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    • Dag 5

      Diego Riviera

      19 januari 2020, Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      One of Diego Rivieras most famous Mural is Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in Alameda Park.
      He was a gifted painter and Muralist as you can see from the painting.
      The mural 15.6 meter wide, 4 meter high, weighs 35 tons!) represents three principal eras of Mexican History: The Conquest, The Porfiriato Dictatorship, and The Revolution of 1910. In chronological order starting from left to right we meet numerous prominent figures from Mexican history.
      Now Diego Riviera was also a Don Giovanni and Machista. The picture with the yellow lady and the open legs represents Diego’s opinion about woman. He thought that in order to obtain a hus-band, make start a business or succeed in live she had to open her legs....... No comment.
      The lady in yellow is a famous and wealthy singer at her time. Nonetheless the men in front of her won’t let her pass because she is indigenous.
      At the very left you see Hernandez Cortes, the Spanish conqueror who landed in Veracruz, Mexico in the 1400. The blood on his hand symbolizes the pain and horror he brought the Mesoamerica. Little up and right the symbolization of the Inquisition Cortes also brought the continent (only to be seen in the movieclip.
      A side note; Riviera did not include his long term affair Frida Kalo in the Mural. She got offended and demanded that he would. He did!
      Posted movieclip on facebook.

      Covered 10.4 km
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    • Dag 2

      CDMX Day two- 9/20/33

      20 september 2023, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

      This morning we woke up gloriously late— kind of. It was about 6:45 here, which is 8:45 at home, so felt like a big sleep in!! Matt worked out, while I showered and did my hair. He got back and we went downstairs for coffee and pastries, gotta use that breakfast credit! The pastries here, so far, have been unreal. We had a cardamom bun with sweetened goat cheese cream, and another kouign-aman style bun filled with dulce de lece, pear and more goat cheese. Coffee was also amaze.

      With our pre-breakfast snack tiding us over, we headed to our breakfast destination but realized we forgot the documuments we needed for our morning activity. We walked to a fedex which was closed, so we ubered back to the hotel to grab them and then ubered to breakfast at Superette ( We got a hotcakes with bacon and eggs for the table (basically a fancy McGriddle), and Matt had pesto eggs (over easy on brown bread with the most amazing tomatoes and pesto— I ate most of the toms) and I had Turkish eggs (poached eggs in garlicky yogurt with roasted cherry tomatoes, chili oil and crostini). Maybe I’m biased, but mine was the best. Would eat every day. I was SO tempted to have a glass of wine (vacation!) as they had a great selection of natties, but I resisted.

      We got picked up from there and headed to the Frida Khalo house/museum. Unfortunately, I lost my favorite sweater somewhere along the way. Luckily they still make it so I’ll get a new one. Do not despair. Anywhoo. We made it to the museum and took a wonderful guided tour where we learned so much about her life, her process and her relationship with Diego Rivera. From there, we walked over to the Coyoacan market. It was very cool, with tons of food and produce stalls. We picked a spot with a bunch of people and got some pozole to try. Even though basically no one speaks English anywhere, it’s been pretty easy to communicate. The women who were cooking told us the best way to eat the pozole— crema on the baked tortilla with pozole next and cheese on top. Took it to another level. Very good.

      We headed into the town square next and had lunch at Los Danzantes ( which was quite fancy and delicious. The service was on another level. Waiter had your plate and silverware out of the way as you were chewing the last bite of your course. We started with coconut shrimp (Matt can’t not order if it’s in a menu) and a Hoja Santa, which is a pepper leaf stuffed with Oaxaca cheese and smothered in a super citrusy tomatillo sauce. Delicioso!! We also tried their special version on chiles en Nogales, with an ancho pepper instead of a poblano (ancho is a dried poblano) and pink walnut sauce instead of white. It was really quite suite and very spicy so wasn’t a favorite, but the grilled vegetable “salad”, aka a bowl of grilled veggies with olive oil and lime, was grrrreat. Not sure who decided that tapioca belongs there too, but it worked!!

      Our guide, Jamie (street name Jimmy Islands— see pic for contact info) met us as the restaurant to drive us to the Xochimilco canals. Along the way, he gave us lots of insight into how Mexico City came to be (there used to be five huge lakes!), some more info about Frida Khalo and pointed out landmarks visible from the backseat of his CRV. He is very knowledgeable with perfect English, highly recommend as a travel guide. We got to the boat and had a private ride with beer/michelada to drink. On the canals, you can do anything from karaoke to private mariachi to hooking a few boats together and having a huge party. There are restaurants and women cooking in their boats, and greenhouses and other shops along the water. It’s very cool, and takes about 45-60 min there and back, and is about 45 min outside of Coyoacan. Jamie dropped us back off at the hotel and we said our goodbyes.

      After a quick costume change, we headed out to Local 1, a natural wine bar, for a little pre-dinner bev. ( The space was very cool, and also functions as an art gallery. Great selection of Mexican natural wines. From there we walked to dinner at Rosetta, which has by far been the most hyped up meal of the trip. Because of this, I was very nervous but from the moment we stepped inside, I knew the hype was real. We had made an indoor reservation, because the weather was supposed to be bad, but when we arrived, we immediately knew we wanted to sit outside on the sidewalk patio. We asked if we could wait, and they said of course. They led us upstairs to the third-floor to the cutest bar with the Degournay, or Degournay-esque at least, wallpaper. I had already noticed the Ginori plates on the tables. This was definitely my kind of place! We had espresso martinis, mine was decaf, both on the rocks, and they were amazing. We sat on little stools, overlooking the street, and it was kind of magical. They quickly sat us outside and we started off with thick sourdough bread and a very appropriate (ie large) amount of sweet butter, and a shaved fennel salad with citrus and pomegranate seeds. Next was an incredibly flavorful and somehow vegan minestrone soup as well as a corn tortellini en brodo. Last course was mushroom risotto and pasta with lobster, bottarga and zucchini. Every. Single. Thing. Was. Perfect. I really can’t say much more!! We had absolutely no room or energy left for dessert, so we headed off to bed.
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    • Dag 18

      The Day That Wasn’t

      30 december 2019, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Today was just one of those days where everything goes awry. We spent the day sorting out messed up tour plans and phone plans. All I can say is, thank goodness for the comfort of food!

      We had booked a tour to see the pyramids at Teotihuacán, the most important and largest pre-Columbian city in Mexico.

      We arrived at the address given in our instructions ten minutes before the start of the tour but despite our best efforts and ten attempts to call the number provided, we were unable to locate the office. We finally, at 9:10, entered a luggage storage facility to ask for help, but the woman behind the desk spoke no English. She made a few calls and eventually a young man showed up to tell us we arrived too late to take the tour and there was no way to take it today.

      Dejected and a more than a little disappointed, we went back to our hotel and made last minute alternate plans.

      We had lunch at "Gold Taco", located in Mercado Roma which is not really a market but rather a gourmet food hall. Although the prices here are higher than at your typical taqueria, the quality of the food justifies the price.

      We ordered mushroom tamales, quesadillas, and a few tacos. Although everything was delicious, the tamales were the highlight. They were "elevated", and truly the best tamales we'd ever eaten.

      We then strolled around and made another visit to the Mercado Medellin where we picked up a few snacks and goodies lest we find ourselves feeling peckish (fat chance of that happening in this city).

      Then for dinner we went from gourmet to street food. We ate at "Gracias Madre" a popular neighborhood vegan taco stand. Roch ordered 3 different types of tacos, arrechero, chorizo rojo and salchichas a la mexicana, and I ordered the volcanoes (similar to a tostada) with a red chorizo topping. I found the red chorizo a tad salty but otherwise delicious. As we were paying the bill, we spotted a little chocolate tart in the display case. Once I learned it was gluten free, it got added to the bill and taken home with us.

      Roch asked the owner why they were called "Gracias Madre" and he was told that the name reflects the gratitude for the work they love to do, and Madre was in honour of mother Earth, who provides all the bounty for the food they serve.

      In the end, we re-booked our Teotihuacán tour for my birthday on January 2 and managed to cross a couple of eateries off of our to do list. Not a total loss.

      There's always a silver lining.
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    • Dag 107


      28 december 2022, Mexico ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Restaurantes a destacar:
      Cafe Tacuba (local muy bonito, un poco caro)
      Taqueria Tlaquepaque
      Tortitas Mercado Coyoacan
      El Sazón Oaxaqueño 3

      Y sobre todo la comida en la calle y mercado Jamaica (no fuimos pero nos lo aconsejaron)Läs mer

    • Dag 2

      Mexiko-City Flughafen

      28 april 2017, Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Nachdem wir in Madrid am richtigen Gate ankamen haben wir uns gedacht, das wir die paar Minuten bis zum Boarding noch ein bisschen nutzen und haben unser Wasser aufgefüllt, uns frischgemacht und uns ein bisschen bewegt...
      Aus den paar Minuten würden dann aber immer mehr, bis verkündet wurde das unser Flug "retrasado" sei. Hab ich vorher extra noch gelernt, es heißt verspätet 😒. Erst wurde er 20 Minuten nach hinten verlegt, dann um eine Stunde. Wir sind dann solange über den Flughafen spaziert und immer wieder zum Gate gegangen in der Hoffnung es geht doch schon los 😅 irgendwann war es dann auch so weit und als wir in das riesige Flugzeug reinkamen war jegliche schlechte Laune wie weggeblasen! Wir dachten die ganze Zeit das wir nicht nebeneinander sitzen würden, da wir die Sitzplätze A und C hatten. War aber nicht so, am Fenster gibt es nämlich nur 2 sitze nebeneinander, nämlich A und C! 🎉 Dann stellten sich die sitze als superbequem heraus und außerdem war genug Platz für kims Beine da (im Gegensatz zum ersten Flug). Und die Serien- und Filmauswahl war auch mehr als zufriedenstellend 😁
      Generell ist das Flugzeug ziemlich leer gewesen, neben uns die Frau hatte die 4 sitze in der Mitte z.b. ganz allein zum schlafen 😊
      Der Flug kam einem gar nicht so lange vor wie er einem vorher erscheint, wir haben ca. 4-5 Stunden geschlafen und mit den Decken und Kissen die wir bekommen haben war das auch ganz angenehm.

      Am Flughafen hatten wir wegen der Verspätung und weil hier sowohl die Gates als auch die Eingangstüren Puerta heißen total Stress. Sind nämlich statt zu unserem Gate zur Tür am anderen Ende galufen, trotz Zeitdruck 😂 jetzt sind wir aber richtig und das Boarding beginnt gleich! Nächster Eintrag dann von der vorersten Endstation!
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    • Dag 2

      Walking Tour in CDMX

      30 januari 2022, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Nach einem Frühstück im Hostel begaben wir uns auf eine Free Walking Tour durch das historische Zentrum. Anschliessen besuchten wir kurz das Museo de Arte Popular. Zum Zmittag assen wir Quesadilllas und Enchiladas im Café de Tacuba. Nach einem ausgedehnten Nap assen wir in der Hosteria la Bota ein feines Abendessen.Läs mer

    • Dag 1

      Plaza Garibaldi

      27 juli 2019, Mexico ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      El traje típico de mariachi fue introducido posteriormente presentando a sus campesinos que tradicionalmente lo interpretaban, con un traje elegante para los gobernantes de la ciudad y como forma de inclusión en la alta sociedad.
      Jose Alfredo Jiménez uno de los mayores compositores de música ranchera, cuyas letras se dice fueron logradas en momentos de alicoramiento. Una de sus famosas canciones "El rey" fue luego de que su esposa lo dejara en la calle producto de una borrachera. Tanto le gustaba el licor que murió de cirrosis a los 47 años.

      La plaza Garibaldi, es uno de los sitios emblemáticos de la música Mariachi. En su alrededores se encuentran estatuas de varios próceres de la música. Se ubica en el centro histórico de CDMX y limita con uno de los barrios más peligrosos de la ciudad, Tepito. En la actualidad está fuertemente custodiada por la Policía y se prohíbe beber en la plaza, por lo que la concurrencia de conjuntos musicales ha disminuido según cuenta la gente. Se puede llegar caminando desde el Zócalo o el Palacio de Bellas Artes, aún cuando las personas dicen que hay que tener precaución por los ladrones.
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    • Dag 46

      20 Stunden Busfahrt nach Mexico-City

      25 februari 2019, Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Wir hatten nun eine rund 20-stündige Fahrt von Chihuahua bis nach Mexico-City vor uns, dies ließ sich allerdings in dem sehr gut ausgestatteten Bus mit Liegesitzen prima überstehen. Auch hier war der Fahrpreis für europäische Verhältnisse mit rund 20,- Euro sehr günstig. Sogar ein Getränk war inklusive.

      Es war sehr ruhig im Bus, denn wir waren fast alleine. Nur gegen Mitternacht wurden wir einmal kurz gestört, denn der mexikanische Zoll hielt den Bus an. Aber uns wurde keine Beachtung geschenkt, weil wir „Gringos“ (Ausländer) sind. Der Passagier eine Reihe hinter uns musste aber das volle Programm mit Durchsuchung und Befragungen über sich ergehen lassen…
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    • Dag 21

      Mexico City

      1 mars 2023, Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      First day in Mexico City!!
      Went to a few museums and had a fancy dinner

    • Dag 3

      Hop on Hop off Bus

      31 januari 2022, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Heute haben wir eine Hop on Hop off Tour gemacht und so einen besseren Eindruck von den verschiedenen Viertel der Stadt bekommen.
      Zurück im Hostel wollten wir ein kurzes Nap machen wobei wir den Wecker und somit das Abendessen verschlafen haben.Läs mer

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