
desember 2020 - januar 2021
A month exploring the possibilities of Panamá Les mer
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  • Dag 1

    Next adventure

    23. desember 2020, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 48 °F

    We have just boarded an absolutely packed flight leaving Tampa and flying to Miami. We will have a short stay in Miami and then on to Panama City, Panama.
    Panama is going into lockdown on the 25th to 28th and again January 1 to the 4th. In addition to that we have to get tested when we arrive at Panama Airport.
    Reading and talking with friends, it appears that moving around the country could prove challenging. Stay tuned. Tonight Panama City, tomorrow we grab 4 days worth of food and drive 5 hours to our Airbnb in Pedasi. This is a small town near the Pacific coast and west of the Capitol. Here we will stay for 4 days during the lockdown and then on to Boca Chica for the next one.
    I thought I would leave you with some info on the magnificent Skyway Bridge in St. Petersburg Florida.…
    Cheers for now
    Les mer

  • Dag 2


    24. desember 2020, Panama ⋅ ⛅ 79 °F

    We arrived in Panama City yesterday. Got our Covid test at the Airport and passed with flying colors. Our taxi was waiting for us and off we went. Panama City from all appearances is a city of the haves and the have-nots. Beautiful skyscrapers with a shantytown next door. And Starbucks is not cheap here.
    Today we drove for hours to get to a small town on the coast called Pedasí. Reading about driving here, we were aware that there are lots of speed traps. Damn it if I didn’t get a ticket. Anger! 🤬
    We did drive over the famed Panama Canal, pretty impressive. Will have to do a tour when we get back to the city.
    About a hour out of the city, we went shopping for 4 days’ worth of food and drinks. I, per the Covide restrictions, was the only person allowed to shop today. Men and women alternate shopping days. What a shit show!
    We are at our Airbnb place now. Quite nice and on a 100 hectare farm with private beach access. I don’t think lockdown will be so bad. Merry Christmas to all.
    Les mer

  • Dag 5


    27. desember 2020, Panama ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    Today is the 27th. Day 3 of our 4 day Panamanian lockdown. I have quite enjoyed it. Caroline about 90%. She is not fond of the actual “restriction”. It’s the American thing.
    That being said, we both have embraced it with flying colors. Limited WiFi and almost no cell service. No cars, except for patrolling police.
    Up at daybreak or a little after. Coffee on the deck with the princess nesting dove who just wants to be left alone. We oblige. Picture to follow.
    All we hear is birds by day and insects by night. A little wind for good measure. The waves are faint in the distance which are often forgotten when the parakeets come on their fly by. Noisy buggers.
    Christmas dinner was a treat. Getting charcoal to light in the BBQ took about an hour and a half. Caroline had to visit the interweb to discover that paper towels dipped in oil works great. Remember that! Results on photo.
    We went to the beach at least once a day. Water is lovely and warm. Sand is firm which makes it great for long walks.
    One bottle of wine and lots of food to use up, lockdown every now and again in my opinion is grand. Back to basics.
    Boca Chica tomorrow to prep for the next lockdown on Jan 1st.,_Chi…

    Here’s where we’re currently staying in Panamá:

    Les mer

  • Dag 5

    Adiós Pedasí (especially the frog!)

    27. desember 2020, Panama ⋅ ⛅ 82 °F

    Donny’s been doing such a great job chronicling our Panamanian adventure! Here are a few other highlights (sorry no accompanying pics... been trying to put down the phone as much as possible ☺️):

    🐸 As we tended to the barbecue on Christmas evening (well, Donny tended to it while I swayed away in the nearby hammock keeping him
    company and making sure the wine was safe to drink 😬), I was sent indoors to get a plate. Fortunately the light over the front step was on to illuminate the absolutely GIGANTIC frog sitting on our front step!
    Up to this point, I had been blissfully obtuse (self-delusional?) about the possibility of my least favorite fauna (amphibians + reptiles) invading our little Earth House, other than the requisite geckos 🦎 that I’ve learned to live with because they stay mostly out of sight.

    I yelped, shouted for Donny to come to my rescue, then yelped again when he shooed it away from the door and it hopped in my general direction. I climbed up on a nearby chair like a total crazy person, until the frog was a safe distance away on the yard (but I still kept an eye on the f**ker).

    The best part? Less than a minute later, our host Luis came out of his house carrying a positively huge machete, asking if it was a snake and I had to admit that it was just a frog and that I’m afraid of them. 🤦‍♀️ Then it occurred to me, wait, how big and/or dangerous are the snakes around here?!?!? 😱
    Les mer

  • Dag 7

    Boca Chica

    29. desember 2020, Panama ⋅ ⛅ 82 °F

    We packed up in Pedasí yesterday morning and hit the road. On our way out from the earth house, our host Luis opened the gate for us. He proceeded to tell us that one of his cows had been slaughtered and taken on the early hours of Dec 26th. All I could think is that I have been dropped into a modern day western movie.
    It so happens we had been woken up around 4am that morning by the sound of dog’s barking, which we thought unusual. One for the story books.
    It took us about seven hours to get to Boca Chica. Not a whole lot of excitement along the way. We had to go shopping for supplies on Santiago which took forever. Thus the seven hours.
    About 10km from Boca Chica we passed row of shacks that were put together with mud and leaves. The inhabitants were we assumed natives. Probably the most primitive dwelling I have ever seen.
    Last night was petty cool. We stayed at Roxie’s fishing lodge. I think we are the only tourists in town. We were invited to dine at the restaurant next door. So before dinner we went to the super mini and bought some wine and ice as they didn’t sell either at the restaurant.
    The rain started before dinner, kids were playing in an outdoor gym down the street and local riding a mule was exercising a beautiful white Arabian up and down the street for over an hour. What a feast for the senses. And dinner was not half bad either.
    We were served a plate with a small salad, boiled vegetables and four each beautiful Langostinos (large prawns). Yummy.
    We are waiting for our boat taxi to Pacific Bay Resort. The next adventure is about to begin.
    Les mer

  • Dag 8

    Howler monkeys

    30. desember 2020, Panama ⋅ 🌧 79 °F

    The boat ride to Pacific Bay Resort was pleasant and without surprise. There we were greeted by Frank the owner. Bags were loaded on to a golf cart and up the hill we went.
    Out host and his hired help placed our bags in our room and off they went. We started to unpack. I think it was the second drawer that we opened where the dresser came alive. Termites!!!!
    Fortunately the casa next door was available as were every casa on the resort. We are the only guests.
    We are sitting at the restaurant now facing north with the sun setting to our left through the trees. About twenty parrots have flown by. And the Howler Monkeys have been giving out yards for the past hour. The bats are out and it’s time for dinner. I need those bats to do their job and gobble all the female mosquitoes. PLEASE
    Les mer

  • Dag 9


    31. desember 2020, Panama ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

    Our host who I mentioned earlier, his name is Frank. Interesting guy. Owned bars and nightclubs in NYC in the 70 and 80’s. Italian and is a boxing fan. Gave up the booze some thirty years ago.
    So now he owes a 150 acre getaway in Panama. I give the guy a ton of credit for what he built. The sad part is that the jungle wants this land back and it shows.
    Frank is 75 now and I’m sure there’s a bestselling book there. But who knows because he’s not telling. I’m Italian! Anyway, we talked tonight and he told us about an event that they have here four times a year.
    Shaman come to his resort four times a year and hold an ayahuasca ceremony. According to Frank people come from around the world to participate on this ceremony.

    You just never know where the journey will take you. Life is for living. And no l have not participated. Happy New Year
    Les mer

  • Dag 10

    The Island

    1. januar 2021, Panama ⋅ 🌙 79 °F

    So we are actually not on an island but may as well be. Can’t get here by road. Over priced boat taxi only. Like NYC.
    Ok. So this place is a big rock and not a level one. The walk from our casita to Frank’s bar is 1/4 mile. Easy! Hell no. It’s been Caroline and my ambition to get to Frank’s without needing a shower when we got there. See photo.

    We did do a good walk yesterday. About 2.5 miles. But I kid you not it felt like 5. The inclines are something else.
    Enough whining. Did I tell you about the biting insects? Ha!

    So for $150 all-in per night we get basic digs, three good meals per day, and a 150 acre playground with three beautiful beaches. Not too shabby. And we get Frank....

    The cabin next to ours is vacant so we now have two bathrooms. Hooray
    Les mer

  • Dag 13

    Moving on

    4. januar 2021, Panama ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

    Last day on Pacific Bay Resort. Breakfast at 10am, it’s now 8:50am and guess who is still asleep? Trying to stay quiet so walked to the beach. Didn’t bring my phone of course. At the beach, I saw the white-faced monkeys again. This time they dropped a piece of eaten fruit at my feet. One of them then descended to where we were looking into each other’s eyeballs from about 25 feet away. Then it went back up and merged into highway tree.
    As I came back up the HILL I heard some noise in the undergrowth. I peeked over and there was a creature I have not seen before. Looked like a badger. Can’t wait to get up to the restaurant to figure out what it is.
    After all that excitement a quick recap. Given the fact that the entire nation of Panama has been on lockdown for the past four days we hit a home run. We could walk, run, swim, fish and kayak. Plus that we got three squares per day. No stress. Did I tell you about the HILLS. Haha.
    Boquete here we come. Cheers.
    Les mer