Gemeente Haarlemmermeer

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Gemeente Haarlemmermeer
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    • Day 1

      Do Hostla

      March 16, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Schiphol letališče naju potegne v vrvež hitečih ljudi.
      Kupiva karto za vlak do centralne postaje za 4.90 na glavo in zmedeno slediva tistim, ki izgledajo, kot da vedo, kam grejo. Vožnja traja le slabih 15 min, vendar je dovolj da se navdušiva in nestrpno pričakujeva prihodnje dni.Read more

    • Day 1

      Dag 1 - Amsterdam

      July 6, 2022 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Het enige "district" aan ons lichaam dat na vandaag "red" op "light" zijn onze voetjes na 15+ km Amsterdam te doorkruisen.

      De treintocht via Antwerpen naar Amsterdam is alvast enorm vlot verlopen. De bussen in Amsterdam daarentegen vereisen nog wel wat oefening. De eerste rit dropte ons al een 1,5 km te ver af (eigen schuld). Gelukkig stond onze gastheer voor vandaag ons al met open armen heel enthousiast op te wachten. Als bijnaam gaven we hem prompt "Frans het frivool ventje". Hij gaf ons wat tips, geschiedenisles en twee buskaartjes met uitleg. Bingo: de rest van de dag waren de bussen geen uitdaging meer voor ons.

      Net als we het ene vervoermiddel onder de knie hebben, is daar al het volgende: overal fietsers! Links, rechts, boven, onder, uit het kanaal, in het kanaal... Het is echt enorm druk in Amsterdam en de verkeersdrukte draagt alleen maar bij aan die chaos. De straatjes en kanaaltjes zijn wel erg pittoresk, waarbij de Jordaan en, jawel, het Red Light District ons het meest bevielen. De rest voelde net iets te hard aan als "tourist trap", maar dat zal ook liggen aan het feit dat we niet veel tijd hier kunnen spenderen.

      Afsluiten doen we in "Venus & Adonis" - niet de naam van een combo act in het Red Light District, maar wel de naam van een grill restaurant met, volgens Eva, de beste ribbekes ooit... Dat wilt al wat zeggen.
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    • Day 5

      Vermeer at the Rijksmuseum & a Bike Ride

      April 4, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 50 °F

      Today was the day we’d been planning for half a year. Teresa had bought tickets for the Johannes Vermeer exhibit back in September. This widely publicized show is at the Rijksmuseum, the national museum of the Netherlands. We’d read articles and watched videos and documentaries to learn about Vermeer and about the 150-year-old museum itself. A documentary from our Berkeley library chronicles the 10-year, over-budget renovation of the museum from 2003 to 2013. A significant reason for the delayed re-opening was due to a controversy over whether the bike and pedestrian path under the museum would remain open. At one point the museum director remarked, “I am more busy with cyclists than with Rembrandt.”

      Now, back to 2023. The exhibition was billed as the largest ever collection of Vermeer paintings in one show. Through a series of international loans, the museum is exhibiting around 27 of the 37 known paintings. All we can say is it lived up to the hype. We’re glad we got an initial orientation to ALL of his known paintings (in prints) at the museum in Delft, two days earlier. It gave us a chance to study some of our favorites and identify features pointed out at Delft.

      Amsterdam native Rembrandt, is also heavily featured in the Rijksmuseum, and we saw some wonderful works of his, along with other Dutch Masters’ works. There are also two impeccably decorated doll’s houses, using authentic materials and precise proportions.

      After all that culture, we decided to take advantage of another sunny (and slightly less cool) day and rent bikes for the afternoon. M & T have their own bikes, of course. In about 10 minutes we were out of the city and riding in the Amsterdamse Bos (forest/woods), which is really a large park with great bike paths and many recreational activities, including a little farm. After a couple of hours we arrived at Molen van Sloten, a working drainage windmill, and we happened to be just in time for a really informative tour. Many parts of the Netherlands are below sea level (including the international airport, at 6 meters below!), so windmills are still used to pump water out of the buildable land area and out to the sea by way of canals. Our guide, Olaf, was one of the operators of the windmill.

      On the bike ride home, during the commute hours, we got to live like the locals and dodge trucks parked in the bike lanes, pedestrians, mass quantities of cyclists and cars trying to use the bike lanes as traffic work-arounds. We handled it with aplomb!
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    • Day 2


      June 19, 2020 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Heute haben wir fünf Teige zubereitet, aber nur einen gebacken. Allerdings war der selbstgemachte Pizza-Teig einfach grandios. Die verbleibenden vier Teige gehen morgen nach und nach in den Ofen und vier neue werden erstellt.Read more

    • Day 1


      June 10, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Heute morgen ging es mit dem Auto los Richtung Niederlande. Wir sind sehr gut durchgekommen und waren nach circa 6,5h da. Unser AirB&B liegt in Heemstede, einem Vorort von Haarlem circa 30min von Amsterdam entfernt.
      Am Nachmittag haben wir den Ort erkundet. Am Abend sind wir ins 15min entfernte Zandvoort gefahren.
      Morgen werden wir nach Amsterdam fahren.
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    • Day 2


      June 11, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Heute morgen ging es mit dem Auto zum P+R Parkplatz im Randbezirk von Amsterdam um dann mit der Bahn in die Innenstadt zu fahren. Das war ein Tipp unserer AirB&B Vermieterin. So haben wir fürs Parken inkl.der Bahntickets in die Stadt rein und zurück nur 7€ gezahlt. Das hätte in der Amsterdamer Innenstadt die Stunde parken gekostet. Dann haben wir uns erstmal etwas zum Frühstücken gesucht. Anschließend haben wir eine einstündige Bootstour durch die Grachten gemacht. Vom Wasser aus hatte man einen tollen Blick zu den Häusern, welche wirklich schön, aber auch zum Teil sehr schief sind. Danach sind wir von einem Café ins nächste und haben den Tag seh entspannt zu Ende gebracht.Read more

    • Day 21

      Haarlem - das Original?

      August 22, 2022 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Nach Tanken und tollen kleinen Orten und grünen Feldern, Grachten, Pferden, Ankunft 15h30 in Haarlem, dem Klein-Amsterdam. Und quasi nebenan. Kostenloses Parken außerhalb der teuren Stadtzone in der Zwaardstraat 😊

      Auch hier 2 h Stadtrunde. Wieder herrlich. Viele Antiquitäten, Galerien, süße kleine Shops, Grachten, Kirchen... natürlich wieder im Stadtkern.
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    • Day 2

      Besuch in Haarlem Niederlande

      February 19, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Nachdem wir uns kurz hinter der niederländischen Grenze einen Schlafplatz gesucht haben und heute morgen vom I-Aaa Ruf eines Esels geweckt wurden, ging es weiter Richtung Haarlem.
      Haarlem ist echt schick. Wir sind ein wenig herumspaziert, geocaching durfte natürlich auch nicht fehlen.
      Wir hatten dann noch knapp 2 zwei Stunden Zeit bis zum Boarding und sind noch kurz an den Strand gefahren.
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    • Day 1

      ...eine Zugfahrt die ist schön!

      April 13, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      Um Punkt 23:00 sind wir nach einer sehr entspannten und pünktlichen Zugfahrt gut in Amsterdam gelandet. Wir mussten dann noch ein Stück mit dem Zug weiter fahren und ins Hotel laufen, aber das war alles klein Problem!
      Jetzt liegen wir in unseren weichen Betten und freuen uns auf die erholsame Nacht.
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    • Day 9

      Day 9 - IJmuiden/ Haarlem, Netherlands

      October 21, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Back to some rough seas overnight so I had a bit of trouble sleeping. Woke up to organized chaos on various decks as all the people that managed to get an excursion in our last minute port change were rushing around to various meeting points. We decided to take a more adventurous route and discover Haarlem on our own. Haarlem is a city about 35 kms outside of Amsterdam. Once a major North Sea trading port surrounded by a defensive wall, it retains its medieval character of cobblestone streets and gabled houses. Off the ship and started walking around the port to pick up the bus to Haarlem, about 11.5km from where we docked in IJmuiden - glad we did cuz we heard there was a huge que for the bus from the port, cabs were charging $100US and that people got crazy with pushing and jamming onto the bus, so much so that somebody was even hurt. This city has electric buses with tap payment and their own lanes, at least sometimes, on the road. Streets are pretty quiet with the main mode of transportation being bicycles - they don’t even lock them…. Once we got off the bus, the rain started, but just like Calgary, you wait a few minutes and everything changes. We happened upon the Grove Markt that was full of stalls and our initial reaction was that it was pretty quiet for a Saturday morning. We had done a bit of research the night before so we headed towards the canal system where we caught a 90 minute tour down the Binnen Spaarne; cool way to see the city and peak in on a number of houseboats along the way…even saw 2 people getting ready to plunge into the river, without wetsuits…brrrr. Made our way back through the streets of Haarlem and returned to the markt as I had my heart set on buying some stroopwafels - a treat I had been introduced to in Hong Kong. The markt was absolutely packed by this time. Paul and I shared a fresh one and then brought back a small package to the ship. Wandered aimlessly along the canal for a bit and then back on the public bus for an uneventful, thank goodness, ride back.

      Two nights ago we had been seated for dinner at a table with 2 couples from Australia that were traveling together and a couple from Newmarket who the Australians had ‘picked up’ at the first dinner seating. Had a very enjoyable evening and were invited to join them for before dinner cocktails last night, if we dared. We ended up eating dinner with them again - we were seated with a mother daughter twosome from New Zealand who looked horrified at first when we joined their table but by dinner’s end, lots of funny and interesting conversation. At this rate, we will be looking for a table for 20+ by the end of the first half of this cruise.
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    Gemeente Haarlemmermeer, Haarlemmermeer

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