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    • Tag 223


      14. November 2022 in Italien ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Den weiteren Verlauf der Amalfiküste erkunde ich auf Grund des anhaltenden Regens lediglich mit dem Auto und durchquere auf der anspruchsvollen Straße mehrere kleine Ortschaften, die sich malerisch an die Steilhänge klammern.
      Auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite der Halbinsel erreiche ich Sorrent und habe Glück, dass sich hier die Sonne zeigt. Dank seiner langen Geschichte als beliebtes Reiseziel, gibt es zahlreiche Luxushotels aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, die der Stadt einen noblen Charme verleihen. Jedoch sind sie zur Zeit, genau wie die Fußgängerzonen, kaum besucht, aber dienen mir trotzdem als schönes Fotomotiv und bieten tolle Ausblicke über den Golf von Neapel bis zum Vesuv.

    • Tag 65

      Ausklang am Campingplatz

      20. Mai 2022 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Vom Hafen werden wir wieder mit dem Bus zum Campingplatz gefahren. Wir schaffen es gerade noch im Pool abzutauchen bevor das Schwimmbad um 18:00 Ihr zu macht.

      Nun sind wir Müde und haben keine Lust zu kochen, so gehts ins Restaurant hier auf dem Platz und wir werden überrascht, es ist ausgezeichnet, ein schöner Abschluss von einem tollen Tag.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 25

      Cinque Fotagrafie-Sorrento Day 2

      8. Mai 2022 in Italien ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Buona festa della mamma a tutte le mamme e a coloro che hanno ricoperto il ruolo di mamme.

      We are having a lovefest with Sorrento. Today we were blessed with a beautiful sunny day thar contrasted the local weather reports. We started the day with a substantive breakfast on the rooftop terrace of the Inn. The service here is generous and friendly.

      The city plazas were bustling with tourists from cruise ships. Jim C went to view the Roman ruins (circa 150 A.D.) where Queen Giovanna escaped the summer heat. I remained at the inn and we met at one of the main plazas at noon.

      While waiting for Jim, I overheard a woman switching from Italian to English, as she tried to explain to her Italian companions the phrase "to put on lipstick as they attempted to repeat it. At one point, I laughed while this exchange was happening, and the woman asked if I spoke English. I told her that I was from the states, and she explained that she was originally from Torinto. She complimented me on my ability to speak English and she told her friends in Italian that I was a good English speaker. I guess nearly 64 years of practice has some benefit.

      I didn't know that Mother's Day is also celebrated in Italy (and many other European countries), and it was fun to see tourists and locals alike celebrating their mothers. The market where craftspeople were selling their wares was lively and packed.

      Jim and I people watched and drank cappuccino freddo, a really delicious blended ice coffee layered on top of cappuccino. We also sampled French fries with a lemon pepper cheese sauce before heading off to wander the city streets.

      On our walk, we discovered a lemon and orange garden where a vendor offered limoncello and other liquors. We purchased a bottle of mandarin- flavored digestive, and we hope to share it with Jim's sisters next week when they join us in Tuscany.

      We decided to check our David's Gelateria who Rick Steve's billed as producing the best gelato in the city. We can offer no dispute- the flavors were amazing. Jim C has become partial to coffee/pistachio and I have really loved the fruit flavors like strawberry and mango.

      After returning to our room, we enjoyed a long nap, and then we watched the changing sky, a spectacular rainbow and the setting sun.

      We wrapped the evening with an extended dinner at Donna Sofia, a restaurant dedicated to Sofia Loren. We were seated in a courtyard; the food and ambience were lovely and relaxed.

      We had a sweet walk home, and we enjoyed the quiet streets as we made out way back while noticing lightning flashes from moody Mt. Vesuvius across the bay. Buona Notte, friends.

    • Tag 2

      Day one is done

      21. Mai 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      It’s only been a day?? Day one felt like an endless loop of exhaustion, adrenaline, and more exhaustion. Haha Crazy to think we started this morning having a cappuccino in Amsterdam and ended it by going to dinner on the water in Sorrento. We are quite sleep deprived, getting our rest in every which way possible(check photos). We made the most of it though, enjoyed dinner at Restorante Ruccio with kitties at our feet and a very generous courtesy ride from our new friend “papa” (he worked at the restaurant). And yes , yes we of course got gelato from papa’s daughter, Alessandra. It was splendid!! Goodnight from tre Donne Italia💟🇮🇹Weiterlesen

    • Tag 90

      Positano/ Sorrento (2 Days)

      7. April in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

      Off to Positano, but along the way came across the Ceramiche Casola ( recommended by Morris's cousin Davina). They do the most beautiful handpainted tables, chairs, dishes, etc. So, of course, we ended up getting a custom 20" Lazy Susan (w/lemons, of course) for an outdoor table. Can't wait to see the artist's design.

      Town of Positano is carved even closer into the hillside with cute lanes and steep steps everywhere. The road is one way through town so don't miss your destination 😉 Enjoyed an afternoon in the town overlooking the views and beaches.

      Later that afternoon, we arrived in Sorrento, a larger town on the west side of the Almafi Coast, to our lovely Hotel Eden. In the courtyard of lemon trees, we were greeted by "Michael" the GM of the hotel . When we asked where we could dine and listen to music at night, he graciously offered his home for a homemade dinner and to meet his family. We joined another couple from Ireland and had an amazing evening as Michael showed us his underground winemaking, olives, and garden. His wife prepared a delicious meal of sphagetti w vegetables and sauce made from their garden. The bread was from a home bakery down the street. We ended up spending over 4 hours there as the time flew. Simply wonderful evening!!

      In the morning, we took a ferry to the Island of Capri, then Boat Tour around the island to see the Light House, white grotto, green grotto, blue grotto. Quaint island that gets a lot of tourists. Enjoyed the town and local beach, a little too cold for a dip. After a full day there, it was back to Sorrento.

    • Tag 75


      16. Juli 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      After leaving Pompeii, we followed the Bay of Naples along the spectacular coastline to Sorrento.

      We had dinner high over Sorrento overlooking the bay in another great restaurant, in the town of Sant' Agata.

      The restaurant, Lo Stuzzichino, is in the Michelin Guide and the chef and his family again explained the meals.

      The town of Sant' Agata was having a festival that night and was full of locals having a good time. The streets were lined with wooden table games for the kids. It was quite unique.

    • Tag 11

      Sorrento- Highlight: Pizza Making

      26. Juli 2023 in Italien ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Positano experienced high winds and every ferry leaving the town was cancelled. Good thing we only planned to take this and didn’t book our tickets yet. We headed back to Sorrento taking two different buses to get there. Luckily it was only +26 today since we have to wait an hour for a late bus outside. We packed in to both buses standing once again holding on for dear life through the swerving roads but made it. Had a very nice pasta lunch then explored the local markets and checked in to our new hotel. Matt is over the moon since it has a tub he kind of fits in. Tonight we joined a pizza making tour group that went to a local farm which was a 20 min drive up the mountain. Here we made pizza dough (that they later feed to their animals since it wasn’t great). Using their dough we successfully launched our dough in the air. We also enjoyed food grown from the farm including their own unlimited red wine, sour cherry juice, the biggest basil you’d ever see, limoncello, charcuterie board and a cake. Matt was labelled “Disaster Matt” since our group had two Matt’s. Overall 10/10 experience and a lovely day.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 4


      10. Oktober 2022 in Italien ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Auf unserem Weg nach Positano machten wir in Sorrent halt, mit schmalen Gassen mit ihren farbenfreudigen Geschäften, in denen es die für diese Gegend typischen großen Zitronen und alles, was damit zusammenhängt, verkauft werden.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 47

      Tag 47 - Über Pompeji nach Sorrent

      25. August 2022 in Italien ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Heute ging es wieder auf das Fahrrad. Die eeteten etwa 10 bis 15 Kilometer aus Neapel heraus waren für mich die anstrengendsten. Die lag nicht an den vielen Höhenmetern, denn die waren dort Mangelware. Das Problem an Neapel sind die Kopfsteinpflaster, welche fast überall verlegt wurden. Froh diese Strecke überwunden zu haben fuhren sich die letzten Kilometer quasi wie von selbst.

      Kurt nach der Öffnung in Pompeji angekommen zeigte sich bereits, dass die Idee nicht schlecht war. Bereits jetzt waren einige Besucher anwesend. Die Ausgrabungsstätte war dann nochmal einige Hausnummern größer, im Vergleich zu der in Ostia. Einige Zeit bin ich dann durch dir teilweise echt gut erhaltenen Ruinen gelaufen. Überall gab es tolle Dinge etwas zu entdecken. Am meisten haben mich aber die versteinerten Körper fasziniert, welche an vielen Stellen zu finden waren. Für Fans der Antike ist Pompeji aufjedenfall etwas, was man gesehen haben muss. So bin ich nach dem längeren Besuch mit einem sehr positiven Gefühl auf das Fahrrad gestiegen.

      Dieses wurde durch die restliche wunderbare Strecke entlang der Küste, mit einem guten Blick auf die Bucht von Neapel, nur noch gesteigert. Einen kleinen Knicks gab es nur, als mien Navi eine etwa 70 stufige und recht steile Treppe nicht als solches erkannt hatte. Kurzerhand bin ich umgedreht und konnte diese sehr schnell umfahren. Beim heutigen Campingplatz kam ich heute wie erwartet recht früh an. So konnte ich entspannt mein Zelt aufbauen und in den dortigen Pool springen. Abschließend hieß es für mich nur Beine hochlegen und bei angenehmen Temperaturen im Schatten entspannen.

      Morgen geht es dann auf einen Tagesausflug auf die Insel Capri. Dort habe ich vor eine etwas größere Runde über die Insel zu wandern, da diese nicht allzu groß ist. Das könnte gerade mit meinen mittlerweile etwas kaputten und geflickten Sandalen spannend werden, aber wird ist das halt ein noch größeres Abenteuer für mich.

    • Tag 7

      Winding our way to Sorrento

      21. Juli 2022 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

      We continued along the winding road to another picturesque coastal town, Sorrento. Along the way, I was able to catch a shot of the “human head” rock formation along the cliffside.

      In the middle of the town square is a monument for Torquato Tasso, a very rich man in this area responsible for the growth of Sorrento. From this monument, there are pedestrian streets filled with food vendors, leather goods, and cafés. I tried my first Limoncello sorbet and it was like heaven.

      We were mesmerized by how reasonably priced the leather goods were and had to bring a few new, unique leather bags home. The bright colors in the fabrics were also in Sorrento and I finally found my blue and yellow lemon patterned dress 👗!!! The narrow streets were bustling with people and every so often the smell of lemon or pizza would fill the air. We had limited time and by this point had not eaten, so we walked into a random sandwich shop and had them make “whatever” for us. This whatever turned into an artisanal loaf with prosciutto and fresh mozzarella cheese drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette. Delish!

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