Gemeente Delft

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    • Dag 11

      Delft Blue and White

      17 juni 2022, Nederland ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      We visited the city of Delft in the Netherlands. So so cute and village-like. I painted my own porcelain tile which I was really proud of!! I wouldn’t consider myself a very creative or artistically talented person so when I do something artsy I’m automatically proud!!! It was a SUPER warm day, but we strolled around and learned about the history of delft (slightly dark history), and had a yummy lunch right near the center square, ice cream, and stopped to get raisin bread at the city’s 1st bakery. Everything in this city is a little photo op and much slower paced than Amsterdam (as expected).Meer informatie

    • Dag 2

      Amsterdam /Campingplatz Schooneberg

      20 mei 2023, Nederland ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Nach der Ankunft am Hauptbhnhof 🏨machen wir nur einen Kurztrip durch Amsterdam um einen ersten Eindruck zu gewinnen ....da wir ja die letzten 1-2 Tage vor der Rückreise noch für genauere Erkundung der Stadt Zeit haben....die Menschenmenge und Menge an unterschiedlichen Fahrrädern sind schon Beeindruckend ....zb Lastenräder jeder Art sogar Kinder werden damit transportiert ,Klappräder Rennräder E Bike usw. Erstaunlich ist wie schnell die mit den Dingern flitzen, es wird kurz geklingelt und dann einfach vorbeigesaust .. ...wir machen uns dann auf Richtung Küste zu unserer ersten Unterkunft Naturcampingplatz Schooneberg Das Wetter meint es sehr gut mit uns, heute fast ganzen Nachmittag Sonnenschein🌞. Je näher wir Richtung Küste kommen spürt man auch die Zunahme des Windes .Der Fahrradweg führt uns durch ein Industriegebiet mit unzählige Firmen bis wir die Stadt hinter uns lassen können dieser Teil hat uns weniger gefallen obwohl der Fahrradweg sehr gut ausgebaut ist .Am Campingplatz angekommen wird uns ein sehr schöner Zeltplatz mitten im Wald zugewiesen nachdem das Zelt aufgebaut war fahren wir noch in die Stadt IJmuiden um Getränke und Essbares zu besorgen ...nach einer heißen Dusch 🛀 wird ein ausgiebiges Picknick gemacht .Zum Campingplatz gehört noch ein kleiner See wo wir noch spazieren gehen und den Abend ausklingen lassen ...Sehr früh legen wir uns heute ins Bett ....Sind einfach Saumüde 😘🤗( Heute ca 40km🚴‍♀️)Meer informatie

    • Dag 58

      Delft Christmas Lights

      10 november 2022, Nederland ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      As most people would know I love, love, love everything related to Christmas. As the lights and decorations were up around town I took the opportunity to stroll around Delft and see this beautiful city all a glow. I was not disappointed. I won’t label any of the photos as it is obvious they are decorations.Meer informatie

    • Dag 2

      Delft ist so schön

      27 mei 2023, Nederland ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Ich hatte ja keine Ahnung wie groß und schön dieses Städtchen ist. Die Fassaden, kleinen Geschäfte und der Flohmarkt sind sehr beeindruckend. Auf dem Flohmarkt haben wir nur alte Antiquitäten gesehen und bei vielen wurden altbekannte Erinnerungen geweckt.Meer informatie

    • Dag 59

      Early morning last look at Delft

      11 november 2022, Nederland ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      After a good nights sleep we were up pretty early. We had a delicious breakfast at the Hotel - another big tick as the options for breakfast were huge and it was all fantastic. As we had some time we thought we would do a little bit more of a wander around the town. I had discovered a few squares and areas while looking at the Christmas lights, so we returned to some of these areas and discovered some others. Next time I would like to spend at least 3 days in Delft and see it all.

      After checking out of the hotel we headed to the train station, a whopping 5 minute walk! On arrival we discover there has been an accident car vs train and so there is pandemonium as so many trains have been cancelled or delayed. Luckily Brigitte went to speak to someone who advised us to get to Rotterdam and then jump on a train to Brussels MIDI which is what we did. Our tickets seemed to work so all good.

      There was a couple sitting in front of me who was talking about getting off the train in Antwerp to see the station, but because of the accident trains were being diverted around Antwerp Centraal. I told them that this was the case and then Donny and I chatted for the next 2.5 hours whilst his husband slept. He was a lovely guy from Florida and he and his hubby are hoping to buy a place in Valencia, Spain and retire in the next 4-5 years. They were just doing a side trip to Brugge before heading back to Amsterdam and then flying to Valencia to spend a couple of weeks there to experience life in “the hood”.

      We exchanged email details so maybe one day we will catch up somewhere, I suspect that they like to have a good time.

      We arrived in MIDI a little after 1.15pm and caught the train out to Ottiginies where Stef picked us up. We had a late lunch of cheese sandwiches which was great. We decided to go out to the local brasserie in Wavre where we both had steak - my first one this trip and it was fantastic and we both had an early night as we were exhausted after our week of travelling.
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    • Dag 27

      Koninklijke Porceleyne Fles, Delft

      20 april 2023, Nederland ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Today we visited the Koninklijke Porceleyne Fles which translates to The Porcelain Jar, and is also known as the Royal Delft factory. Founded in 1635, it is the last remaining active earthenware factory of the original thirty-two factories that operated in Delft during the 17th century. Delftware production has been in continuous operation here for over 350 years with the story of Royal Delft dating back to the year 1653 when the production of the unique Delft Blue earthenware began in the Netherlands. It was inspired by blue painted porcelain brought back from China which was unique and never seen before in Europe. So began a love affair for the Dutch and the Delft Blue porcelain.

      Nowadays, antique collectors recognize that delftware produced by De Porceleyne Fles, (also known as Royal Delft) is the gold standard in delftware. The earthenware produced at Koninkliike Porceleyne Fles is individually coded with a factory mark, item number, artist's initials, a date code, and even a certificate of authenticity.

      Visiting the factory was such an interesting and informative visit and the way the information is presented is engaging. We got to walk through the factory and see the process of creating these beautiful pieces. It so understandable why each piece is so expensive. I fell in love with the porcelain houses but at €245 each, I had to make do with some cheaper replicas.

      Also on display in the Royal Delft Factory was an art display called Flowers in Blue by Bas Meeuws, a digital artist who created stunning pieces on acrylic of gorgeous floral arrangements in the beautiful Delftware vases. The colours were so vibrant and the pieces of art were stunning. It is fantastic seeing artists being featured in the historic places in Delft, such a contrast between old and new. Delft certainly sets the standard when it comes to amalgamation between history and our modern era. It has really impressed us.
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    • Dag 26

      Beestenmarkt, Delft

      19 april 2023, Nederland ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      The church itself is situated in the main square in Delft, Markt. At the opposite end of the church is the stunning City Hall. This building is breathtaking, as everywhere you looked there was something more to see and admire, another angle to photograph, another feature to be impressed by. With the church at one end and City Hall at the other, it is easy to see why this is the main square. There was so much to look at.

      Brad needed a breather after his strenuous climb so we made our way to the nearby Beestenmarkt, a beautiful square filled with bars and restaurants, and the perfect place to stop and enjoy our surroundings. It was so enjoyable being sat in the sunshine enjoying an antipasto platter with a local wine for me and beer for Brad. This is one of the things we love about travelling - the down time to sit back and people watch and just enjoy our surroundings. It has been a bit hard to do that too much so far on this trip due to the cold weather but hopefully as it gets warmer we will have more and more of these days.
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    • Dag 26

      Maria van Jessekerk, Delft

      19 april 2023, Nederland ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      We managed to visit one more church before calling it a day (of course we did). The Maria van Jessekerk is the inner city church of the Ursula parish and has the longest history. Where the priestly choir is now, there was already a Roman Catholic church in 1733. The church was designed by Everard Margry, pupil of the well-known architect Pierre Cuypers and Margry has paid a lot of attention to details. For example, the left tower resembles that of the New Church, while the design for the right tower is derived from that of the Oude Kerk.

      Inside this church is very different to the old and the new church we visited earlier today. The walls are covered with beautiful coloured murals, the stained glass windows sparkle from all sides, the ancient pulpit and altarpiece, icons and the Maarschalkerweerd organ are so detailed and interesting. It is a rich tapestry of light and colour and we were so glad we popped in to check it out.

      We have spent a wonderful day exploring Delft and its beautiful laneways and canals but we’re happy to call it a day as the wind picked up and the weather turned colder.
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    • Dag 58

      Delightful Delft

      10 november 2022, Nederland ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      On the advice of the receptionist we headed towards the centre of Delft as there is a market every Thursday of food and other stuff! It was about a 10 minute stroll into the Centrum. We passed so many beautiful houses and canals, the place has a real “fairytale” feel about it. There is a beautifully maintained city hall and a number of churches scattered about as well. In the marketplace we came upon a lovely store where they hand paint most of their products. I bought a couple of beautiful Christmas decorations and a small vase.

      After our retail therapy session we wandered around the market a bit, but decided we needed to find a restaurant for lunch as we both were feeling hungry after our early start and small breakfast. We found a lovely place called Het Konings Huys (House of the King) where Brigitte had a steak and chips and I had fish and chips with salad and we had a lovely bottle of Malbec with the meal.

      After lunch we wandered around the market a bit more, I got some delicious liquorice and then we went to a cheese man where we were able to try some delicious cheeses. Brigitte ended up buying over 3 kilos of cheese and it is all absolutely delicious. The other food item Brigitte gets from Holland is their strope waffles which are a couple of flat waffles with sugar syrup in the middle, very nice but need to eat in moderation.

      There was a very talented busker performing at the market, he had a wonderful voice, I could have stayed and listened to him for ever. We continued wandering around the lovely narrow streets, crossing over quaint bridges and enjoying the sites. Our last stop was at De Candelaar & De Blauwe Tulp Pottery where I bought a pendant and met the artist who painted it.

      We then headed back to the hotel to have a bit of down time.
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    • Dag 3

      Den Haag /Campingplatz De Grutto

      21 mei 2023, Nederland ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Wir staunen morgens nicht schlecht 🙄, als wir auf die Uhr 🕣 blicken ist 8:30 also haben wir ca 13 Stunden geschlafen😅 .Schnell packen wir alles zusammen und radeln 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️ los.
      Nachdem die Radwege bis zur Küste schlecht gekentzeichnet sind haben wir uns natürlich gleich mal ein paar Kilometer verfahren 😅 Wieder auf Kurs sind wir gegen 11:30 in Bloemendal am Zee angekommen ,dort erblicken wir das erste mal das Meer 👏 Juchhu 😎
      Nach einer Kaffeepause am Strand geht es weiter entlang der Küste nach Zandfoort, dort findet gerade ein 3 tägiges Sportevent statt ,das sehr gut besucht ist 😎
      Ab Zandvoort dürfen wir Natur pur geniessen😍, Der Radweg verläuft kilometerlange durch wunderschöne Dünnenlandschaft teilweise bestehend aus Gräser Sträucher und Baumaleen ....einfach Traumhaft 😍 Die nächste Küstenstadt Noordwijk ist ein Paradies für Surfer und Kitsurfer! Da tut sich was auf dem windigen Strand 👌Weiter gehts Richtung Den Haag wir sind so begeistert vom Radweg und motiviert dass wir gleich die Ettape für den morgigen Tag auch noch radeln 💪so können wir dann 2 Tage auf dem nächsten Campingplatz bleiben 🤗
      Gegen 19Uhr kommen wir beim Naturcampingplatz De Grutto an!Bekommen einen Zeltplatz direkt neben einem kleinen Fluß👌
      Wieder werden unsere Erwartungen vom Campingplatz übertroffen 🤗
      (Heute ca 80km 🚴‍♀️)
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    Gemeente Delft, Delft

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