Ulun Danu Temple

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    • День 17

      Bali et sa campagne

      27 сентября 2023 г., Индонезия ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Nouveau jour, nouvelle aventure.
      J’ai loué un scooter, ce qui m’a permis de me balader dans le cœur de l’île !

      Il faut savoir que Bali, c’est grand ! Et surtout, 50 km, c’est environ 2 heures de scooter…

      Mais bon, super temple et une campagne à couper le souffle.
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    • День 7

      Einmal in den Norden bitte ☝🏼

      11 августа 2024 г., Индонезия ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Heute ging es einmal quer über die Insel Richtung Norden.

      Einen ersten Zwischenstopp haben wir beim Botanischen Garten gemacht. 🌿🪷 Das Teil war echt weitläufig und ich glaube, wir haben die Hälfte verpasst.
      Aber schön war’s trotzdem 😅
      Das Bild von dem großen, verwurzelten Baum ist hier entstanden.

      Auf großen Wiesen saßen überall Familien und Gruppen von Menschen zum Picknicken. Sie tanzten und sangen Lieder. An den Straßenrändern marschierten ständig irgendwelche Frauen oder Kinder. Uns wurde erzählt, dass sich alle schon mal auf einen großen Feiertag am 17.8. einstimmen. 🇮🇩

      Direkt in der Nähe des Gartens befindet sich der See Beratan. Hier gibt es einen schwimmenden Tempel, der ein ziemlicher Tourimagnet ist. Interessanter fand Sam allerdings die fresswütigen Fische und wir haben die meiste Zeit wohl mit füttern und begutachten der Farben und Formen der schuppigen Kerle verbracht. (Ich find die ja schon bisschen eklig 😬) 🐟

      Auf unserer Weiterfahrt sind wir dann noch an TwinLakes vorbei und hatten eine tolle Aussicht. Hier in der Nähe gab es dann auch Lunch in einem kleinen Bambushüttchen mit herrlichem Blick über Bananenbäume und Reisterassen.
      Ich esse seit ich hier bin eigentlich täglich NasiGoreng, was meist so um die 2€ kostet. Sam tut sich noch etwas schwer, hat aber Gefallen an den Gerichten mit Ei gefunden. Heute gabs mal noch Sate Spieße zum probieren. Hauptsache kein Gemüse 😅🙈
      Wir haben auch das Essen für unseren Fahrer bezahlt und waren mit 4 verschiedenen Gerichten und Getränken am Ende für alles bei 10€.

      Am Abend sind wir an unserer neuen Unterkunft angekommen. Wir sind hier eigentlich nur unter Locals und nichts ist hier irgendwie touristisch. Ich war anfangs etwas skeptisch, weil wir eine Unterkunft gebucht haben, die zuvor noch nie gebucht wurde, was schnell mal in die Hose gehen kann.
      Nach einem herzlichen Empfang und ein paar Instruktionen waren wir dann erst mal baff. Unser Nachtlager erwies sich als traumhaft. Sam hat mich ganz fest umarmt und meinte nur „Danke Mama, dass du mir all das ermöglichst.“ 🥲 Haaach

      Morgen werden wir uns hier keinen Meter wegbewegen und unseren Pool und den indischen Ozean direkt vor unserer Tür genießen.
      Lade euch dann mal ein paar Bilder von unserem Baumhaus hoch 🙌🏽

      Good Night 🌛😴
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    • День 7

      Tag 6 mit Sightseeing

      6 апреля 2023 г., Индонезия

      Dieses Mal führte uns unser Fahrer etwas weiter in den Nordwesten - Zwischen einigen großen Bergen liegen 3 Seen.
      An einem dieser Seen steht eine der bekanntesten und schönsten Tempelanlagen von Bali - der Ulun Danu Beratan Tempel.
      Allgemein ist das Land hier übersät von Tempeln. Es gibt Privattempel - Jeder hat auf seinem Grundstück einen eigenen Tempel, die kleinste Form ist ein einfaches Bauwerk, an dem täglich die Opfergaben abgelegt werden, manche haben ganze Tempelanlagen mit mehreren Gebäuden auf ihrem Grundstück.
      Es gibt die örtlichen Tempel in jedem Ort, in denen die Einwohner ihre zahlreichen farbenfrohen Rituale vollziehen.
      Und es gibt die öffentlichen Tempel, die meist von Touristen besucht werden. Selbst davon gibt es unzählige...
      Wir haben uns für diesen entschieden, mit den sehr schönen Türmen auf dem See. Eines der beliebtesten Motive auf Bali.
      Nach einem Fotostop oberhalb der "Twin Lakes" ging es dann noch zu einem der vielen Wasserfälle der Vulkaninsel.
      Auf dem Rückweg sind wir dann noch über den Markt von Ubud geschlendert.
      Und schon wieder geht ein Tag hier zu Ende.

      Wir wünschen allen ein schönes Osterwochenende!
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    • День 13

      Munduk erkunde Tag 1

      12 июля 2024 г., Индонезия ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Hüt isch wieder en Tag voller Erlebniss gsi (für eimal sogar nur positivi!😂). Es isch am 10ni losgange mit me Guide wo mer für dä ganz Tag buecht hend. Er het eus di schönste Sache i Munduk zeigt. Ahgfange hets mit em Ulun Danu Bratan Water Tempel. Wunderschön gsi, aber dä Wind het eus ä Hüehnerhuut zauberet😅🐓
      Nachher het er eus gfrögt ob mer irgendwo härä wend, mir drüü natürlich alli nöd gwüsst was dä Taman Satan isch und eifach mit breitem grinse Ja gseit. Det ahcho gmerkt das es leider en Zoo isch. Als chlini Überraschig hets viel Tier wo frei im Zoo chönd umegah überwiegend halt eifach nur d Vögel und d Fledermüüs. Di andere Tier hend chum platz und meistens nöd mal es gfüllts Becki mit Wasser😕 Ufs Elefante riite hemmer ganz klar verzichtet und denn ischs wiiter gange richtig Reisfelder. Ä 1h wanderig dä duur isch zum glück nur grad us gange, so hemmers am liebste😁
      Nöd behaupte chömer das vom Weg abe zu dä Wasserfäll. Ah gschnufft wie öpper wo grad en Marathon grennt isch hemmer euse Guide wommer dobe wieder ahcho sind😮‍💨
      Ganz an Schluss hemmer numal ä Tee/Schoggidrink und Kaffi verkostig becho😍
      Usklinge lah hemmer dä Abig im ne schöne Resti zum chli dä Geburtstag fiireee!🥰 Es het zur feier des Tages en Mojito gäh, sehr fein isch er gsi😋 Dank em fliessige Whatsappe mit em Typ vom Resti het s Geburikind sogar än Kueche mit Kerze becho in begleitig vom ganze Personal wo gsunge het…wie süüsss!👏🏼🎂
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    • День 4

      Warum sich früh aufstehen…

      9 мая 2024 г., Индонезия ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      …auch im Urlaub lohnt, wenn man mobil und unabhängig von Reisegruppen unterwegs ist, mussten wir wieder erfahren, als wir im Anschluss an unser Kocherlebnis noch den berühmten, am See Bratan gelegenen Pura Ulun Danu Bratan besuchten, denn schon die letzten paar Kilometer näherten wir uns in einer Bus- und Autoschlange im Schritttempo dem Tempel! Kalkuliert man vorher die normale Abfahrtszeit von solchen Touren in den Haupttouristenzentren, das Aufsammeln der Teilnehmer von den diversen Hotels, die Fahrzeit bis zur Sehenswürdigkeit, den Stop für Mittagessen usw mit ein, so kommt man in etwa an die Zeit, wo auch wir dort eintrafen. Mit Müh und Not ergatterten wir einen kostenpflichtigen Parkplatz, bezahlten unseren Eintritt und waren dann angenehm überrascht, dass die bekannten Fotomotive aus einem einzigen Grund ohne Menschenmengen abgelichtet werden konnten - die beiden Pagoden stehen nämlich jeweils auf einer Insel, die die ungläubigen Besucher nicht betreten dürfen! Im Nachhinein war die sich für uns ergebende Besichtigungszeit - nach Radtour, Cooking Class - dann doch wieder ideal, denn es ging während des Kochens ein tropischer, sintflutartiger Regen mit entsprechender dunkelgrauer Bewölkung nieder, der bei unserem Eintreffen am Pura Ulun Danu Bratan nicht nur aufgehört hatte, sondern es zeigte sich schon wieder der blaue Himmel, was man auf den Fotos auch schön erkennen kann. Trotzdem: Zeiten der Hauptbesuchszeiten zuerst recherchieren schadet nie!Читать далее

    • День 122

      Pura Ulun Danu Bratan 🛕🪷

      23 ноября 2023 г., Индонезия ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      On my way to north Bali there's a big temple, definitely worth seeing it. It's based in central Bali and placed beside Lake Beratan, taking a huge area with beautiful gardens and packed with amazing artworks, not only the well known typical hinduist art. It's quite touristy but not too busy and at least I've met mostly local tourists and it was a pleasure to explore the area.
      As you can see very often, here, they added some entertainment facilities, like a small lake with funny water cars and fountains and a lot of photo frames for "the perfect picture" 😅 I really appreciate the huge playgrounds for kids, you can find often at places like these, too.
      Had a great time there and another amazing bike ride down the mountains to north Bali and finally arrived just in time for a nice sunset at Lovina, Bali's "city of the dolphins". 🙂
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    • День 14

      Ulu Danu Beratan (Wassertempel)

      28 ноября 2023 г., Индонезия ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Um 7 Uhr morgens fahre ich 60 km hinauf zum Bratansee auf 1200 Höhenmeter.
      Pura Ulun Danu Bratan oder Pura Bratan ist ein bedeutender Wassertempel auf Bali, der Shiva als Schöpfer geweiht ist. Im Inneren des Tempels gibt es aber auch Buddha-Statuen. Die Tempelanlage liegt am Bratansee. Der See ist ein Vulkansee nahe Bedugul, dessen Wasser als heilig gilt.
      Von dort geht's weiter am Danau Buyan See vorbei zum Gitgit Wasserfall in Richtung Singaraya. Hier oben leben verhältnismäßig viele Muslime.
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    • День 6

      Northern Bali

      1 марта 2020 г., Индонезия ⋅ 🌧 72 °F

      Day 6
      Emma and I woke up early to do the 7am free yoga at the hostel right next to the pool in front of a huge Buddha, so Bali. I enjoyed this yoga more than the one at Kos hostel because it was a combination of breathing and lots of movements to strengthen and stretch your body. Once yoga was over I got changed and ate breakfast at the hostel cafe. Today I made an appointment to go to the spa (Putri Bali Spa) and pamper myself for the day. I did a spa package which included pick up and drop off from my hostel, so after eating I went outside to wait for the car. I have gotten massages before but I have never done a full spa day and didn’t know what exactly to expect. It was better than I could have ever imagined and so affordable. I did a 5 hour spa package which included an hour full body massage, milk body scrub and mild body mask, a warm herbal oil drip, a floral bath, a spirulina mask facial, air brush spirulina, organic hair creambath, lunch and transportation both ways from my hostel for only $105 USD. I can’t even imagine how much all that would cost at a spa in the United States. I was escorted to the room which was mostly covered and had an area that was opened to the outside with a tub and 2 outdoor showers. I was immediately given a foot bath before the hour long massage began (the women spoke great english which I was very happy about). The massage was the strongest massage that combines assistant yogic stretches and pressure points with rich and medical oil. It started out with the women on the table with me pulling my legs and arms up in the air and right away I was wondering what I had signed up for. Thankfully she only did these yoga stretches for about 5 minutes before starting the massage with oil, best massage I have ever had. Next came the milk body scrub and mask which was cold and pretty thick on my skin. Then she did the warm oil drip which was very interesting. I laid over the top of the table, with my head hanging over and she poured warm oil all over my forehead. At first I thought it was really weird and I didn’t like it but it grew on me quickly and my face and hair felt so good. I used the outdoor shower to rinse off and my skin has never felt so soft and hydrated in my life. Then came the famous floral bath, you will see pictures of these all over instagram so it was definitely something I was interested in experiencing. I was brought into another room and when I walked in I was amazed by this floral bath, the circular tub was filled with flowers in a really cool pattern. I almost didn’t want to get in and mess it up. It took a minute to get used to because I kept getting freaked out every time a flower would graze my leg. The women came in with hot ginger tea and cantaloupe on a stick for me to enjoy. It was so relaxing and smelt incredible, I even had some snails floating around on flowers enjoying the peacefulness. I showered again and was given a robe to put on before heading back to the first room. Next was the spirulina facial, which smelt disgusting but it was so cooling. I have never gotten a facial before but will for sure get more in the future, my face felt and looked 5 years younger. The airbrush was next and it was like mist was being blown onto my face, it was incredible. I was then brought to the onsite salon where I had my hair washed and then they did the organic hair creambath which brought my hair back to life, it was so soft and looked so much healthier. While I was getting my hair done, I was given more tea and fruit and a menu to order my lunch (which was at a restaurant down the road from the spa). When I was leaving they gave me a bottle of massage oil as a gift and I was driven to the restaurant for my included lunch. I got a dragon fruit juice and a chicken dish that was a little spicy and served with rice (can’t remember the name of the dish or the name of the restaurant but it was delicious). After I finished lunch the car picked me up and brought me back to my hostel. I would fly across the world any day to experience all this again, worth every penny and it was great customer service. It was raining all afternoon so when I got back I relaxed for a little and Emma and I decided to go to the local mini mart to pick up snacks and ramen cups and spend the night eating and watching Netflix.

      Day 7
      After yoga we grabbed breakfast at the hostel cafe and then got dressed for the day. I arranged for the 3 of us (Emma, Michelle and I) to have a private driver for the day to go up to northern Bali to explore and I created an itinerary for us. The private car (with an english speaker) was $40 USD for the day which was nothing split between 3 people. We got picked up at 9am to start the day and quickly realized that our english driver barely spoke english. I showed him the list of the places that we wanted to go and we were on our way. Our first stop was Pura Ulun Danu Beratan which is a beautiful temple located on Lake Beratan, it was somewhat pricey to enter the area considering you aren’t actually able to go into the temple (it is floating right off the shore) but it was worth seeing and the landscape was breathtaking. It was pretty empty so we were able to take our time getting pictures and taking in the views. Three random guys came up to us asking to take a picture WITH us (we were all white, 2 blondes and a brunette) and we didn’t really know how to react so we just went with it. This is apparently pretty common in Southeast Asia and I think it is extremely odd and made me feel uncomfortable with strangers having photos with me. After this we decided to move on to our next stop which was Handara Iconic Gate. This is actually the entrance to a golf course but has become famous on instagram to take pictures in front of so now you must pay to be able to get a picture taken. It is beautiful but not worth the money in my opinion. We were able to get our pictures taken quickly and the guy who worked there used this black square to make it look like there was water in front of the gate and your body reflected off of it. Since everywhere in Bali is so well known on instagram, the locals seem to know all the tricks for getting that perfect insta picture. Next on the list was Wanagiri Hidden Hill, another famous instagram spot in Bali and for good reason. The backdrop of the pictures you can get can’t be beat, Google it and you will see. When we pulled up I was surprised to see that it was right off the main road, there were different giant bird nests you could get pictures in and a swing you can go on. It was really expensive just to get pictures so we walked off to the side where we could look at the view and get some without having to pay the crazy entrance fee. The lake with the mountains in the background was just picture perfect. Next on my itinerary was Banyumala Twin Waterfall which is a gorgeous waterfall in the north of Bali. As we were driving, I noticed we passed the monkey sanctuary which is in Ubud and the driver completely forgot to take us to the waterfall (which was really disappointing because this was the thing all of us were looking forward to). He didn’t want to drive all the way back up north (an hour and a half drive) to go to the waterfall so we went to the Pura Taman Saraswati, a temple in Ubud that has a pond in front of it. There were definitely more people here than any of the tourist attractions up north, so we didn’t spend too much time here. The temples in Bali are gorgeous and they are everywhere (every house in Bali also has a temple for the family), the detail and architecture is something that I have never seen anywhere else. We popped into a starbucks right next to the temple to grab a drink and then found our driver so that we could get lunch. The one thing I was hoping with a private driver was to get local recommendations and see things off the beaten path that tourists don’t know about. We asked our driver to take us to a local balinese restaurant for lunch that tourists don’t know about, and he brought us to a tourist restaurant. Although it had a lovely view of a rice field and the food was good, it wasn’t what we were hoping for. After we were done eating we got back in the car and headed to Goa Gajah also known as Elephant Cave which served as a sanctuary. It was very pretty and seeing it just makes you wonder how on earth they were able to sculpt these rocks so long ago with such detail. Behind the sanctuary was a wooded area with another small temple, a pond and a stream, it was very peaceful walking through it, although there was a lot of garbage in the water unfortunately. Since we didn’t go to the waterfall in the north we had a couple more hours of the driver so we tried to ask if he had any recommendation of places that we should go, and he was no help. We found the Tibumana Waterfall right in Ubud and decided to check it out. The waterfall was about a 3 minute walk from the road and there were locals swimming and hanging out in the water. It was a simple waterfall with a somewhat small swimming area and because it was afternoon, the water was shaded from the sun. We took some photos and planned to go swimming but the water was a little cold and with the sun covered by the trees we decided against it. We still had extra time left so we decided to go to the Campuhan Ridge Walk which is a lush green walk through the trees. We were hoping to be there for sunset but were there too early. After a very long day we were ready to head back to the hostel and jump in the pool to cool down. We showered and the 3 of us went to a local cafe called Kafe (the food was amazing) for dinner and wine before calling it an early night.
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    • День 12

      Pura Ulun Danu Bratan

      22 июня 2023 г., Индонезия ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Von heute gibt es gar nicht so viel zu berichten. Wir haben Ubud verlassen und sind mittlerweile in Lovina angekommen. Unser Fahrer war wirklich super und hat uns auch noch an einem sehenswerten Tempel vorbei gebracht.
      Jetzt gerade sitzen wir in unserem Hotel etwa 5 m vom Meer und genießen ein wenig Bintang time
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    • День 8

      Ulun Danu Beratan Temple

      20 октября 2023 г., Индонезия ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      This is THE temple in Bali you can see it on almost every photo when you search „Bali“ in Google😂
      Accordingly there were (too) many tourists, cute temple with a lot of flowers..but to crowded for my taste.Читать далее

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    Ulun Danu Temple

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