Provincia di Pavia

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Le 10 migliori mete di viaggio Provincia di Pavia
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Viaggiatori in questo posto
    • Giorno 2

      Das Tagesziel ist erreicht;)

      8 settembre 2019, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Heute sind wir viel gefahren. Zuerst Richtung St. Moritz, aber wir mussten aufgrund von Schneefall und rutschiger Straßen umdrehen und wieder zurück Richtung Italien Richtung Merano. Von da dann weiter Richtung Bozen, Bergamo und dann weiter nach Alessandria zur ersten Rallye Party. Über die Hälfte des Tages hat es nur geregnet, nun ist es zum Glück trocken und das Wetter spielt endlich mit👌🏼😄Leggi altro

    • Giorno 2

      Noch 45min bis zur ersten Rallye Party!

      8 settembre 2019, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Nachdem wir heute morgen im Regen los sind, und aufgrund von Schneefall nicht über die Berge konnten, sind wir dann im Dauer regen Richtung Bozen, Bergamo und Mailand auf den Weg nach Alessandria. im Moment ist es trocken und sonnig, aber der Horizont sieht recht du Kerl aus.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 59

      Santa Cristina e Bissone 18 miles

      9 settembre 2023, Italia ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      One of those days when the hostess puts out some bits and pieces the night before in your room for your breakfast and you help yourself before you leave. Sometimes it is good, sometimes not so much. Today was a little light but boosted by a half melon which I have been carrying around for the last day and a half. Really needed to eat or ditch as it weighed 700gms.

      Left by 8am and Pavia was still very quiet for my walk out.

      Some of you may have noticed my “fondness” for dogs. I come across many of them on the walk and I have noticed a difference between country dogs and town dogs. Town dogs are just about ok. It isn’t really the dog so much as their owners. They keep the hounds in the garden roaming free to terrorise passers-by but crucially from behind a solid fence. So apart from irritating loud barking I am safe. But out in the country they are often allowed to roam free. Just waiting for the next pilgrim. Highlight of their day I suspect. While I don’t mind being a highlight I would rather I wasn’t a mutt's highlight.

      Although today was longer than yesterday it ended up being a bit easier. Occasional shade, less traffic, several rest stops and a slight wind all helped.
      Churches are proving wonderful rest stops. Unlike bars, cafes and restaurants they are invariably open. Limited menus admittedly.

      I have noticed while looking back at previous photos that each church looks very like every previous one. Some are bigger than others certainly but there is a definite theme going on. I might just sneak a photo of a previous one in some time just to see if anyone spots it. You have been warned.

      Wondered this morning whether it was ok to use them as somewhere to sit while I put my sun tan lotion on. No one else there to ask.

      In a hostel tonight so I think it will be hot. No air-conditioning or even a fan. The guy running it thoughtfully put us three pilgrims in different rooms but I came back from dinner to find that 3 more had arrived and had all joined me. Fab. Just what I need.

      Italians, so almost certainly they are just doing a wee section of the route.
      No choice for dinner. Just one pizzeria in town. It was fine but already getting a little repetitious.
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    • Giorno 58

      Pavia 15 miles

      8 settembre 2023, Italia ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Was told last night that breakfast was at 7am because other pilgrims had requested that. Bit odd as breakfast is just a cold buffet. Essentially croissant or bread, some meat and cheese (sometimes), yogurt, maybe some fruit, and coffee. Anyway, after what seems like a lifetime of training, I did as I was told. No sign of the other pilgrims. No matter, it got me going before the day got unpleasant. Not sure if I’ve mentioned the heat but it is still over 30C every day even after 7pm. Apart from a couple of days going over the col I feel it has been too hot for weeks now.

      Mostly obvious paths or on road but did have the occasional “try and find the path” moment. Nothing too tricky. What was difficult was finding somewhere to have a seat in the shade for a bite to eat and a rest. Just nothing so I ploughed on and completed the 15 mile day in one go. Did mean I arrived in Pavia for a 1pm lunch prior to checking in at 2pm. Rested up for a couple of hours which meant it was very slightly cooler for having a look at Pavia. Nice covered bridge (recent reconstruction of a 1354 one which itself was a reconstruction of a Roman one). And a couple of churches. Service taking place in one with about 10 attendees at most. Struck by how similar it seemed to my ignorant eye compared to the Church of England one back in Canterbury. Apart from the lack of singing.

      Dinner tonight was at a recommended restaurant nearby where my hostess had arranged a 12€ pilgrim’s menu for her guests. All very well but it meant that instead of a menu which I could take my time over translating the waiter just reeled off some choices and I could pick. At random because my Italian is non-existent. Ended up with spicy pasta followed by fried fish and salad, and then tiramisu. Could have been a lot worse.
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    • Giorno 22

      21. Etappe-Garlasco-Pavia

      22 luglio 2023, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Gestern Abend haben wir Cocktails getrunken und die vielen kleinen Häppchen, die man zum Getränk bekommen gegessen, so dass uns das eigentlich als Abendessen ausgereicht hat. Praktisch! Morgens haben wir am gleichen Ort Pistazien-Croissant (lecker! Ich liebe Pistazien!) und sind zusammen los gelaufen. Die ersten acht Kilometer waren schlimm, die Moskitos waren eine reine Plage nach dem gestrigen Regen. Zumindest war es von der Temperatur her angenehm. Maisfelder, Reisfelder, Soja. Acht Kilometer war dann, warum auch immer, Ruhe mit den Mücken, landschaftlich hat sich nichts verändert. Später gelangten wir an den Fluss Ticino und aßen dort zu Mittag, wirklich gute Fleischsspieße vom Grill und Pasta mit Enten-Ragout. Dann waren noch weitere fünf Kilometer mit lästigen Moskitos zu laufen, und die Herberge befand sich noch vor der alten, schönen Brücke nach Pavia l. Mit Jacopo war ich noch im Fluss baden und abends waren wir wieder in der Stadt zu dritt unterwegs. Schade, ich habe von den beiden heute Abend verschieden müssen, morgen geht's ja für mich in "Pilgerurlaub" für paar Tage.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 3

      Tag 3: Anreise "Origan Village"

      11 giugno 2022, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Wieder früh aufgewacht, nach einer erholsameren, zweiten Nacht im Campingbett, auf nach Frankreich. Natürlich wollten wir erst nich das Krematorium von Pavia ansehen, wenn wir schon einmal dort sind. Das Navi führte und duch engste Gassen in die Innenstadt, wo nur ein Büro für Feuerbestattungen aufzufinden war. Die anwesende Dame nannte uns den Weg, den Besuch auf dem Friedhof in Pavia werden wir nicht vergessen. Gefühlte 100.000 Urnennischen und Tempel für Verstorbene, echt beeindruckend. Vorher besichtigten wir noch eine Kirche und einen Trödelmarkt. Über die Grenze und schon ist man an der Côte d'Azur. Punkt 16.00 Uhr ist Check-Inn. Nun Ausräumen und Ankommen. Der Poolbesuch darf nicht fehlen, hier sind es 33 Grad. Noch Abendessen im Restaurant am Pool und der Tag ist zu Ende.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 18

      12. Stopp - Dorno

      2 agosto 2022, Italia ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      An unserem nächsten Ziel angekommen!

      Hier ist Fredys persönliches Paradies… in unserer liebsten Pizzeria hier haben wir uns ein super leckere Pizza gegönnt. Wirklich lecker aber definitiv zu groß für Jenni!

      Morgen darf Fredy dann die Sau raus lassen…
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    • Giorno 21

      20. Etappe-Mortara-Garlasco

      21 luglio 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Gestern kamen noch ein Fuß-Pilger und zwei Fahrrad-Pilger, alles Italiener. Es war eine nette Runde beim Essen mit Pasta, Fleisch und Salat. Rotwein gab es auch. Da ich mich mit dem Italiener gut verstehe, sind wir heute gemeinsam gelaufen. Unterwegs haben wir unsere Füße im Fluss gekühlt und Kaffee getrunken. Danach hat es geregnet. Solange es stärker regnete, blieben die Mücken kurz weg, ansonsten war heute eine reine Plage, sie flogen mir in die Augen und in die Ohren und stachen, wo sie eine Stelle ohne Spray fanden. Hoffentlich wird das nach Pavia besser...
      Einige Kaninchen haben wir gesehen, die haben irgendwie keine Angst.
      Die Wohnung, so muss man es nennen, ist wirklich sehr gemütlich, mit Waschmaschine und Balkon. Zu zweit sind wir dann ein Mittagsmenü essen gegangen, Risotto und geräucherter Scamorza mit Tomatensauce. Später kam Michel, der französische Professor an, und wir sind ein Bier trinken gegangen, mein 500. Bier in meiner Bier-App!
      Ich konnte heute auf dem Weg und in der Unterkunft mit Jacopo italienisch lernen. Mit einem Bambi Buch für Kinder.
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    • Giorno 57

      Garlasco 13 miles

      7 settembre 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Had usable air-con last night which was a real pleasure. Often I find it just too noisy to be worth it but last night was fine. Early breakfast as Keith had his train to catch. Surprisingly average breakfast as the hotel’s dinner had been pretty good.

      Chilled out for a bit before departing partly because it was a fairly short day and I didn’t think I would get into the next place very early.

      The downside of leaving late was it was already uncomfortably hot by the time I was walking. Seemed odd initially to be on my own again but I got into the swing of it with the help of the radio. The terrain helped too with almost a French feel to the long path between large fields. I confess I only feel like a real pilgrim when I am on my own. When I am with someone it feels more like being on a walking holiday. Somehow solitude feels necessary. Better stay clear of all those Italian girls this time round then.

      Nipped into a church for a break this morning. They do provide a relatively cool, shady seat and it feels like the appropriate pilgrim thing to do. Had a half hour blether to Anne while I was in there.

      At lunchtime, rather than getting a sandwich/toastie plus water in a bar that Keith and I usually did I went for the supermarket fruit, crisps and large bottle of juice instead. Ended up sitting on the ground in the car park with it. I had been quite happy doing this in France but it now seemed less satisfactory than the bar. It isn’t the food or drink that’s the problem you just feel more recovered after sitting on a proper chair with a table in a (hopefully) cool bar for a half an hour rather than sitting on concrete outside. Lesson learned.

      Rolled up to the hotel at the back of 3pm only to find it was derelict. Bit disconcerting as had taken my money some days ago. Strange. Took a further look round the back and found that it was just the main building that was no more. Some enterprising soul was using the newer, motel type units round the back and running a sort of BnB enterprise with the same name as the defunct hotel. Happy with that especially as they had air conditioning. The chap recommended a pizzeria, unfortunately over half a mile away, but as it had been a short day it seemed churlish not to take his suggestion. When ordering, from an English menu, you could choose between regular, thin or thick pizza. I was tempted to go for the thin one as I hoped it would be smaller but I was told in time it was much larger. Don’t understand but possibly it was a lost in translation thing. Rustica for those interested. Very nice too.

      And the local gelateria had to be sampled on the way back.
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    • Giorno 37

      In Genua gelandet...

      25 maggio, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Um 16.30 Uhr komme ich endlich aus dem Hafen von Genua heraus gefahren, ich starte gleich auf der Landstraße über die Ligurischen Berge in Richtung Alessandria, im Hotel Locanda La Castellana im Ort Castello d' Agogna bei Mortara (130 km von Genua) übernachte ich für 31€ mit Frühstück (Aggoda).
      Der Ort liegt in der Poebene inmitten vom größten Reißanbaugebiet Italiens.
      Von hier sind es dann morgen noch 60 km bis zum Lago Maggiore.
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    Provincia di Pavia, Pavía, Pavia

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