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    • Dag 36–38

      Sanapur Tag 2

      19. desember 2023, India ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Vormittags mit ausfüllen meiner Reiseroute für das Iran Visum zugebracht. Anschließend eine kleine Runde mit dem Motorrad gemacht. Zum Sonnenuntergang mit meinen Nachbarn auf einen Berg mit heiligen Mann gestiegen. Die Nachbarn ein Belgisch japanisches Pärchen sind voll auf der spirituellen Welle und haben dann mit dem Baba am Gipfel getrommelt. Leider wars wieder so dunstig das der Sonnenuntergang gar nicht fotogen warLes mer

    • Dag 37

      Hampi Chill Day

      11. februar 2020, India ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Again, Tom slept very well last night but I did not, I’d woken up feeling terrible, so we agreed to just take it easy today. We packed up our things as we were checking out and heading to Gokarna this evening on a night bus, and then made our way to our favourite local place for a Masala Dosa breakfast. Went back to the hostel and chilled out on the day beds enjoying the view of the rice paddies directly in front of our hostel. Just after midday we decided to check out the swimming spot near to our hostel, not having particularly high expectations for it I was really blown away with how beautiful it was when we got there. We enjoyed the warm sunshine and before no time went into the water. Not a crocodile in sight and it was so refreshing! After a little while after chilling out on the rocks and soaking up the sunshine was made our way back to the hostel to chill out for a little while as I still wasn’t feeling 100% and I’d need as much rest as possible as I doubted I’d get any sleep on this night bus.

      We decided that we’d pay up as we didn’t want to get held up when it game to leaving. Finally the hostel owner turned up. It was 2295 rupees to pay between us and we tried to pay separately, but as usual, change was an issue. So I paid him first and got change, but then figured that if I just paid for Tom too, we’d get more change as they always round things down here. I asked him to give me another lot of change so me and Tom would figure it out between us. The hostel guy took us both by surprise with what he did next...he said to Tom “hey, give me your money”. He wasn’t prepared to give us the full change without having everything first. He was so aggressive and I asked him if he thought we were going to run away. They guy said no, so I said for him to calm down and not be so rude. Both of us were left shocked by the whole experience and we would certainly be writing a savage review as the hostel made us both ill and it was dirty. This could usually be overlooked if the staff are good, but all of them were money grabbers.

      An hour or two had passed and we decided to walk to the shops to get some snacks for our night bus tonight. We got a bag full of snacks and it only cost us £1, total! On our way back we stopped off at our favourite place again for Veggie Thali and it was not a disappointment, it was delicious - we sure were going to miss this place!

      We went back to the hostel got our bags said our goodbyes to people (despite most of them heading to Gokarna in the coming days) and we left the hostel and walked the 2.5km back to Hippie island and the exact spot we would be getting the TukTuk to the bus station. The TukTuk obviously didn’t leave at 18:30 like it said it would, but eventually the driver crammed 7 of us into a TukTuk and began to drive into the middle of nowhere. After a bumpy journey through various little towns and driving on the wrong side the of the road we stopped in the central reservation of a motorway, apparently this was the bus station. As he dropped us off the TukTuk driver, who crammed us all into 1 TukTuk instead of two and drove like a psychopath asked us all for tips...the Polish woman in the TukTuk refused saying that we had already paid for the TukTuk, he then turned to George and I who backed her up by saying we would definitely not be tipping, especially as he was quite rude! We waited here for an hour until finally the bus arrived. We threw our bags in the luggage hold and got onboard to find our 2 seats that we booked. However, there were only beds on the bus, so we ended up having to share a single bed...
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    • Dag 13

      Everyone is staring at us 🫠

      22. februar, India ⋅ ⛅ 35 °C

      Today we went to Sanapur lake close to Hampi that we really wanted to see. On the way there we passed some wonderful landscapes with coconut and banama palms, sugarcane and rice plantations with the boulderstones in the background. Very beautiful and authentic for Hampi. And yes, rice needs A TON of water. It basically grows in a pond…

      When we reached the lake we realized it’s nothing special, it was very bare, hot and creepily empty. We took a few pics and then turned around and sat at the first best cafe for some coffee. Turned out super cozy and we met another guy from the train there. He is Slovakian and traveling the world quite literally. He’s been out for 6 months now and plans to stay for a few more months. He travelled to more than 80 different countries so far and told us all different stories. He visited Jemen before heading to Sri Lanka and now India. He even happened to be in Armenia when the Nagorno-Karabkh conflict was at its worst. He said people were crying on the streets in Armenia and there was no music in the bars. Then he went to Azerbaijan where the vibe was the complete opposite…

      The day continued in the village of Sanapur which seems to be a quite rural but a bit hippie area. People were doing their laundry at the river or in buckets in from of their improvised housing. We had lunch at a cozy restaurant called Island Vibes and our American friend from yesterday joined us. Soon after that we parted ways as we had to head to Hubballi to take the train from there back to Goa. Hubballi is the head quarters of Karnataka region and is a very busy city from what we could see in the 5 minutes we spent on the streets.

      What really stuck out today were all the stares we received. It is interesting and we find it funny and cute mostly, we say hi or wave to people when we see that they look at us. Getting those stares while driving in tuk tuk felt like being on a catwalk. People would also try to slow down and drive just next to us to be able to observe us more carefully. 😅

      But it escalated a lot at the train station in Hubballi where we waited for our train for 2 hours to later learn that it was delayed and they were not announcing by platform until the last minute. We were tired, hungry and stressed. Some beggers approached us and just stood next to us even thoughwe told them to move away. So we kept moving across the station with all the luggage trying to escape that. A lot of young guys also approached and wondered where we’re from and why we’re here. They said they never see tourist in Hubballi. Also no one knows where our counties are so we have started saying that we are from Yugoslavia which helps a bit). At some point there were 10 guys around us just observing us and asking questions. In the end I had to tell them to back off because it was getting claustrophobic.

      In the middle of this our stomachs started hurting… we must have eaten something funny. It is not that bad but feels likens defeat that we could go for almost 2 weeks with no symptoms and then the last days it hit us… hope it gets better already tomorrow.

      Our train finally came and we fell asleep on our way back to Goa. ❤️
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    • Dag 13

      Ich wünsch mir ein Rikscha

      29. februar 2020, India ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Nachdem Mr. Paul uns von Hampi mit dem Rikscha nach Hospet zum Busbahnhof gefahren hat mussten wir dort knackige 4 Stunden auf den Bus warten. Vermießt haben uns die Wartezeit unzählige Moskitos, dafür haben wir uns noch mit einige Engländern unterhalten (einer kam aus Brighton und kannte sogar den Pub in dem ich letztes Jahr gearbeitet hatte :)), ein Inder hat uns Zaubertricks gezeigt und wir haben Doppelkopf gespielt.
      Amüsant war auch die Schreibweise meines Namens in den Nachrichten vom Busunternehmen.
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    • Dag 12

      Hampi exploring!

      21. februar, India ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Today it was time for Hampi exploring. Our driver drove us there and then set us up with a guide. They cooperate so the second we got to the ruins the guide knew who were were and who our driver was 😅
      Thankfully we met an American guy from the train there and could split the cost of the guide with him. The tour was nice, it lasted all day and our new friend was super cool. He lives in LA, works for an evil consulting company, likes India a lot (it’s his 7th time here) and he went to Coachella dressed only a towel.🎊
      In the middle of the tour we had a very nice lunch, thali!😋

      We learned that some of the stone pillars in the temples were used to play music. Depending on how they were cut, shaped and which dimensions they had, they made sounds of different instruments (see the video).

      We went to all the most important temples (will look up the names later), saw a lot of monkeys along the way and enjoyed the most beautiful sunset in the evening. The views are incredible in Hampi. We were exhausted by 7pm, had dinner at the hotel and called it a night.

      Enjoy the pictures!
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    • Dag 18

      Hampi , last day

      29. desember 2019, India ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Last day in Hampi. We pretty much saw all important temples, so after breakfast our tuktuk guy came and took us to see Queen's bath, Water steps and Rama temple. It was such a hot day. Without any more ideas and tired of sand and heatwe headed back to Hospet to eat and having beers while waiting for evening sleeper bus to Goa!
      Surprisingly bed was big enough for me. Ride was okay but bumpy because of Indian roads. Even highways are far from Deutsche Autobahn 🤣
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    • Dag 121

      Indien mit Haut und Haaren

      17. november 2017, India ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Wenn man durch Indien reist (alleine) und an dem Punkt angekommen ist, bei welchem man sich einfach nur wohl fühlt. Sei es beim Essen von Streetfood an einer schlecht beleuchteten Straßenbude, einer Tuktuktour bei Dunkelheit, mit der Hotelcrew auf zu einer Hausparty oder abends am Bahnhof - auf dem Boden sitzend, die Füße mit Reinigungstüchern säubernd, Straßenhunde zurechtweisend und kleinen Kindern zuwinkend - auf den nächsten Übernachtzug nach Mysore wartend.

      Indien hat mich mit Haut und Haaren aufgenommen. Ich fühle mich so selbstbewusst und sicher wie nie zuvor. Vorallem im Vergleich mit dem unguten Gefühl im Magen bei meiner Ankunft hier. Mittlerweile bin ich nur noch entsetzt über die schlechte Presse, die Indien in Europa bekommt.

      Witzig sind manche Momente aber immer noch. Während ich hier schreibe kommt ein Inder zu mir, fast an meinen Kopf und wackelt mit seinem.... keine Ahnung, aber ich nimms mal hin als "viel Glück" ... und noch ne Gruppe Kinder die winken und froh sind mich zu sehen. Der Straßenhund hat sich jetzt neben mich gelegt und leistet mir Gesellschaft. Und das seitliche Kopfwackeln hab ich auch schon voll drauf. 😊

      Und OMG, I got me a nosering today 😎
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    • Dag 25


      6. september 2019, India ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Hampi è quanto di più vicino ci permette di vedere il passato lontano. La capitale dei guerrieri che nel 1336 fondarono la dinastia Vijayanagar si chiama Hampi la Città della Vittoria. I principi Vijayanagar edificarono la loro capitale dotandolo di palazzi, piazze, stalle per elefanti, mercati, acquedotti, templi, tutti costruiti in pietra locale, il granito che abili artisti riuscirono ad intagliare nonostante la sua durezza con maestria e virtuosismo. Il periodo di massimo splendore la città lo conobbe all'inizio del XVI secolo, l'impero cadde nel 1565, dopo un lungo assedio durato 6 mesi da parte delle truppe di cinque regni musulmani coalizzatisi nella battaglia. Visitiamo con una guida il Virupaksha Mandir con un grande gopuram alto 52 metri. A cena ritorniamo al Mango Tree.Les mer

    • Dag 25

      Hampy Axhyutaraya Temple

      6. september 2019, India ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Colazione al mango tree e via ad esplorare la città, attraversiamo l'Hampi bazar un tempo vero e proprio foro della città, fino a pochi anni fa era pieno di negozi, bancarelle, ma da qualche anno gli archeologi hanno imposto diversi sfratti per riportare l'area archeologica al sua antico splendore, anche la parte delle guest house è a rischio esproprio, sono in attesa che la corte di giustizia di Delhi si pronunci. Quasi per caso ci ritroviamo nel Achyutaraya Temple, si erge nello scenario naturale più affascinante di Hampi, incastonato tra due colline è davvero imperdibile. Costruito nel 1534 e' un perfetto esempio di architettura Vijayanagar e dal punto di vista artistico e stilistico uno dei più completi di Hampi. Decidiamo di motorizzarci e affittiamo due motorini, i bambini sono al settimo cielo. Per cena ci azzardiamo a provare un posticino veramente indiano, non è frequentato dai turisti ed è proprio questo che ci attira. La cucina è molto casalinga, ribatteziamo il proprietario tutto fare come Gigiotto e questo piccolo localino in Hampi Bazar diventerà il nostro punto di riferimento per i giorni successivi.Les mer

    • Dag 25

      Vithala Svami Mandir

      6. september 2019, India ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Imponente struttura le cui mura di fortificazione disposte su una pianta rettangolare misurano 100 per 165 metri, il perimetro del recinto è interamente circondato da portici con pilastri di granito . Risale al X secolo ed ampliato successivamente nel XVI secolo. Più che davanti ad un tempio ci si trova di fronte ad una città sacra di oltre un ettaro e mezzo di estensione. Famoso è il Carro di pietra che rappresenta i normali carri processuali lignei con le quali trasportavano le divinità durante le cerimonie religiose, appare come una struttura monolitica in realtà è formato da molti blocchi di granito, assemblati con assoluta precisione, che nascondono le giunture.Les mer

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