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    • Day 12

      Spontaneously in Sorrento

      April 11, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      We didn’t pay careful attention to the train schedule and found we would have to wait quite a while to get to Paestum, where we were planning to see some Greek ruins. Instead, we hopped on a train to the seaside town of Sorrento. It’s an interesting mix of tourists and fashion enthusiasts. We sat on a bench near what we supposed was an exclusive hotel overlooking the sea. We watched guests arriving in Mercedes and BMWs (not driving themselves, of course), and being greeted like celebrities (maybe they were!). We strolled the cliff edge overlooking the sea, and wandered narrow streets. The place is jam-packed with small lemon groves—like the size of our backyard, but everyone had them. Of course we had to try a lemonade or two from a street vendor.

      It was a beautiful sunny day for our outing. Even better, we found that the ferry could get us back to Naples in less time and with more comfort than the train. The view of Vesuvius from out on the water shows just how much of the top has been blown off (probably not just from the eruption that destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum in the 1st century).
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    • Day 8

      Island of Capri

      September 23, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      After breakfast in our Naples hotel at 7.30am, we boarded our cute 20 seater bus for the short journey to the Naples ferry port. From there we boarded a ferry bound for the island of Capri, despite the ominous clouds and choppy seas. We sat inside the ferry as the rain started to fall and enjoyed the ferry trip across the gulf of Naples to the Marina Grande on the eastern shores of Capri. As we were sitting on the ferry, Rob Crawford was handed a phone by an older man who sent a message using Google Translate as the man could not speak English. The message said, Would you mind speaking a little more quietly. He definitely settled down after that, so it shows he can be more quiet for a sustained period when he tries really hard. Although, it has to be said, that on the ferry from Capri to Sorrento at 4.30pm, Rob got all the passengers to sing Happy Birthday to Steve Carroll whose birthday it is today.
      After arriving in Capri, we caught a little bus up the precarious road to Anacapri, which is the higher of the two villages on the island. We spent some time there but is was pouring with rain so it was not ideal weather for exploring. A beautiful place though, even in the rain.
      We then caught the bus to the township of Capri and spent three hours exploring. It was a lot of fun. It truly is a magestic island. We saw famous three rocks but it was too wet and the waters too rough to go by boat to the grotto.
      Capri is a place we all want to return to on a sunny day.
      The evening was spent in Sorrento having dinner at a restaurant with a view over the Gulf of Naples.
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    • Day 47

      Dag 47

      May 29, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Deze voormiddag nog ontbeten in Rome met z’n drieën. Daarna was het tijd om naar de luchthaven te gaan en mijn bus terug op te pikken. Een rit van 3 uur naar de nieuwe camping. Hier nog een lekkere pizza gegeten met een mooi uitzicht.Read more

    • Day 32

      Arrivederci Sorrento

      October 11, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Da wir morgen dem Golf von Neapel den Rücken kehren werden, haben wir den heutigen Tag noch einmal schnorchelnd in der wunderschönen Bucht Bagni di Regina Giovanna verbracht.

      Das Wasser war so klar, dass viele Fische schon ohne Schnorchel zu sehen waren, wie sie sich nahe an den Felsen tummelten.

      In den tieferen Schichten hielten sich die großen Schwärme aus.
      Es war ein unglaubliches Gefühl, sie dort im tiefen Wasser zu sehen, das königsblau aussah, von Sonnenstrahlen durchschienen.

      Diese Bucht gehört eindeutig zu unseren Lieblingsbuchten.

      Weitere Fotos davon als die, welche wir bereits vor 2 Tagen gepostet haben, gibt es nicht.

      Nur noch einmal Sorrent, diesmal sogar mit Feuerwerk.

      Apropos Feuerwerk:
      irgendwie gibt es hier jeden Abend, an irgendeinem Platz ein kleines Feuerwerk - auch jetzt, zu diesem Zeitpunkt, an dem ich darüber schreibe.
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    • Day 5

      Strecke machen

      October 19, 2022 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Heute galt es in erster Linie um Rom herum zu kommen. Falls wir auf dem Rückweg noch genug Zeit haben, werden wir auch hier noch einen Stop einlegen. Da die mitreisenden heute nicht wirklich mitreißend waren, habe ich gegen Mittag entschieden noch 150km drauf zu satteln und dafür heute schon in Neapel bzw. Sorrent einzutrudeln. Den Platz habe ich schon vor längerer Zeit mit meinem Kollegen Thomas gescoutet. Er liegt auf einer Klippe mit Blick auf Sorrent und gegenüber Neapel und dem Vesuv, wenn man ihn denn sieht.Read more

    • Day 2

      Day 1, Serrento & drive to Positano

      October 7, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

      What a great start. We drove from Naples to Sorrento and stopped for lunch and walk the town. Had some great food finished with gelato and continued on to Positano. A beautiful drive.
      Got settled in our hotel then walked the cliff road to the restaurant with an amazing evening view. This place is one of a kind!Read more

    • Day 19

      The Day in Sorrento

      October 14, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      Drove down into the town. The first thing we saw was a giant lemon tree. Walked around went down by the water and came back up and layed in the sun. Nice to have no plans. John found his limoncello almonds he loves❤️🍋❤️…Read more

    • Day 5

      Sorrento und Mozzarella

      April 19, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Der heutige Mittwoch steht als Freizeittag im Programm..aber es gibt um unserm Domizil in der Bergstadt Avellino (400 m) nicht viel interessantes zu entdecken, ob Wanderwege oder Burgen..nach Anfrage = Fehlanzeige..und das Wetter ist am Meer deutlich angenehmer. Also folgte ich dem Angebot, einen Tagesausflug nach Sorrent, der Halbinsel vor Capri am italienischen Stiefel zu unternehmen. Es wurde wieder ein schöner sonniger Tag mit bummeln in dem touristisch beliebten Ort und einem anschließenden Besuch in einem landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb oberhalb der Küstenregion. Hier gedeihen die Zitronen besonders prächtig, so dass Liköre und Marmeladen aus den Früchten von hier sehr beliebt sind..Read more

    • Day 15

      Our last day 😢

      July 7, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Today was our final full day in Italy. Good news - we all still like each other! And are even discussing possible future vacations. Bad news - tomorrow we have to fly home for roughly 18 hours (if we’re lucky, perhaps I’m a bit jaded). Good news - as much as we’ve enjoyed the trip, we are ready to be home though not for any responsibilities there.

      We decided not to make any specific plans for our final day, to just take it in however the day swayed us. Despite being a bit tired and taking it easy, we still managed to walk about 14,000 steps. Our day included:

      A leisurely wake up
      Another delicious breakfast at the hotel
      Shopping and strolling in Sorrento
      Casual lunches (separate cause we weren’t hungry at the same time)
      Chatting in the pool
      Reading/napping/enjoying frozen drinks on the rooftop deck
      Aperitivo with 4 different kinds of spritz’s (not 4 each…4 total, just to be clear) along with a fantastic cheese, meat, and nut board
      Finding a restaurant with the right vibe and carbonara for dinner (for Dave and me) and something yummy for Carrie and Mike (score for Carrie’s delicious pesto)
      Having fun with AI - both verbal and visual styles to summarize our trip (I’m including 2 of the AI visuals generated in the pics)
      Gelato, of course
      Playing a few rounds of euchre in the hotel lounge
      And the least favorite part of the day, packing

      All in all we spent a relaxing last day in Italy to recharge and enjoy the moment. We packed so much into this trip, hard to believe just a week ago we were in Tuscany. It seems almost like a completely different trip. As we discussed the trip today, there really wasn’t much major we’d do differently, it was so fantastic. Perhaps in a few days when we look back we’ll have more critique but for now we’re just basking in the glow of a wonderful trip.
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    • Day 6


      October 4, 2018 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Eine Stadt auf Felsen gebaut 😃

      Ohhhh wie wundervoll ist diese Stadt und dann noch dieses Wetter. Ein Traum 🌞 Leider waren wir nur bis 14 Uhr mit dem Schiff vor Anker. Ich hab mich mit meiner Arbeit beeilt und bin um 11 Uhr schnell rausgegangen. Hab dort eine leckere Pizza und ein Eis zum Nachtisch gegessen - mjami. Hinter jeder Ecke gab es so schöne Dinge zu sehen, wäre gern da geblieben.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Sorrento, Sorrent, Sorrente, סורנטו, सोरेन्टो, RRO, ソレント, Surriento, Сорренто

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