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    • Dag 64

      When in Rome

      14. november 2022, Italien ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      I'm in Rome spending the week with the beautiful Maddalena Lazzaro. She is showing me all her favourite Roman places and cuisine. Just love the chance to spend time seeing a place with a local. Last time I was in Rome was almost 30 years ago and Darryn and I got some inside help then too.Læs mere

    • Dag 4

      Jugendstil, ein Garten und moderne Kunst

      2. november 2023, Italien ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Überraschend scheint heute früh nach nächtlichem Regen ein wenig die Sonne wobei es doch wechselhaft, wenn auch warm bleibt.

      Das märchenhafte Viertel, welches in beinahe keinem Touristenführer Erwähnung findet, wurde zwischen 1915 und 1926 gebaut.
      So entstanden im Laufe der Jahre 18 Plätze und 27 Villen. Als stilistischer Mittelpunkt dient die Piazza Mincio, in deren Mitte der Fontana delle Rane (der Fröschebrunnen) thront. Viele Filme, vor allem der Horror-Klassiker „Inferno“ von Dario Argento, wurden hier gedreht.

      Villa Borghese - oder ein Garten der ein Park ist…… 🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳 ⛲️ 🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳

      GNAM - Galleria Nationale d‘Arte Moderna
      Von meinem „All Time Favorit“ Giacometti, über italienische Künstler bis zu einer (sehr) großen Schau von Werken Picassos.
      Welch eine Wohltat nach so vielen alten Steinen 😉 Scusi!
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    • Dag 16


      31. december 2023, Italien ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Arrived in Rome and made our way to the apartment. Mike and I went out to get some groceries. Pine nut trees are very common.
      After dinner we went out for a walk and one street was lined with Orange trees. We went to the Spanish steps where a big tree was sponsored by Christian Dior.

      We got a yummy gelato and Mike asked up to go onto the steps for a photo. We were promptly told off by a police officer for eating on the steps. #food police.
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    • Dag 17

      Rome day 2

      1. januar, Italien ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      We headed out for a walk. Mike took us on a short cut to the Trevi fountain. If you know, you know. This passed by the Borghese gardens and Villa Borghese. There were lovely views out across Rome.

      During our walk we wandered around past the Spanish steps during daylight.

      We also took in views on the outside of the Pantheon.

      We stumbled on some great ruins Sacra Di Largo Argentina where Caesar was murdered. It was free to enter today. Definitely my highlight of the day.

      We left and viewed and walked up the enormous and impressive monument Altare della Patria.

      We then left walking directly towards the Colosseum and hopping on the metro snd coming back to the apartment for some down time.

      Today’s outing was a true sensory experience. In the morning over near Villa Borghese we could her church bells and beautiful singing coming from the distance. As we walked towards the Colluseum there was a violinist playing and not far down the road a reggae style drummer.

      Unfortunately my camera battery went flat quite early and I couldn’t take photos after the Pantheon.
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    • Dag 18

      Rome day 3

      2. januar, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Started the day with a visit inside the Pantheon. Walk to Piazza Navona just to look at it. Where I photographed two random dogs. Dogs in particular are everywhere in Europe, they wear clothes, have special carriers. Very popular is the small dog, seen a lot of Daschunds. In Germany though we saw a see through carrier transporting a cat and also a man walking his cat on a lead.

      Across the Tiber looking at the Castel St Angelo. A coffee and pastry and wandered onto Basicilica Square at the Vatican. It was very busy with long queues and all the regular tickets to get into St.Peters Basilica have sold out. Photos of the Vatican nativity and Nuns. The rest of the family enjoyed a gelato.

      We made our way back to the apartment.
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    • Dag 2

      Exploring Roma

      16. april 2023, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Sunday stroll through the gardens borghese. Sun is out and we visit the villa and then the zoo gardens where we meet Skippy! Lunch at Harry’s bar for more pasta - sea bass and squid and some vino. Such a beautiful restaurant right by the walls of the gardens. To the Spanish steps and the church at the top. Cocktails and gelato at Babbington tea rooms watching the crowds. It’s not even high season yet! Imagine the people!! Over 20000 steps and back to the hotel via a few churches. Tonight we are booked into the rooftop restaurant at the hotel. Resting with a Rose in the hotel bar. A beautiful Roma day.Læs mere

    • Dag 6

      Shopping in Rome

      5. marts 2017, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      A tegnapi fiús nap után beiktattunk egy jó kis vásárlos delelottot. Szerencsére Sanyi is eléggé élvezte, meg segített is a mit vegyek és mit ne vegyek kérdésben, és persze azért neki is néztünk dolgokat, így nem volt neki se annyira unalmas. A via de corso-n vásároltunk, mert a Popolot metróval könnyen elértük így nem kellett sokat keveregni hozza és rengeteg bolt van az utcában. A vásárlást és jó kis pizza ebéddel zártuk és hazavittuk a zsakmanyokat.Læs mere

    • Dag 6

      Game On

      5. marts 2017, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Sanyi már kinézte h pont most van Rómában a Game On nevű játék kiállítás amire persze el kellett mennünk. De szuper volt, mert Sanyi személyében magyar nyelvű guide-om volt. Egy két régi játékkal is játszottunk, meg kipróbáltuk az új 3D-s szemuveggel valo jatekot. A PS VR az tok jo volt, de a masiktol en kicsit rosszul lettem, mert eleg gyors játék volt és nagyon zárt a szemüveg. Nem gondoltam volna hogy ilyen jó élmény lesz, de örülök h eljöttünk. Plusz a vegen Sanyi kapott meg egy PS-es bogret is ereklyekent.Læs mere

    • Dag 6

      Tajramiszu vagy Tiramisu?

      5. marts 2017, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      A Game On nem a belvárosi részen volt és vissza akartunk indulni a Trastevere-re hogy vacsizzunk egyet, amikor szembejött az utcán egy nagyon jó kis étterem. Csekkoltuk TripAdvisoron és Roma 12ezer étterme közül a négyszáz valahanyadik volt. Megneztuk, nagy nehezen meg asztalt is tudtak adni, szerintem ez csak annak volt köszönhető h fel8 volt, de így is kint kaptunk helyet. Mondjuk begyujtottak a melegitot és pikk pakk jó meleg lett. Az étterem neve Kilo, és marha ételekről híres a hely. Nagyon szép steak-ek és burgerek voltak. Mivel a húsok eleg nagyon voltak, így burgert választottunk, mert abban volt számunkra normál méretű hús, ami így is 20dkg volt 😊 de egyébként nagyon finom volt a kaji, amit lekisertunk egy üveg jófajta vorosborral és a végén Sanyi kert meg egy kis tiramisu-t is. És minő véletlen, pont a 73-as asztalt kaptuk 😉 szuper jó kis vacsi volt ha valaki pont arra jár és marhára faj a foga 😂Læs mere

    • Dag 7

      Basquiat and Man It's Hot!

      11. juli 2017, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      It was a late start today as we were all tired from last night's concert. When we finally got moving, we realized how crazy hot it was outside as there was no breeze today! With sweat running down our backs, we walked over to Roscoli again to have some baked goods. We had the ricotta filled hand pie again, but we also tried a Neopolitania. I have no real idea what it was, but it was kind of chocolatey and kind of nutty.

      After our snacks, we walked over to a gallery that was showing a Basquiat exhibition. We had seen posters for this show and after Googling it, found out it was still on! The exhibit was really interesting (and the free audio tour was helpful) and well put together. I've only seen a few Basquiat pieces previously, so it was nice to see an entire show of his work.

      We finished our tour of the gallery and then decided to walk to the Villa Borghese. It was only a 30 minute walk and we have walked longer, so we felt confident. What we failed to understand was that almost all of it was uphill! Rome is actually quite hilly, and is often described as a lasagna because of the layers of settlements and civilizations that just built on top of the old ones. Anyway, our legs are in awesome shape by this point in our travels!

      We arrived at the Borghese Park, which is absolutely huge (3 square miles). We walked through part of it on our way to the Borghese Gallery, which, to our surprise, was sold out for the day. This was a bit disappointing, but there was nothing to be done so we hopped on the bus (and then tram) and headed home where Brad and I enjoyed cold beer and Evan snacked on a chocolate bar in our AC.

      We couldn't relax too long because Evan and I had a dinner reservation! Brad went to the Ryan Adams concert at the same amphitheater we were at last night. Evan and I didn't want to go, so we made a dinner reservation at Tavernaccia da Bruno (the place we couldn't get into on Sunday)! We dressed up and Evan used his Google Map to walk us there.

      We were seated at a lovely table for two once we arrived. The hostess was very kind and explained the menu. Evan decided that his primi course would be paparadelle with wild boar ragu, while I had cod ravioli with tomatoes and olives. Both were outstanding! We shared a secondi (you don't have to have primi and secondi, but it was a date so we indulged) of oven roasted suckling pig with roasted potatoes. The skin on the pig was so crispy and salty and porky - heavenly! Evan said it was his favourite thing he's eaten here! I also had a glass of wine and Evan had a glass of Fanta, so we were able to cheers to our date.

      Our dinner ended around 9, and then Evan guided us back to our neighbourhood. We made a detour so that we could get gelato at Fatamorgana. Evan chose straticalla again along with cherry cheesecake. I had avocado and lime, and a tea smoked chocolate. I know they sound crazy, but both flavours were delicious! After our gelato, we headed home. He's not a cheap date, but he's certainly a cute one!
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