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Top 10 des destinations de voyage : Aichi-ken
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    • Jour 265

      Nagoya - Osaka

      12 décembre 2022, Japon ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Eigentlich will ich in das große Science Museum in Nagoya, doch das hat leider zu. Also schaue ich mir japanische Rüstungen und Schwerter an. Ebenso hat Nagoya eine Burg mit Garten und verschiedenen Gebäuden. Gebaut wurde sie 1615 und ist bekannt für die goldenen Kinshachi (eine imaginäre Kreatur) auf dem Dach. Ähnlich wie in Deutschland ist im 2. Weltkrieg alles zerstört worden und musste deswegen aufwendig wieder restauriert werden. Heute endet mein unbegrenztes 14-tägiges Zugticket und ich fahre deshalb noch nach Osaka und stoppe hier für die nächsten Tage.En savoir plus

    • Jour 43

      Day 42-44

      12 avril, Japon ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Day 42
      So today we had to leave Osaka and travel to nagoya in Aichi prefecture but there was still one thing left on our bucket list for Osaka- universal studios! Managing to dump our backpacks in a locker in the station we travelled to universal studios and it was SO fun and worth the slightly hideous entry fee! We started at Harry Potter world with a full sized hogsmead and a large hogwarts model it felt like we were in the real thing! It was really fun walking around and going into all the shops that are in the books and films! We then queued for a ride that sat us on these carts that basically immerse you in a ride but only using a screen?! I don’t really know how else to explain it but it was very clever and we both loved it! We also found it hilarious that Harry Potter and Hagrid were talking to us in Japanese!!

      After this we did a few more rides and walked through a whole section dedicated to hello kitty which felt like a rainbow had thrown up and they also had a jaws themed section and Jurassic park! They also had a Nintendo section but this wasn’t covered by our day pass sadly so we had to miss out on this! We then ate in an “American diner” before heading back to the station in the evening to grab our bags and travel up to Nagoya.

      I’m so glad we went to universal studios as we were really debating if it was worth it and it was actually so much fun with the loud music and seriously crazy rides!

      Day 43

      Today we decided to explore Nagoya city at a slower pace, starting at Nagoya castle we wondered through the grounds and stumbled across some street performers which was really weird as it feels very unJapanese as they are always very quiet and respectful and not obnoxiously playing music! Anyway, we sat and watched him for a while and we were so unimpressed with his crystal ball “floating” although it was so obviously not but all the Japanese people there LOVED it so we decided that they need to go see the street performers in London and then they really might be blown away!

      There was also some food stands in the grounds so I had an icecream sandwich and we sat under the trees for a while in the shade as the temperature had really picked up today and was about 22°c!

      After this we headed to Nagoya’s famous shopping street to go on the hunt for some shorts as I wanted to have a pair just in case the weather stays like this for a few days. Only problem is is that the Japanese are on the whole quite small and petite of which I am neither! So every pair of shorts I tried on either I couldn’t get past my thighs or were definitely not long enough to be deemed acceptable! Eventually, after hunting for a while we managed to find some that I’m pretty sure were men’s shorts, but I was happy.

      After some delicious ramen we stumbled across Osu Kannon temple which was absolutely infested by pigeons! And I’m not being dramatic there were hundreds and hundreds lining the whole roof and also on the ground and we soon found out why- there was a box where you could get food out for the pigeons and feed them! We watched one man do this and as he opened the box thousands of pigeons literally dived onto him engulfing him to get to the food it was so bizzare! As I walked up to the box two pigeons landed on me and refused to get off so I decided not to open the box as I would probably suffer a similar fate as the man which I was not happy about so I had one on either shoulder- call me the pigeon whisperer if you will! It was so so strange and I can’t wrap my head around why anyone would encourage pigeons! Then all of a sudden through the speakers you hear a chanting and all the pigeons in unison flew up to the roof of the temple like they were being summoned - SUCH an odd experience!

      Day 44
      To finish off our last day in Nagoya we thought we would tick the main boxes- one being the Nagoya science museum which is 6 floors and two buildings so absolutely massive! Full of immersive exhibitions ranging from cogs to bubbles to different elements to preserved pickled sharks and fish it was really quite the experience! I can see how a Japanese child would be fascinated by science from such a young age as it is presented to them in such an engaging way it really puts our science museum to shame! But none the less we throughly enjoyed making tornados in the tornado simulator and testing out all sort of clever tricks!

      After this we headed to see the 15m high Buddha statue! Tucked away just off the busy main road it suddenly becomes absolutely silent and peaceful in this small little temple, wondering through bamboo you find this HUGE statue of Buddha it’s amazing! With almost no one else there it was lovely to have to ourselves- all apart from one man who insisted he took a picture for us which was very sweet !

      To finish off the day Jacob really wants to go to the Toyota and automobile museum. 4 floors of models of cars ranging from the very first cars ever invented up until 2014 it was boy heaven as far as I’m concerned. I was very eager to find my Toyota aygo 2009 but I guess my car doesn’t quite pass as “cool enough” to be on display! Whilst I was walking around saying “ooo I like this colour” or “this one looks cool” Jacob was much more excited about makes and models than me! After dutifully looking at ALL the cars I managed to pull Jacob away and get a bite to eat!
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    • Jour 13

      Maid Café

      7 mai, Japon ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Pendant cette journée-là, papi mamie et Guillaume ont pu tester les fameux maid café. Des bars où les serveuses portent des uniformes de soubrette et en fonction de la demande du client elles peuvent les divertir avec des danses ou des jeux.
      Un moment assez gênant mais unique.
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    • Jour 61

      From Nagoya to Nagano

      16 novembre 2023, Japon ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      My Journey took me to Nagoya, all the way down to the south, my intention was to visit Nagoya Castle, which I did. I left all my luggage in a coin locker at the Trainstation and then walked around 2.5km to the Castlegrounds. Even though I could not visit the main keep, as it's undergoing inspection and reinforcement to make it more earthquake proof, I had a nice afternoon in the castle courtyard. After I was satisfied, I walked back to the Trainstation to take a limited express train called Shinano up towards the Northeast to reach Nagano, my destination for the next few nights.

      Google Translate:
      Meine Reise führte mich nach Nagoya, ganz in den Süden. Meine Absicht war es, die Burg Nagoya zu besuchen, was ich auch tat. Ich habe mein gesamtes Gepäck in einem Münzschließfach am Bahnhof gelassen und bin dann etwa 2,5 km zum Schlossgelände gelaufen. Auch wenn ich den Haupt Burgfried nicht besichtigen konnte, da dieser gerade überprüft und verstärkt wird, um ihn erdbebensicherer zu machen, hatte ich einen schönen Nachmittag im Burghof. Nachdem ich zufrieden war, ging ich zurück zum Bahnhof, um einen Expresszug namens Shinano in Richtung Nordosten zu nehmen und Nagano zu erreichen, mein Ziel für die nächsten Nächte.
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    • Jour 7

      Toyokawa Inari

      5 mars, Japon ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

      Ausflug Helga und Gerd:
      Von Gamagori fahren wir über Land zum buddhistischen Tempel Inari. Er ist dem Gott der Fruchtbarkeit und dem Gott der Füchse gewidmet. Die vielen (ca. 1.000) Fuchsstatuen wurden aus Dankbarkeit gespendet und sind deshalb in Größe und Gesichtsform unterschiedlich. Es gibt noch viele andere Zeichen der Dankbarkeit: Tücher und Ballons.
      Zweiter Teil der Fahrt ist der Besuch des Fischmarktes. Wir kosten verschiedene Sorten - am besten schmeckt uns der gebratene einheimische Tiefseefisch.
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    • Jour 7

      Buildings, music, shoes in Tokyo

      17 mai, Japon ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Some observations about Tokyo:
      1) Had to snap photos of some very interesting buildings (only a few pictured).
      2) Godzilla is represented in a number of places around Tokyo. He started out as a destroyer of cities, then became a defender of those cities, but apparently, he's back to his old tricks as a building crusher.
      3) All restaurants--small or large, old or young crowd, cafe or pub--seem to prefer a smooth jazz sort of vibe, resulting in a weird throwback feel. (But that's, of course, only one person's opinion.)
      4) Shoe fashion du jour is white sneakers, honking big black platforms, and Crocs or knockoffs, often with a wedgy heel. (Only one picture so far, taken surreptitiously on the train by Gary. ) I'm so behind the times in my ordinary Sketchers and sandals.
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    • Jour 2

      Unterwegs im n Nagoya

      5 octobre 2019, Japon ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      So, den ersten Tag in Japan haben wir - teilweise durch den Jetlag bedingt - recht ruhig angegangen. Zuerst mussten wir uns erst einmal mit dem japanischen ÖPNV anfreunden, das ist zwar nicht immer ganz einfach funktioniert aber zumindest am ersten Tag noch. Mal schauen wie das in den anderen Städten sein wird. Dann haben wir am Bahnhof in Nagoya (nebenbei bemerkt der größte Bahnhof Japans) unsere Japan rail Pässe eingetauscht und haben uns erklären lassen wie die Reservierungen funktionieren, das war echt wunderschön unkompliziert.
      Glücklicherweise konnten wir gleich heute Mittag in unserem Hostel einchecken. Das Zimmer ist schon sehr japanisch (spartanisch) eingerichtet. Außer den drei Betten gibt es ein Brett für die Ablage und einen Hocker, das war's. Naja, so müde wie wir waren konnten wir prima schlafen. Am späten Nachmittag haben wir uns dann doch noch aufgerafft und sind in die Stadt gegangen. Es gab den ersten Einkauf bei 7/11 (Kaffee und Limonade nun ja, das Eis war ganz gut), der erste Schrein in der Innenstadt wurde besichtigt und natürlich gab's auch der erste richtige japanische Abendessen (Schweinekotelett mit Miso Soße, typisch für die Region Nagoya). Danach sind wir dann aber auch sofort zurück ins Hostel und legen uns jetzt schlafen
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    • Jour 9

      Der Hobbit: eine Unerwartete Pause

      26 janvier 2020, Japon ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      In Nagoya angekommen feststellen, dass man erst ab 17uhr ins hotel kann? Nicht so geil.
      Also 3 Stunden Zeit totschlagen.
      Was muss man in Nagoya sehen?
      Nagoya Castle. (viel mehr sehenswertes gibt es in dieser Millionenstadt irgendwie nicht und das obwohl Nagoya die viert größte Stadt Japans ist)

      Also Rucksack auf, Gurte gerafft und ab zu Fuß Richtung Meijo nordöstlich vom Bahnhof.
      Ca. 45min später erblicke ich die ersten Touristengruppen und weiß: ich muss ganz in der Nähe sein.
      So ist es aus. Nicht weit entfernt erstreckt sich Nagoya Castle in den blauen Himmel.
      Am Eingang 500円 gezaht und ab gehts aufs Gelände.
      Kurz Nusspause.
      Plötzlich Trommeln und lautes Schreien. Was ist jetzt los? Ganz im Sinne von Krapotke: "Terror?"
      Eher der Aufruf den Trommlern und dahinter laufenden Ninjas zu folgen und einer Ninja Show beizuwohnen.
      Nach einem kurzen Verweilen geht's weiter übers Gelände.
      Ziemlich beeindruckend, vor allem die damilige Baukunst am Castle selbst. Der Turm war leider geschlossen und konnte nicht besichtigt werden, vielleicht auch nicht so schade, ich mit meinem Rucksack durch die kleinen Gänge? Eh, lieber nicht.

      Danach quält mich der Hunger und ich kehre bei "CoCo Ichibanya", eine beliebte Curryhaus Kette in Japan.
      Japanisches Curry ist was ganz anderes als indisches und sieht vor allem nicht so ansehnlich aus, schmeckt aber ziemlich gut.
      Ich bin verwundert, dass ich das erste Mal ein wirkliches Verständigungsproblem habe und das in einer landesweiten Kette.
      Hätte ich nicht erwartet aber mit Händen und Füßen ging es schon.
      Gleich dann ins Hotel.
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    • Jour 23

      Night Train

      21 décembre 2022, Japon ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

      I jumped on the night train a little anxious as I had just read they don't give you a pillow or bedding or towel, you sleep on carpet without curtains and there was no luggage storage in the 190cm long beds. They are called Nobi nobi seats.
      I got on, set up my area as best I could and did a quick walk around through the different areas. I turned my jacket into a pillow and had a blanket left over from business class.
      Even though it was a non smoking train they have smoking rooms somewhere and the smell still comes through to the cabins. Most of the night I could still smell smoke.
      There was no power or internet but the laptop held out well and I had my battery pack which I ended up only using to charge my phone.
      The carpet floor was heated somehow which was nice that it kept you warm.
      I had started off with no neighbours but by the time I woke up in the middle of the night in Nagoya all the "beds" were full.
      I was considering a shower as I found my towel but all the shower tokens had been purchased already.
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    • Jour 6

      Nagoya -bed for the night

      4 avril 2023, Japon ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Stayed in a capsule hotel tonight
      Had some Nagoyan food for dinner, Eel for me and Abbie, chicken and shrimp for Grandad and Akira

      Not got the hang of ordering yet. Me and Abbie had 2 massive portions that we could have shared, and grandad had 1 chicken wing and Akira 1 prawn.
      We did work it out soon after!!
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    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Aichi-ken, Aichi, 愛知県, 아이치 현


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