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    • Day 4–6

      Tokyo - Day 2

      May 25 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      So many weddings and gatherings at our hotel! Obis were galore.

      The day was a sunny warm spectacular one. Our guide for the day, Isao, lead us to: a cemetery, pre-war wooden house, a busy street of vendors in Yanaka, an intimate and tasty tempura on rice with broth lunch at a local restaurant, 佳肴 三佐和 日暮里, and a visit to The Former Yasuda House and Garden. We really enjoyed the House and Garden which was built in 1905, all wood, tatami matts and garden views (but no heat and no a/c (of course).

      Isao also helped us learn the metro and to feel the intimacy of small neighborhoods.

      After brief naps, we then had a spectacular meal at Kuhara. Imagine finding yourself in Tokyo in a restaurant that, on our Saturday evening, only served 12 people for the entire evening. We had the night to enjoy our 8 course meal presented by a couple married for 19 years and running this restaurant for 15 years.

      The menu is in Japanese but between the owner’s English and Google Translate, we did fine. Our 8 course, at 13,000 yen, was a delight, start to finish. Duck is their specialty and it occupies center stage.

      Service was gracious and impeccable. It was an intimate and highly memorable meal. We took a variety of pictures with the two owners. After, the wife made us an origami swan.

      It was a great day.
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    • Day 2

      First full day in Tokyo

      May 25 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      It was a sunny day with comfortable temperatures. With a personal tour guide, who first helped us learn how to navigate the comprehensive metro system, we travelled to a northwestern neighborhood, Yanaka. It is a low rise area with active street shops. After wandering through a Buddhist cemetery, we walked through the Yanaka neighborhood, with a few stops to buy small souvenirs. Then we enjoyed a great lunch sitting at a counter facing the chefs. It was fish-based with sashimi and tempura. Then we walked to and toured the historic (former) Kusuo Yasuda house and garden that’s over 100 years’ old. For dinner we went to a restaurant Eric found that specializes in duck. Of the 11 courses we had (prix fixe) two were duck, several were fish, and others vegetables, ending with miso soup, and then watermelon. The restaurant seats 12 customers, has only one seating per evening, and is owned and run by a charming and personable couple who have been doing this for 15 years. The meal ended with the origami folding of a souvenir crane.Read more

    • Day 3

      Erster (halber) Tag in Japan

      March 13 in Japan ⋅ 🌬 13 °C

      Mit viel zu wenig Schlaf ging es dann in den zweiten Flieger Richtung Japan, auch hier verlief alles reibungslos.
      Dort angekommen mussten wir erst durch gefühlt 20 Passkontrollen und Fingerabdruck-Checkpoints, bevor wir 5 Formulare über unsere Reise und unser Gepäck ausfüllen durften.
      Unsere ersten Missionen waren Geld abheben und ein Zugticket kaufen, auch das verlief erstaunlich gut.
      Anschließend konnten wir in unser 4 Quadratmeter großes Zimmer einziehen und uns auf Nahrungssuche begeben. Dabei sind wir auf ein super authentisches Ramen-„Restaurant“ gestoßen und konnten den Urlaub einleiten (Google-Übersetzer war bei der Auswahl des Essens keine große Hilfe).
      Jetzt geht’s zeitig ins Bett in der Hoffnung, den Jetlag bereits am ersten Tag zu besiegen.

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    • Day 2

      Landing in Tokyo

      April 7 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

      We landed in Tokyo after a pretty easy flight where we had a whole row to ourselves and Will got to lie on the floor. It was a crazy whirlwind of logistics to figure out getting money, getting a train card, and then getting to the train in to Tokyo, but it was all super easy because of all of the helpful people everywhere assisting with every detailRead more

    • Day 18

      Early up in Tokyo

      April 15 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Today I’m early up and out of the hotel. I want to get an early go to Tsukiji Outer market (fish market) and do some shopping and maybe grab a little snack. But before: walking by wonderful Buddhist temple Tsukiji Honganji.
      Just to be prepared for ancient, historical Yanaka district. Starting with Tenoji temple and the big cemetery. And what do you think - there’s still Sakura, but they are already weeping with white flower leaves being everywhere. The whole area of Yanaka is full of temples and graveyards - too many to name them all.
      Next I proceed to Ueno Park - are there still Sakura there? And yesss there are - already weeping a lot and fading but there are ♥️
      Before I head to Nezu Shrine to check out the Bunkyo Azalea festival
      And that was just my morning - as exciting as it can get ♥️
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    • Day 20

      Sakura hunting

      March 28 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      The rains and subsequent temperature drop had delayed Sakura in Tokyo and Kyoto and our hopes of getting glimpses of Japan’s famed cherry blossom were low (at least in this week). But Purva had found via Tiktok that Shiori Park had Sakura trees blossoming already. So we decided to test our high hopes and go Sakura hunting. After initially feeling disappointed when we couldn’t find any blossomed trees in the park, we persisted and were finally graced with a long riverside row of cherry trees, most of which had fully blossomed. It was a stunning sight, and everyone in the group was delighted, especially the people who were leaving Japan by the end of the week. After countless pictures, we headed onwards to Ueno Park (because our cab driver had told us that the big tree there has also blossomed). Unfortunately, the reality in Ueno Park was much less positive. Yes, there was a tree which had blossomed, but it was nothing compared to the sights we had seen in Shiori Park. Divya decided to get some light bites in the food stalls in the park and was accidentally hit by a shellfish allergy attack. After mitigating any harm, she and the rest of us decided to go back to the hotel and get some sleep before heading out again in the evening.Read more

    • Day 3

      Apa Hotel

      September 21, 2023 in Japan ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

      Bis 15 Uhr geschlafen, totaler Jetlag.
      Celia bestand auf Mcs. Später will ich was richtiges holen.
      Orga ist angesagt. Sprachschule, Bewerbungen und Route.
      So ein geiles Gefühl der Unabhängigkeit.
      Chillig heute
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    • Day 33

      Arakawa - Nishinippori

      May 26, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      This Morning we took the Metro to the Neighborhood Arakawa, which is a cute street, with food, drinks and shops… well, as we didn’t had breakfast we found a Bagel Store, it has a lot of different Bagels with different filling… so good!

      We decided to walk and not take the Subway to our next Neighborhood we wanted to visit, like this we see more from Tokyo…

      So, always take the small Streets…
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    • Day 3

      Il parco di Ueno

      March 28, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Continuiamo la camminata nel Ueno Park e attraversiamo il lago, su una piccola striscia di terra contornata da ciliegi in fiore. Inutile dire che il posto è bellissimo. Intorno a noi piccole imbarcazioni a forma di cigni colorati, il lago scuro, petali rosa e palazzi moderni sullo sfondo.
      Ci dirigiamo a nord verso i quartieri di Nezu e Yanaka Sendagi, dove visitiamo il Nezu-ji famose per le sue azalee, non ancora fiorite in questo periodo, e per il camminamento tra i torii rossi.
      Pranziamo in locale tipico trovato lungo la strada dove il piatto per eccellenza è il curry! Niente male, anche se diverso e molto più saporito del nostro.
      Nel primo pomeriggio attraversiamo Yanaka Ginza, senza però esaltarci come speravamo e ci aspettavamo… della zona è stata interessante la visita al cimitero, totalmente diverso da i nostri, con elementi verticali in legno a coronare i vari sepolcri.
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    • Day 7

      Vorerst letzter Tag in Tokio

      March 17 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Den letzte Tag unseres ersten Stops in Japan haben wir zunächst auf einem kleineren Markt in Ueno begonnen. Dieser ist bekannt für seine breite Auswahl an Waren, es gab sogar frisches Obst (findet man hier sonst recht selten). Anschließend ging es in das Nationalmuseum Tokios. Neben vielen Gemälden, Skulpturen und Samurai-Rüstungen, konnten wir originale Teehäuser im Garten bestaunen.
      Im anliegenden Park hielten wir noch kurz für ein hier weit verbreitetes Street-Food: Reisbällchen in Miso-Paste (sehr sehr lecker).
      Am Nachmittag sind wir noch nach Ikebukuro gefahren. Hier gab es unser erstes Fließband-Sushi für ganze 4 € pro Person! Zur Auswahl standen neben Klassikern wie Lachs, Thunfisch und Gurke auch Pferd und Wal (keine Sorge, die haben wir ausgelassen).
      Morgen früh steigen wir in den Shinkansen und dann geht es mit 320 km/h Richtung Osaka.

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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Arakawa Ku, Arakawa, 荒川区

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