Mt. Fuji Panoramic Ropeway

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    • Dag 29–32

      Bärenalarm am Mount Fuji

      30 april, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Die Kirchenglocken aus der Spotify-Playlist dröhnten, um uns vor drohenden Bärenbegegnungen zu schützen. Diese sind in den waldigen Bergkämmen Japans verbreitet, und lassen Wanderer, sofern sie im Vorfeld akustisch gewarnt werden in Frieden. Da wir keine analoge Glocke dabei hatten, nutzten wir also eine digitale Variante.

      Aber wo waren wir eigentlich unterwegs. In Kawaguchiko kamen wir in den Morgenstunden, nach einer Busfahrt aus Tokio an. Hier erhofften wir uns einen guten Blick auf den Mount Fuji, der nicht nur der höchste Gipfel des Landes, sondern in gewisser Weise auch Nationalheiligtum ist. Als wir die Wanderung starteten, war der rund 3700-meterhohe Berg in dichten Wolken eingebettet. Doch nach der teilweise recht fordernden Tour bekamen wir am höchsten Punkt angekommen zur Belohnung das schöne Bergpanorama.

      Zwar blieben wir noch zwei weitere Tage in Kawaguchiko doch es sollte das letzte Mal gewesen sein, dass wir Mt. Fuji sehen konnten. Der Himmel zog sich zu und als wir am letzten Tag unseres Aufenthalts, eine weitere Wanderung, um den anliegenden See machen wollten, schüttete es den ganzen Tag wie aus Kübeln.

      Das war allerdings nicht weiter schlimm und wir nutzen den Tag, um die kommenden Wochen zu planen und gingen mit Bekanntschaften aus dem Hostel indisch essen. Die Zeit in Kawaguchiko war insgesamt sehr entschleunigend und perfekt um Kraft zu sammeln, um in nächste Abenteuer mit über 300 km/h zu starten.
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    • Dag 65

      Einmal im Leben am Fuji

      4 november 2022, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Und dann ist da ein bisschen Magie auf so einer Japanreise. Ganz genau in dem Moment, wenn man vor dem Mount Fuji steht. Da wird es irgendwie still um einen und es fühlt sich an, als ob man 'das Ziel' erreicht hat. Einmal im Leben am Fuji stehen. Dann können wir jetzt eigentlich auch wieder nach Hause fliegen. Hihi. Jedenfalls ist der Berg auch für Japaner so eindrucksvoll, dass er gleich 3 Namen hat. Fuji, Fujiyama und/oder Fujisan. In diesen Tagen erleben wir den Fuji eingerahmt von leuchtenden Herbstfarben in rot, gelb und grün. Ich habe in meinem Leben noch nie soviele Fotos von Blättern und Laub gemacht. Aber es ist so wunderschön, das ich auch nicht damit aufhören kann. In Fujiyoshida sehen wir DAS Postkartenmotiv des Bergs von der Chureito Pagode aus und besuchen den Lake Kawaguchiko, einer der 5 Lakes mit besten Blick auf den Fuji. Eine mehr als herrliche Herbstkulisse für den Vulkan der Vulkane. Wir schlafen in einem süßen Hostel und auch hier wird es ziemlich besonders, als am Abend vor unserer Abreise einige Japaner einchecken und wir alle gemütlich im Aufenthaltsraum plaudern. Plötzlich ruft jemand "Onsen" in den Raum. Wenige Minuten später befinden wir uns zum ersten Mal in unserem Leben in so einer herrlichen Badeanstalt. Nackt - natürlich Geschlechter getrennt, dafür mit Handtuch auf dem Kopf, sitzen wir im Basin bei 40 Grad unter dem Sternenhimmel Japans. Schon schlimmere Nächte verbracht. Am nächsten Morgen verabschiedet sich unsere Hostelmami Machiko mit einem kleinen Andenken: von ihr handgestickte Fujis als Glücksbringer für unsere Reise. Wir winken vor dem Hostel noch ca. 5 Minuten bis wir uns endlich verabschieden können. Arigatou Machiko. Arigatou Fuji.Meer informatie

    • Dag 38

      Day 38, Mt. Fuji

      17 maart 2023, Japan ⋅ 🌧 46 °F

      After two hours on the train, we approached Mt. Fuji. Seeing her in her splendor was breathtaking. (Surprisingly, I took this photo while sitting inside the train.) We were very fortunate because by afternoon she had disappeared, and tomorrow’s forecast is steady rain. We are staying in a ryokan, a traditional Japanese hotel, with matted floors and futon beds. Like many ryokans, ours has hot spring baths, separated by gender, where you go in with a only a tiny towel which you wear on top of your head. We also have a hot tub on our balcony, all supplied with volcanic waters. Dress code is a robe called a yukata. 👘 This afternoon we visited a museum featuring the art of Itchiku Kubota. Without a doubt, he created the most magnificent textiles I have ever seen (or even imagined). Fabric is tied in little balls and dyed over and over to give it 3D texture and vivid color. The fabric is then made into kimonos. His work is so renowned that he was the first living artist to be given his own exhibition at the Smithsonian. Besides his art, what I found so amazing is that he endured much hardship, including years after WWII in a Siberian prison camp. The resilience of the human spirit, and ability to create, is beyond measure.Meer informatie

    • Dag 37

      Through Japan via train 🚂

      9 november 2023, Japan ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      After 6 days in Tokio I felt the urge to explore some places outside of the big city 🌃 So, I went to Mount Fuji - the tallest mountain/vulcano in Japan. Getting there and back was a whole day trip since Mt. Fuji 🗻 is approximately 100 km away from Tokyo and even the fastest option takes 2 hours. I found out about all of that via the Tokyo Cheapo 🏷️website (https://tokyocheapo.com/entertainment/tokyo-to-…) the night before. I can really recommend the website. It has a lot of valuable info and is kept up to date. Before I went to Kawaguchiko (according to the website a well-known place for Fuji-spotting) in the morning, I picked up my JR Rail Pass 🪪 from Shibuya Station. My first attempt on the night before was not successful since the service center was already closed and the ticket officer told me that only after I already stood for 15 min. in line 😫
      But that morning I had better luck 🍀 After collecting the JR Rail Pass and seat reservations for my first long-distance ride to Sapporo on the next day, I started my journey to Kawaguchiko through the maze 🔎 of the Japanese regional train system. Cross-checking the Google Maps 🗺️ routing with the descriptions given on the Tokyo Cheapo website definitely helped a lot. Nevertheless, it took the entire morning to get to Kawaguchiko. Plus, I wanted to take the cheapest option. 🤑 That alone has added an hour travel time to my journey; which was in the end probably not worth it.
      At Kawaguchiko lake - the biggest one of the 5 surrounding lakes for Mt. Fuji - I took the cable car 🚠 to the top of a mountain on the opposite side of the lake. The views were very nice although some clouds ⛅️ gathered right in front of Mt. Fuji. One caveat to the cable car was that it took much time to get up and back down again. The reason for that was not so much the actual time ⏱️ spent in the cable car but rather the fact that Kawaguchiko as a whole is completely overcrowded with tourists 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 You had to queue up for everything; be it the cable car (I probably waited 30 min. to go up and maybe 15 min. to go down) or for entry to a restaurant or just the tourist bus 🚌 that I took to get to Oishi Park since it was supposed to offer some great views with the lake or some beautiful flowers/plants 🌸 in front of Mt. Fuji When I arrived at Oishi Park, many clouds ⛅️ gathered in front of Mt. Fuji again. Damn clouds - I made all this way out there and I had no unobstructed view of Mt. Fuji to show for it yet. 😒 So, I grabbed a coffee ☕️ and some biscuits in the Cafe of the Oishi Park and just sat there for a while. It is getting dark pretty early here in Japan 🇯🇵 (sunset is at approximately 5pm) and I was lucky: as soon as the sunset 🌅 started, the clouds moved away from Mt Fuji and I could see it clearly from various spots in the park. So, there you have it - sometimes all you need to do is: wait. 😎 After sunset, I went back to Kawaguchi Station 🚉 and took the trains back to Tokio. This time I was optimizing for shortest travel time and didn’t care about the cost since I needed to be back at the capsule hotel early enough to pick up my luggage 🧳 and arrange for another accommodation that night.
      Somehow I had screwed up my hotel reservations and had none for the night but I remembered a conversation with the host from the guesthouse I stayed first in Tokio: it is common practice for Japanese people to spend the night in an Internet 🛜 cafe. So, I did exactly that. 😅 To European this sounds much worse than it actually is. Let me explain: for only approximately 20,- EURs you get a private room with a computer and screen in it. The floor is almost entirely covered with some material similar to a leather couch 🛋️ and you can put some additional blankets on it to make it a little softer. Access to shared bathroom & shower as well as a towel is also included which makes it practically like a private room in a hostel. And as cherry 🍒 on top you can watch movies, play games or just read one of the many manga comics that are available for free. That night I watched the new Flash and Batman movie 🎥 before I layed down to sleep. It helped that I had many useful things in my backpack though: the sarong from Indonesia 🇮🇩 as blanket, my neck pillow that I would usually put on on long distance flights, a t-shirt and comfy throusers as pyjamas for that night …

      As I wrote earlier, I bought a Full JR Rail Pass for 3 weeks (so I can take any JR operated train in the entire country) starting from today. It simply made sense💡given that I wanted to see many different locations in my time here and the generally high travel costs. For today, I reserved seats for my travel to Sapporo on Hokkaido island way up in the north of Japan 🇯🇵 That trip alone almost covers a third of what I paid for the JR Rail Pass (100.000 JP¥ = 700,- EUR).
      Getting to the train was relatively simple this morning. Meanwhile I knew the Tokyo subway system well enough to effortlessly navigate from Shibuya to Tokyo station. I deliberately was half an hour early to have enough time to find the platform my train was leaving from and to have a coffee. The journey with Shinkansen or bullet train 🚅 - as you might heard before - was tranquil. The train went within 4 hours from Tokio on Honshu to Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto on Hokkaido and arrived exactly at the forseen ETA. I would compare the train to our ICEs in Germany 🇩🇪 it’s only much more punctual 😅
      I guess it gets its name because it looks like a bullet. Older models had even more resemblance with a bullet.
      In Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto I changed to the Limited Express (similar to IC in Germany) to Sapporo. During that train ride I was able to get a first glimpse at the beautiful landscape on Hokkaido with its lakes as well as colorful fields and trees with distant mountains as backdrop. As a bonus, the train ran also right next to the ocean 🌊 when the sun was setting in west.
      On Hokkaido the sun sets even earlier than on Honshu. Thus, I arrived in Sapporo only when it was dark 🌌 So, there was not much to do in the evening. In my hostel I now share a 4-bed dorm with a very talkative Canadian guy from Quebeque who was traveling Asia for the past 30+ years. India, Nepal, Thailand. Vietnam, Korea, Japan … I have heard already lots of travel stories and will probably continue to hear 👂 a lot more in the next few days. 😅
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    • Dag 89

      Kawaguchiko Aussichtsplattform

      13 juni, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      🇩🇪 Nach einem aufregenden Tag gestern steht heute ein ruhigerer auf dem Programm. Ursprünglich wollten wir zum Kawaguchi See, um Tretboot zu fahren, doch das klare Wetter veranlasste uns unterwegs, unsere Pläne zu ändern. Wir entschieden uns stattdessen für einen Besuch der Aussichtsplattform, zu der eine kleine Seilbahn fährt. Gerade als wir ankamen, entdeckten wir eine beachtliche Warteschlange, die später, bei unserem Verlassen, verschwunden war – also wirklich schlechtes Timing. Von der Plattform aus bot sich uns erneut ein spektakulärer Blick auf den Fuji aus einer neuen Perspektive. Nach dem gestrigen Fotoshooting ist meine Motivation, weitere Fotos vom Mt. Fuji zu machen, allerdings begrenzt, da wir bereits ausgezeichnete Aufnahmen gemacht haben, die ich nicht toppen werden können. Wie in Japan üblich, gab es auch hier einen Schrein zu besuchen. Nach einem kurzen Spaziergang durch den Wald erreichten wir den Schrein, der sich als der kleinste erwies, den wir bisher gesehen hatten. Die kleine Wanderung hat sich in dieser Hinsicht leider nicht gelohnt.

      Danach holten wir uns ein verspätetes Mittagessen und machten uns auf den Rückweg, damit ich mit meiner Arbeit beginnen konnte.

      🇺🇸 After an exciting day yesterday, today was more subdued. Originally, we planned to go to Lake Kawaguchi to pedal boat, but the clear weather prompted us to change our plans on the way. Instead, we decided to visit the observation deck, accessible by a small cable car. Just as we arrived, we encountered a considerable queue, which had disappeared by the time we left—truly bad timing. From the platform, we were treated once again to a spectacular view of Mount Fuji from a new angle. After yesterday's photo shoot, my motivation to take more pictures of Mount Fuji is limited, as we already made some excellent shots that I cannot top. As is usual in Japan, there was also a shrine to visit. After a short walk through the woods, we reached the shrine, which turned out to be the smallest we had seen so far. The hike, unfortunately, wasn't worth it in this regard.

      Afterward, we grabbed a late lunch and headed back so I could start my work.
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    • Dag 86

      Kawaguchi See

      10 juni, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      🇩🇪 Nicht weit von unserer Unterkunft entfernt liegt der Kawaguchi-See. Wir befinden uns in der Region "Fuji Five", benannt nach den fünf Seen rund um den Mt. Fuji. Der Kawaguchi-See ist der größte und am besten erschlossene der fünf Seen. Heute wollten wir unsere spärliche Freizeit nutzen, um den See etwas zu erkunden. Zunächst spazierten wir das östliche Ufer entlang und kamen dabei an einer Seilbahn vorbei, die zu einem Aussichtspunkt führt. Da jedoch dichte Wolken den Himmel bedeckten, entschieden wir uns gegen eine Fahrt.

      Letztendlich sind wir einfach nur lange spaziert und haben mehrere Verleihstationen für Tretboote gesehen, von denen wir in den nächsten Tagen vielleicht eines ausleihen werden. Zudem gibt es viele Cafés und Restaurants mit einer tollen Aussicht auf den See.

      Auf dem Rückweg kamen wir am Yagizaki Park vorbei, von dem aus wir zu einem Pavillon auf dem See gelangen konnten, der nur bei Ebbe erreichbar ist. Dort konnten wir sogar einen Schwan beobachten, der gerade Eier bebrütete. Allzu nahe wollten wir jedoch nicht herankommen, da ein männlicher Schwan uns wachsam beobachtete, sobald wir in Sichtweite waren.

      🇺🇸 Not far from our accommodation is Lake Kawaguchi. We are in the "Fuji Five" area, named after the five lakes surrounding Mt. Fuji. Lake Kawaguchi is the largest and most developed of the five lakes. Today, we wanted to use our limited free time to explore the lake a bit. We first walked along the eastern shore and passed by a cable car that goes to a viewpoint. However, since the sky was covered with thick clouds, we decided against taking the ride.

      In the end, we just walked for a long time and saw several pedal boat rental stations, one of which we might rent from in the next few days. There are also many cafes and restaurants with a great view of the lake.

      On the way back, we passed by Yagizaki Park, from where we could walk to a pavilion on the lake that is only accessible at low tide. There we could even watch a swan brooding eggs. However, we didn't want to get too close, as a male swan watched us vigilantly as soon as we came into sight.
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    • Dag 13

      Lake Kawaguchiko

      6 mei 2023, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      On the way back, we stopped by the lakeside, because we still had time before we had to bring back the Bikes… so another small Photoshoot by the Lake with Mount Fuji View, some girl talk and admiring Mount Fuji…

      before we had to bring back the E-Bikes, we stopped at the Convenience Stores, because we had to but some Food and Drinks for Dinner… and back to the Rental Place/Campground!
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    • Dag 9


      19 april, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Bei einem Japan Besuch darf ein Halt beim Fuji natürlich nicht fehlen. Eine erneute Besteigung ist nicht machbar, da der Berg noch geschlossen ist. Dafür ist noch Kirschblüte und der Berg hat seine ironische Schneehaube.

      Der Fuji ist mit 3776 m Höhe der höchste Berg Japans. Dazu hat dieser Schichtvulkan eine nahezu perfekte Kegelform. Es ist wenig verwunderlich, dass dies Anerkennung durch die UNESCO findet. Allerdings als Weltkulturerbe, nicht als Weltnaturerbe. Die Begründung ist die religiöse Bedeutung und Quelle künstlerischer Inspiration.

      Für einen Besuch eignet sich der Ort Kawaguchiko. Der Ort ist gut auf Tourismus eingestellt und bietet eine gute Infrastruktur um zu verschiedenen Orten um den Fuji zu gelangen.
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    • Dag 24


      1 april, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Our hotel in Fujikawaguchiko, called Rakuyu, had a lot of amenities to give its guests a traditional Ryokan experience. Our room had an area with the Tatami mats (with futon beds provided if we wanted to sleep there). We had Yukatas (traditional Japanese robes) and the hotel encouraged all guests to wear them in the common spaces. And last but not the least, there was a public and a private Onsen (hot spring bath). We tried the public Onsen early in the morning. The male and female baths were separated so Divya and I went separate ways. It was an interesting experience. I had never been fully naked in a public bath before, so I was a bit iffy. But there was nobody in the bath at the time so I had the whole Onsen to myself. The view was amazing facing the Kawaguchiko lake. The water was almost 40 degrees celsius, a bit too hot for my liking. After a while, the heat made me uncomfortable enough that I left. Divya had a much more pleasant experience. The heat did not bother her and she came back very relaxed. Later in the day, we tried the private Onsen, where we could both go in together. Again, the lake view was great. After the bath, we got the complimentary cocktail and snacks in the hotel restaurant and then ended the day by watching “Lost In Translation”, a movie both of us had already seen but we were keen to watch it again because of its depiction of Japan and its unique culture.Meer informatie

    • Dag 14

      Morning on the Campground

      7 mei 2023, Japan ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Good Morning, waking up with a view like this is amazing.. we had a coffee and Breakfast and slowly made ourself ready and packed our things because today we have a long travel day, we are going to Tokyo…Meer informatie

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    Mt. Fuji Panoramic Ropeway

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