Koishikawa Kōraku En

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    • Day 5

      Tokyo from serene to sublime

      November 1, 2024 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      Our first day in Tokyo was busy! We were supposed to go to Kamakura and meet up with an old coworker of mine, but he unfortunately returned from a business trip with Covid and had to cancel. Rather than make that trip ourselves, we decided to start our day with one of the very famous Tokyo gardens, this one started from about 1620. On the way there, Laura picked up a stamp, called an Eki stamp, which they have in all train stations and important spots. It makes a nice addition to our memories as she collects them everywhere we go.

      The garden, Koishikawa Korakuen, was beautiful and serene, a nice pause from the city madness. After strolling for a while, we headed back to the metro to go to the Asakusa neighborhood. This is a site of the famous Senso-ji temple, a world heritage site. We walked up the shopping street that led to the temple which was packed with tourists from everywhere. We picked up some street snacks along the way like fried sweet potato chunks in honey syrup, grilled beef on a stick and Takoyaki (dough balls with an octopus chunk in the middle and drizzled with mayo and seasonings. )

      We decided to walk up to the Tokyo Skytree a tall tower with awesome views of the city. It was cloudy but the views were amazing. Our feet were killing us so we took a taxi back to our hotel to rest up for the evening.
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    • Day 34

      Tokyo: Goodbye Japan

      October 22, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Nachdäm mr wie d Sumoringer jewius früeh uf si hei mr üs, mit de Biuder vom Mt. Fuji vor Ouge, ä biz Schlaf gönnt. Ohni Wecker ufgwache simer zersch üse Koffeinspicher ga uffüue u när düre nachglägnig Park spaziert. D Laura isch nid unglücklech über die viele Hundehalter gsi mit ihrne Tierli, meistens eher chli und nid säute imne Wägeli (?!), und i ha mi uf die öffentleche Toilette (entworfe vom Shigeru Ban) fokussiert.

      Japan‘s berühmtisti Velorenne finde uf dr Bahn statt und in Tokyo gits mehreri Velodromes. D Disziplin Keirin stammt us Japan und ghört zu eine vo 4 Sportarte wome legal darf druf wette. Igfüehrt wordä um dr Wiederufbou nachem Zwöite Weltkrieg mitzfinanziere. Sit 2000 ghöre die churze Sprintrenne zum Olympische Programm (2012 o bi de Froue).

      Leider si aui diesbezügleche Homepages rein japanisch und trotzt Übersetzer und nachefrage bim Guide simer imme Velodrome glandet, wo zwar vieli auti Päpple am wette si gsi u drum o dr Bierstand offe gha het, uf dr Bahn aber nume es paar einzelni am trainiere si gsi. Z Renne wo übertreit wordä isch, de meiste ischs nume um d Wettquote gange, het amne angere Ort im Land statt gfunde.
      Nach däm mr zwöi, drü Runde bim Training hei zuegluegt simer de wieder zrügg i Chueche vor Stadt.

      Am Abä simer de no d Strass „Omotesandoō“ abeglschenderet. Vieli türi Läde (und Boute) Reihe sich hie wie d Hüehner ufm Stängeli. Vieli bekannti Architekturbüros hei Gebäude entworfe, ar Laura und mir hei aber nid bsunders viu gfaue und anderi Gässli hei definitiv meh Charme. Dä Wettkampf unter dä Läde isch mitm Prada-Gebäude vo H&deM ersch so richtig usbrochä. Ds Modell woni im Büro öfters gseh ha, hani iz o no im Massstab 1:1 bestunt :)

      Die zwöi letzte Täg in Tokyo si de gmüetlech zue und här gange. Per Zuefall isch e Kollegin vor Laura, wosi vor Uni kennt, o grad in Tokyo gsi. Mir hei sie drum am einte Morge imene Anime Kaffi troffe, wosi härzigi Figure us Schuum forme und ufe Kaffi tüe.

      Da ar Lauras Oug entzündet isch plus bi ihre no e Gürturose usbroche isch heimer no e Ougearzt und e Dermatologin ufgsuecht. Mit de Medikament wosi ihre hei gä, sötti ds ize aues schnäu wieder guet wärdä.
      Drzwüsche simer, zuefällig obwohl mr ds o us Tipp becho hei, i schön Garte „Koishikawa Kōrakuen“.

      Vieli Orte heimer im letzte Monet bsuecht, und vieli Idrück gsammlet. No es letzts mau Sobanudlä hets gä und iz simer am Flughafä, ready zum witerreisä.
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    • Day 14

      Parker i Tokyo

      February 24, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      De bildsköna japanska trädgårdarna kan vi inte få nog av, så vi hann klämma av två stycken på själva avresedagen. Bara ett stenkast från kapselhotellet låg Koishikawa-Kōrakuen, Tokyos äldsta trädgård grundad 1629. En viktig inspirationskälla för trädgårdskonst i Japan genom tiderna.

      Vi visste att vi skulle missa körsbärsblomningen men det var en underbar bonus att plommonen hann börja blomma medan vi var i Japan!

      Den andra parken vi besökte, Ueno Park, är ikonisk just för sin körsbärsallé där Tokyoborna blir som tokiga i början av april och går man ur huse för att ha picknick och fotografera. Så här en månad innan var allt brungrått, storstädning av lotus-bös och en samurajfestival pågick men träden var kala. Ni får föreställa er sista bilden med en miljard rosa körsbärsblommor på träden.
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    • Day 6

      Koishikawa Kōrakuen

      October 1, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Man muss auch mal Glück haben: nicht nur war am Sonntag Tokyo Citizen Day und damit der Eintritt in den Garten kostenlos, es gab direkt um 11 Uhr auch noch eine kostenlose Führung durch den Garten. Super interessant, was es alles so mit der Anlage auf sich hat: zwei der 4 Teile des Gartens sollen die Route von Tokyo nach Kyoto durch das Kisotal widerspiegeln bzw. Kyoto selbst symbolisieren.
      Dagegen wirken der männliche und weibliche Stein ein bisschen platt was Symbolik und Tiefe angeht 😂

      Noch schöner sah es dort vermutlich aus, als der Hintergrund nicht voll von Hochhäusern oder Achterbahnen war 😉
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    • Day 7

      Koishikawa Korakuen

      April 17, 2024 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Der Koishikawa Korakuen ist einer der ältesten und schönsten japanischen Gärten in Tokyo. Er wurde in der frühen Edo-Periode (1600-1868) angelegt und erhielt den Namen Korakuen nach einem Gedicht, in dem ein Herrscher aufgefordert wird, sich erst dann zu vergnügen, wenn er das Glück seines Volkes erreicht hat.

      Wie die meisten traditionellen japanischen Gärten wurde auch hier versucht berühmte chinesiche und japanische Landschaften in Miniaturform nachzubilden, wobei Teiche, Steine, Bäume und künstliche Hügel verwendet werden.
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    • Day 6

      TeNQ You Sailor Moon?

      April 13, 2018 in Japan ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Of course Tokyo had a cool JAXA space museum that includes a lab with some actual physicists in it and an exhibit dedicated to Sailor Moon. Because Japan.


      (TeNQ is also at Tokyo Dome but it gets a post of it's own because, Space-Geek).

      Don't be intimidated by the Japanese-ness of this museum, it's staffed by people who are what I'm learning are typically Japanese in their hospitality - super helpful and super friendly. We were even offered an Easter Egg lucky dip at the purchase of our tickets.

      When you purchase your tickets you can get an English version of the pamphlet that pretty much explains the narration. But a staff member came over and explained what would happen next anyway. There are also English descriptions on all the exhibits/games and the staff speak enough English mime to help get you through everything. I think there was only one game we couldn't play - and it had a warning in English that it was Japanese language only.

      I had to use some pics from the internets for the viewing screen and the wall projections since you can't take photos - they don't really do either justice anyway because they are a pretty darn cool use of projection mapping - this ain't no PowerPoint presentation!

      After being bedazzled by projections, you go through to a science exhibit about space research. I'm enough of a space geek to know that their material is all pretty recent though - so they clearly keep this section up to date.

      The University of Tokyo has an annex in TeNQ called the "Science Area" which is basically some scientists in a glass walled lab that everyone can see working. No photos allowed of their research of course. A lot of universities do this these days, it's like a really geeky version of Big Brother.

      They have some interactive games including a personality test that I think was better in the way it asked the questions than for the actual result:

      Spacecraft personality type: You are the "Sakigake" type, constantly pursuing a new path. Like Sakigake, which was launched as a test probe for Halley's Comet.

      Alien personality type: You are the "Princess Kaguya" type, the lunar princess boasting great beauty.

      Speaking of Sailor Moon, Princess Kaguya was a main villain multiple times because her main mission was to cover the Earth in snow and ice to make it part of her "collection" of ice planets. So I'm not sure what TeNQ is trying to say about that one...

      The Sailor Moon is totally for the fan-girls, of which there were some. Possibly the main reason why some of them were there in the first place. But whatever works really.

      You can also get your photo taken with an life-size replica of an Asgard from Stargate SG1. Combined with the Star Wars merch outside and I'm thinking the special exhibit is a revolving collection of pop culture references. Sassy.

      Kaiju Collections: happy snaps from Mars
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    • Day 27

      Christmas Steak Dinner and Tokyo Dome

      December 25, 2022 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      We had done a fair bit of walking so decided to head to Christmas dinner early. When we first got there it was quite quiet and we were a little worried but luckily it was also still happy hour so I started making my way through the different happy hour cocktails.
      When the steak came out it was a nice piece of meat but on the first attempt it was a little raw for me, we sent it back for a little more cooking after eating half of it and glad we did as it came out much better.
      After dinner we headed to Tokyo dome which had a rollerskating, table tennis, bowling and a full theme park upstairs. They had some great lights for Christmas on display as well. Was keen to do the rollercoaster which ran through some parts of the mall but for some reason they were not running that ride. They had the log flume, Ferris wheel and pirate still running though so we picked the pirate ship and all got on it.
      Then we decided to call it a night and head back on the train, I said goodnight to the Pilkingtons on the train as they got off two stops before me.
      As I was walking through the quiet station I noticed one of those booths you can hire for remote work, could be fun to give one a go.
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    • Day 11

      Koishikawa Korakuen Gardens

      November 24, 2019 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      The gardens were next to a baseball field. We saw high school kids practising and we could hear plenty of enthusiastic cheers. We also saw tourist buses parked along the street and we hoped that the gardens wouldn't be as full as Ninenzaka Path in Kyoto.

      When it was time to purchase entry tickets, Mom and Dad availed senior discount rates. Already we could see some tourists by the entrance. When we walked inside and got to the clearing, we breathed a sigh of relief as it was spacious and the amount of people were nowhere near what we experienced in Kyoto.

      There were a plenty of trees exhibiting autumn hues. There was a huge, man-made lake in the middle with big fish bobbing their heads up. They also had a 'Japanese traditional' Café that overlooked a smaller pond but this was full of guests at the time of our visit. There were families, groups of tourists, enjoying the scenery and spending time with each other. There were lovers too in some less trodden areas.

      After our groupfies, Mom and Dad made their way to an area where they can take more photos by the lake, whereas my sister and I made our way to the stream with pebbles and boulders, closer to the red bridge. We tried to capture the mood and looked pensive as we took turns taking photos of ourselves amidst this overcast setting. At the top of the hill there was a couple politely chatting to each other and from there we saw Mom and Dad enjoying their scenery by the lake.

      It was dark when we finally left the gardens. The baseball practice across the road was still ongoing. We wondered what time they would finish as it was a school day again tomorrow.

      We took the train back to Akihabara. We noticed that this train line (Toei) goes deeper underground than the other train lines. You need to go down about 4 sets of lengthy escalators. Amazingly, there were bright LED lights on the subway platform that made it seem like there was daylight, helping anyone with claustrophobia or any related anxieties. Also there were birdsounds in their subway. Looking more into this, they say that they are for visually impaired people.--it lets them know where the stairs or escalators for the exits are. Wow!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Koishikawa Kōraku En, Koishikawa Koraku En, 小石川後楽園

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