Singapore UK and Europe 2019

september 2019 - juni 2024
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  • Almost time to go

    1. september 2019, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Not long to go now before we head-off to our first stop in Singapore for 3 nights. Hopefully back sometime mid-December (or when our finances run-out). Plane leaves tomorrow morning at 2.30am ( when I made the booking I thought it was at the civilised time of 2.30pm - ahh well😕). We’re packed (sort-of, that’s my blue bag on the left, Anne is still trying to fit the kitchen sink in her luggage 😛).

    Cheers for now........
    Les mer

  • Dag 1

    At Brisbane Airport

    2. september 2019, Australia ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    It’s just before 1.30am and we’ll board in 1/2 hour or so - what an ungodly hour to fly!!!!! Hopefully I don’t get a snorer next to me (no such luck - it’s Anne 🤭)

  • Dag 1


    2. september 2019, Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    We’re here - only 7 1/2 hours by plane but not much sleep. Booked into hotel (well priced but it is literally the size a a shoe box (I’d guess a women’s 6). A walk around the city and Orchard Rd - sorta got lost and 15 kms later were back at hotel. Hot humid and showers!!!! Dinner then an early night...

    Ohh, there must have been a huge storm/cyclone a few days ago - a ship got blown onto one of the city’s buildings !!!
    Les mer

  • Dag 2

    Singapore Day 2

    3. september 2019, Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    This really is a modern sophisticated city but still really proud of its history. Went to the National Museum this morning then onto the Gardens by the Bay with a stop for lunch at Lau Pa Sat for a local lunch. Left hotel at about 9.30 and got back at 9.30. We’ve walked over 35 kms in the last 2 days so we can eat and drink whatever we like except for beer - $14 for a “pot”. I knew I’d given up alcohol for a reason- I’m tight🤔. The city is very very clean and people very friendly.Les mer

  • Dag 3

    Last Day in Singapore

    4. september 2019, Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    This is a great city and you could easily stay a week - great food (cheap restaurants have fantastic food at a really good price) and people really are quite friendly and helpful. I’m not sure why but strangers seem comfortable in coming up for a chat. Had the usual couple of people come up and offer directions, but also some others being a bit more personal.

    One local guy stopped as we crossed paths and critiqued my face telling me it was a lucky face and that I would have 3 very good pieces of luck in my lifetime (I’m about 2/3 of the way through so I guess there will be a plethora of good luck shortly). The last time a random walked up to me like that was in Nimbin and he just tried to sell me drugs!! Next I had an elderly lady (in China town) offer to remove a couple of moles on my neck for $5 a piece....

    When it rains here it really is a tropical downpour - I was out for a walk this morning and out of the blue (almost literally) it felt like someone just decided to tip a bucketful water over me. At least it cooled things down.

    Anne has her little bit of luxury- a massage (I think she needed it after all the walking).

    Dinner tonight then and early to bed - we’ll have to be at the airport about 7am.

    See you in Paris tomorrow night (15 hours flying, so that should be fun).
    Les mer

  • Dag 4

    Singapore to Paris

    5. september 2019, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Up early for the flight to Paris. Left at 9.40 am local time and got into Paris at 8 pm after a 2 hour stop in Dubai. We were a bit late getting away - there must have been 8-9 planes lined up on the runway waiting to take-off.I’ It actually was a pretty comfortable flight but super tired by the time we got to our (small) studio apartment for a 4 night stay. Anne made me find a mini-supermarket to buy food!!!Les mer

  • Dag 5

    1st Day in Paris

    6. september 2019, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Woke up after not a lot of sleep - but the view out of our window was pretty Kewl and we are in Paris!!! Breakfast then we head into the (sort of) city centre. Do we get our selves organised on the metro or do we walk. Set-off on foot after stopping at a near-by cafe/bar/bistro for a coffee and a hot chocolate. Anne said it was the best coffee she’s ever had (last one she’ll get - I have no idea what I ordered). We walked, and walked and then walked a bit further (let’s just say it was further than Anne expected). Had lunch (the French do a good baguette 🥖) went to a couple of gardens then headed back. In all we walked over 20kms - let’s just say tomorrow it’s the metro 😁).Les mer

  • Dag 6

    Paris day 2

    7. september 2019, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Okay - set off after breakfast and stopped at the same place as yesterday for coffee and hot chocolate - got the same coffee as yesterday for Anne (I had no real idea but the guy behind the bar remembered my very bad attempt at French from yesterday and remembered the order!!!). No walking today, got metro tickets and headed to the Louvre (this place is so big you could be here for a week and not see it all). A stroll along the Avenue des Champs-Élysées to the L’arc De Triomphe - Lamborghinis and Ferraris everywhere- reminds we pick up the Dacia Duster on Monday (not quite a Lambo😛). Ice cream then back on the metro home. Didn’t walk as far as yesterday, but still nearly 13km (mostly around the Louvre - Anne said we have to cut down on the 🚶‍♀️, but then we would have to cut down on the pastries ☹️). As I write this it’s 8.15pm and still very much daylight - have a look at last pic.

    Mary the Sphinx pic is for you - Anne thought you would like it 😁.
    Les mer

  • Dag 7

    Last Day in Paris

    8. september 2019, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Still adjusting to the time change and we’re waking up pretty early. Took the metro into “Bastille” to have a walk through the biggest food market we’ve ever seen - fruit, vegetables, meet, fish, bread/pastries and other stuff we had no idea of🤔. I love panettone (an Italian sweet bread) you can usually buy only around und Xmas time. There was one that weighed about 25kgs - Anne only let me buy a small piece and then ate most of it!!!!. Lunch then back to do some washing at a local laundrette - needed a hand to translate how to work the machines and still got it wrong.

    Tomorrow will be an exciting day - pick up the car and then drive to Amiens. Hopefully remember to stay on the right side of the road and get out of Paris without running into anything....
    Les mer

  • Dag 8

    Drive to Amiens

    9. september 2019, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    Got up got organised and caught an Uber to the Renault car pick-up centre. Morning traffic in central Paris is a disaster but we got there (roughly) on time. Car was ready and it only took about 5 minutes and we were ready to go. It’s brand new (I get to put the first dent/scratch on it, but won’t feel too bad as every car in Paris has at least 4 - one for each side). Orientation consisted of pointing out the fuel cap - I don’t think he had much faith in me as I hopped in the passenger seat as we went to head-off. Man it takes some getting used to driving a manual sitting on the left of the car, changing gears with your right hand, trying to remember to stay on the right side whilst negotiating peak-hour Paris traffic (which seems to last all day ☹️). First intersection that I had to turn at I put the wipers on instead of the blinker, and when trying to change from first to second, my left hand could find a gear stick so it just put the window down - we had only gone about 200 metres so this should be fun🤭. Anne said I “kangaroo-hopped” the car but she was totally wrong as I actually stalled it twice when I couldn’t find the gear lever). Anne was wondering if Renault had ever had an insurance claim within 3 minutes of a car being picked up. Streets incredibly narrow, and incredibly busy with cars just parking pretty much anywhere you shouldn’t. Sometimes the space between oncoming traffic on your left, and parked cars on your right is just a bit smaller than the car your driving - physics says it’s impossible, but you fit without hitting anything (or at least just keep driving without looking back). We finally got out of Paris (and though I tried hard not to, ended up on a toll road). We got to Amiens in time for a walk around. France likes its churches so Amiens has its own “Notre Dame”. More tomorrow.....,Les mer