San Gimignano

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    • Day 21–23

      San Gimignano

      May 8, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Markenzeichen des Städtchens San Gimignano ist neben der fast schon obligatorischen Stadtmauer die mittelalterliche „Skyline“ aus zahlreichen (13, 14 oder gar 15??) sog. Geschlechtertürmen der Adelsgeschlechter des Mittelalters, von denen es früher sogar mal 72 gab. Solche Türme ermöglichten es insbes. vom 11.-13. Jrhd. reichen und einflussreichen städtischen Familien beim Hausbau sowohl Wohn- als auch Verteidigungszwecke zu erfüllen. Sie waren eine Art Statussymbol nach dem Motto: Je höher der Turm, umso höher das Ansehen insbes. der Adelsgeschlechter. Im 16. Jhrd. wurde jedoch entschieden, keine weiteren Häuser im Zentrum zu bauen. Und - irgendwie ahnt man es schon - natürlich ist San Gimignano seit 1990 auch UNESCO Weltkulturerbe-Stätte.

      Wir haben die Info, dass es nach dem Verschwinden der Tagestouristen am frühen Abend viel entspannter wird. Wir starten erst am späten Nachmittag vom 2 km entfernten, wunderschön gelegenen CP (Boschetto di Piemma) und schlendern einfach nur durch das Städtchen. Vor dem Restaurant & Bistro Livier stehen hübsche Tische, es wirkt sehr einladend. Wir bleiben fürs Abendessen und bereuen es mal wieder so garnicht😋. Danach fotografiere ich noch ein bisschen in der Dämmerung, während es Peter eher heimzieht.

      Auch am nächsten Tag bevorzugt Peter die Ruhe und Schönheit unseres Stellplatzes, der mit der Schönste unserer bisherigen Tour ist. Ich laufe noch den 8,8 km langen Rundweg um das Städtchen und erklimme den höchsten Turm der Stadt, den Torre Grossa, und schaue mir somit das Städtchen auch noch einmal von oben an.

      Und nicht nur, dass wir inzwischen schon mehrfach abends noch ein Gläschen Wein vor dem WoMo getrunken haben, nun können wir auch erstmals draußen frühstücken!!! Solches Wetter gefällt uns😉!
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    • Day 17

      San Gimignano

      January 1 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

      Klaus, Myself, Kyle and Molly drove to San Gimignano. We started at a beautiful vineyard called Tenuta Torciano for a wine tasting and tuscan lunch. The food and wines were delicious and luckily they offered shipping back to Michigan. We then drove to the Medieval town of San Gimignano the town and views were beautiful, everything I picture when I think about the Tuscany region. We explored and had a snack before making our way back to Florence. We grabbed the other two kids and walked to a wine window before making our way to our Pasta and Tiramisu cooking class. We drank prosecco and learned to make Tiramisu, ravioli, and tagliatelle. Once everything was prepared the restaurant cooked the pastas for us with sauce and we sat down with wine and tasted our creations. Back at the condo we started packing for our flight to Frankfurt tomorrow.Read more

    • Day 5

      San Gimignano

      September 19, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      San Gimignano - srednjeveško mestece uvrščeno na Unesco seznam svetovne dediščine.
      Proti koncu srednjeveške obdobja je bilo zgrajenih 72 stolpov - konkurenčne družine so gradile svoje rodbinske stolpe in vsak je hotel višjega, do odredbe lokalnega sveta - noben stolp ne sme biti višji od stolpa v bližini Palazzo Comunale.

      Danes je ostalo še 14 stolpov in na enega od njih sva šla gledat razgled na Toskano.

      Pa da ne pozabimo na najbolje ocenjen gellato, kjer Sergio iz lokalnih sestavin ustvarja vedno nove okuse🤤🍨
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    • Day 424

      Teppich & San Gimignano

      May 2, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Wenn du denkst es geht nicht mehr, geh in den OBI und kauf einen Teppich. Wir verpassten dem Wohnmobil einen neuen, anthrazitfarbenen Teppich und freuten uns, dass wir nun besser die Bodenklappen öffnen können und trotzdem warme Füsse haben. 🙂
      In neuem Glanz erstrahlt, fuhr uns unser treuer Reisegigant nach San Gimignano,
      Wir schlenderten durch das kleine Städtchen, welches uns sehr gefallen hat.
      Wir blieben aber nicht all zu lange, weil wir uns noch ein Platz für die Nacht suchten.
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    • Day 14


      August 19, 2019 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      The weather is amazing as is the location. Truly spoilt in this beautiful place.

      In the morning we went and found a laundry and washed our ever growing bag of dirty clothes, bought some food and then headed off in the car for an adventure.

      We headed to Cecina which is on the coast going through amazing villages and fantastic scenery. Arrived at Cecina and it was not the quiet little town I remembered! Firstly we found an Italian Aldi store which was amazing. Found a couple of beach towels and bits and pieces, then headed down to the beach. Absolutely packed beaches with umbrellas as far as the eye can see.

      We then drove on down the coast to San Vincenzo where we were looking forward to a seafood pasta, but no luck we arrived too late and the kitchen was closed, so we shared a kebab instead!

      On we drove and that’s when the fun began! We only had offline Google maps that had trouble keeping track of where we were. We found a gorgeous village called Rocca Strada which had lots of housed built into the side of the rock with narrow windy streets. Best part was we were the only tourists there!

      On we drove heading for Siena, where we took so many wrong turns and one time ended up going under a bridge that we were supposed to be going over! No we didn’t kill each other but it was getting pretty tense and in the ended we skipped stopping in Siena and we both agreed never again without a online map!

      Drove on and muddled our way back to San Gimi where we stopped finally at a local Pizzeria as Pete was desperate for an Italian pizza and I had seafood risotto to make up for missing out during the day. We were happy to finally be at home and we will remember the adventure of getting lost in Tuscany for years to come! Pete finished the day with Limoncello!
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    • Day 8

      San Gimignano

      July 7, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Am späten Vormittag machten wir uns heute auf Richtung San Gimignano. Die kurvenreiche Anfahrt schenkte uns wunderschöne Ausblicke über die hügelige Landschaft der Toskana.
      Auch das weltberühmte Eis in der Gelateria Dondoli ließen wir uns nicht entgehen.Read more

    • Day 29

      Day 30 San Gimignano 🤣

      September 29, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Lucca to Gambassi Terme a few days ago by Train/Bus. Walked from Gambassi Terme 13.7Ks. to San Gimignano. The guide book lists this part of Via Francigena Tuscany as the not to be missed Scenic best. It didn't disappoint but was challenging. Sunny about 23⁰C and with deep descents plus bigger ascends. I felt it but was pleased. 🤣
      I start my week of Sketching with Susie Murphie's Tuscany week tomorrow. (I've attached 2 practice warmup paintings).
      Note: the photo included is me with a 77YO South African lady walking part of the VF with her 3 daughters. I walked a few Ks with them and enjoyed lovely conversations.
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    • Day 27

      Day 27 Lucca and adventures to Cambassi

      September 27, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Today I enjoyed a Positive grateful Camino day. It has its huddles but as my Son Richard would say "adventures with ups & downs" are always positive.
      I decided I didn't need to walk the 28ks to San Miniato..
      Then I said to myself why not skip the following hilly 24+Ks to Gambassi Terme. So to the rescue (but not quite).
      Rome2Rio gave me a Train Bus plan which was eventually successful.
      After lunch, I proceed to my accommodation. The map said 1.3Ks. Long story short the address given was totally wrong. Good Italian's pulled, saw me in a fuffle. Phoned the proper address ... spoke extensively, then drove up to a beautiful heritage home. It got worse. Said I couldn't have the room I booked. I was to be credited but then booked into a tiny room. Further I was miles from the town center. Also I was to stay in the mansion alone the 1st night. The 2nd night it was booked out.
      Lucky Brucee then got the best outcome. After telling the receptionist I was not happy, she then got me an apartment at €25 a night (versus €80 p.n.)
      This is in an Albergue, in the centre of this small VF Camino Town. Fellow Pilgrims, all happy and enjoying their journeys
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    • Day 3–4

      San Miniato - Gambassi

      June 29, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      Today was definitely as challenging as we anticipated, but we're finally at our beautiful accommodation in Gambassi Town. The suite has a claw foot bath, and we've both enjoyed a lukewarm soak already. It wasn't too hot when we set off this morning, but the sun soon broke through. This walk goes through countryside that is exactly what one would predict - absolutely stunning and so good to be away from the crowds. Walking along Via Francigena it was not busy at all - we only saw one other couple the whole day. Perhaps sensible walkers know better than to walk "Under the Tuscan Sun" as the heat of summer begins. I spotted a plum tree, laden with fruit, along the way and we both enjoyed the sweet snack. It was too hot to contemplate eating much to be honest. I tried to take a variety of photos along the way to show off the beautiful countryside. Each day of our walk concludes at a hilltop town/city, which inevitably means an uphill slog just as one's energy has almost totally been depleted l. The total ascent today was 781m, much of which was in the final 5kms, so we're feeling pretty weary but also happy to have made it here. Tomorrow will be a case of rinse and repeat as we wend our way to San Gimignano tomorrow. Sorry there are no pics of Gambassi - I will try to take a few in the morning to post tomorrow. Ciao 😃Read more

    • Day 15

      Elfte Etappe

      March 10, 2020 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Die lange Suche am Vorabend hatte sich gelohnt - quasi direkt in San Gimignano hatte Tom einen versteckten Picknickplatz entdeckt, wo wir unser Zelt aufbauen konnten.
      Der Ort war dann wieder einmal traumhaft. Ein Einwohner den wir auf der Straße trafen, meinte noch zu uns wir hätten einen 6er im Lotto gezogen. So leer wären die Straßen sonst nie. Offensichtlich treten sich hier die Touristen normalerweise auf die Füße.Read more

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