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    • Day 10


      October 27, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Gestern Morgen haben wir völlig vergeblich die Burg auf der Suche nach Anzeichen für einen schönen Sonnenaufgang umrundet, aber nur dicke dunkle Regenwolken gesichtet, die - als wir zurück am Womo waren - sich all ihrer Tropfen entledigten ... uns sollte das nicht stören, hieß doch der Plan " Auf in die Toskana " ...
      Ich hab mich dazu in meine Autobox gekuschelt und mich gut 3 Stunden wieder unzählige Kurven rauf und runter chauffieren lassen, schließlich mussten wir die Apenninen überqueren, um zu unserem Tagesziel der mittelalterlichen Hügelstadt Montepulciano zu gelangen ...
      In schon gewohnter Manier - ich schnüffelnd /neugierig und meine Beiden fotografierend/ staunend schlenderten wir bis zum Abend durch die verwinkelten, alten Gassen.
      Zwischenrein gab es für meine Zweifüßler zuerst einen Muntermacher und später - das darf in dieser Stadt, die für ihre Weine in Kennerkreisen weltbekannt ist, einen Schoppen des edlen roten Rebensaftes.
      Für mich dagegen ging es zu aufregenden Geräten ...ich war ganz außer mir, was die mit meiner Mum machten, hin und her wurde sie geschaukelt und gewippt ...mir war das anfangs überhaupt nicht geheuer ...
      Ich hab mich von diesen ganzen Abenteuern dann unter dem Tisch in einer kleinen familiengeführten Pizzeria, abseits der Touristenroute erholt, während meine Zweifüßler ordentlich geschlemmt und dem Hauswein zugesprochen 😉 haben.
      Gut das sie mich mit dabei hatten ... ich hab sie sicher zum Womo geleitet ...
      HEUT Morgen hat es mit einem schönen Sonnenaufgang wieder geklappt und ich konnte mir die ersten Strahlen auf mein Fell scheinen lassen ...
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    • Day 14

      Chiesa di Sant'Agostino, Montepulciano

      September 17, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      With lunch over we planned to wander a bit more but the rain started and it was freezing. Thankfully the Chiesa Di Sant’Agostino was open so we could duck inside to stay dry and warm up, and of course, have a look around - you know we can’t resist a church. Sant’Agostino is the oldest remaining church in Montepulciano and building began in 1285. With its weathered stone facade I was quite surprised by its interior. It is a very simple church and with the simplicity is a touch of elegance, until you start looking at some of the art and statues. There are some weird art and statue choices, and a nativity scene that takes up a stage in a side room that just seems out of place. The fairy lights and pile of cords and plugs really don’t add to the overall look. It is unusual to say the least.

      On the high altar is a wooden crucifix attributed to Donatello and even that looked too modern against the elegant backdrop. With the Duomo of Montepulciano being closed for renovations, at least we got to see one church here in Montepulciano.
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    • Day 10

      Sunrise at Montepulciano

      September 13, 2022 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      For some reason we were both up early so we decided to venture out and watch the sunrise over the hills of Tuscany. Walking the empty streets filled with history as the sun rises on a new day is a very special feeling.

      Even before the sun rose the sky was awash with soft pastel hues changing to a vibrant sky of oranges and blues. Mother Nature at her finest and an amazing way to start the day.
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    • Day 15

      Montepulciano, Richtung Norden

      September 21, 2021 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Jetzt bin ich wieder in Richtung Heimat unterwegs. War heute noch in Montepulciano und jetzt bleib ich in Castellina in Chianti, wo die bekannte Weinregion ist. Morgen gibts dann noch Fotos von dieser Umgebung hier.Read more

    • Day 5

      Ankunft Pozzuolo

      March 27 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Am Abend erreichten wir müde und hungrig unseren nächsten Halt, das Hotel Poggioleone in Pozzuolo. Es liegt bereits in der Region Umbrien.
      Schnell das Gepäck im Zimmer abgestellt und schon assen wir leckere Pasta und tranken hauseigenen Wein im fast menschenleeren Hotelrestaurant. Wir waren uns während dem gesamten Essen sicher, dass die anderen Gäste bloss Statisten oder eigentliche Familienmitglieder waren. Sie waren bestimmt bloss da, um uns nicht das Gefühl zu geben, dass wir alleine waren.
      Wir genossen das Essen trotzdem sehr.
      Vor dem Schlafen durfte ein Joker in der schönen Lounge nicht fehlen.
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    • Day 20

      fill in title here

      August 11, 2022 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      after a good night’s sleep I‘ve rolled down the hill I climbed up the day before which actually is something very rewarding.
      The route I planned was rather flat and a dbv of Arrezzo, which hosts a beautiful castle-style city centre where I also ate some gnocchi and ossobucco.
      Then I contacted a guy via Warmshowers, an app a friend recommended to me which is a cyclist-to-cyclist hosting platform. Even though it‘s been very short notice, he offered me a bed and dinner for the upcoming night at Firenze. I was happy and rolled to town where I spent the afternoon rolling my bike through the city to visit, sightsee and try local dishes before arriving at Leonardo‘s appartment.
      At first I‘ve felt a bit unsure because that guy looked like just having crawled out if a cave.. Upstairs I met the other 4 guys he hosted, 2 couples of total cultural mixing. one afghan-born who met his girl in Montreal and now riding to Venice starting in Nice, a peruvian who met his St. Petersburg-girl on the internet wanting to gain italian citizenship because he’s got ancestors (italy is the only country that approves that way for gaining citizenship) and is now just hanging around while she is working remotely. While having dinner and getting to know each other it turned out Leonardo also hosted a third couple from Spain and he also speaks spanish and quite good but extremely bad pronunciated english.
      Falling to bed because I really needed more rest after the long ride the day before..
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    • Day 76

      Montepulciano Day 3 Montefollonico

      November 25, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 5 °C

      We had planned to take the bus to Montefollonico and hike the 7.5 km back to Montepulciano. When we got to the tabacco shop to buy it tickets, their machine was broken. So, plan B
      was a 14km loop walk just outside the town of Montepulciano after breakfast.
      At breakfast, we met a couple of physical therapists from Montana, who we first met at the Osteria Aquacheta on our first night here. We were chatting and discussed the public transport difficulties and our need to change hiking plans this morning. They were leaving after breakfast back to Vincenza, where he works on an American army base.
      To our surprise, they returned after 10mins and said that they had extended their trip by another day and if we liked, they would drop us off at Montefollonico so we could do the hike without catching the bus.

      Montefollonico is a tiny mediaeval town with 3 gates, 3 streets, 3 churches and a total population of 700. It took us a total of 15 minutes to totally explore the town. The hike back to Montepulciano was picturesque, colourful and serene.

      On the way back we stopped at Church of San Biagio. I'll let the pictures show the beauty of the church and it's surroundings.

      Today was a maximum of 7⁰C with a constant chilly wind blowing for the entire day. So we abandoned all plans to go to the Christmas markets and are now hibernating in the apartment, thawing out.

      Distance walked 17.7km
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    • Day 3

      Tag 3 - Montepulciano Toskana

      May 19, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Wie wunderschön bist du Toscana?!
      Surreal! Städtchen wunderschön, Ausblick wunderschön, Café und Heiße Schokolade (oder eher Trinkpuddig) WOW, Hotel entspannt, Essen unfassbar lecker, Restaurant auch wunderschön! Was ein Glück im Pech, dass wir hierher gefahren sind, anstatt in Rimini zu sein.
      Auch Tia gefällt das viele Grün, bloß die Kakteen am Straßenrand sind etwas gruselig. Am liebsten würden wir hier Wochen verbringen und die Aussicht für immer genießen! Viel zu kurz, Toscana 💕
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    • Day 9


      September 8, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Unser erster Halt für heute ist Montepulciano.
      Montepulciano ist eine mittelalterliche Hügelstadt mit ca. 13.000 Einwohnern in der italienischen Toskana. Die Stadt ist von Weinbergen umgeben und für den Rotwein Vino Nobile bekannt. Der Torre di Pulcinella ist ein Uhrturm mit der Pulcinella, einer Figur aus der Commedia dell'Arte. An der Piazza Grande stehen der Palazzo Comunale aus dem 14. Jahrhundert mit einem Turm, der Ausblicke über die umliegende Landschaft bietet.Read more

    • Day 78

      Montepulciano Day 5

      November 27, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      We did a hike outside the walls of Montepulciano to Church of Maria Querce. When we got about 3km into the hike, there was a turn off to Sant Albino town which Ruby decided would be a more interesting walk and when she showed me that the town had a patischeria, I was convinced to make a detour. It was a much prettier walk, but also more difficult. We left the gravel path to walk in wet, muddy and hilly paddocks, even having to cross a stream.
      We stopped when a farmer conveniently placed a trailer in the paddock for us to sit and have second breakfast. As we were eating the grey clouds loomed in the direction of our hike, and darkened. The clouds and forecast of rain eventually chased us back to Montepulciano. We abandoned the idea of walking to Sant Albino and headed back.
      When we arrived at our apartment, I realised with horror that I had locked the keys in the apartment. Best solution for any problem is to sit and mull the problem over lunch. The host kindly brought the keys to our lunch venue which was 80m from the apartment.
      Distance walked 9.6km
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