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    • Dag 7

      Last Night in Japan

      18. november 2019, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      After dinner, a group of friends and I 'hit the town'. I was having a fun time, staring in wonder at the lights and branded buildings that I recognised. But we ventured on towards a photo booth parlour.
      It was crazy (in a good way). They had a whole floor of photo booths. Costumes were available for hire (so you could dress up for the photos), a wall lined with a giant mirror, as well as a station for preparing your look - the kind that you'd see in a classic theatre (a mirror lined with light bulbs.) They also had hair straighteners and curlers, which I found entertaining.

      After our photo session we found a karaoke place to hire a room. It was the first time I had been able to do karaoke without feeling stupid or too self conscious. They had a large selection of songs, in multiple languages too. It was really fun, and my favourite song to sing was "I'm gonna be (500 miles)" by The Proclaimers.

      It was a really fun night, I'm so glad I got that experience. I just wish I could've had more times like that with those friends.
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    • Dag 23

      Pancakes und mehr

      3. desember 2023, Japan ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      Am morgen sind wir nach shinjuku in ein geiles Pancake restaurant und danach haben wir den Nachmittag mit einem Japaner der wir am Car meeting getroffen habe verbracht und am Abend in ein E-sport caffeeLes mer

    • Dag 128

      COVID-19 strikes back

      18. september 2022, Japan ⋅ 🌧 26 °C


      Bonjour !

      Aujourd'hui ça sera plus une anecdote de voyage qu'un article, car j'ai assez peu de photos (vous comprendrez pourquoi 😂).

      Suite au parc d'attraction Yomiuri Land, j'ai passé les jours suivants à Tokyo avec mes amis.

      Je devais bientôt partir pour la ville de Nagoya, mais un évènement indésirable (bien que prévisible) se produit.
      COVID-19, le retour 😱

      Ça ne m'avait manqué du tout, mais après plusieurs mois de voyage, il était normal de le revoir pointer son nez.

      J'habitais à ce moment dans une sharehouse proche de la station Senkawa (la même qu'à mon arrivée en mai). Qui dit sharehouse, dit vie en communauté: salon, cuisine, douche et toilettes partagés.

      Malheureusement, l'un d'entre nous a attrapé le virus, et a mis un peu trop de temps à s'isoler, contaminants au passage quelques uns d'entre nous.
      Nous étions 15 au total, et jour après jour, le nombre de cas augmentait: et on rayait les noms sur un tableau ☠️

      Nous communiquions sur un groupe de discussion Line (une application de messagerie en ligne semblable à Messenger ou encore WhatsApp) pour être informé tout en évitant les contacts.
      Tout nouveau contaminé devait s'isoler dans sa chambre en attendant la mise en quarantaine dans un hôtel dédié. Les autres pouvaient sortir, mais avec précaution 😷

      Puis fut le moment du test antigénique 🧪
      À cet instant j'étais assez inquiet car être positif signifiait s'isoler à Tokyo plusieurs semaines et saboter mon voyage à Nagoya 🥺

      Heureusement, les 3 tests que j'ai fait sur plusieurs jours ont tous été négatifs et j'ai pu quitter la sharehouse sans problème 😁

      Au moment de partir, il restait 2 cas sains sur les 15, moi compris 😱

      Et vous, vous avez vécu semblable expérience pendant la pandémie ? Dites le moi en commentaire ! 😁

      Prochain épisode à Nagoya ! Ciao 🤗


      Today, it will be more of a travel anecdote than an article, as I have very few photos (you'll understand why 😂).

      After visiting Yomiuri Land amusement park, I spent the following days in Tokyo with my friends.

      I was about to depart soon for Nagoya, but an unwanted (though predictable) event occurred.
      COVID-19 stroke again 😱

      I hadn't missed it at all, but after several months of traveling, it was only natural to see it appear at some point.

      At that time, I was living in a sharehouse near Senkawa station (the same one I stayed at in May). Life in a sharehouse means shared areas: shared living room, kitchen, shower, and toilet.

      Unfortunately, one of us contracted the virus and took a little too long to isolate, inadvertently infecting some of us along the way.
      We were a total of 15, and day by day, the number of cases increased, and we were crossing names off on a board ☠️

      We talked through a Line group chat (an online messaging app similar to Messenger or WhatsApp) to stay updated while avoiding physical contact.
      Newly infected person had to isolate in their room while waiting to be quarantined in a dedicated hotel. The rest of us could go out, but with caution 😷

      Then came antigen testing 🧪
      At that moment, I was quite worried because testing positive meant isolating in Tokyo for several weeks and ruining my trip to Nagoya 🥺

      Fortunately for me, all 3 tests I took over several days came back negative, and I was able to leave the sharehouse without any issues 😁

      The day I left, we were 2 healthy people remaining out of 15, myself included 😱

      How about you?
      Have you experienced a similar situation during the pandemic?
      Let me know in the comments! 😁

      Next episode: Nagoya ! Ciao 🤗






      今日はそれだけだ!またね 👋
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    • Dag 6

      Arrival in Tokyo, Komagome

      6. september 2019, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      A 6 hour flight later we arrived to the second destination of our Asia trip: Tokyo. We could only check in at 4pm but we decided to head to our neighbourhood, Komagome with our big luggage and chill out there (also we only slept 2 hours on the plane so we weren't too energetic). After some Japanese curry and Gyudon (beef and rice) in the local cheap place we went to the Kyu-Furukawa Gardens which is a "unique garden of the Taisho-period with a harmonized mixture of Japanese and western taste" - as the leaflet says. It was beautiful and perfect for relaxing/half sleeping, what the leaflet doesn't mention is that there are many invisible mosquitos (well how useful our mosquito repellent would have been if it wasn't taken away from us in China with the 'it is too dangerous' reason).
      When we arrived to check in our street seemed like the most surreal place ever. Light, classical/computer game music was played from speakers and everything seemed tiny, the streets, the cars, no rubbish anywhere - like we were in a computer game or virtual reality.
      As it was 30+ degrees we were looking forward some refreshing shower in our tiny apartment (as big as our two futon beds so they are folded up during the day) followed by instant noodle pots and a big sleep.
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    • Dag 43

      Ukulele Mania

      10. januar 2023, Japan ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

      The guy was so nice, he invited me in for coffee and a little jam to try the different uke's.
      Offered me biscuits and gave me a pack of stickers to put on my ukelele.
      He had so many unique uke's, one he had was a cigar box uke which there are only 7 of in the world.
      To me it felt like being at olivanders but I was too nervous to properly play through them.
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    • Dag 6


      26. mars 2018, Japan ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Nach unserem Ausflug zum Kaiser (hatte leider keine Zeit für uns) und dem Spaziergang durch das Zentrum von Tokio wurde mir, Christopher, ein kleiner Wunsch erfüllt. Wir haben das größte Pokémon Center von Tokio besucht. Die Suche hat sich zwar schwerer gestaltet als erwartet, aber letztlich hat sich das kleine Kind in mir sehr gefreut 😁
      Per Zufall haben wir auch noch eines der höchsten Häuser entdeckt. Denn das Einkaufszentrum, in dem sich das Center befindet, bildet die ersten Stockwerke dieses Gebäudes. Das oberste Stockwerk wird als Aussichtspunkt genutzt und hat den Tag für uns mit einem schönen Ausblick über Tokio bei Nacht abgeschlossen.
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    • Dag 6

      Sunshine City and Namjatown

      19. mai 2022, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Une fois les tâches administratives terminées, j'ai passé une partie de l'après-midi et la soirée à Ikebukuro avec un ami et sa femme, de passage au Japon.

      Ikebukuro est un quartier que je connais un peu car j'y ai habité lors de mes précédents voyages. C'est un quartier assez vivant, surtout le soir, et on y trouve pas mal de points d'intérêts comme des restaurants, magasins, bornes d'arcades, et autres divertissements.

      Les photos peuvent peut-être évoquer de vielles maisons ou un temple, mais en fait il s'agit d'une zone spéciale du centre commercial Sunshine City 😅
      On y trouve des magasins habituels, un Pokémon Center (boutique officielle pokémon) ainsi qu'une zone qui ressemble à un parc à thème, appelé Namjatown 😸

      L'entrée dans le parc était gratuite, et on a pu y manger des Gyozas (raviolis) de multiples régions.

      Il y avait une petite zone mystique / fantomatique avec des décorations un peu partout et quelques animations qui faisaient sursauter 😂

      After finishing the paperwork, I spent the afternoon and evening in Ikebukuro with a friend and his wife, in Japan for the time being.

      Ikebukuro is an area a know of, becauseI used to live here in previous trips. It's quite lively, especially at night and you can find various places of interest like restaurants, stores, game centers and more.

      The pictures might give the impression of old houses or a temple, but it is actually a dedicated area in a commercial center called Sunshine City. In this commercial center, you can find usual shops, as well as a Pokémon Center (Pokémon official store) as well as an area that looks like a theme park, Namjatown 😸

      The entrance was free, and we could taste gyozas (dumplings) from multiple regions.

      There was a small place with mystical / fantomatic atmosphere, quite well decorated and with small jump scares too 😂
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    • Dag 15

      Slut Tokyo

      17. mars 2018, Japan ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Slutligen åkte vi till Ginzadistriktet, ett exklusivt shoppingområde där världens alla kända märken är representerade. Vi passerade även stadsdelen Akihabara där mycket telnikutrustning o manga o,animettetecknade serier görs. Märkligt att se att även kattor fått små fik! Hem, byts om till middag o god natts sömn!Les mer

    • Dag 14

      Till Tokyo

      16. mars 2018, Japan ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

      Efter en tidig frukost, tog vi T-bana till stationen där Shinkansen skulle avgå. Häftigt trångt men bara vänliga ansikten. Resan till Tokyo gick fort och landskapet visade många te-odlingar. Shinkansen var imponerande!Les mer

    • Dag 4


      17. mai 2022, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Moi en train d'attendre mon tour à la mairie du quartier, pour faire enregistrer mon adresse sur ma "Residence Card" (zairyuu ca-do). Cette carte de résident est la pièce d'identité nécessaire à tout résident à moyen/long terme. Il faut toujours l'avoir sur soi, car au Japon le passeport ne suffit pas en cas de contrôle d'identité.

      En tant que titulaire d'un visa Vacances Travail, on m'a remis ma carte à mon arrivée à l'aéroport de Narita. Cependant celle-ci n'est pas complète : il est impératif d'y enregistrer son adresse au Japon sous 14 jours, et sans cela, certaines démarches sont impossibles (ouverture de compte bancaire au Japon par exemple).

      C'était une petite épreuve en soi car les formulaires sont entièrement en japonais, heureusement j'arrivais à comprendre et à me faire comprendre en japonais, et le staff était très sympathique. Pour les moments les plus complexes, un sauveur est apparu, quelqu'un qui parlait anglais 😂

      Me, waiting for my turn in the local city hall, as I needed to register my current address on my "Residence Card" (zairyuu ca-do). This card is a mandatory identification document, for medium / long term stay. You always need to carry it with you, as the passport isn't enough in case of identity check.

      As a Working Holiday visa owner, i got mine on my arrival in Narita airport. But in this state, the card is not considered as "complete": you need to register your current address on its back within the first 14 days. Without it, you're not allowed to open a bank account in Japan, for example.

      It was quite a challenge to register my address, as all the papers I needed to fill were in japanese. Thankfully, I was able to understand and speak, and the staff was very kind. During the most complex tasks, a "hero" emerged : someone able to speak english 😂
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