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    • Tag 2

      Stadt Sonne Sieg

      16. März 2023 in Ungarn ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Die Sonne lachte und wir machten uns auf den Weg zum Heldenplatz und weiter zum Schloss und der Fischerbastei.
      Unterwegs gab es ein leckeres Frühstück und so verging die Zeit sehr schnell.
      Für eine leichte Panik sorgte dann die Annullierung des Rückflugs für morgen.
      Natürlich bot Eurowings keine Alternative und so buchten wir schnell selber einen Zug.
      Weiter ging dann der Stadtbummel mit schönen Fotomotiven und einem Einkauf für den Abend.
      Nach Bier und Snacks machten wir uns nun auf den Weg zur neuen Puskas Arena.
      Nach gut 20 Minuten empfing uns die freundliche Polizei in einer Art Hochsicherheitstrakt und geleitete uns zum Gästeblock.
      Nach einer entspannten Personenkontrolle erklommen wir den dritten Rang bei Bier und Hot Dogs.
      Das Spiel war früh entschieden und so kam gar kein Hexenkessel erst auf.
      Ein paar Getränke später war es auch schon fast zwei Uhr und es war Zeit fürs Bett.
      Leider war das Ausschlafen für morgen ja gestrichen.

    • Tag 4

      Budapest IV

      7. August 2018 in Ungarn ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Das Parlament genau an der Donau war heute unser erstes Ziel📍Danach sind wir zurück in die Stadt gefahren und haben einen Second-Hand-Laden nach dem anderen besucht! Zwischendurch sind wir auch durch Gozsdu Höfe gelaufen, die wie die Hackeschen Höfe in Berlin sind! Als letztes Ziel hatten wir die Synagoge vor bevor wir dann zum Abendessen gegangen sind🥡 Um 10 ging dann auch schon wieder uns Bus nach Hause und morgen früh kommen wir dann wieder in Regensburg an!🚎Weiterlesen

    • Tag 1

      Budapest I

      4. August 2018 in Ungarn ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Heute gegen 10 Uhr frühs kamen wir mit dem Flixbus in Budapest an und machten uns auf den Weg in die Wohnung. Um halb 2 fuhren wir in die Stadt wofür wir circa 10min brauchten und besuchten als erstes die große Markthalle! Diese erinnert sehr an die Victoria Markets in Melbourne🌶🧀🥩 Danach ging’s über die Gellertbrücke vorbei am Gellertbad und den Gellertberg bei 36 Grad hinauf!🧗🏻‍♀️ Oben angekommen hatten wir einen wunderschönen Blick über ganz Budapest! Danach ging’s wieder runter und zur Eisdiele ‚Levendula‘🍦 Um 7 hatten wir dann einen Tisch reserviert im ‚For Sale Pub‘ und hatten typisch ungarisches Essen! Zum Abschluss haben wir uns mit einer Flasche Wein an den Fluss gesetzt🍷Weiterlesen

    • Tag 5

      Intrepid travellers on our own...

      28. August 2017 in Ungarn ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      ... then meet another second cousin. Panni needed some time to herself to prepare a number of lectures which she was due to give, and she had already given up a lot of her time to be with us. We were happy to set off and do a bit of exploring on our own.

      Budapest has a very impressive public transport system, with trams, buses and underground trains all very clean, comfortable and modern. For us, the trams were especially convenient for crossing the Margaret Bridge, which we did on many occasions. We'd often walked it, but there were times when we hot and tired and when it was easier to jump on a passing tram. Evidently, public transport is free for Hungarian citizens over the age of 70, but we were told that nobody ever checks anyway. It seemed to us that it was literally a free-for-all anyway, with nobody of any age worrying about the fairly inconspicuous ticket reading machines.

      We decided head off to Budapest City Park, so first caught the (free) tram to Octagon then walked the couple of kilometres or so up the very elegant boulevard known as Andrassy ut to the park. Again, to quote Wikipedia: "The City Park is a public park close to the centre of Budapest, Hungary. It is a 1,400 by 970 m rectangle, with an area of 1.2 km2 located in District XIV of Budapest. Its main entrance is at Heroes' Square, one of Hungary's World Heritage sites. Most museums and other significant public buildings are closed on Mondays, though that didn't bother us as we were happy to simply wander through the beautiful parkland and admire the buildings from the outside.

      One building was open however, and it turned out to be quite a revelation as there were no signs in any language other than Hungarian to indicate what it was. (Sadly, there was a total absence of information plaques, tourist booths or local maps throughout the area, which is a pity). The building in question was large and built in the very ornate neo-baroque style. What we later learnt (thank you, Wikipedia) was that "The Széchenyi Medicinal Bath in Budapest is the largest medicinal bath in Europe. Its water is supplied by two thermal springs, their temperature is 74 °C and 77 °C, respectively." This impressive complex was planned from the 1880s and was opened in 1913. It now contains three outdoor and 15 indoor pools.

      We knew none of this at the time, so wandered into the foyer and decided to take sticky-beak out on of the windows. We saw this amazing sight of an ornate and truly beautiful swimming pool complex, filled with many people enjoying the warm Hungarian summer.

      Having mastered the Budapest tram system, we decided to try the Metro to get us back from the City Park to the Octagon junction, from where we could catch the tram home. Again, the system, which we were told was the first underground rail system in the whole of Europe, turned out to be very clean, fast and efficient. However, by contrast with the trams, one can't get away without paying on the underground. Not that we're complaining, of course. Our fare was very cheap and we'd already enjoyed enough free rides on the city's public transport system that we were never going to feel hard done by.

      After a brief stop-off at our hotel, we then headed out towards Panni's place, from where we going to catch up with Zsuzsi's twin brother Tamas at a nearby coffee shop. Tamas had just got back the previous day from the Edinburgh International Festival, where he had been managing one of his classical music soloists. For two decades Tamas had been the Executive Director of the Budapest Festival Orchestra, and now runs his own agency. He lives in the same city block as Panni, and when Panni, Mary and Brian reached the nearby coffee shop where we were all to meet we realised that Tamas had walked straight past the two of us as we were waiting for Panni on the footpath outside her building. Of course, we'd never met before, so we didn't recognise one another. We then spent the next couple of hours making Tamas's acquaintance and chatting about a huge variety of subjects. The time passed very quickly.

      The three of us (Panni, Mary and Brian) then wandered back in the direction of our boat, as Panni wanted to show us Margaret Island. Margaret Island is a 2.5 km long island, 500 metres wide, (0.965 km2) in the middle of the Danube in central Budapest, Hungary. The island is mostly covered by landscape parks, and is a popular recreational area. Its medieval ruins are reminders of its importance in the Middle Ages as a religious centre. The island spans the area between the Margaret Bridge and the Árpád Bridge. Before the 14th century the island was called Insula leporum (Island of Rabbits).

      What a place! We were most impressed. It's a very popular recreation area, beautifully maintained, very scenic with plenty of mature trees. Best of all, it is closed to all normal traffic. It was just on dusk, and as we wandered along, we heard the Toreador's Song from Carmen coming from some loudspeakers. We saw that it was coming an area near a really big fountain, and the fountain's water patterns and illumination were changing in time to the music. We stayed there for quite a while listening to various pieces of well-known classical and pop music, and were totally fascinated by the technology. It's a nightly program which is every bit as spectacular as a fireworks display. We've attached a small sample to this blog, though the recorded sound quality is not so good.

      We'd seen plenty of restaurants in Budapest, but as Brian kept saying, there seemed to be every nationality represented except Hungarian, which seemed a shame since the best of Hungarian food is really to die for. That night however we discovered a gem, Lecso Hungarian Restaurant, maybe a bit touristy, but offering a huge variety of authentic Hungarian food nevertheless. It was on one of the main streets, only a couple of (free) tram stops from our boat. And let's not forget, Hungary has some really terrific wines as well.

    • Tag 18

      14.07.17: Første dag i Budapest

      14. Juli 2017 in Ungarn ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Vi vågnede på et varmt værelse om morgen, hvor vores mission var at komme så hurtigt hen til AirBNB lejligheden. Vi kunne allerede tjekke ind kl. 9. Vi regnede jo egentlig med at vi skulle med nattog til Budapest, så vi havde aftalt en tidlig tjek ind.
      Vi havde lejet en hel lejlighed, som bestod af indgang i køkkenet, stue med hems og et badeværelse. Det lyder småt, men det var perfekt til os og i virkelig god stand. Det lå i en bygning som var lidt over 100 år gammel – det var lidt specielt og hyggeligt. Det var to virkelig flinke værter, som havde lagt brochurer til os, så vi kunne finde ud af, hvad vi skulle se. Vi fik hurtigt lagt en rute og var afsted. På ruten lå både:
      - Den største synagoge i Europa med plads til 2500 mennesker.
      - The royal palace, hvor der også lå et museum. Det lå på en højderyg. Det var desværre lukket på grund af FINA 2017. (læs længere nede)
      - The parliament, som var en fantastisk flot bygning.
      - The chain bridge, som er en bro, hvor det faktisk ligner store kæder. Under broen var Donau.
      - The Matthias church, hvilket var en formidabel smuk kirke med udsigt ud til byen. Dette lå ved siden af the royal palace i et område som hed buda castle.
      - St. stephen basilica, som var en utrolig flot kirke og gigantisk.
      Der kan desværre kun være 6 billeder under hver dag, så det er desværre ikke alle seværdigheder vi kan vise her - derfor er der lavet en 14.07.17 mere med billeder af seværdigheder.
      Til frokost spiste vi på en fantastisk restaurant kaldet Mazel tov, hvor jeg fik sous vide and, med noget brød og forskellige dressinger og Joe fik en pita med falafel og salat. Det var nok det bedste mad vi har fået på turen. Det lå i en gammel ruin, som man havde lavet om til den hyggelig overdækket gård restaurant af en art.
      Joe havde fundet ud af at der var FINA 2017 i Budapest i de dage vi var der. Dette er verdensmesterskabet i vandsport. Det startede tilfældigvis d. 14/7. Det vil sige, at vi kunne se åbningsceremonien, som blev afholdt på en scene lige ned til Donau. Det skulle vise sig, at være et helt vildt fantastisk show med brug af vand, lys og fyrværkeri samt en masse performere. Vi fandt en mindre cafe på den anden side af Donau, hvor vi sad tæt på en storskærm, som viste hele showet. Vi havde dog ikke regnet med, at det skulle blive så sent i byen, eftersom at vi ikke sov så godt i nat, så ingen af os havde varmt tøj med og det er alligevel en del koldere i Ungarn end Kroatien, i hvert fald lige da vi var der. Så kl. 20:30 (en halv time før showet gik i gang) drog Joe ud på jagt efter en hættetrøje til mig, da jeg jo er en frossenpind og havde opgivet for længst at finde noget. Jeg (Charlotte) havde forgæves gået op og ned af gaden hvor vi sad for at finde noget men uden held, da det var på Buda siden (se fun-fact nederst). Efter lidt under en time kom han tilbage. Han havde taget metroen til den anden side af byen og fundet en souvenirbutik, hvor han købte en ”I love Budapest” hættetrøje. Jeg har en dejlig kæreste!
      Showet sluttede af med et stort fyrværkerishow. Super flot!

      Aften sluttede dog ikke lige så lykkeligt som fyrværkerishowet. Vi kom hen til metroen og nåede lige at løbe ned til at kunne se at den sidste metro kører. Det vil sige, at den sidste metro kørte kl. 23:33, hvilket vi bestemt ikke havde forventet i en så stor by og ved et så stort arrangement. Der var virkelig mange mennesker i byen og rigtig meget politi og militær, så busserne var propfyldte og det hele var lidt kaos. Vi valgte så at gå halvvejs og tage en bus det sidste stykke.
      En vellykket dag i Budapest, må man sige. Vi fik nedlagt omkring 20 km på gåben, så vi var i den grad trætte da vi kom hjem.

      Fun-fact: Budapest er delt op i to. På den vest siden af Donau ligger Buda og på øst siden af Donau ligger Pest og sjovt nok ligger de fleste ting i Pest, selvom man ikke skulle tro det ud fra navnet.

    • Tag 26

      Beautiful Budapest

      24. August 2017 in Ungarn ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      We arrived in Budapest Thursday afternoon and spent the rest of the daylight hours wandering the streets of Pest’s Inner City, along the Danube. The following day we explored Buda, on the other side of the Danube. But before heading to Buda, we stopped off at the Great Market Hall, a beautiful neo-gothic building near the Szabadság bridge.

      Once we made it to the other side of the Danube, there was a mountain that needed to be conquered in order to get to the top of the Citadella. It was well worth the climb when we looked out and got an almost 360° view of the city. The Budapest Castle was next on the list and once again provided great views of the city.
      With all the walking and climbing up stairs, we deserved some rest time and what better way to spend the afternoon than to go bathing in a sixteenth century Ottoman thermal bath, the Rudas Baths. Just hope we didn’t catch the Black Plague!

      Our third day was spent walking to the Inner City and then onto the Hungarian Parliament Building, which is the largest building in Hungary and the tallest in Budapest. The adventures included some traditional Hungarian food cooked using an old-fashion, stove-top iron. We were joined by our new friend, Steve, a New Yorker on holidays in Budapest.

      The following day we explored the Roman Baths and ruins at Aquincum. Then after some ancient history we strolled along Margaret Island, situated in the middle of the Danube. The day was capped off with a gyros made by a guy who could revival the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld. But the end result was tasty and was complemented by the homemade ice-cream for dessert.

      The last day in Budapest continued the theme of eating, as we grazed our way through Budapest. Ice-cream and a lángos, a Hungarian deep-fried flatbread, were on the menu. And of course, a day wouldn’t be complete without visiting a castle, Vajdahunyad Castle, and wandering the streets.

      It’s hard to say goodbye, Budapest, but we must move onto our next destination. Búcsú Budapest

      Next stop: Belgrade

    • Tag 10

      Baños Széchenyi

      21. August 2015 in Ungarn ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      En el Parque de Budapest están unos baños tipo spa, muy famosos, a los que no tuvimos tiempo de ir, pero ya los tenemos localizados para el futuro.

      Nos contó una chica húngara que conocimos en el tren desde Croacia que la tradición de los baños (además de por las aguas sulfurosas esas) es de la época turca. Ha sido una penilla no poder probarlos, pero otra vez será!Weiterlesen

    • Tag 1

      Geburtstag in Budapest

      22. Januar 2016 in Ungarn ⋅ ☀️ -1 °C

      Über den eigenen Geburtstag einfach mal raus ist immer eine gute Idee . Findet man auch noch jemanden der einen begleitet , umso besser .
      Somit haben eine Freundin und ich uns an meinem Geburtstag aufgemacht,um die Stadt an der Donau zu erkundenWeiterlesen

    • Tag 33

      Relaxed in Budapest

      9. August 2019 in Ungarn ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Zwei schöne neue Aspekte habe ich auf meiner Reise in Budapest erlebt: Mal nix tuen und eine Stadt mit dem leeren Rad erkunden.
      Es ist wirklich sehr schön hier, wenn auch recht heiß. Ich war einmal in einer klimatisierten Tankstelle für eine Cola. Beim Rausgehen hat es mich an den Flughafen von Bangkok erinnert. Man läuft gegen eine feucht-warme Wand.
      Vom Pomp und den Gebäuden steht Budapest Madrid oder Paris in nichts nach (Eiffelturm außen vor). Die Touristenpreise sind entsprechend.
      Mein Hostel liegt 2km von Stadtzentrum entfernt. Hier gibt es viele Einheimische, die im Stadtpark entspannen. Die Bar mit Grill hier hat mich schon mehrmals angelockt. Balkanburger und Bier oder selbstgemachte Limonade im Schatten der Bäume, sehr fein. Leute gucken geht hier besonders gut.
      Anfangs wollte ich nur 2 Tage bleiben, aber die Stadt ist groß und ich wollte auch mal nichts tun und die vielen Eindrücke der Tour verarbeiten. Lesen, Musikhören, im Netz surfen kamen noch dazu.
      Jetzt bleibe ich vier Nächte, bis es weiter nach Belgrad geht.
      Die Sehenswürdigkeiten habe ich bequem mit dem Fahrrad erkundet. Es war das erste Mal seit einem Monat, dass das Fahrrad nicht knapp 50 Kilo wog. Ein rasant, kraftvolles Erlebnis. Unterwegs sieht man unzählige Touristen. Die Briten fallen besonders auf. Die Männer hört man direkt raus. Den Frauen fällt meist eine halbe Brust oder der Arsch aus dem zu knappen Outfit.
      Beim Friseur war ich bisher noch nicht, mal schauen 😊

    • Tag 2


      7. August 2016 in Ungarn ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Après une journée chargée, nous prenons le temps de nous poser dans le parc au nord est de Pest.
      Un endroit paisible avec un lac et des pédalos...on y serait bien restés plus longtemps mais nous avons rendez-vous à 20h30. ..Weiterlesen

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Pest, بشت, Пешт, Пеща, Pešť, Peŝto, Pešta, ペシュト, 페슈트, Pestinum, Пешта, Pest i Ungarn, Peszt, Peste, Pesta, Peşte, 佩斯

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