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    • Dia 7


      27 de julho de 2023, Itália ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Visite de Capri, avec tour de l'île en bateau.
      C'est vraiment beau,
      Ils pilotent comme ils conduisent à Naples, ils vont dans des anses pleines de petits bateaux, et la mer est pas mal agitée.
      Ensuite, le reste de l'île, des villas de milliardaires, des attrapes touristes et des influenceuses qui prennent la pose.
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    • Dia 6

      Capri (2)

      1 de outubro de 2023, Itália ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Das Mittagessen im Restaurant "Terrasse" wurde vom RCC spendiert. Trotz des großen Andrangs ging es sehr schnell und war echt lecker. Danach hatten wir etwas Zeit für eigene Erkundungen. Leider war es nicht genug, um mit dem Sessellift zum Monte Solaro zu fahren, was ich sehr gern gemacht hätte. Mit dem Kleinbus ging es dann wieder zurück nach Capri.Leia mais

    • Dia 24

      Day 24 - Capri!

      3 de outubro de 2017, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Wow...Capri is beautiful! We left Naples this morning for the short ferry ride to Capri. Then we hailed a cab from the ferry port and rode in the back of the open convertible up through the mountains and along the windy rode to our Airbnb in the highlands of Anacapri. We decided to stay up here in the quieter Monte Solaro area instead of down in the crazy packed Capri, filled with day trippers. Our Airbnb, which is actually a family owned bed and breakfast, is probably the highest point that we could be staying, with gorgeous views of the cliffs, the Mediterranean Sea, and the island of Ischia. We ordered delivery salad and pasta and set up on the pool deck for a late lunch. Then we walked down the steep hill (about a 5 minute walk down...but about 20 minutes back up) to the Anacapri town. We walked around for a little bit and then returned to the pool deck for the beautiful sunset. We decided not to go back down for dinner, since I am still not feeling great. We are going to have another relaxing night and hopefully I will be feeling better tomorrow to explore the island.Leia mais

    • Dia 24

      Capri Part I

      7 de maio de 2016, Itália ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      As we got on the ferry at Amalfi to an island called Capri, it felt like we were going to Rottnest, just off Perth, only our backdrop was the breathtaking Amalfi coastline. Definitely does not look like Fremantle B-shed! To say we were flabbergasted would be quite an understatement. This part of the Italy is unbeatable – the most beautiful part of our Italy trip so far, and that’s a huge call.

      The ferry transits in Positano before crossing the Mediteranean Sea to Capri. Positano looks amazing from the sea. Tomorrow we find out that it is even more incredible up close.

      Our main goal upon arriving on the glorious shores of Capri was to find a ferry to take us to see the Blue Grotto – a cave with waters that glow fluorescent blue due to the light coming in from the entrance to the cave. We somehow chanced upon an English couple who had been pounced on by a local offering a private tour of Capri on his boat. Flora’s ears perked up as she senses a bargain. She approaches the couple with an offer to share the private boat tour with us, Viv and Kez. 25 Euros per person for 6 people on a private boat versus the commercial sardines ferry with 40 people onboard for 18 Euros. It’s a no-brainer. Although, what kind of boat does he actually have?? A sense of dread washed over us. He brought it around and we rejoiced with our great win. The boat is beautiful!

      For two hours, he took us to little caves around the island and also gave us an insight to Capri. This island is a holiday mecca for the rich and famous. Mussolini had a castle perched on top of a tall cliff. Sophia Loren has a private house isolated from everyone else, on top of yet another cliff. The skipper rattled off some more names that we ooh-ed and aah-ed at but instantly forgot. He took us to a private bay with only one other small boat where Aaron promptly dived into the crystal waters. No one else was game enough to freeze to death. Aaron thinks it’s the clearest water he has ever seen.

      We had lunch by the marina. We’ve been eating out almost every lunch and dinner since arriving in Italy and it’s not working wonders for our budget. Then again, you don’t go to Italy to miss the amazing food. After lunch, we defied death and took a bus to the famed chair-lifts at Anacapri. All bus drivers in Italy must be rally drivers in their past lives. We were a mere 100mm from dropping off the face of a cliff that this narrow road perched on. Aaron lost the plot. Flora thought she’d have to knock him on the head to calm his nerves.

      We eventually arrived unscathed to the chair-lift station. Single chair-lifts take us on a 15-minute journey to the top of Capri for an incredible 360 degrees panoramic view. Aaron’s vertigo proves to be a problem yet again but he really hasn’t got anywhere else to go (haha!). Flora thoroughly enjoyed the chair-lift ride. This is what it must feel like to fly (very slowly). Life is beautiful. This is a view we won’t be forgetting anytime soon.
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    • Dia 7

      Day 6 Capri

      30 de junho de 2019, Itália ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Ferry from port of Napoli to Capri. Swim in morning. Capri bus to transit steep & narrow roads to last of family haven’t met. Amazing views on way up. Lunch there. Blue grotto was open in arvo - highlight of trip. More swimming & some daredevil rock jumping. Sit at bar overlooking magnificent vista. Heaven. Night walk around Capri. Brilliant dayLeia mais

    • Dia 2

      Wenn man Wanderschuhe trägt...

      20 de setembro de 2018, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      ...zählt es als wandern. Hab ich mir nicht ausgedacht, ist ne internationale Regel.
      Im dritten Anlauf finde ich den richtigen Weg - statt rechts den Weg hoch oder links den Weg runter versuche ich es mal mit "links den Weg hoch", wie es auch im Wanderführer stand und tatsächlich klappt das. Mir war einfach nicht klar gewesen, dass sowas als Weg zählt. Ich hab eigentlich schon keine Lust mehr als ich richtig anfange, und es wird sofort richtig steil. Ich muss richtig klettern, mich an Ästen hochziehen und zerkratze mir die Beine. Dabei sind es 28° und es ist schwül. Ich sehe aus wie ein sterbender Hobbit.
      Ganz oben stelle ich dann fest, dass ich den Adapter für mein Stativ vergessen habe. Aber hauptsache, ich hab das Stativ mit auf den Berg geschleppt.
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    • Dia 13

      Blue Grotto and More

      15 de março de 2022, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      The blue grotto is arguably the most famous point on the Isle of Capri, located off of Naples in the Tyrrhenian Sea. The only way to get there is by boat. I took a short, small boat cruise that circumnavigated the island to get there.
      Once there, it's a transfer to small rowboats as that's all that will fit into the grotto. The 1st picture shows why it got its name. Light reflecting off the white bottom is refracted, rendering the water blue. This grotto was also known as emperor Vespasian's private swimming pool as he had a villa atop the island with a tunnel directly to the grotto.
      The 2nd picture is a long distance picture of the Punta Carena lighthouse. This is the 2nd oldest lighthouse in Italy, built in the 1860s. In ancient times, a fire was lighted here for the same purpose.
      The 3rd picture is of the faraglioni rocks of Capri. I understand that these formations are known as stacks, coastal geologic formations eroded by wave action. The arch is large enough for local tour boats to pass through, which we did.
      The 4th and 5th pictures are 2 more named grottos of Capri: the green grotto and the white grotto respectively. Much like the blue grotto, light is refracted in the former causing the water to appear emerald green. The white grotto is named for the white limestone rather than refracted light. The white light plus stalactites and stalagmites, though not clearly visible here, are said to make an intriguing sight. The sea was too rough on this side of the island to get a good picture.
      The last picture looks straight up at the limestone cliffs on the south side of the island. Capri is an extraordinarily beautiful place.
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    • Dia 7

      Monte Solaro

      1 de junho de 2017, Itália ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      589 Meters above Seal Level, Monte Solaro provides outstanding 360 degree views of Capri Island. To get here, we took a bus from Marina Grande to Anacapri (1.80 euro pp), and a chair lift up to the summit (11 euro pp). So much fun, and so worth it!Leia mais

    • Dia 11


      11 de agosto de 2021, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Morgens um 7 Uhr ging es für uns zur Fähre, die uns nach Capri brachte. In Capri angekommen standen wir vor der Wahl, wie wir die Insel besichtigen wollten: zu Fuß, mit dem Roller, dem Taxi, dem Bus oder dem Hop-on- Hop-off Bus. Da die Straßen in Capri und Anacapri sehr steil, eng und viel befahren sind, entschieden wir und für den Hop-on-Hop-off Bus, da alles andere zu gefährlich gewesen wäre. Wir besuchten den Leuchtturm, fuhren mit einer Ein-Sessel-Bahn auf den Berg Solero, schlenderten durch Anacapri und Capri. Anacapri gefiel uns am besten, da es dort viele kleine verwinkelte Gaßen gab und nicht ganz so überlaufen war wie Capri. Auch die Zitrone, für die Capri bekannt ist, wurde in Form eines Slushys getrunken. Um 17:45 Uhr brachte uns die Fähre wieder zurück nach Sorrent.Leia mais

    • Dia 5

      Capri. Day 4

      9 de julho de 2018, Itália ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Утром мы погрузились на кораблик и меньше чем через час пришвартовались у берегов острова Капри. С гор к морю «спускаются» домики - вот что завоевало наше внимание. Все, что мы видели на картинках, теперь можно наслаждаться воочию... времени терять нельзя, нужно двигаться в отель. На автобус стоит большая очередь, которая садится в маааленький автобус, размером с московскую маршрутку. Мы подивились ее размерам, сетуя на правительство, которое не учитывает количество туристов и пускает такие маленькие автобусы!!! Чудом уместившись с чемоданами в эту маршруточку, мы поняли в чем дело. Представьте себе обыкновенную одностороннюю дорогу в России, с одной стороны которой запаркованы машины. А теперь вообразите, как на этой дороге разминаются 2 встречные маршрутки. Трудно? А это реалии дорог итальянского острова с узкими улицами. Мы стали свидетелями, как пытались разъехаться автобус и пожарная машина, водитель которой придерживал боковое зеркало, чтобы его не задели. О ужас!)) Я поняла, что соскучилась по пятиполосному МКАДу)))
      А вечером мы устроились на потрясающей веранде отеля с видом на море и закат. Вот ради чего стоит терпеть промозглую Российскую погоду: чтобы увидеть красоту на другом конце света...
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Anacapri, Анакапри, اناکاپری, Անակապրի, アナカプリ, 아나카프리, Anacapreae, Анакапрі, 阿纳卡普里

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