, to register and get our goodie bags (they were plentiful, with backpack, shirt, patch, hat, dish, utensils, and various other unsundries) and met up with a few old friends. Since there is no hash scheduled for Friday, we decided to join in on the Red Dress Run. With all our new stuff in tow, we dragged it all back to the hotel, had some lunch, got some more medicine, and then made our way back to the venue for the RDR. Trail was no better than expected, basically a conga line through the streets, dodging cars and scooters, visited one temple, and then finally turned right and made our way into a local brewery for beer check number one. After about 30 minutes, we finally got moving again, and dodged a few more cars and scooters before finally popping out into an inner city park for beer check number two. This one actually had live entertainment, as a young female drum player rocked the party as we drank a wide selection of juicy beers. After about 45 minutes, we made a break for it and finished trail on our own. Back at the venue, once the pack finally arrived, we were entertained by the best dressed pageant, and dined on some local dinner delights. Circled finished just about the time the drizzle started, so after one more beer . . . we made our way back to the hotel for a hot shower, a movie, and more sleep. https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/4271…

    Day 1 - We selected a long trail, just to see what we were going to expect for the weekend, and get in a good workout. We did trail one, for 10 Kms, and I was expecting 90 minutes, may 2 hours . . . but it was some serious climbing and ended up taking nearly 3 hours. But an awesome trail in the jungle, with several views . . . just a bit overcast though. Some of the climbs were so sharp, that they actually appear to overlap on the map below. It was a long bus ride, almost 2 hours, so we were about the last ones to return to the venue. It was packed by the time we arrived, but there was still plenty of food, and the beer flowed freely. The entertainment was good, but we did not hang around to long . . . need a hot shower and some sleep. https://www.relive.cc/view/vmqX1BjV4Lv

    Day 2 - We selected trail 2 for a rebound, it was billed as an 8 or 11 Kms optional trail. Jo went on the 11, while I opted for the 8 Kms as it had a bit less climbing. It was a beautiful trail, with a hearty climb at the start for the first 2 Kms, then the split. Soon after the split, I passed a small cafe, where a gent was singing Karaoke, pretty funny. After a bit more climbing, we finally topped out at 3.2 Kms, then we had a cool long downhill section along a streambed. At the bottom, we turned left and back up for a bit, soon leveled off. We passed an old gazebo that had an excellent over view of the reservoir. From there, it was down some old stairs to the road, then a zig zag on a continuous downhill run to the finish. Very nice. At the On In, we had several choices of food, all delicious, and plenty of refreshing beverages. The circle was also super fun, as we played some games and sang some songs. I won a t-shirt by throwing my shoe closest to it, and Jo came in second on the beer mile. :) We then went back to the venue for the closing ceremony and more fun and games. Jo won the flour blowing peanut counting contest (she'll have to explain that one to you). :) What a finish to a superb event here in Taiwan. Now we have a day of rest before flying over to Bangkok. https://www.relive.cc/view/vZqNN7zzX3q
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  • Jour 48

    Farewell Taiwan, Hello Bangkok

    26 novembre 2019, Thaïlande ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    After some awesome trails over the weekend, we had a down day on Monday. So we set off to get our laundry done, and found a laundromat right across the street. After fuddling with the instructions for a few minutes, we finally got the right amount of money in, pushed the right buttons, and woosh . . . things started spinning. So while the wash was wooshing, we went up the street and had sushi for lunch. With the days tasks complete, we watched a movie and then did some exploring to find a place for dinner. Ended up at Boot's Italian Restaurant, and watched the drizzling rain come down. Next morning, we packed up all our stuff . . . judiciously discarding the unneeded items, and headed to the airport. We flew into the old Bangkok Airport (Don Meueng) which I used to fly into all the time, but have not been back since the new airport opened. Interesting to see that side of town again. So, here we are now back in Bangkok ready to run again this afternoon. We have 10 days to relax here, get lots of runs in, and prepare for our trip to Seoul, South Korea next week. Woohoo, good times.En savoir plus

  • Jour 49

    What, back in Bangkok?

    27 novembre 2019, Thaïlande ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    BH4 - Back in Bangkok, and running with the Harriettes. Had an excellent trail near the area KC and I were scouting last month. This trail barely touched ours, so it was all new stuff, good times. Still recovering from being sick, I was a little slow, but was able to jog a bit again. It got dark about 20 minutes before we finished, but there was enough ambient light to find our way. I prefer not to use a torch if there is enough light. Circle was fun, FP became a new member, and I was a returner after being in CM and Taiwan. https://www.relive.cc/view/v7O9w5X54Lq

    Its Thanksgiving . . . but we are just chillin'. Got my first haircut in a month, that is the longest I have gone without a haircut since probably I was in a combat zone. Feels good to get that hair off my neck again. We also booked some more flights in our ongoing travel, headed to Seoul next, then back to Bangkok. Then up north for the SHOT in Pai. We'll be flying to Bali for Christmas, then up to Phnom Penh for New Years. Actually we'll be flying to Saipan on New Year's Day for a week. Then we'll be down to Guam. After that is still up in the air, but an adventure will be had. :)

    BTH3 - Good to be back in the humid, hot, and hashy city of Bangkok for another Thursday trail. Meeting at the often used start at Beer Garden 45, we had an excellent 8 Km trail through twisty alleyways and side streets, all in the dark. It was all I could do to keep up with the tail end of the pack, as they briskly weaved their way along. It is tough to be DFL, but soon enough I will recover and get my wind back. Until then, I'm just doing my best to keep up. https://www.relive.cc/view/v36Arxy82Zq

    Friday was a fun day, wandering around and getting our laundry done, followed by a gathering of hashers at a craft beer place for dinner and drinks. A bit pricey, but they had a lot of beers available, and the food was good. Jo made plans to workout the next day with a friend, and off we went into the darkness to the train home.

    BH3 - A perfect day for a hash run, and it was an excellent shiggy trail with the Bangkok Men's Hash. Lots of single file dirt tracks, gravel and dirt roads, and mud rice dykes. Well done to the hares. Followed up by an interesting circle and plentiful dinner. https://www.relive.cc/view/vMq5deWwpQ6
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  • Jour 52

    End of November Summary

    30 novembre 2019, Thaïlande ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    It has been almost two months now on the road, (and 4 months since the surgery) and other than this nagging cold / crud I have been battling off and on for the past 4-5 weeks, all is well. It has certainly been an active time for me. As shown, it has been 50 days, 4 countries, 33 Hash Trails, 4 hikes, and well over 300 Kms of recovery exercise. December will be even busier, as we already have it planned out starting with a trip to South Korea, then back to Bangkok, a return to Chiang Mai, and a weekend in Pai. Next it is back to Bangkok for a week, then we'll spend Christmas in Bali. That is not the end of it, as we then fly up to Cambodia for the final weekend of the year, and on NYE, we'll be on our way to Saipan. We'll spend a week in Saipan to start off the new year, before scooting down to Guam for a few days . . . and who knows where after that. Much more planning to do, but lots of fun.En savoir plus

  • Jour 53

    Wow, already December

    1 décembre 2019, Thaïlande ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    We started December with a day of relaxation, and got some excellent German food here in town. So after a day of rest, we were off to the run with the Bangkok Monday Hash.

    BMH3 - My old friend Noriega teamed up with Boob-a-Lube to set a short but interesting trail in Onnut. Had a large pack of over 25, and the trail kept us guessing all the way. We crossed some of the most rickety wooden bridges, thought for sure one of us was going to take it down. Fortunatly all was well, and we all made it back safely.
    Good times. https://www.relive.cc/view/vPv4JR1Y436

    Tuesday is another day without a hash, so Jo went to yoga, and take care of some travel arrangements. I went to BNH for a medical check up. Well, the doctor gave me the once over, and all my vitals were good (BP was 114/66, and has stayed steady since the surgery). My heart sounded good, my lungs sounded good, but a chest x-ray revealed acute Bronchitis. So in less than two hours, I was in and out of BNH (outstanding service), I was out the door with 4 different medications (antibiotics) and told to rest and stay hydrated. Later that evening, we did go over to the Kiwi Bar to say farewell to Diarrhea,. He is flying back to Nottingham, England after a 7 week vacation here. We ran many great trails together.

    BH4 - Well, after two days of rest, I was feeling better, so foolishly I went to the Bangkok Ladies Hash to walk trail. I fell behind pretty quickly, and walked along with the older crew, until we hit a point where there were no more pack marks. So we lost trail, and eventually just found our own way to the finish. Probably should have stayed in bed, but like I said, I am a fool. :) I was feeling pretty tired after trail, so just came back and went to bed. https://www.relive.cc/view/vPOpWrowgEv

    I have been in bed most of the day today, only venturing out to turn in our laundry, and get some lunch. Had to make a difficult decision, as we were all set to fly to Seoul tomorrow to celebrate the 1000th Hash, and 20th Anniversary, of the Seoul Southside H3 (a hash that I founded back when I lived in Seoul). Very disappointing to miss it, but believe it is the best move to recover now, and not subject myself to the long flight, and the freezing cold air of South Korea. Jo will be going to the Bangkok Thursday H3, while I relax and watch a movie here in the hotel.

    On Friday, after two more days in bed, I finally felt good enough to go out. So we jumped into the Siam Sunday H3 Christmas Party at the last minute. Was a good time up on Soi 24, with about 70 hashers in attendance. I was still not drinking, and the soup was the only thing that looked good to me, but it was nice to talk to people for a while. Jo had a great time, enjoying my share of the booze as well.

    Saturday I took another whole day off, resting in bad, and watching movies. Feeling better now, with nearly a week of no alcohol while taking the antibiotics.
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  • Jour 60

    Seoul or Bust

    8 décembre 2019, Thaïlande ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Well, if you have been reading my previous posts, you already know that Seoul was a bust. Due to the bronchitis, had to wave off of flying up to the much colder Seoul for the weekend, in order to lay in bed and get well. Very dissapointed to miss the 20th Anniversary (and 1000th trail) of the Seoul Southside H3, but the wear and tare on my body may have crushed me. So stay in Bangkok, resting in bed, and getting healthy was the absolute right choice. Felt good enough to go out for trail.

    S2H3 - What an irony . . . as I was typing this, I just realized I missed my S2H3 (Seoul Southside H3) trail in Seoul, but got to run the S2H3 (Siam Sunday H3) trail in Bangkok. It was an interesting trail, off in another area I have not hashed in, at least as far as I know (many trails run here over the past 20 years). Driving in, we could see the start was next to a lake. As we pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car, there was a pungent odor. Upon closer examination, we could see dozens of fairly large dead fish floating along the shoreline. Seems something catastrophic happened. There were still birds floating on the water, and smaller fish still gasping for air swimming around. So some kind of pollution must have taken the air out of the water. Anyway, the trail was out in a different direction, and while it did have many odors of its own, we did not have to smell dead fish. Trail was an excellent jaunt through various rice fields, grass fields, and various other dirt paths that kept us guessing. We even got into a bit of mud running through a construction site, but mostly flat and dry treking as we made our way along. Back at the finish, darkness somehow damped the noxious stench of dead fish as we saw the new mismanagement take over the reigns of the hash. I was near dead last the whole way, but managed to finish trail within 10 minutes of the pack. Looking at the directions, seems we'll be on the same end of town for the Monday Hash. https://www.relive.cc/view/vrqodPV9nKv

    BMH3 - Another fabulous trail with the Bangkok Monday H3. The first check saw a half dozen hashers head off the wrong way, all either found their way back to start, or eventually worked their way back into trail further upstream. Trail was full of dirt tracks, along rice paddies and farmers fields. A couple tricky back checks had the whole pack twisted around, at one point, the FRBs had to make their way around the Octogenarians on trail. As darkness settled over the trail, the pack managed to stumble their way into the finish, where copious amounts of cold refreshments awaited. Many thanks to the hares . . . and FUN, was had by all. https://www.relive.cc/view/vZqNNLGdA3q

    Tuesday was an opportunity to scout for our trail next week (we're haring the Thursday Trail), so we spent couple hours going and coming, and a couple hours looking around, and have a pretty solid trail in mind. In the evening, I got the rare opportunity to run on Ibo Ibo's new Bangkok Tuesday H5 (third trail in 8 months). It turned out to be more fun than I expected. Was billed as a drinking hash, and it was, but we also ran over 6 Kms while hitting 5 bars along the way. Jo went to the regular Tuesday Hash dinner at the Kiwi, and we met up later in the evening for dinner. A little too much beer, but an excellent evening. https://www.relive.cc/view/v26M87WDGEO

    BH4 - As it turns out, the Bangkok Harriettes trail today was the exact same trail set for the Bangkok Men's Hash 10 days ago. With so many hashes going on every week, sometimes you have to maximize your efforts, and this one is no exception. It was still an excellent trail the second time around. https://www.relive.cc/view/vZqNNLmVj3q
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  • Jour 64

    A Return to Chiang Mai

    12 décembre 2019, Thaïlande ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    We had a lazy morning in Bangkok, before heading to the airport for a short flight back up to Chiang Mai. We arrived in time to catch the weekly Chiang Mai Happy H3, and we had an interesting semi-shiggy trail up over a local dam, and down various dirt tracks into the finish. An excellent and funny circle followed, with ice blocks and lots of singing. https://www.relive.cc/view/vPOpWDEn3Rv

    After we got back into town, we gathered up with a few other hashers and had dinner in a local restaurant. Ended up being family style Thai food, so delicious, and then we ventured back to the hotel to rest and prepare for the opening of the SHOT weekend, with a trail first thing Friday morning.

    We awoke still having no plan for getting up to Pai, but asking around during the hash, we eventually landed a ride with a KL hasher who was driving up on his own. So we took in a decent city trail through the old city of Chiang Mai, scampered back to pack our bags, and off we went on our journey to Pai. https://www.relive.cc/view/v8qV131mK36

    Our journey to Pai was interesting, we made a few stops along the way, and even took in Huai Nam Dang National Park that boasts the highest point in all of Thailand. The drive was difficult, as the road climbed up the mountains, twisting and turning back and forth. The drive up hill was manageable, but when we came down after the park, it got very tough in the back seat, and my stomach was flipping and flopping. Was feeling ill for a couple hours after we arrived.
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  • Jour 66

    Solstice Hash On Tour (SHOT) #30

    14 décembre 2019, Thaïlande ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Here we are in Pai, and enjoying our first SHOT weekend event. Friday night we had a brilliant reception at the Bella Villa Hotel, with loads of local favorites in food and beverage. After filling up, we had plenty of time on the dance (yard), followed by a bonfire in the light of the full moon. Soon enough, it was time to crash for the evening, to prepare for the rest of the weekend.

    Saturday, we had strict instructions to be back at the Bella Villa at 1 PM to catch our shuttle to the trail start. When we woke up, it was COLD, but we managed to get our act together. First we turned in some laundry (which if you have not already noticed, is a regular occurrence when you are traveling and running nearly every day). Finally ready to get hashing, we loaded up the songteaws and made the hour ride out to the start. Trail was amazing, through the fields and jungles of northern Thailand. The finish was atop one of the highest points in the area, where we found cold beer and good times. The circle had the usual down downs, and then the birthday people got called up. Ugghhhh, I got caked by the gang from Japan. (video provided below). After a fine dinner of local Thai delights, we gathered up around the fire and sang songs for another hour or two. https://www.relive.cc/view/vrqDmpAoJwv

    Sunday, it was another cold morning as we packed up our bags and made our way over to Bella Villa. The run actually started from the hotel, so off we went for a hangover hash that had several water crossings, farmer's fields, and even passing through a local village for the beer stop. Trail eventually snaked its way up the mountain to the sitting Buddha. https://www.relive.cc/view/v8qV13QZz36

    After making our way back to the hotel, we got a ride back to Chiang Mai with friends, and then made our way to our accommodation for the evening. After hot showers, we ventured out for dinner, and one large Pizza Hut deluxe and a couple beers, we were relaxing and watching the View season semi-finals. Time for a movie in bed, and an early morning flight back to Bangkok.
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