Sestière di San Polo

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    • Gün 16

      Remember that little pizza place?

      1 Eylül 2019, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Athena arrives back to our room at midday. We decide to head out to find our little pizza place that we sat at for 2 hours on our trip 4 years ago-

      (our tour guide, Steve, told us all to go and get lost in Venice. Didn't have to tell me twice, I was so happy to be set free. Athena and I wandered over the Rialto bridge, through skinny alleys and side way streets until we found a clearing with a little restaurant, we sat and had the best time)

      Well I have a great sense of direction so off we went through the maze.

      It was the same, the tight skinny streets all cool and shaded. We try to keep away from the crowds, so I do a left here and there.

      We come across dead ends with a canal at the end. I can hear tv on above my head, and people arguing.

      The sounds of living rooms pour out to us. Clothes hang on lines above our heads and the walls look so dilapidated.

      This is what I enjoy. The real life. The feeling like you are sneeking into people's backyards.
      Which way to turn? It doesn't matter. We don't know where we are.

      We come across a couple of restaurants but the square is too skinny. It is not familiar.

      'Keep going Sandra", I tell myself.
      I see at the end of one street the sun hitting a wall ahead and know there is a square there. We walk out and my seeking is over.
      I FOUND IT!!

      We are very pleased with ourselves.
      Athena orders a bruchetta and I a coke. (still not able to stomach anything)

      Isn't it funny, I have always thought that I would come back here and try to find this place, as what an adventure it would be!

      We head back, this time we follow the arrows to RIALTO and ST Marco amongst the shops and tourists.

      We get to the Rialto Bridge and it is packed with people. The annual regatta is on. People with oars stand together and row fast as they can in boats wider than a gondola.

      We look through some shops and they are full of the famous Murano coloured glass ornaments.

      I am in search of a pencil and paper.
      Jules wants Athena and I to do a drawing of our surroundings. Will give it a try.

      Something pulls me to look in the windows for a little glass black cat.
      After many yucky ones, I find one I like. I carry it close to my heart as we walk between the tourists and it makes me feel a little lighter.

      I spy a lolly shop that makes me stop in my tracks. In I go, paper bag at the ready. Everything looks devine and so different.

      Lollies make you feel good! But not too many.

      We get to our hotel about 6.30pm and go sit on our precious little quiet balcony. I ask Athena if she wants to go out to eat, she says she's full from the bruschetta. Me, I am starving.

      I pop out alone to buy some prosecco and a panini. But cannot find either.

      I walk into a little restaurant, down the lane way next to our hotel, and ask do you do takeaway. They say yes. May I please have a lasagne? Absolutely.

      I wait, families come in and are shown to their tables. I read the fish and crustacean posters on the wall.

      The maitre d sidles up to me and asks 'do you want food or me?' in a jovial manner.
      I laugh and point to the kitchen and say food.

      Boldly I nudge him with my shoulder and say you're funny. We smile broadly together. I like a bit of mischief in a person.

      My food is ready. The chef begins to put the parmesan on top and halts, looking at me. I instantly nod, smile and say a big yes please.
      He then asks me if I am single. I say yes and from Melbourne. He jots down his number on the top of my container and says in broken English, I am from Lido, there is a festival there. Come with me tonight once I finish!

      Oh dear, I thought. I smiled and said thank you, went back and inhaled my lasagne.

      Off to bed and the TV signal goes. I call reception and the guy comes up and plays around with the remote and stuffs it up even more.

      During this time we hear a blood curdling scream outside of a woman or child and someone yelling help. The guy says sorry bout the TV and Athena and he go to investigate whilst I lay in bed. They find nothing. Weird.

      Once the guy leaves, I pull the plug out and back in and wholla it's back.

      I search for English speaking channels and find a movie with Matthew
      Mcconaughey. Slowly my eyes get heavy.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 35

      Ausflug nach Venedig

      1 Kasım 2022, İtalya ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Max hatte gestern den wohl schönsten Einfall: Statt einen Tagesausflug nach Pisa, könnten wir auch nach Venedig fahren. Die Vorfreude war riesig und die Sitzplätze im Nu reserviert.
      Heute war es dann direkt so weit: Um 6 Uhr aufstehen, fertig machen und ab zum Bahnhof. Mit dem Schnellzug sind wir 2 Stunden von Florenz nach Venedig gefahren. Dort war es sehr neblig, was den ersten Eindruck total unwirklich gemacht hat. Sind wir wirklich in Venedig? 😱 Unser erster Stop ging zu DM (😅), was Lilly gefunden hat, um ein paar Sachen vor Asien nachzukaufen. Danach haben wir sehr leckeren Cappuccino (sogar mit Soja Milch) in einem wundervollen kleinen Café getrunken. Danach sind wir lange gelaufen und haben uns die Stadt angeschaut. Unter anderem auch den berühmten Markus Platz, obwohl uns die kleinen Gassen und Kanäle viel besser gefallen haben.
      Danach haben wir eine Aperol Pause eingelegt, sind weiter geschlendert und haben dann (wie sollte es auch anders sein) Pizza gegessen.
      Leider war es etwas frisch, also sind wir in das schöne erste Café zurück gegangen und haben noch einen Cappuccino getrunken.
      Wir haben uns etwas verkalkuliert und sitzen nun eine Stunde zu früh am Bahnhof - draußen ist es aber kalt und dunkel. Wir hören hier noch etwas Harry Potter Hörspiel bevor es zwei Stunden zurück nach Florenz geht. Zum Glück haben wir vorhin noch einen Sitzplatz bekommen, der Bahnhof ist sehr voll.
      Venedig hat uns aber sehr gut gefallen. Vor allem, weil wir den Ausflug erst gestern spontan entschieden haben.
      P.S. Venedig war entgegen unserer Erwartung auch gar nicht so teuer. Einen Cappuccino mit Soja Milch haben wir zb für 1,60€ oder einen Aperol Spritz für 3-5€.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 7

      Italia 🍕

      18 Haziran 2023, İtalya ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Samedi matin on est donc partis de château d´Oex ( qui restera dans nos cœurs à jamais) pour aller vers l’Italie ! Donc on a pris la voiture et on s’est dirigés vers le sud de la suisse et le début de la route dans la réserve nationale de Gruyères était vraiment superbe ! Arrivés proche de la frontière on a grimpé une montagne super longtemps pour faire un pic à 2002m d’altitude puis on est redescendus pendant 20 minutes dans une pente à 10% ( pas super agréable ) et la fatigue de la route m’a super vite rattrapé donc a peine la frontière passée on s’est arrêtés dans un petit café italien pour refaire un plan! Par ailleurs les passages de frontières sont vraiment inattendus dans le sens où c’est juste un panneau « Italia » sur notre chemin puis d’un coup on se retrouve dans un autre pays et on remarque super vite que les gens sont complètement différents, la langue n’est pas la même et l’atmosphère est vraiment différente, c’est un peu bizarre mais à la fois assez magique de pouvoir changer de pays si facilement !!
      Ducoup comme je me sentais pas trop bien on a opté pour aller à Domodossola ( et non au bord du lac Maggiore comme prévu) et on a loué un petit gîte pour la nuit. Le soir même on est quand même allés se balader en ville, trouver un petit restaurant et manger nos premières pizzas italienne (c’était délicieux !) .
      Et donc le lendemain (dimanche donc) on s’est dirigés vers le lac majeur et, arrivés à Stresa ( qui ressemble un peu à Cannes mais en plus petit et vraiment superbe ) on a décidés de partir plus loin, de vraiment se rapprocher de la Slovénie en prenant l’autoroute. Après avoir testé le Mcdo italien on a repris la route vers le lac Di Garda mais une fois lancés on a vus des panneaux indiquant Venise et sur un coup de tête on a décidés d’y aller ! Et Ducoup 3h après on se retrouve dans Venise (sans vraiment y croire) et la ville est vraiment superbe. Des qu’on lève les yeux il y a des monuments de la renaissance et de toutes époques, les maisons sont colorées et même délabrés les bâtiments sont très beau, bref la ville est charmante ! On a en plus réussis à faire un grand tour dans la ville et dans les coins résidentiels où très très peu de touristes vont, on était Seuls au bord des canaux, un bonheur, avant de bien sûr aller manger une pizza ( et on s’en lasse pas!). Voilà nos deux derniers jours bien remplis, bisous !
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 17

      I am fascinated by Venice

      5 Ekim 2023, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Comprised of 118 islands connected by numerous bridges and walkways, the “roads” of Venice are its canals - 150 watery roads. I’ve never felt drawn to visit or learn much about Venice, but our travels landed us here, and I now find it fascinating to see people getting around on all sorts of motor- and human-powered watercraft on narrow waterways. It has a long history, and it’s many old buildings reflect that long history. The building where we are sleeping the next two nights was originally built in the 14th century. The canals are all connected to the Adriatic Sea and are subject to tides. As such, the watery city is very vulnerable to climate-change related sea rise.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 46

      Venice and the Grand Canal

      23 Haziran 2022, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Founded in the 5th century and composed of over 118 small islands, Venice became a major maritime power in the 10th century. The whole city is an extraordinary architectural masterpiece. It is also known as the birthplace of composers Tomaso Albinoni and Antonio Vivaldi. Venice and its lagoon are a UNESCO World Heritage site. It used to be an independent republic, and remains one of Italy's most important cities, with a quarter million inhabitants. Dave and I took a ride through the Grand Canal as well as a trip over to Lido an island not far from Venice known for its beach. After we came back to Venice and explored Saint Marcos Cathedral and piazza. Venice has decayed since its heyday and suffers from overtourism, but the romantic charm remains.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      Venedig Part 2

      5 Ağustos 2022, İtalya ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Von San Marco ging es kreuz und quer durch diese Traumstadt zurück in Richtung Parkhaus. An einem der unzähligen Kanäle haben wir ein süßes kleines Restaurant von italienischen Vietnamesen gefunden und sehr lecker geschlemmt. Nach unzähligen Gassen, Brücken, Taschen- und Schmuckläden, haben wir es mit einem Dauergrinsen (vor allem Karo vor lauter Glückseligkeit) zurück zum Parkhaus geschafft. Ein wundervoller Tag!Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 35

      Venezia / Venedig 🇮🇹

      23 Eylül 2023, İtalya ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Hätte ich persönlich nie gedacht, aber muss man unbedingt gesehen haben. Wunderschön, malerisch anzusehen. Man kann stundenlang die engen Gassen und kleinen Kanäle betrachten. Alles scheint, als wär es inszeniert. Aber nein.. das ist real 😍Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 17

      Part 1 Trieste to Venice The Train

      5 Ekim 2023, İtalya ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      I never dreamed of going to Venice. I never even really wanted to go but when Dave said the train was going by there I thought we have to stop. And so today was the fated day! The train was great and we even had seats for our packs. I love the Lipstick Woman who sat next to me and the three backpacking girls from Finland who were off on a 3 week adventure. It made me proud that Dave and I had our backpacks on and were keeping pace. Today’s journal entry is in at least 2 posts. I can only put 2 videos per post and I have a few you may like. Tell me what you like so I can be on the lookout for topics of interest! 🌺. PS The “ Watercloset” at the Venice Train Station was 1 euro but it was clean with marble like walls. I took a photo for you. I did go in the men’s room by mistake unaware until I came out and some man raised his voice so I got out fast. It’s all Italian to me.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 18

      Venice feels like Times Square

      6 Ekim 2023, İtalya ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      It’s crazy here. The city is beautiful and fascinating at every turn of the corner ( and there are many in this maze land). But the tourists navigating the canyon-like city was over the top. Luckily I booked this quiet room at a Sobe with nice women running it and it has been our base camp. Today we walked 9+ miles and saw more statues and churches than one can imagine. The magnitude of the art and beauty is #awe inspiring. And the people! My photos will be a tapestry of scenes a little different than Dave’s. We are such a good travel team!!!!! 🌺look for the winter coat I should buy for my return to Colorado winter 🌺 clothes are hanging out and we did laundry last night too 🌺 I spied 2 couples in our age group traveling with just packs like us… the one gal had a cute skirt. 🌺 I came upon the farmers market arriving by boat and was thrilled I got to see the enthusiastic locals line up to shop! 🌺 note the checkout person at grocery store- she sits down 🌺 an art class by the canal 🌺 the rest are hip people I came across today that could photograph.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 19

      Walk with us video Venice

      7 Ekim 2023, İtalya ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      On our way to try and find our #FreetoursbyFoot tour this morning. The maps are horrible and google maps sometimes goes wonky. But we hit the streets and found it. 🌺 The Venice Guide was excellent and told us stories of famous women who lived in Venice including some very badass women who lived life outside societal norms. Of course I ate that up like Venetian honey.Okumaya devam et

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