Hong Kong
Morrison Hill

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    • Day 350

      Hong Kong part 2

      November 27, 2023 in Hong Kong ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      My time in Hong Kong continued with more of the same, just wandering the streets seeing what wonders can be discovered down random alleys. Every street in Hong Kong is interesting in some way and I don't think I'd have felt satisfied until I had walked down every one.
      One day I headed to the cultural sites of northern Kowloon such as the Buddhist Chi Lin Nunnery which was set in a peaceful garden with a large pond containing the biggest and most beautiful carp that I had seen. Then I headed to the Taoist Wong Tai Sin Temple which was full of people performing rituals to tell their fortunes, and surrounded with fortune tellers. The incense and the chanting was all very atmospheric, but I didn't opt for any fortune telling myself, I'd rather not know! Finally I headed for a walk through Kowloon Walled City Park, which is built on the site of Kowloon Walled City. Kowloon Walled City was a Chinese enclave within British Hong Kong that was essentially an ungoverned high rise slum with 35,000 people living in 6.4 acres of land (about the size of two rugby pitches). It was run by Chinese triads (organised crime syndicates), and illegal activity and squalor were rife leading the Hong Kong government to announce its demolition in 1987. After a lengthy eviction and relocation process it was finally demolished in 1995, with the park being built in its place. The park today is a pleasant and serene place for a walk, with parts of the foundations of the city still visible in some places although you'd never guess at the urban chaos that was there in the past.
      Back on Hong Kong Island I visited more temples, each of them unique and filled with incense. I visited the Blue House, a well preserved example of the tong lau tenament buildings common in parts of Asia in the first half of the 20th century. And of course I mostly got around on the famous trams, otherwise known as ding dings! Trams have been in use in Hong Kong since 1904 and are a great way to get around, I always chose to take a tram over the metro for the views while riding them, even if the journey took longer. They were also just a good way to spend time going around and seeing as much as possible from the top deck!
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    • Day 6


      January 25 in Hong Kong ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Bei einem Besuch Hongkongs darf natürlich eine Fahrt von Hongkong Island nach Kowloon und / oder andersrum mit der historischen Starferry nicht fehlen.
      Die Fahrt ist supergünstig und differiert zwischen upper- und lower deck. Der Preis kann wie bei allen anderen öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln in Hongkong mit der Octopus Card beglichen werden.Read more

    • Day 7

      Wan Chai

      May 14 in Hong Kong ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      wie das Hongkong Tourism Board schon sagt, Wan Chai ist so viel mehr als "The World of Suzie Wong" und ich kann das bestätigen. Der Wan Chai Herritage Trail, der einen vorbei an historischen sowie modernen POIs führt ist auf jeden Fall ein Muss.Read more

    • Day 5

      It's going to be a long day...LITERALLY!

      October 20, 2018 in Hong Kong ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

      Today is our last morning in Hong and to be honest it was good fun. For breakfast we went to a cafe recommended by Tammy. Tammy sent us a list of things we had to try so we just ordered one of each! It was really popular with locals and to be honest the food was a bit odd. We ordered macaroni and ham soup, fried eggs and toast drowned in peanut butter and condensed milk. In addition we ordered the tea and coffee, that is tea And coffee in the same drink... Absolutely stuffed we then headed to Wan Chai Market which is a big wet market but also famous for being in Deus Ex, one of Will's childhood games.

      As we were going to be on a flight for the majority of the day we decided we had to get our steps done before, we don't want to break our 28 day streak, so we wandered around and decided to walk to a local jade market on a hunt for a gift. When we got there we found exactly what we wanted but definitely not at the price we needed it! Luckily with our pretty good haggling skills we got it for the exact amount!

      With time now ticking till our flight and our steps complete we ran back to the flat, showered, packed, grabbed a quick Mc Donalds (seriously when it's only £2 for a burger and fries you can't really say no!) and then jumped on the bus to the airport.

      Our next flight is to NYC! Now I hear you say, are they crazy?! Why on earth are they going there. Well it's one of Will's close friends from High School, Simon, wedding. We are super excited to be able to go and to have been able to find the perfect flights. However, here is more detail about the flights we are about to embark on. Our flight from Hong Kong is at 5:30pm which is 3 hours 45mins. We then have a transfer in Beijing of 1 hour 15 min. Our flight departs Beijing at 10:30pm local time and arrives at JFK 16 hours later around midnight. On the surface, although ridiculously long, the timings seem OK. BUT... this is assuming that all flights are on time and there is no delay,which obviously there was.

      Our flight to Beijing was an hour delayed and was able to make up 15 mins, giving us 30 mins to transfer. We mentioned it to the airhostess and she looked at us very troubled. Before the plane landed she moved us to the very front so that we could run!

      We were making OK time and could see our gate, however in front of that was immigration and security with a huge line. Luckily we realised we were not alone and there were actually quite a few people doing the same including first class passengers who were also being escorted. We met a lovely lady in the line who was a local and she kept us sane. It took us 20 mins to get through so we ran for our lives to the gate. The lovely lady we met in the line waited for us half way to make sure we didn't get lost finding the gate and made it just in time!! Another moment when I am so glad our bags are pretty light! Let's just say this is not how i wanted to prepare for a 16 hour flight, but gosh I'm glad we made it in time.

      The next 16 hours were very uncomfortable. Between Hong Kong and NYC there is a 12 hour time difference. Even thought we set off at 5pm on Saturday 20th (5am NYC) and the flights took 20 hours we still landed on the same day! We try and avoid jet lag as much as we can and therefore set our clocks according to the new timezone, sleep when would be a normal time and eat when a normal time. This meant that technically I shouldn't sleep until maybe the last couple of hours and that I basically have a whole day's of food to eat. I was screwed. I felt horrifically groggy the whole flight and at one point gave up and tried to sleep. I couldn't. I tried to watch films and read to try and send me to sleep and I wasn't reading or sleeping I was just in some weird trance. It was awful. Luckily in the last 2 hours I was able to nap twice for about 20 mins, which really helped.

      When as arrived in NYC it felt like we were both on drugs we were both so giddy waiting in the immigration line haha For once it actually didn't take that long as we had been before and we're able to use their machines. Well that's what we thought... I was able to go straight through with no problems at all but for some reason we were split up and Will had to go to a different line and he took forever. While waiting on the side I was listening in In to the various immigration officers and they were brutal. There was one old couple of Asian origin and from what I overheard they were citizens of the US. The officer was going ballistic at them and yelling in their faces repeatedly "Just because you're a US citizen I don't have to let you in". They looked terrified and from what I overheard they didn't actually do anything wrong, but they were being interrogated for going to Hong Kong. I watched sooo many people of Asian and Indian origin being taken individually by security guards. Not a single white person was taken. It was really awful and why I could never live in this country. Eventually Will got through and said he had the horrid lady and she just kept yelling at him too. It was now 1am and we got to our friends flat at about 3am. We are so lucky to have friends in in so many different countries! Unfortunately our friends Luke and Ines aren't actually there but fortunately we are able to stay here while they are on holiday.

      And wow what an apartment, its just next to Central Park and it is super super swish!! I think we are the luckiest people in the world 😊 Safe and sound we went straight to bed.
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    • Day 8

      Ausflug nach Quarry Bay

      January 2, 2019 in Hong Kong ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Heute sind wir mit der MTR nach Quarry Bay gefahren um das Yick Cheong Building oder auch Monster Building zu suchen. Dieses riesige und etwas in die Jahre gekommene Wohnhaus war schon Drehort für Filme und ist angeblich ein beliebter Instagram-Spot 😉 Und es war wirklich beeindruckend!
      Anschließend haben wir Zeit im nahe gelegenen Shopping Center verbracht und dort Mittag gegessen. Es gab dort eine komplette Etage als „Kids Zone“ mit Spielzeug, Kinderkleidung und Zubehör. Dort hat Theo sich ein paar Spielzeug Tiere ausgesucht und wir haben die Kinder noch mit warmen Klamotten für Taiwan
      ausgestattet. Anschließend sind wir nochmal mit der MTR Richtung Central nach Sheung Wan. Dort gib es in einem Laden alte Emaille Platten und Schalen zu kaufen und ich habe mir eine mitgenommen. Danach zurück zum Hotel, wo die Kinder nochmal toben konnten und wir die Koffer packen konnten - denn morgen gehts nach Taiwan!
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    • Day 7

      Hongkong Central

      January 1, 2019 in Hong Kong ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Nachdem wir den Silvesterabend ruhig im Hotelzimmer verbracht haben, sind wir heute morgen recht zeitig aufgestanden, um nach dem Frühstück zum Victoria Peak zu fahren. Da uns die Wartezeit auf die Peak Tram mit rund 2 Stunden zu anstrengend ist, haben wir uns für den Bus entschieden. Der Bus 15 hält vor unserem Hotel und fährt in 30 Minuten zum Peak. Leider war die Haltestelle komplett überfüllt und der erste Bus hielt erst gar nicht sondern fuhr durch - Planänderung. Das Taxi hat uns dann entspannt für umgerechnet 10 Euro in 15 Minuten hochgefahren. Die Aussicht war wirklich beeindruckend und die Sicht ziemlich klar. Nachdem wir oben ein bisschen rum gelaufen sind, haben wir die Peak Tram für die Abfahrt genutzt. Und hier absolut keine Wartezeit. Die Fahrt war ein Erlebnis, wenn auch ziemlich kurz. Aber die Strecke ist extrem steil... Danach ging es direkt zum angrenzenden Hongkong Park auf den riesigen Spielplatz. Hier konnte sich Theo richtig austoben. Nach einer langen Suche einer geeigneten Möglichkeit zum Mittagessen haben wir eine Pause in einem Café gemacht und etwas gegessen. Anschließend haben die Kids wieder geschlafen und wir sind mit dem Mid-levels-escalator - einer langen Rolltreppe mitten durch die Stadt gefahren. Zurück zum Hotel ging es mit der „Ding-Ding“ der doppelstöckigen Straßenbahn.Read more

    • Day 26

      Hello Hong Kong

      December 19, 2016 in Hong Kong ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Seit gestern hat die 7-Millionen-Stadt zwei (vorrübergehende) Bewohner mehr.
      Relativ spät angekommen, gab es rund um unser Hotel nicht mehr viele Restaurants, die geöffnet hatten. Vom Pförtner haben wir uns was empfehlen lassen. "Nichts besonderes, gerne absolut authentisch", haben wir gesagt und bekommen. Mit Händen und Füßen bestellt und es wurden wirkliche Leckereien serviert. Irgendwas mit Schwein-Süß-Sauer und gebratene Nudeln. Wie wir heute wissen, für unsere Mägen verträglich.

      Nach dem Aufwachen, haben wir dann als allererstes den Apple Store aufgesucht. Leider ging direkt zu Beginn unserer Reise mein Laptop kaputt. Total Schaden, wie sich heute herausstellt. Bis übermorgen bekomme ich wohl ein komplett neues Mainboard. Mal schauen, ob das klappt. Ein Hoch auf Apple Care, sonst hätte mich der Spaß umgerechnet 521€ gekostet.

      Anschließend sind wir dann nach Mong Kok auf den Goldfischmarkt gefahren. Auf dem Weg dahin gab's mal wieder richtig authentische, chinesische Küche. Wie uns die bekam, berichten wir dann später.
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    • Day 5

      Next Stop: Wan Chai

      December 30, 2018 in Hong Kong ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Heute haben wir unser Hotel gewechselt und wohnen jetzt mitten in Hongkong. Nach der Taxifahrt zum Hotel Indigo haben wir die Umgebung Wan Chai erkundet. Die riesigen Hochhäuser und im Hintergrund immer die grünen Berge sind beeindruckend! Wir haben auch eine Spezialität Hongkongs probiert - Gans bei Kam’s Roast Goose. Da es super voll war haben wir das Essen mitgenommen und auf einem Spielplatz gegessen. Zum Glück haben beide Kids während der Wartezeit Mittagsschlaf gemacht. Das Fleisch der Gans war lecker aber voll mit zerhackten Knochen... Anschließend hat Theo sich noch etwas ausgetobt.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Morrison Hill, 摩理臣山

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