Nagla Dhīmar

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    • Dzień 3

      Taj Mahal

      31 sierpnia 2023, Indie ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Heute Morgen brachen wir um 3 Uhr früh auf, um eine aufregende Fahrt nach Agra zum Taj Mahal zu unternehmen. Die rund vierstündige Fahrt mit einem Uber führte uns über die Autobahn und bot uns eine Fülle von Eindrücken: Von Fahrradfahrern und Geisterfahrern bis hin zu Kühen, die die Straße überquerten, und Fußgängern, die mit ihren Kindern den Seitenstreifen als Bürgersteig nutzten. Auf dem Mittelstreifen entdeckten wir sogar Friseure, die inmitten der zehnspurigen Autobahn ihre Kunden frisierten.
      Am Taj Mahal angekommen, gönnten wir uns ein kleines Frühstück, bevor das Fotoshooting vor dem Monument begann.
      Am Nachmittag machten wir uns auf den Rückweg und ließen den Tag auf dem Main-Basar ausklingen, wo wir noch eine köstliche Mahlzeit genossen.
      Morgen ist unser letzter Tag in Neu-Delhi, bevor es dann weiter nach Amritsar geht.
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    • Dzień 11

      Day 9

      8 listopada 2023, Indie

      Aujourd'hui, réveillé à 4h pour aller voir le Taj Mahal. Puis 4h de route mais ça valez le coup, c était magnifique.
      On a eu la chance d avoir du beau temps, et de voir le ciel bleu.
      Contrairement à se qu on pourrait penser l'intérieur n'est pas très grand, il s'y trouve seulement deux tombes entouré d'une barrière en marbre.
      As son côté il y a un grande mosquée.
      Ensuite nous sommes allez visité un autre monument où plusieurs des rois d Inde vécurent et d où on pouvait voir le Taj Mahal.
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    • Dzień 82

      03.28.2024 Agra to Jaipur, India

      28 marca, Indie ⋅ ☁️ 95 °F

      Welcome to sunrise at the Taj Mahal in Agra in India. Our guide picked us up at 5:45am this morning for a sunrise visit to the Taj Mahal.
      The Taj Mahal is an ivory-white marble mausoleum on the right bank of the river Yamuna in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India. It was commissioned in 1631 by the fifth Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan (r. 1628–1658) to house the tomb of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal; it also houses the tomb of Shah Jahan himself. The tomb is the centrepiece of a 17-hectare (42-acre) complex, which includes a mosque and a guest house, and is set in formal gardens bounded on three sides by a crenellated wall.
      What an experience. The tile work, the marble, the precious stone linkage were beautiful.Photos will never do it justice.
      We returned to our hotel the Jaypee Palace, a beautiful hotel for breakfast and to shower, repack and get on the road. Before leaving Agra, we visit a marble factory where we learned how they inlay the gemstones. Fascinating.
      We then proceeded to a carpet store where we learned how they make hand knotted carpets. Diana got to burn the carpet. (all part of the process). They were beautiful, extremely labor intensive and expensive.
      We left the city and headed to Jaipur.
      A holy cow (dressed up, so he is sacred) and the milkman. It is true the cows just roam the streets wherever they wish. The children were so enchanting. They loved us to take their pictures.
      We arrived at the Hilton in Jaipur around 6:30 pm. Got checked in and headed to the bar with our crew and Don and Kully from our ship joined us.
      We ordered a pizza a beer. Off to bed we have another early morning tomorrow.
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    • Dzień 101

      Taj Mahal. Day 100

      31 marca, Indie ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      After a wake up call at 4:30 am we then assembled in the lobby for the drive to Taj Mahal -
      we again boarded the battery buses and proceeded to Taj Mahal - we lined up to enter for the sunrise views, while waiting in line we enjoyed the group of monkeys in the roofs of the shops lining the street. This time theTaj Mahal- lines were much longer, and the lines were not just locals. We did not go to the front of the line this morning.
      It was worth getting up at 3:30 am… it is the most beautiful building in the world. We went back to the Jaypee Palace Hotel for another great Indian buffet breakfast. Then we assembled in the lobby for the Drive to Fatehpur Sikri. We Arrive at the coach parking area for a short walk to board your special buses to transfer you to the main Fatehpur Sikri monument. Our same guided took us through Fatehpur Sikri - he was very knowledge.
      We walked to re-board the special buses and return to the coach parking area and drove
      back to Jaypee Palace Hotel in Agra had a buffet lunch at Jaypee Palace Hotel and departed Agra for Delhi by coach. Heather, Marie, Susan, Angelo (Aussies) and Dennis and I sat in the back of the bus with each of us in our own seats for the 4 hour drive. We arrived at Le Meridien Delhi and checked-in. The security is intense in India and our luggage was again screened and we passed through metal detectors before entering the hotel. We had other great Indian Buffet Dinner at Le Meridien Dehli.
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    • Dzień 86

      Agra - Taj Mahal

      1 kwietnia 2017, Indie ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Endlich 😁

      Morgens um 07:30 ging es mit dem Bus in Richtung Taj Mahal. Dort angekommen mussten wir mit Elektro Rikschas die letzten 500 Meter bis zum Eingang fahren. 😊

      Der Vorplatz des Taj Mahal hat 3 Eingänge. Einer im Westen, der für sie Königsfamilie bestimmt war, einer im Süden durch welchen die 20.000 Arbeiter und Künstler gingen, die das Taj Mahal innerhalb von 22 Jahren erbaut haben und einer im Osten, durch welchen die Bevölkerung gehen konnte. 😊

      Nachdem wir das Haupttor im Norden passiert haben konnten wir bereits das Taj Mahal in voller Pracht sehen. Einer der vier Türme wird gerade restauriert. 😊

      Das Taj Mahal hat eine perfekte Symmetrie, welche nur in einem Punkt einen Fehler aufweist. Es wurde als Grabstätte für die lieblings Frau des Königs erbaut, welche nach der Geburt ihres 14. Kindes im Alter von 38 Jahren verstorben ist. Doch nachdem auch der König gestorben war, ließ er sich neben ihr beerdigen, weshalb sein Grab die einzige Asymmetrie des gesamten Geländes ist. ☺

      Dieses Gebäude ist wahrlich ein Weltwunder. 😀
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    • Dzień 6

      Taj Mahal

      10 kwietnia 2017, Indie ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      For the Taj we had early start, around 5. Once we had dragged ourselves eves out of bed we arrived at our destination and were rushed off the bus due to parking restrictions. We were the only tired on s around however as the gardens around the Taj were filled with the locals playing, eating and relaxing. On our way to get into the Taj we saw many monkeys. When in the Taj I took many photos of it due to its beauty. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 82

      Building of love

      9 października 2017, Indie ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Da hat der König mal ein wirklich hübsches Gebäude für seine Frau gebaut.

      Sie ist leider bei der Geburt ihres 14. (!) Kindes, im Alter von 32 Jahren, gestorben. Aber sie und der König sind beide im Taj Mahal beerdigt worden. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 205

      What a Wonder of the World

      21 marca 2019, Indie ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Today we visited an amazing building with extremely intricate architecture but also a very important piece of history. We woke at 5:15 in the morning so we wouldn’t miss the sunrise on the white beauty of India. We left our Hotel at 5:30 but by the time we got to the line to enter the gate it was almost a kilometre long! Luckily for me and Geoff, men were aloud to go in a shorter line than women for who knows what. We went through security but unfortunately Geoff’s package of Mentos didn’t make it out. The guards at the gate also almost confiscated our cards because you aren’t allowed to gamble in public in India. Luckily Lara thought fast and threw them into a bush and they were safe. Once everything was cleared up we started walking towards the architectural masterpiece and realized that when you walk through the main archway a perfectly symmetrical garden awaits your arrival. Unfortunately there were a lot of flies but we managed to walk from the archway to the ticket booth for the main mausoleum without getting too bothered. Once we were on the platform around the white marble wonder which was also made of white marble we started walking around the entire building. The interior and exterior walls were covered in flowers that appear painted but in reality they are precious and semiprecious stones implanted into the marble. Over the years some have been stolen but it still looks amazing! Next we entered the main tourist attraction in all of India. The interior was as extraordinary as the exterior, unfortunately you weren’t allowed to take pictures inside the building so we can’t show it too you but it was 😎 awesome. The tombs were probably he most interesting part of the entire thing because it was the only part of the entire complex that wasn’t symmetrical! Originally it was supposed to be symmetrical but when the king died, his tomb was placed next to the queen’s tomb making it almost symmetrical but not quite! Inside everyone had shoe covers but we never got any so when went inside the mausoleum, we were forced to carry our shoes!😡 Next we went to see the guest house which wasn’t very exciting but their were two huge beehives in the roof which explained the dead bees all over the place. When we left we recovered the cards and went home for breakfast at 8:00. On the way back we saw a monkey lying on the roof of a house! I will never forget my visit to the Taj Mahal!
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    • Dzień 6

      magisches Taj Mahal -Agra

      3 listopada 2019, Indie ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Agra, die Stadt in die jährlich Millionen von Menschen kommen um das Taj Mahal zu sehen könnte gegensätzlicher nicht sein. Agra schaut sehr einfach und in vielen Strassen recht schmutzig aus. Abends ein Restaurant zu finden und sich zu bewegen ohne ständig angesprochen zu werden scheint hier fast unmöglich zu sein.
      Dennoch lässt dies schnell vergessen wenn man erstmals vor dem imposanten Taj steht. Leider sind die Wetterbedingungen aufgrund der Luftverschmutzung so schlecht, dass die Sichtverhäktnisse nicht besonders gut sind.
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    • Dzień 6

      Taj Mahal baby!

      17 grudnia 2019, Indie ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      We had to wake up really early to be ready for a 6:00 sunrise Taj Mahal visit. There is whole army guarding that place, they scan your bags, no lighters or anything is allowed inside (of course I had mine). Ticket costs around 7€ + 3€ for mausoleum. And then you go inside...
      This place is magnificent! I was just walking toward the building, silent, deep breathing, excitement, emotional with almost wet eyes... This is why I travel, that point in a trip, one of the highlights, that "I can't believe I'm actually here!" moment... Priceless. The details on building and th size of everything, really amazing what people are able to achieve! We spent an hour there seeing everything. Wow.
      After Taj Mahal it was Agra Fort's turn. A huge castle, done by 4 kings, multiple styles, amazing. We hired a guide, that showed us interesting bits, hidden places, history,.. Great tour, really worth visiting.
      Last stop was Baby Taj, a smaller brother of Taj Mahal, which is mostly a mausoleum also.
      We ended up touring pretty quickly, tired from lack of sleep, we just wanted to chill before night train to Varanasi.
      On a train right now, upper bunk bed, too small of course,... Not sure how I'll sleep... Mara is feeling fiverish so pills time. Hope she gets better.
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