Canale di Cannaregio

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    • Day 23

      Clever husband...

      October 9, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Now the man cant remember what day it is but my very clever hubby managed to find the hotel where we had our honeymoon this morning. Purely based on a corner of St Mark's Sq and a random bridge. Not bad for over 17 yrs ago.Read more

    • Day 7

      Arrival in Venice

      September 28, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      A very smooth 4 hour train trip to Venice, and we are enchanted as arrival here always makes you feel! We took a vaporetto to Ca’ d’Oro near our hotel as Amr’s bag would be rather hard to drag far…found our little hotel tucked in a small corner. Our room is in a separate building nearby, and thankfully our man carried the big bag up the 2 flights of stairs!! Charming room, looking over a little campo and we are in heaven…

      Set off straightaway as we needed to walk after such a long sit, and wandered and got a bit lost, and found ourselves, walked to S. Marco piazza and along the riva Schiavoni, beyond where the thickest crowds are…it is milling with people in the main popular areas, and very slow moving along the narrow streets…just have to be patient and enjoy. We realise we have only been here in winter when crowds are definitely limited. But it is fun and gorgeous. We found and booked our favourite restaurant - still going strong - where we used to come frequently…asked for an 8pm booking, but could only get 8.30 (glad we thought to book!)…but we will never starve - there are so many eateries everywhere, and specially round where we are staying. It is not raining, and in fact there is high cloud with small blue patches and brightness shining through, making a magic light. Just lovely.

      Now back from a perfect dinner at A La Rivetta…Amr first went there in 1983 and we have been there every visit since and it never disappoints. We have booked again for Saturday. (Paul you will have been there with us in 1991 if you can remember!)…after a bit of a break in our room we set off at 7.30 and walked back to S Marco and through and on past the very expensive upmarket shops and found the route to La Fenice where we have a concert booked on Friday. Then walked further towards the Accademia, before turning back to the restaurant. The Piazza S Marco looked much better at night - less people, and the scaffolding on part of the basilica hardly shows at night…we took some art photos, and Amr did some art canal night photos.

      Got to the restaurant at 8.30 and it was bustling…such fun. To my delight I spotted baby cuttlefish a la griglia on the menu - I guessed it was the Venetian equivalent of my Spanish favourite - chiperones a la plancha, and it was…perfect…Amr had bacalao with polenta, and we had buttered spinach and bean and onion salad…SOO good. And even ended with an amazing panna cotta, with caramel crunchiness scattered over - MasterChef worthy! I think we are going to enjoy our time in Venice.
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    • Day 7

      7.Tag Venedig abgelaufen

      March 22 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Heute sind wir über 6km durch Venedig gelaufen.Sieht sehr schön aus.Teilweise war es an einigen Hot Spots schon sehr voll.Möchte gar nicht wissen wie es in 1- 2 Monaten aussieht 🫣 Wetter war perfekt und auch schon 20 °.Alles richtig gemacht..Read more

    • Day 2

      J2 - Basilique St Marc & La Fenice

      February 27 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

      ... sous la pluie. On fait tous les intérieurs aujourd'hui !
      Un peu en mode troupeau, la Basilique, des groupes d'Asiatiques ralentissent tout, et c'est un parcours défini. Dommage parce que le bâtiment est incroyable!
      Théâtre de la Fenice: magnifique!
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    • Day 13

      CIAO Venezia

      November 4, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      I stopped a pickpocket! A short man pressed against one of our trip members on board a crowded water bus and I spotted his hand fishing up to his pockets while his other was trying to unzip the backpack. I yelled Hey! Hey! HEY! and smacked him on the back exactly the way Megan does the dogs! Yes, I summoned my inner Megan. He looked fearfully at me and then changed his expression to poorly feigned innocence and disappeared into the crowd. It is probably what happened to Dads wallet. I spent the rest of the bus ride holding dad's backpack between me and my purse and looking around with murder in my eye. (Thanks, Megan!)Read more

    • Day 4


      June 26, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Last time I was in Venice, I was 19 years old and here with 2 couples. Can you say awkward??!! I’ve always looked forward to coming back here and to see it with Dave - who is experiencing the city for the first time - it’s truly magical. We arrived at the main train station and headed out to grab the water bus to our hotel (also known as Vaparetto). We got into the boat and stood there before realizing we weren’t actually standing on the boat, but we were in the floating bus terminal! It’s such a different mind frame when you realize everything around you is water-based.

      We wandered to our hotel, Al Theatro Palace, which was tucked away in a quiet little corner just a few minutes from Saint Mark's square. The hotel was recently renovated so rooms are nice, modern and clean. We only have a view of a brick wall, but that’s ok. We were starving by now (it was almost 2:30) so we put our stuff down in our very nice and clean room and headed out to find food.

      Dave wanted to eat at the first restaurant we saw, but my mind was set. We were going to the grand canal. And I’m so happy we did. We were able to get a table at Ristorante Omnibus overlooking the Grand Canal. It was a Grand introduction (see what I did there?) to Venice. We had our first pizzas and split a prosciutto and mushroom pizza and a pepperoni (spicy salami) pizza. Plus we each had an aperol spritz. It was perfect. We then decided to just stroll around. After all, that’s what everyone tells you to do here. We immediately both realized how exhausted we already were and ducked into Dolce Vita Patisserie for a doppio and had to try one of their sweets. We opted for the fiamme (flame) and it was delicious- a pastry filled with chantilly cream with chocolate and pistachios. We then proceeded to wander through all the the little streets. We loved just getting lost, finding little hidden streets, beautiful architecture and bridges that went no where. We even found a basilica that was built after the plague as a gift to the Saint of health to thank her for getting them through the plague.

      We probably did this for close to 3 hours but it was hot and we were tired so back to the hotel for a break and some air conditioning. Then it was time to explore a little more. We walked to Saint Marks Square where they were setting up for some big concert tomorrow. The architecture here is beautiful and we had the opportunity to see the famous pigeons. We walked around for a bit and then realized it was almost 8 and we were getting hungry. We settled on Osteria da Alex where we split a fritte mixto (mixed fried seafood), Dave had carbonara and I had spaghetti with clams. Plus a glass of house red for me and a Hugo for Dave. Food was really nice and we both enjoyed our meal, but didn’t love the mosquitos.

      Of course we couldn’t end the night without something sweet so we stopped at Suso gelato and got 3 flavors- tiramisu, cookies and salted caramel toffee. Eating gelato, being serenaded by an opera student, great end to an evening. Now back to the hotel to go to bed- fingers crossed!

      Walking Tally: 24,338 steps, 10.56 miles
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    • Day 4

      La Fenice

      October 25, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Mythique aussi le théâtre du nom de cet oiseau legendaire qui renaît de ses cendres : le Phoenix !
      Le bâtiment a brûlé plusieurs fois depuis sa construction au 18ème siecle et à toujours été reconstruit pratiquement à l'identique.
      Le décor est somptueux, notamment le plafond en trompe l'œil. Avec l'audio-guide nous avons eu droit à toute l'histoire et quantité de détails architecturaux et décoratifs.
      L'acoustique est parait-il exceptionnelle (les concerts pendant notre séjour étaient tous complets !!), et on comprend encore un peu plus la richesse de l'aristocratie vénitienne qui a fait construire ce théâtre avec 2 entrées : une par la terre et une par le canal construit exprès afin de permettre une arrivée spectaculaire en gondole et sans doute masquée !!
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    • Day 3

      Frari Church and Scuola di San Rocco

      November 3, 2014 in Italy ⋅ 🌫 59 °F

      The Frari Church of the Franciscans and the nearby Scuola di San Rocco contain the finest collections of renaissance Venetian art in the world. Our British guide Susan has lived in Venice and studied art here for twenty-nine years. Though we were not allowed to take photos inside either building, I was able to snap one shot of Tintoretto's masterpiece, Virgin and Child with the Saints just as I entered the narthex. The church itself frames the work, which is itself the altarpiece. A carving of the work tops the tomb of Tintoretto, which is also in this church. We had dinner with Beth and Pete, from Portland, Oregon. Beth grew up near Glenda in Mount Holly, NC, though they did not meet until this trip.Read more

    • Day 11

      A day on Venezia

      June 11, 2018 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      First thing this morning we had a tour by a local guide Elizabetta. She took us though the streets of Venice, to a really fun demonstration of Mask making and a history of the festival tradition, and later through St. Mark's Basillica. After that we spent the rest of the day wandering the streets of Venice. Pizza for lunch. We spent more than an hour trying to find a store I was interested in. We got lost, which was both stressful and interesting. When we gave up, we started finding out way back to rest and cool off at our hotel. That was when we found the store (H&M). I bought a top and pants. Left the and went around the corner and found our hotel (less than a block from our By the end of the evening we had gone about 17,000 steps.Read more

    • Day 18


      July 22, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      We arrived at CoVino after traversing many narrow and varied alleyways. It is a very small restaurant with only 16 seats.

      We started with glasses of organic prosecco while we perused the menu. It was a three course menu, so we each got to choose our courses. I began with sole and peaches to which they added chocolate shavings. Again, it sounds crazy, but it was perfect! Evan started with a pasta with ragu, which was really neat because it had a hint of curry. And Brad had an octopus and lentil salad. Brad and I had the wine pairings as well, while Evan enjoyed his bottled lemonade.

      The next course was considered a main course. Brad had a squid ink spaghetti with roe; Evan had eel (yes, eel! By choice!) with plums and a sesame and peanut sauce; and I had sea bream with roast vegetables and a fennel salad. Of course we all sampled one another's dishes, as usual, and everyone had made lovely choices!

      The last course was dessert. Evan chose a very decadent chocolate cake; Brad had the cheese course; and I had a buffalo ricotta with nuts and fruit. Everything from the food to the service to the wine pairings was absolutely top notch! It was a truly decadent meal to kick off our time in Venezia!

      Feeling quite satisfied, we headed off to catch the vaperetto. It was dark and all you could see where the lights of the hotels and restaurants along the canal. It was so incredibly beautiful that I almost couldn't believe I was seeing it! Venice is such an incredible city that I am almost kicking myself that it took me so long to see it. However, I am seeing it now and will certainly make the most of it!
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