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    • Day 9

      H-Day 7 - on the way to Agrigento

      March 30, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Not that spectacular as before, but still nice. Also road walking. The dog got slower at 10am. Since then we make more breaks than walking.
      There is less shadow too. And right now busy roads.
      But next to the trail lots of flowers are blooming and I the colors a lot.
      We've met many big white stay dogs. Always 2 or more at a time. But we could handle it well. 2 dogs also followed us for about 3km.

      Today w so in a forest just before Agrigento.
      I feel my right ankle. No idea why. And today I am not in the mood to have stress thru town and searching a good sleeping spot in the darkness behind the city (looks not ready on the map).

      The forest here has good spots to sleep and was quiet. Only 2 hikers passed. Unfortunately 5 min ago, a music from down the hill started. Like pub music. So I have a good night sound running...

      40.000 steps - 29.5km
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    • Day 6

      Una giornata al mare & Arte nella cittá

      November 15, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Wir waren am Meer.
      Das Wasser war kalt, aber noch machbar😂
      Der Wind hat den Sand überall hingetragen, aber es war sehr entspannt.

      Favara hingegen ist gar nicht schön. Gibt nix zu tun und es gab allein ein Viertel mit etwas Kunst.
      Lohnt sich nicht.
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    • Day 14

      Fahrradtour nach Agrigento, Tag 14

      May 6 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Ganz schön Höhenmeter gemacht.(310 m). Auf sizilianischen Straßen die sehr schlecht sind, war das abenteuerlich.
      Via Atena
      Cattedrale di San Gerlando
      Monster di Santo Spirito, Zisterzienserinnenkonvent, leider keine Süßwaren bekommen.Read more

    • Day 6

      Ragusa and drive to Agrigento

      April 29, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      We had another frankly wonderful breakfast and since it was our last at hotel del sole we went the whole hog and had actual cake. The kind of cake we’d normally have at 4pm with a cup of tea. But for breakfast. It was a chocolate chip and ricotta cake, I’m sure it had some sort of almond element as well. Whole piece of ricotta baked into the top. It was amazing.

      We checked out and set off to Ragusa- around an hour away, driving through wild flower fields with a mix of deserted buildings small, modern-feel towns and finally climbed into the hills through a series of hairpin bends - which we took steadily and slowly.

      Ragusa is two towns perched on top of hillside. Stunning from the outset. Even the car park was gorgeous nestled at the foot of ragusa superiore (the relatively newer part) studded with orange trees and scented with orange blossom. Having deposited the car, we climbed many, many steps up to the aptly named church of the steps from where we were rewarded with impressive views from one ragusa (superiore) across the small valley to the other (ragusa ibla). We ventured up the bell tower of the church of the steps and saw a magnificent view of ragusa ibla. Next we walked somewhat haphazardly towards the central square and Duomo San Georgio. This was another splendid work of baroque architecture with hints of a bling wedding cake. We walked past a huge Sicilian wedding party and just as the sun was really starting to heat up the whole square, we decided to sit and eat a most delicious lunch which was served by a slightly plump sixty year old man who made it clear he totally approved of our food choices: two types of arancini - one local to the area - and a superb pasta dish with speck, pecorino, artichoke and some cream. As we watched the Montalbano fan club walk by pausing at various fundamental landmarks we remarked that all countries seem to have a need for heart warming family dramas - usually of the murder mystery ilk. We continued to amble our way through the pretty but hot streets we felt the need for a gelato so we returned to t w central square for a couple of sensational ice creams which put us in good stead for a two and a half hour drive to our next stop: Agrigento.

      The drive wound it’s way first through hum drum towns then into mountainsides so high above the plains that the towns below looked with tiny specks. my palms sweated and my mind raced with vertigo induced imaginings of our car taking on a mind of its own and careering off the road into the sheer drop beneath us. Once we reached the coast the landscape alternated between rural idyll, polytunnel covered agriculture and heavy industry then back to rural
      Idyll. As we finally turned off the main road and would our way up to the hillside where tonight’s agriturismo was located we were firmly back in rural territory. After some confusing over how to exactly get through the gate (there are 2, one worked the other didn’t) we were welcomed to fattoria Mose, a fully working farm by a very friendly lady whose name we can’t remember. We sat chatting and enjoyed a glass of wine with her before being shown to our rooms.

      Dinner was served in the Manor House. Cooked by Ciara, our gently welcoming host. This is her house/farm having been in the family since being built in the 1800s. We sat around a long table with the other guests, chatting and eating. Semolina gnocchi baked with cheeses and tomatoes, pistachio pesto, dressed salad, ground chicken and reshaped into little rolls so it looked like bread until you tasted it, a sweet pastry tart with savoury ricotta and speck filling. Pudding was orange jelly with whipped cream and tiny biscuits. Most of what we ate had been grown on the farm. It was a lovely and very unique evening.
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    • Day 6

      Mittagessen in Agorá

      November 13, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Der Arancino ist ein paniertes, gebratenes Reisbällchen, mit Erbsen, Tomaten oder der typischen Fleischsauce. Es ist ein altes "Fingerfood" arabischen Ursprungs, das in ganz Italien geliebt und vom Rest der Welt beneidet wird.

      Caponata/ Parmigiana di Melanzane: Die Ursprünge liegen in Sizilien, wo dieses Auberginen- Gericht mit viel Käse, Salami, hart gekochtem Ei und Provolone (Käse) zubereitet wird. Auberginen sind die Basis.

      Cannolo con Ricotta: Die Cannoli sind knusprige Desserts, gebraten und gefüllt mit Schafsrikotta, Schokoladenstückchen und kandierten Früchten.
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    • Day 54


      May 9, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      „Favara ist laut, grau, hässlich. 30.000 Einwohner, viele davon ohne Arbeit, viele wollen weg. Vor sechs Jahren war die Stadt nur bekannt für Mafia und Arbeitslosigkeit; kein Tourist hat sich hier her verirrt, bis ein Ehepaar das historische Stadtzentrum mit der Farm Cultural Park zum Hotspot der Avantgarde etabliert hat.“

      Wobei den Farm Cultural Park zu finden gar nicht so einfach ist.

      Die Stadt ist sehr eng und Hügelig. Und es hat fast überall Einbahnstraßen, so haben wir uns erstmal total verfahren.

      An einer „Hauptstraße“ dann geparkt und los gestiefelt.
      An einem Fenster unterhielten sich zwei Frauen, die haben wir dann gefragt. Die eine kam extra raus um uns den Weg zu zeigen und fragt dann, ob wir einen Kaffee wollten.

      Na klar, und schon ging es ins Haus an einen großen Tisch wo normalerweise die Familie sitzt.
      Mit Goggel Translationen haben wir dann erfahren, das die beiden in Sizilien geboren sind, die eine ist 74 und die andere 68 Jahr alt sind und beide haben zusammen 10 Enkelkinder. Sie waren schon in Saarbrücken, aber Italien ist das schönste Land der Welt. Es wurde viel Gelacht und der Redeschwall auf Italienisch hörte gar nicht auf. Ach ja, der Espresso war sehr lecker.

      Dann sind wir weiter und nach einigen verwickelten Gassen haben wir das Viertel auch gefunden. Heute Montag ist hier alles zu und die verfallen Häuser machen schon einen trostlosen Eindruck. Dafür wirkt die Kunst um so intensiver.

      Zurück am Auto,wird das Wetter wieder schlechter, und so fahren wir teilweise im Starkregen und Gewitter nach Villa Romana del Casale. Bei dem Regen trauen sich viele Italiener nicht zu fahren und bleiben einfach am Seitenstreifen stehen.

      Auch am Ziel will der Regen nicht aufhören und wir verschieben die Besichtigung auf morgen.
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    • Day 40

      Agrigento Sicily

      June 20, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      My alarm was set for 02.45 and I was at the ferry for 03.30 queuing up with quite a few other bikes. When we arrived at Pozzallo it was 07.10 and a comfortable 24c. When I was waiting to get on the ferry in Malta I had set the destination of my hotel in Agrigento into the sat nav which turned out to be a mistake because for some weird reason the sat nav thought I would be getting off the ferry at Catania (a long way north) so it decided to go via Catania to Agrigento. It took me about 15 minutes to realise I was going in completely the wrong direction so I entered the same address again and this time it behaved and turned me around but took me to a farm about 2 km from the hotel! So I put my phone in its mount on the handlebar and Google maps took me to the correct place. Luckily I wasn't in a hurry as my hotel said don't arrive before mid day.
      As it was getting hot I rode with my jacket open and as I rode through the city of Gela I got stung by something. I couldn't stop because of the traffic and never did find out what it was.
      The very posh, but cheap, hotel let me check in early and I quickly realised it was an 8 minute walk to a McDonald's so I had lunch, then a siesta in my room. Then I dressed like the locals do in shorts and tee shirt and rode the bike the 2 kilometers to see the Greek temples from 5th century BC. As the photos show they are amazing....Tomorrow I head for Marsala in the wine district.
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    • Day 2

      Bucht von Ulysses

      October 9, 2020 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      "Baia di Ulisse" heißt mein Hotel, das für die nächste Woche mein Zuhause an der Südküste Siziliens sein soll. Und die Wahl der Bucht von Ulysses war ein wahrer Glücksgriff! Super gelegen, extrem sauber, sehr freundliches Personal und mit eigenem, wunderschönen Strandabschnitt. 🌅
      ...und das alles dank Last-Minute-Buchung kaum teurer als ein "Plastik-Hotel" á la Ibis Budget oder Etap.

      Einfach Glück gehabt! 👍🏻
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    • Day 8

      Favara - Cultural Farm Park.

      January 7, 2018 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Also das nennen wir mal ein so richtig geniales Projekt!!! Sizilien mal ganz anders & modern.

      Ein Pariser Ehepaar kauft in einem dem Verfall drohenden Örtchen ein paar heruntergekommene Nachbarshäuser und peppelt sie auf, indem zeitgenössische Künstler und Designer ihre Arbeiten nicht nur ausstellen können, sondern auch einige der Wohnungen vorübergehend bewohnen oder als „Ort, an dem sie die Muse küsst“ nutzen können. Es gibt außerdem ein kleines Café für jedermann, ab und an Livebands oder Performancekünstler und eine Architektenschule für Kinder. Als Ortsansässiger kann man auch die Räumlichkeiten für eigene Veranstaltungen mieten - eine Dachterasse, eine Wohnraumfamilienküche mit Sessel-Couch-Lounge oder einen Outdoorbreich mit Bar und winzigem Swimmingpool.
      Aber jetzt genug der Werbung, schließlich kommen angeblich auch so schon über 25.000 Menschen im Jahr nach Favara. Uns wundert es auf jeden Fall nicht 😉
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    • Day 8

      San Leone, Sicily, Italy

      October 9, 2021 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      today is a “stand day”, which means that today all the things that need time can be done. washing, greasing the bus, repairing the bus, lying in the sun, cutting hair, mending clothes - whatever comes to mind. so we're standing with the truck on the campsite on the beach and having a good time. agrigento is around the corner and i could certainly see a lot of interesting things there - also a lot of temples and such - but here i prefer to lie in the hammock for a day (this time I haven't forgotten it!), swim in the sea and paint my postcards, that i still want to send. how great life is !!!Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Favara, فافارا, Фавара, فاوارا، سیسیل, Ֆավարա, ファヴァーラ, ფავარა, Favaria, 法瓦拉

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