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    • Dag 9

      Costa d'Amalfi - Positano à Maiori

      20 oktober 2023, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      De Sorrento à Salerno, la côte amalfitaine est une des plus belles côtes d'Italie, d'Europe, et sans doute du monde. Des montagnes abruptes dévalent vers la mer Tyrrhénienne, où selon Homère, le héros Ulysse rencontra autrefois les Sirènes…
      Une route étroite, sinueuse et majestueuse, dessert Positano, Amalfi Ravello, des villages perchés comme des nids d’aigle entre mer et ciel.
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    • Dag 14

      Amalfi und Ravello

      31 mei, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Heute meint es der Wettergott erstmals nicht gut mit uns. Dichte Wolken stauen sich an den Bergen und es ist windig und regnerisch.
      Wir nehmen die erste Fähre nach Amalfi. Dort ist es zu dieser frühen Stunde noch sehr ruhig. Sogar die Treppe zum Dom ist menschenleer.
      Als nächstes nehmen wir den Bus nach Ravello. Das Ticket erhält man nicht wie üblich in einer Trafik, es muss beim Buschauffeur gekauft werden.
      In Ravello kurzer Besuch des Doms mit seiner eigentümlichen Kanzel, die von 4 Löwen getragen wird. Die gleich nebenan liegende Villa Rufolo ist ein Garten, der rund um einen älteren Gebäudekomplex aus dem 13.Jh. angelegt wurde. Schon Wagner war beeindruckt und nahm den Garten als Vorlage zum Zaubergarten Klingsor in der Oper Parsifal. Die verschiedenen, mit Türmen und Hallen umgebenen Plätze strahlen etwas Mystisches aus, und vom Belvedere hat man einen prachtvollen Blick auf die Amalfiküste.
      Einen kleinen Spaziergang über ein paar Treppen entfernt befindet sich die Villa Cimbrone. Deren Ursprünge liegen sogar noch weiter zurück, der Komplex wurde aber vom englische Besitzer um 1900 massiv nach den Vorstellungen englischer Gartenbaukunst umgestaltet. Das Besondere hier sind die vielen Statuen. Von der Terrasse der Unendlichkeit hat man den berühmtesten Blick der Costiera, leider heute getrübt durch Nebel und Wind.
      Nach einer kleinen Kaffeepause am Domplatz wollen wir den Bus zurück nach Amalfi nehmen. Grandioserweise bekommt man das Ticket nun nicht mehr beim Fahrer, sondern nur in einer nahegelegenen Bar. Wir hasten also im Regen hin, der Busfahrer lässt uns freundlicherweise schon auf der Straße zusteigen.
      Über Scala geht es nach Amalfi zurück. Dort ist mittlerweile der totale Touristenrummel augebrochen. Da es außerdem auch hier zu regnen beginnt, nehmen wir die nächste Fähre zurück. Der Hafen von Amalfi ist allerdings nicht gegen Wellen geschützt, und so wird das Besteigen des Bootes bei hohen, seitlich heranrollenden Wellen zur Herausforderung.
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    • Day 19 - Ravello & Minori

      28 juli 2023, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Today we had nothing planned for the first Time really since the start of our trip. We slept in and headed down for breakfast at the hotel.

      We decided we would walk to Ravello from Minori. In my infinite wisdom I convinced the morning would be better weather wise. So after a call to Chris and Barbs we set off to meet the fate I had created for us, I have since googled this and some count 1500 stairs from bottom to top - I didn’t have the brain power, oxygen or enough cold water to count even past the first lot. Katie soon got the, ‘ok I was wrong maybe this afternoon/evening would of been better’ from me, but we were to far gone to turn back.

      On the way up we met some horse carting sacks up the stairs, now we know how they get produce around - poor horses! After 50minutes walking we made it to Ravello, its a cute small town perched up in the mountain. Great views of Minori & Miaori one way and Amalfi and beyond the other - though to see this side, you must enter the paid gardens and most likely through the gift shop… Europe & their gift shops.

      Katie and I walked around town, grabbed lunch, got some gelato, saw yet another couple of churches and opted to head back down to Minori.

      Once down and we combatted the leg shaking from coming down so many stairs we went for a swim at the beach.

      Later we ventured over to Miaori via the road - Katie didn’t find it as much as a blood rush as me walking with the vehicles (Barbs I promise Katie is safe) - looked around then opted for dinner and some more gelato back in Minori.
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    • Dag 38

      Coasting along

      11 oktober 2023, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      This morning we jumped on a 3 hour bus ride to Salerno before jumping on another 50 minute bus to Minori on the Amalfi coast.

      Being a bus driver in this area should be an Olympic sport - it's even more windy than the Great Ocean road and pretty sure it's thinner too, with even stupider tourists. There were at least 6 occasions I thought we were going to crash or roll.

      We went to check in to our hotel and spent 20 solid minutes trying to get the owners attention (he was sleeping on the couch in the next room which we could see into).
      After we got set up in our room that looks straight out the 70's we donned our togs and headed for the beach.

      After swimming and sunbathing until the sun went down, we walked the 2 minutes to our hotel to shower before embarking to find dinner, which ended up being a miscellaneous spread of hot fried food that we enjoyed on our balcony.

      We decided to head back to the street for a late night walk where we made our way to a chocolate/ dessert store where we spent too much money on delicious food we didn't need.

      Steps: 16.3k

      PS. Smokes are so cheap here - and in vending machines? No wonder everyone still smokes
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    • Dag 27

      Amalfi & Ravello, Italy

      1 september 2023, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

      What we did:
      - Woke up to catch an 8:15am ferry. The ferry stop was at the bottom of lots of stairs so Trent pulled out his super human strength to carry all of our bags down multiple flights of stairs (go trent). UPDATE 11/1 - Brian carried his own bags. Grabbed takeaway breakfast and found a prime spot on the top of the ferry to see all of the views. Great weather as we passed Sorrento, Capri, Positano, and Praiano to get to Amalfi.
      - Once we arrived, we put our bags in temporary storage with a very nice Italian shop owner and hired a taxi to take us up to Ravello. Found a nice wine bar for lunch that we stuffed ourselves with wonderful italian dishes and wine! Walked around Ravello and visited Villa Ruffalo to walk through the estate's gardens. Found a great gelato spot for a quick afternoon snack before trekking down Ravello back to Amalfi.
      - The path was not well marked in the beginning but we found our way down the “gentle sloping path” per Brian’s description. However, majority of the hike was stairs and had our legs shaking at the end. It was fun to go through lemon orchards, grape trees, and lots of gardens and Italian yards throughout! When we reached the bottom we discovered Amalfi was celebrating some sort Byzantine holiday and we were unable to take the bus back to our Airbnb. We split a cab with another couple and checked into our wonderful Airbnb! Lots of good views and patios for us to hangout on.
      - Trent and Steph hiked up to the local market for some groceries and wine (from which we discovered we did not actually have a working wine opener) and hung out until dinner.
      - Found a local dining spot called GAS Bar, which ended up being a point of reference for all of our travels from there on out, and walked along the road 10 minutes to get to the bar (this really freaked out Helen and Brian). We had a quick dinner overlooking the Mediterranean at GAS bar and made the dangerous trek back up in the dark with our cell phone flashlights to warn passing cars of or presence (and which one of the locals mocked us for using our flashlights). Proceeded then to get locked out of our Airbnb due to a faulty lock and climb through the windows to finally go to bed for the day! Note: the door was fixed the next day and we could enter the premises through the front door for the rest of the stay!

      What we ate:
      - Sorrento ferry snacks: coffees, croissants, sandwiches
      - Babel wine bar bistro & art: Recommended red wine (a huge hit with the group! see picture), the special ham ravioli, the special lemon pasta, mixed salad with goat cheese, lemon, orange, and chestnut honey, and of course a caprese salad!
      - Baffone Gelateria Artigianale: lemon, strawberry, and coffee were some of the flavors chosen!
      - GAS bar: Pohlman’s all ordered spaghetti carbonara and Steph got lasagna.

      Fun facts:
      - Trent and Steph feel validated refusing to take on the trek of hiking up to Ravello after traversing the many stairs down from Ravello to Amalfi.
      - The donkey is symbol of luck and good fortune amongst the locals of the Amalfi coast.
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    • Dag 23

      Crossing the country of Italy

      18 oktober 2023, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

      Did you know you can cross from the Tyrrhenian Sea to the Adriatic Sea in 4hrs and 6min. Drive over the highest mountains and the windiest roads to cross a country from shore to shore. Once again always in amazement of Gods creation. So blessed to be on this journey 🥰🙏🥰Meer informatie

    • Dag 16


      7 augustus 2022, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      beautiful start in the day, I knew it was a day to enjoy.

      Costiera Amalfitana is just amazing. Views were stunning, cars weren’t that fast, everything was just nice and I captured the moment so I had no interest in rushing. I couldn’t even take enough photos of the coast.. too beautiful

      after a quick stop to adjust my breakpads for even wear, I went into a lovely descent. Soon I realized there‘s changed something. So I stopped and evaluated the problem. I was losing air at front and my already broken lower headset bearing (yes I mean broken; outer ring) somehow got worse. I recompressed it and went on. after a tunnel the following cities were just awfully ugly and dirty and I wasn’t so happy anymore. In Torre del Greco, just some 10k from my destination Naples away, I punctured. Some piece of wire managed to punch through. I was angry but focused like before. Deep down I felt some miscomfort and was really lacking confidence. After hours of trying to fix it with the help of lots of other people there was no solution. An old man, knowing no thing about bikes, even brought me a bowl and some water to distinguish the holes; not even that was successful. He then brought me to the nearest stazione and gave me a ticket. I was happy and thanked him multiple times before the train took off to Napoli.
      Being sure now I would make it to my upfollowing reservation I wasn’t feeling great at all. Those multiple times of severe bad luck were held up in my stomach and let me think a loong time. I wasn’t really sure if I’m gonna make it to Rome where I already booked sth for the upcoming day. Keeping in mind that It‘ld be the longest transfer in italy for me (230k) I was very unsure of everything. There is no thing like „Stadler“ in italy and somehow they don’t care about bikes in bigger cities which is ironic because I actually had a feeling of safety about it because it’s a big city and they have to have everything right? This feeling of safety decreased after trying to look for help. Strava, Facebook, Instagram, Google maps.. hours of searching but in the end I asked a fellow bike rider in the night while I was trying to visit the city and not thinking about the problems for too long. He suggested a place which should have everything I need! I was thankful, patched my remaining tires and was gonna look for a pump (mine doesn’t work for that valve length and my adapter doesn’t work anymore)
      But I also had an adapter to car valves which came in more than handy for the second time in two days(!)

      good night and wish me luck..
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    • Dag 21

      Daytrip to Amalfi and Positano

      24 september 2019, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Despite seeing many photos the real thing still makes a big impression.
      Highlights were the view from VillaCimbone in Ravello, Amalfi cathedral and the overall beauty if the sheer cliffs with vineyards, lemon and pommegranite.
      Lovely seafood pasta in a jar at Mama Rosa back in Salerno.
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    • Dag 7

      Die Amalfi-Küste

      21 oktober 2022, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Brötchen holen und mittlerweile zum Gemüsehändler, denn die Tomaten (wenn auch reichlich 6 € das Kilo) klein, super lecker - die müssen sein!
      Und wenn der Händler mit strahlenden Augen das Basilikum (würzig und zwischen fünf und acht Zentimeter lang… übrigens abgemessen!) einfach ins Beutelchen packt und uns dann noch ein paar Pflaumen, süße Weintrauben und Clementinen verkauft… mediterranes Lebensgefühl!
      Dann noch für‘s abendliche Grillen das gewünschte für die Vegetarier und Allesfresser besorgt und jetzt der unvergleichliche Espresso…
      Vielleicht ein Zentimeter in der winzigen Tasse, ein Tütchen brauner Zucker und dann das Mineralwässerchen… Wir drei Männer beim Genuss mit Gott und der Welt zufrieden. Nebenan debattieren die altern Herren, wie jeden Tag…

      Frühstück auf der Terrasse bei Sonnenschein und die Entscheidung fällt für heute auf die Amalfiküste.

      Um zwölf geht’s los. Über Cetara, Erchie, Maiori und Atrani erreichen wir Amalfi. Jetzt beginnt erst einmal die Parkplatzsuche… wir finden einen Ruheplatz für unseren Boxer!

      Amalfi, ein touristisches und überfülltes Örtchen…
      Der Dom sei ein Muss, aber die Truppe steigt lieber durch die unterirdischen Gänge und Treppenhäuser in die Höhe… ich passe.

      Dann noch Ravello… 360 m höher, wesentlich ruhiger und vor allem romantischer, insbesondere dass die Entscheidung zur Besichtigung der Villa Rufolo fällt.
      Dom und Villa Cimbrone müssen warten.

      Die Villa Rufolo, im 13. Jh. Stammsitz der Familie Rufoli, zwischenzeitlich verfallen, wurde im 19. Jh. von einem schottischen Industriellen teilweise rekonstruiert.
      Bemerkenswert ist, dass Richard Wagner hier seine Inspiration zum zweiten Bühnenaufzug im Parsifal für Klingsors Zaubergarten fand.
      Weitere, begeisterte Gartengäste waren u.a. Edvard Grieg und Giuseppe Verdi.

      Zurück fahren wir über die Monti Lattari. Traumhaft der Sonnenuntergang, der sich an den Bergen spiegelt.

      Am Abend grillen wir und lassen den Abend bei heimischen Weinchen und einem Schlückchen Grappa ausklingen.
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    • Dag 6


      7 september 2023, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Promenade a Ravello - Acceuil particulier - parking avec portier « a la mano » - la mama Fratelli avec son iench qui nous montre la ‘auberge du doigt.
      Une sensation d’etre dans le Parrain - marriage sur la place, tout le monde sur son 31, un ado fume le cigarre - les cloches vrombissent - boutiques limoncello - des chemises citron - des robes citrons - des chapeaux citron - la biere citron - todo citron- les gosses jouent sur la place principale (la nommer) - un plaisir photographique.
      Biere (au citron) pas folle / Gael 1l - Sara Spritz limoncello (evidemment).
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