San Casciano in Val di Pesa

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    • Tag 74

      Tuscan Dinner - Ristorante Montebuoni

      15. Juli 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Tonight was pretty special - a dinner in the Tuscan Hills. The restaurant had views over Florence and the chef, Emilio, cooked two of the courses in front of us - Zucchini Risotto and a Grape Cake - and shared the recipes, as well as the secrets to cooking risotto. Along with the rest of the meal, which included antipasti and pasta, as well as baked rabbit, pork and chicken, it was fantastic. The food and wine were endless!!Weiterlesen

    • Tag 122

      Venice —> Tuscany

      17. Juli 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      After a late night, we got up early, said goodbye to Venice (and Alex and Nicky who were heading to the Dolomites for a few days) and made our way back to the airport to pick up our hire car. After walking around the airport for an hour and a half in the boiling heat and asking multiple people for assistance trying to find our shuttle to the car hire place, we gave up and caught a 10 minute taxi to the car hire place. After waiting a long time there (they definitely needed more than one man working in the office), w were in our little Lancia (or as we named it, Lancey).

      Having driven a couple of times on the other side of the road on this trip already, and both times being in larger vans, it was much easier for Daniel to adapt to the car and driving as we headed south towards Tuscany. We made a quick stop in Bologna to fuel up with some food (huge pizzas!) and had a nice walk around in the heat before making our way to Tuscany.

      We checked into our apartment in Villa Le Corti, a beautiful winery which has been operating since the 14th century. Daniel went for a quick walk around the estate whilst Gab attempted to cool the place down - the temperature had been around 40 degrees all day and was still close to 30!

      We were both pretty tired from the heat and driving so had a very quiet night before going to sleep.

    • Tag 2

      Kosilo na obronku Chiantija

      28. Oktober 2023 in Italien ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Zjutraj sva se zbudila v sonce nekje pred Benetkami, potem pa po avtocestah direkt proti Toskani.

      Malce po naključju sva našla tale spot, ker naju je Waze hotel spraviti do prvega mesteca kar med trtami

      Je pa super lokacija za kosilo v miru, eno pivce, kozarček vina, mal možgane na off in potem naprej.

    • Tag 20

      Balloon Ride

      1. Oktober 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 57 °F

      This morning, I did a bucket list item that I have wanted to do since the late 80s with the International Balloon Festival in Barrie. I was always fascinated by all the balloons that floated through the city or past the windows at work looking so majestically. Bernie, Miriam, and I left the villa at 5:20 a.m. on an open highway for our liftoff destination somewhere close to Florence. The weather was awesome, cool but clear. We are the first to arrive, and the field is dark. We see a truck pass by with a basket, and we follow it. We watch them set up, which takes quite a while. It's an intriguing process. Surprisingly, as excited as I am, I am calm. The moment of my trip, which I was so excited about, was finally going to lift off. There are about seventeen people in the basket with the pilot, Ollie, in the center with the propane tanks. I have a spot overlooking the basket. We have a lift-off after a few housekeeping rules of safety. The rope is released, and slowly, with the wind, we rise. I have realized my fear of heights has gone out of the basket. Ollie slowly brings us up to different heights, not to freak anybody out, but at this point, the only place you have to go is sitting on the floor of the basket cause the alternative is worse, you would think. The view of the mountains, valleys, and Florence in the distance is spectacular. The valleys have fog patches that make a photographer dream. The air is not cold, and the winds are light. Everyone enjoyed the hour-long ride. We landed safely with only one bump, ten feet from the start of lines of grape vines. We have a celebratory breakfast of prosecco, juice, and croissants. We had an awesome time the three of us, and glad we fought our fears.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 9


      8. August 2023 in Italien ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Gestern haben wir einen kompletten Ruhetag auf unserer herrlichen Terrasse eingelegt. Ich habe stundenlang den Grillen zugehört und in die Hügellandschaft geschaut und vor mich hin sinniert, Kniffel bis zum umfallen gespielt entspannt. Heute genießen wir noch bis zum Nachmittag die Ruhe hier, ziehen dann um und stürzen uns in Getümmel von Lucca.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 125


      20. Juli 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      After a few days exploring the Tuscan region, we had a staycation in our villa today and made use of the included extras with our Airbnb!

      We started with our included tour of the main castle/villa where we explored and learnt about the facility which had been producing wine and olive oil for over 600 years. We picked up a few fun facts along the way:
      - It takes approximately 20kg of olives to make 1L of olive oil!!
      - The villa's land was bought in 1300s - the main building was built in the 1500s and it is heritage protected so cannot be touched. There is also one of the oldest archives of Italian records at this site.
      - They only use French oak for the winr barrels. They don't use American oak as this gives an undesirable smokey flavour to the wines.
      - There are different types of vats used to develop different flavours in the wine. We saw different types including oak, wood, steel, concrete and terracotta. It was very cool seeing some of these very old vats in the original cellars from the 1300s.
      - Interestingly, they had to have vats custom made for their main area as that area used to be a stable for horses and it has unusually shaped doors. Because its heritage listed, the doors can't be changed so they had unusually shaped vats created so they could fit through the doors.
      - The number of olive oil held in terracotta jars used to be a mark of how wealthy the family was as it was always an expensive commodity. There are still 39 terracotta jars in storage which are no longer used for storage of olive oil but show the prosperity of the Corsini family.

      We also saw numbers written on the walls of the area where olive oil is kept. These numbers were the old "accounting system" used whereby the olive pickers calculated how much olive they had picked. We also saw information about how olive oil was previously produced - they previously used a cow to go around in circles and mush down the olives but, now luckily for the cows, they do this with very high tech machines!

      We then concluded our trip with a complementary wine tasting of some delicious organic wines (the villa is 100% organic) whilst we enjoyed what was probably the best lunch of the entire trip! As well as the included olive oil tasting (with Tuscan bread), we had zucchini flowers and a gnocchi for an entree which was delicious. We then shared a florentine style steak for main which had pecorino and truffle over it - absolutely to die for!

      We had no room for dessert and so we went for a (very hot) walk around the vineyard before opting to chill by the pool for the rest of the day and have a quiet night in.

    • Tag 6

      Über Greve nach Radda in Chianti

      17. Juli 2022 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Unterwegs im Chianti. Über Greve (Fotos 3-6) in Radda angekommen. Und hier ein kurzes Gewitter mit Regen, das uns aber leider nur eine kurze Abkühlung bescherte.
      Hier bleiben wir 4 Tage und starten morgen nach San Gimignano.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 11

      Voyage de San Gimignano à Florence

      13. Oktober 2019 in Italien ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Nous avons eu une bonne nuit et prêts pour notre dernier trajet de route en voiture. Nous sommes arrêtés en chemin au vignoble Antinori del Chianti qui est tout simplement magnifique. On aurait aimé pouvoir dîner au resto du vignoble mais malheureusement on aurait dû réserver avant parce qu’il n’y avait plus de place pour le dîner. Tout de même nous avons pu le visiter, voir et goûter de bons vins.

      Notre arrivée à Florence a bien été mais de trouver notre appartement n’a pas été facile car il y avait le mercado de Florence et aussi nous habitions sur une rue piétonnière à 500 pieds du Domo. Finalement nous avons stationné l’auto pour aller trouver notre hôtel à pied. Notre hôte nous a suggéré d’aller remettre notre auto de location et de revenir en taxi à l’appartement, ce que nous avons fait. Revenu à notre hôtel il y a eu une urgence en Ta... de prendre un Spritz Campari pour ma gorge ben sèche finalement le tout a fini avec 2 juste en avant de l’appartement .

      Après avoir eu la chance de se désaltérer nous sommes partis à pied pour nous rendre au Ponte Vecchio et en direction de notre endroit de rencontre pour notre cours de cuisine. Le cours a été très agréable et instructif pour nous deux. Un groupe de 5 couples était présent et la Chef très vivante et aimait s’amuser. Vous aller pouvoir constater nos talents de Chef avec les photos.

      La température est vraiment au rendez vous pour nous jusqu’ici et la joie fait partie du voyage.

      Demain la visite de Florence et se promener dans les rues remplies de cafés restos et nous parlons avec des gens de partout au monde.

      Daniel L’Aventurier

    • Tag 16

      Toscane -Jour 5

      14. August 2017 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Aujourd'hui, visite d'un village avec une grande histoire; San Gimignano, la ville des superbes tours. La ville date du 13e siècle et est l'une des villes médiévales les mieux conservées. Les tours étant le symbole de la richesse des familles qui les possédaient. Aujourd'hui, nous avons escaladé la Tour Torre Grossa, terminée en 1311, elle mesure 175 pieds. Papa a réussi, malgré son vertige, à monter tout en haut de la tour! Ensuite, nous avons visité le musée d'archéologie. San Gimignano est vraiment une belle ville!Weiterlesen

    • Tag 14

      Toscane Jour 3 et 4

      12. August 2017 in Italien ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Pour ce troisième jour en Toscane, nous sommes allés nous promener à Florence. Nous sommes passés devant les Officines, où se déroulait un discours pour le 73e anniversaire de la libération de Florence. On a aussi vu la copie du David. Pour la suite, nous avons mangé dans un restaurant, le 13 Gobi, suggéré par notre voisin, Martial, merci à lui. Nous avons croisé un serveur de Ville Émard, de Montréal. Pour finir cette visite, nous sommes allés au musée Galilée, où se trouvait des instruments qui démontrent l'ingéniosité de ces génies des mathématiques.

      Aujourd'hui, nous avons visité Sienne, ville médiévale, où se déroulera mercredi prochain "le Palio", une course de chevaux sur la place public qui date de 1310. Événement unique en son genre qui regroupe les 17 quartiers de la ville (un cheval = un quartier). Nous avons vu les installations, ça promet! À Sienne se trouve un des plus beau dôme de l'Italie situé dans la Cathédrale (voir photo). Ensuite gelato et retour au bercail où nous avons soupé avec deux de nos amis chats (sur un total de cinq - précision d'Émile)

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