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    • Dag 8


      9. august 2022, Kosovo ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

      Pristina, Kosovo

      My journey from North Macedonia to Kosovo was on a hot, busy minibus with a group consisting largely of Kosovan workers. I was seated across from two burly construction workers who insisted on striking up a conversation, albeit in German - the only common language we could just about all understand (although my Higher German seemed a long way off!). The main guy was clearly in celebratory mood, and insisted on me joining him in a glass of ‘schnapps’. Me politely declining his offer was pointless, and soon I was joining half the passengers in a generous serving of the powerful rekija (the effects of which from my lunchtime imbibing were only just wearing off!). I thought the two quiet young guys in front were from the USA, but they too were Kosovan, but possessing the usual perfect American accent common in young folk from these parts, brought up with social media. They too joined the party, asking me the familiar questions: ‘Glasgow Rangers or Celtic?‘ My interest in lacrosse seemed to fail to impress them, but they were very helping in providing advice about their small country. ‘But why are you visiting Kosovo?’ they enquired. I wondered that too, as the first image I saw after crossing through Border Control was a car engulfed in fire at the side of the road. On arrival at Pristina Bus Station, my construction friends tried to persuade me to join them for a ‘bier’ but, fearing the worst, I politely declined and headed for my hotel - the 4Llulla in the city centre.

      Kosovo only gained its independence in 2008 and, although it has been recognised by many countries, there are still many which don’t, including Serbia. Indeed I was told by several fellow travellers that you would be refused entry to Serbia if you tried to enter from Kosovo, (which they believe is still part of their country), so I am relieved I didn’t do it that way around. I also heard that there had been some recent trouble in Kosovo, but after checking the relevant travel advice, this seems to have been restricted to the north of the country, and the remainder generally was considered safe for travel.

      As Europe’s newest capital city, Pristina underwhelms somewhat compared to other cities I have visited on this trip. There are no obvious major attractions, but it was interesting to walk around nonetheless. My small hotel was located next to the main Skanderberg Square. There was some of kind of international folk dancing competition outside the theatre as I arrived, and I thought the beautiful costumes would look great in a Runway pantomime. I had a lovely traditional dinner at the recommended Liburnia restaurant - roasted peppers in a cream sauce, followed by lamb and potatoes cooked the oven - tasty 😋. I topped up my alcohol level with a half litre of the local lager beer.

      This morning I did a walk around the city centre. Apart from the main pedestrianised street, it was very busy with traffic, fairly littered, lots of graffiti, grass verges, street furniture and steps poorly maintained, and grey, overcast weather - remind you of anywhere? Although Pristina was interesting to visit, it would not be on the top of my list to return to. They say that if you have limited time in Kosovo then Prizren with its attractive Old Town is the place to go. But I think I’ll have to leave that visit for another trip
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    • Dag 272


      27. december 2022, Kosovo ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Es ist zur Zeit nicht ganz einfach in das Kosovo zu kommen, denn die nördlichen Grenzen zu Serbien werden gerade von Demonstranten und dem serbischen Militär blockiert. Serbien und die im Kosovo lebenden Serben akzeptieren die Unabhängigkeit des Kosovos nicht. Deshalb gibt es immer wieder im Norden des Landes Konflikte. Das auswärtige Amt rät von eine Reise dahin derzeit ab. Deshalb führte unser Weg über Montenegro nach Westkosovo. Da man jedoch nur nach Serbien ausreisen darf, wenn man auch darüber eingereist ist, müssen wir morgen einen Umweg über Mazedonien nach Serbien nehmen. Außerdem wird die Green Card nicht anerkannt und man muss eine gesonderte KFZ-Versicherung abschließen. Aber egal, die Umwege haben sich gelohnt.

      Alle Vorurteile, die wir gegenüber dem jüngsten Staat Europas hatten, haben sich nicht bestätigt.
      Das Kosovo wirkt auf uns wie ein modernes Albanien. Es gibt sehr moderne Städte mit schicken Restaurants und die Menschen sind elegant und modern gekleidet.
      Es gibt mehrere noch sehr natürliche Nationalparks mit kleinen hochgelegenen Bergdörfern und tiefen Canyons. Wir sind ein Stück auf dem Fernwanderweg "Peaks of Balkan" spaziert. Diesen werden wir uns mal genauer anschauen und vielleicht in ein paar Jahren vollständig bewandern.

      Im Landesinneren merken wir nichts von den Konflikten an der Grenze.
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    • Dag 17

      Pristina - Europas jüngste Hauptstadt

      29. maj 2023, Kosovo ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Der Grenzübergang nach Kosovo 🇽🇰 war wieder mal erstaunlich schnell und einfach. Lediglich eine zusätzliche Versicherung für‘s Auto für 15,- € mussten wir abschließen, da die grüne Versicherungskarte dort nicht gilt.

      Der Polizist an der Grenze kam sogar raus aus seinem Häuschen, gab mir unsere Papiere zurück und klopfte mir auf die Schultern und sagte nur „Welcome in Kosovo“ 👍😊

      Unser Stellplatz heute ist nicht sehr schön, dafür aber bewacht und überdacht. Sogar einen eigenen Wachhund haben wir hier. 😄

      Heute Nachmittag ging es dann ein wenig in die Stadt, Sightseeing und Cachen. 1 Lab und ein Tradi, mehr gibt’s hier aber leider nicht. 🤷🏻

      Naja, dafür sind die Getränke und das Essen umso billiger. Ein Bier 0,3 kostet 1,50 €, ein Espresso 1,- € und gegessen haben wir einen Grillteller, Hamburger mit Pommes und 2 Cola für 12,30 €.

      Eigentlich ein Grund zu bleiben, aber wir wollen morgen doch wieder weiter. 😃
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    • Dag 74

      Bear Sanctuary, nr Pristina

      3. juni, Kosovo ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      In the morning went to the bear sanctuary where bears rescued from show and what not are now recovering. Apparently it's not that long ago that they were kept in pretty cruel conditions. So sad. But they seemed a lot happier now although apparently some of them are still traumatised.

      After the centre four hour ride to Thessalonika via North Macedonia.
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    • Dag 73

      Into Pristina, Kosovo

      2. juni, Kosovo ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Woke up and it was pouring with rain so thought I might have to spend another day in Podgorica. But it soon stopped and before too long the sun came out and stayed out. So on I go. My route from here to Istanbul is, I think, going to be via Pristina, Kosovo, and then Thessalonika in Greece. Today I was booked into Pristina Backpackers (or so I thought - when I arrived it turns out I had actually booked for last night but managed to get sorted easily enough).

      Had a lovely ride through the mountains in Montenegro and into Kosovo. The distance between the exit customs and the entry customs was a good way - I would estimate 10km at least so I wonder what the status of that area is. Can tell I'm getting into a slightly poorer area of the world. Horses at the border crossing. Lots and lots of switchbacks for the bikers out there. Good riding.

      Arrived into Pristina about 4.30. The hostel didn't answer. A series of unfortunate events. I had mistakenly booked for last night. They had no other bookings so the reception staff had gone off hiking to the bear sanctuary - where I think I will go tomorrow. Managed to get in by banging on the door and a guest letting me in. Got in and phoned the number they gave but given that they were all hiking, didn't answer! but once in the reception I was able to charge the phone, sit down, change and relax.

      Eventually they did make contact by phone so I was able to check in, then went to get some food. Very cheap to eat out. 5E for a meal and a drink. Got back and chilled in the upstairs balcony.
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    • Dag 24

      Kosovo Day 1

      21. juni 2023, Kosovo ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      📍 Durrës ➡️ Tirana ➡️ Pristhina

      Another Day trying ro fix the Suzuki, this time in Tirana. As it didn‘t work we decided in the afternoon to go to Pristhina (Kosovo). My Father by taxi/bus and me by motorcycle.Læs mere

    • Dag 5

      Pristina - die Hauptstadt des Kosovo

      29. maj 2022, Kosovo ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Seit 2008 ist Pristina die Hauptstadt der Republik Kosovo und mit über 145.000 Einwohnern zugleich die größte Stadt und Gemeinde des Staates.

      Pristina ist Regierungssitz und somit das politische Landeszentrum. In der Stadt befinden sich der Sitz der Regierung, der Parlamentssitz und der Amtssitz des Präsidenten. Des Weiteren sind hier die Hauptquartiere der UNMIK- und OSZE-Missionen im Staat ansässig. Im Mittelpunkt des Amselfeldes gelegen ist Pristina auch Verkehrsknotenpunkt sowie wirtschaftliches und kulturelles Zentrum der Republik Kosovo.

      Zur knapp 200.000 Einwohner zählenden Gemeinde Pristina gehören neben dem Stadtgebiet noch 41 umliegende Ortschaften. Pristina ist zudem Hauptstadt eines Bezirkes.

      Umgeben ist die Stadt von den fruchtbaren Ebenen dieser Region, nur im Osten erheben sich die Hügel des Zhegoc (serbisch Žegovac). In der Stadt gibt es keine Flüsse mehr. Die bis in die 1950er Jahre existierenden Flüsse, die Pristina und die Vellusha, wurden durch Müll und Erde weitgehend zugedeckt und verschwanden aus dem Stadtbild. Die beiden mündeten einst in die Sitnica, die westlich des Stadtgebiets nach Nordwesten fließt. Südöstlich von Pristina in den Bergen des Zhegoc befindet sich der Badovac-See, ein Reservoir mit etwa 5,5 Kilometern Länge.
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    • Dag 74


      3. august 2022, Kosovo ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      At our last night at a campfire in Plav we spontaneously changed our plans. Instead of heading back to nature we decided to visit Pristina. The capital of Kosovo - which is currently hosting the Manifesta. The nomadic European Biennale. Besides a lot of artsy shit we enjoyed the cities variety of international food.Læs mere

    • Dag 12


      16. juli 2022, Kosovo ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      [JJ] That was the dodgiest border crossing we've (me specifically) endured yet, with a corrupt Kosovan version of Steve Bruce at the wheel. I'll leave out the details so my mum and dad don't get annoyed at me lol but we are finally here in Europe's newest country, and seventh of our trip!Læs mere

    • Dag 4

      Pristina (Приштина)

      25. september 2022, Kosovo ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      First stop in Kosovo was the capital Pristina 🇽🇰 , it had it all starting with a statue of Bill Clinton, a library that evidently was designed by a very special person, massive lunches for 5€, a marathon, only one free ATM (the rest were 5€) and a tonne of pro-NATO, EU and US signs.Læs mere

    Du kender måske også dette sted med følgende navne:

    Pristina, Priština, بريشتينا, Prishtina, Priştina, Горад Прышціна, Прищина, པི་རི་སི་ཊི་ན།, Приштина, Πρίστινα, Priŝtino, پریشتینا, פרישטינה, Պրիշտինա, PRN, Pristína, プリシュティナ, პრიშტინა, 프리슈티나, प्रिस्टिना, Prixtina, Prisjtina, Приштинæ, ਪ੍ਰਿਸ਼ਤੀਨਾ, Prisztina, Prìstina, پریسٹینا, Priștina, Prėštėna, பிரிஸ்டினா, พริชตีนา, Priştine, Prištin, 普里什蒂納, 普里什蒂纳

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