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    • Dzień 31

      Grüne Lunge? Von wegen!

      11 lutego 2017, Malezja ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Die Cameron Highlands sind nicht nur unter den Touristen ein beliebtes Reiseziel, auch die Lokals gehen hier gerne zum Urlaub machen hin. Also machten auch wir uns auf den "grünen Garten" Malaysias zu besichtigen.

      Schon im Bus, den kurvigen Straßen nach Tanah Rata folgend, sahen wir die beleuchteten Teeplantagen, für welche die Cameron Highlands außerdem bekannt sind. Nach unserer Ankunft und dem lang ersehnten Essen, trafen wir in der Hostelbar direkt 2 andere Pärchen (Jan und Janna aus Deutschland und Muhanned und Natalie aus Malaysia), die mit uns am nächsten Tag die Teeplantagen erkunden wollten.

      Es ging so früh am morgen los, dass man die Kälte der Nacht (Immerhin 12-15 Grad), noch spüren konnte. Bei den Plantagen angekommen wurde es aber zügig wärmer und so entschlossen wir uns sie fast stetig bergauf zu Fuß zu erkunden. Nach Ankunft bei den beiden Viewpoints kamen wir zum Gipfel auf dem neben Stromleitungsmasten außerdem auch ein kleiner Aussichtsturm stand der eine wunderschöne Aussicht auf die Umgebung bot. Von hier aus wollten wir den Pfad 1 runter wandern um zurück zum Hostel zu gelangen, da uns jedoch alle entgegenkommenden wegen zu viel Schlamm abrieten, schlossen wir uns einem neuen Pärchen (Luise aus Deutschland und Andrew aus Australien) an und besuchten mit ihnen die Teeverkaufsstelle, welche nahe unseres Ausgangspunktes lag. Der bereits bekannte Weg wurde hierbei von interessanten Gesprächen versüßt.

      Am nächsten Tag wanderten wir noch zwei Pfade und sahen zwei Wasserfälle, wobei die Schönheit sich hinter Müll und Dreckwasser versteckte. Nicht allzu angetan entschieden wir uns am nächsten Tag weiter zu reisen unter anderem auch weil wir hörten der einzige schöne Pfad sei der erste... .
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    • Dzień 93

      Trekking to Brinchang Mountain

      14 grudnia 2016, Malezja ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      I woke up this morning to a post on my facebook page from my dear friend Maeve telling me it is only 9 days to go until we are home. 9 days! Man this trip has gone super fast.

      This morning we decided to trek up Brinchang Mountain, the tallest mountain in the Cameron Highlands. After my wee misadventure on Ben Nevis, I decided to wear my hiking sandals complete with socks, instead of my sneakers which apparently have no tread. Jamie told me I looked like a German, I think Germans are cool, so whatever.

      We had a super early breakfast, which by our holiday standards was 7.30am and then headed off on our merry way towards Brinchang. The first few km of the walk was relatively uneventful, and was spent taking in the breathtaking views of the tea plantations across the area. At the 3km mark, we turned up a road and started the steep climb towards the top. About 5 min later a truck driven by a local and carrying two Australian guys came barrelling down the mountain coming to an abrupt stop beside us where we were told that the mountain was closed today.

      Feeling a wee bit gutted that I wasn't going to see the peak or the Mossy Forest, we decided to walk on another 2km up the mountain to yet another strawberry farm, where we met some goats and a Bangladeshie worker who proceeded to take strawberry themed photos of Jamie and I, before Jamie went and picked another 1/2 kilo of strawberries for him and him alone to consume on our walk back down the mountain.

      We headed back down the mountain where we were passed by numerous tour companies heading in the direction of Brinchang. We could only assume that the tour companies had special admisson and if we were travelling on our own we wouldn't be allowed in, which strikes me as odd for a natural attraction.

      As our walk up the mountain had been cut short, we decided to walk to the BOH tea plantation for a spot of local tea. On the way we observed the local workers picking tea across the vast and picturesque tea plantations. Some tea was being picked by hand, but the majority of it was being extracted using what can only be described as electronic shears come vacumn cleaner. When we arrived at the actual factory, it seems like the whole of Malaysia also decided that it was a good idea to visit today, and the place was completely mobbed. Turns out that BOH is the most consumed tea brand in Malaysia, so is very popular with all of the local tourists, which there are many as it is now the school holidays. The BOH tea factory was set up by a British man in the late 19th century and has continued to grow in popularity ever since.

      With not that much left to do, we decided to head back to the hotel for a relaxing afternoon where I did some yoga and Jamie had a bath. By the late afternoon, I was starting to feel unwell again after not drinking a huge amount of water during the day, so it was an early dinner and bedtime to ensure I was able to starve off any inkling of a repeat of the heat stroke.
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    • Dzień 10

      Cameron Highlands

      6 sierpnia 2016, Malezja ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Our arrival in the Cameron Highlands was a welcome relief from the heat and humidty we had experienced in previous days due to lying at more than 1000m above sea level. An area of hills which are now mainly white due to the polytunnels reminiscent of Almeria. This area was known as the Peninsula's hill station where Chinese vegetable farmers and wealthy landowner's in search of a weekend retreat established tea plantations and built mock-Tudor buildings. Incredibly touristy everywhere we visited was busy. Not only is tea produced but also flowers, vegetables and strawberries. On our way to the hotel we stopped for some tea looking over the plantations.
      The Heritage hotel was by far the best and most spacious that we had stayed in. Two queen sized beds and a large bathroom with both bath and separate shower.
      Breakfast had lots of choice although due to the weekend was very busy - and this was to permeate through most of the day.
      Around 9am we boarded two 4x4 ex-Austrian military vehicles to ascend to 2032m to Gunung Brinchang where we climbed a very rusty tower to get a view of the highlands. We then descended to the Mossy Forest where we were supposed to take the boardwalk through but deemed too busy by the guide we were taken "off track" through the forest - where all trees are covered in a spongy, soft cost of green - like a film set for the Hobbit.
      Our next stop was at the BOH tea plantation with a quick tour of the production process - most picking is now done mechanically. Very busy we bought tea and then enjoyed a cuppa with the hoards overlooking the tea bushes before walking through these to the buses. Our last stop in the 4X4's was to a strawberry farm where we could see the hydroponics and I sampled a rather blend cheesecake. Close to the farm was a market which we browsed and bought cooked sweetcorn for lunch.
      However a our previous experiences of mass tourism were lost when we had a private tour of the Sunlight flower farm - a family run enterprise growing Chrysanthamums for the export market. We saw the processes from cuttings taken from the mother plants which originated in the Netherlands to replanting and finally dyeing and packing. 50% of the flowers were destined for Japan. After picking and packing they are transported in a chilled lorry to KLIA at 11pm and would arrive in the destination at 6am the next day.
      Our task was to look at the sustainability of the farm.
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    • Dzień 49

      Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

      29 lipca 2016, Malezja ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      My lonely treks in the highlands were a great success. Mostly because I went on few crazy but guided treks before and developed a brand new outlook on what constitutes an footpath and how muddy is too muddy (it's never too muddy, you just clean your clothes later). I'm very proud I finally got brave enough to spend some time in the jungle myself and my last two days in the highlands were full of just that. Great preparation for Sumatra, I might actually managed to survive it now with my Rambo skills :) Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 4

      Trekking downhill

      15 sierpnia 2019, Malezja ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      The way up to the tea plantation was a much bigger challenge than expected especially when it started to rain, but I loved every moment about it. So many shades of green! Beautiful!

    • Dzień 28

      Cameron Highlands Traveller Bunker

      21 listopada 2022, Malezja ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

      22.11.2022 Um 8 Uhr werde ich und sechs weitere Personen am Hostel abgeholt und es geht mit einem Land Rover zur BOH Teafarm. Wo man einen wunderschönen Blick auf die Hügel hat, auf denen die Büsche für den Tee wachsen. Dann geht es um 10 Uhr zu einem Aussichtspunkt und kurze Zeit später zu einer Wanderung. Danach werden wir an einer Erdbeerfarm rausgelassen und trinken Erdbeermilchshake und essen Erdbeerkäsekuchen ehe wir mit dem Taxi zurück zum Hostel fahren. Danach buche ich noch am Busbahnhof mein Ticket für meine Weiterfahrt am nächsten Tag 9 Uhr nach Penang (40 Ringitt). Czytaj więcej

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