Zaansche Schans

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    • Hari 5

      Wohin der Wind uns treibt

      17 April 2023, Belanda ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      An unserem letzten Tag standen mehrere Optionen für Ausflüge zur Auswahl: Die Stadt Leiden, Amsterdam oder die Windmühlen bei Zaanse Schans.

      Wir haben uns letztendlich für die Windmühlen entschieden, um noch mehr Kultur zu erleben und das schöne Wetter am Nachmittag genießen zu können.
      Gesagt, getan. Mit dem Zug ging es also nach Zaanse Schans. Unerwarteter Weise stieg uns direkt nach dem Aussteigen der Duft von feinstem Kakao in die Nase. Himmlisch! Wir mussten uns natürlich schlau machen und haben erfahren, dass um die Ecke eine Kakaofabrik war (leider ohne Verkauf oder Café).
      Der Kakao sollte an dem Tag aber nicht der einzige Duft sein, den unserer Nasen errochen: neben allen möglichen Käsesorten rochen die alten Holzhäuser und Mühlen in Zaanse Schans ganz besonders und tatsächlich angenehm nach Holz!

      Die Windmühlen und die historische Aufarbeitung in Zaanse Schans waren generell sehr schön gemacht. Man konnte viel selbst erkunden und hätte auch die Museen besuchen können. Wir haben uns aber mit dem Anblick der markanten grünen Häusern und den Shops mit kleinen Ausstellungen zufrieden gegeben.
      Mein Highlight war auf jeden Fall das anliegende Gänse-Naturschutzgebiet, denn die vielen Gänse hatten alle ganz viele Küken dabei! Ich hätte stundenlang zuschauen können!

      Irgendwann mussten wir aber weiter und sind nach unserem Spaziergang durch Zaandijk nach Haarlem mit dem Zug gefahren. Dort gab es eine leckere heiße Schoki am Wasser, eine Runde Riesenrad auf der Kirmes und eine leckere Tüte Fritten Special mit frischer Zwiebel.
      Nach dem Heimweg zum Hotel zeigte der Schrittzähler schlappe 23.000 Schritte für den Tag an.

      Der Tag war ein schöner Abschluss für unsere Reise in und um Amsterdam ❤️
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    • Day 52 - Amsterdam, Netherlands

      30 Agustus 2023, Belanda ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Today we were both in need for a sleep in… such a tough life this holiday thing! So we got up late, looked out the window and found it was raining. So our plans switched a bit, we got ourselves ready, had some breakfast and headed to find coffee. We trammed to Ted’s cafe near Anne Frank’s Museum, while we were there I saw Bittenballen on the menu, a Dutch snack filled with veal!
      After coffee I went to the supermarket to try the other Dutch snack I had been told about, a Frinkendal, which is a sausage, the one I had was a sausage in pastry cold… lets say I’ll opt for Bittenballen!

      We went towards town as it was still somewhat raining as we wanted to collect some things from some shops. It started to clear so we thought our original plans could go ahead. We trained out too Zannse Schans, home of the clogg museum and the windmills. This is an free open air village museum, though you have to pay for certain attractions like going into windmills and some museums. We walked around the clogg museum, sitting in the clogs outside & standing in the over size pair, seeing the cheese factory (so touristy) and of course a walk around the windmills. As we were walking the windmills it started to rain… actually coming in sideways is a better term! So we made our way to the station.

      We stopped off at Zaandam, which is a picturesque city in North Holland, Netherlands - other side of the river to Amsterdam! But has had city rights since 1811 as I learnt, so the more you know for that fact! We had been told Zaandam is a must, if you hadn’t seen cbd Amsterdam yes, but the main attraction is Inntel Hotel Amsterdam, an upscale hotel on an eclectic structure.
      We trained back to our hotel for a bit of a rest after this.

      I wanted to venture for one last adventure before leaving Amsterdam, so we caught this bus down to Artis, Amsterdam’s Zoo, but seeing it was closed we didn’t go in, but if you go to the side near a local restaurant, you’ll find a nice sitting area with a view of Flamingoes. While we were there, there was a local couple celebrating a birthday and some tourists that were commenting on how one of them didn’t think they were real… Amsterdam right there!
      After the Flamingoes and seeing their reality we wanted some dinner. Off to Foodhallen we go, and yes I checked google they were open! Katie opted for a healthy Mexican food bowl, I went for a chicken burger from a burger bar. Like Little High, finding a table is hard but Katie managed while I sorted drinks! For dessert I figured I’d have to have a Maltese McFlurry once more!

      We trammed back to the accomodation and packed seeing this is our last night in Amsterdam opting for not a late one.
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    • Hari 6

      Zaanse Schans

      5 Mei 2023, Belanda ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      We were up early this morning and caught the sun rising over the Leiden windmill. Then we were off ɓy train to Amsterdam to join a tour. Our first stop was Zaanse Schans, known for its collection of windmills and wooden houses that were relocated here for preservation between 1961 and 1974. It's a natural, living museum with farmers, livestock, cheese making, and a wooden shoe factory.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 24

      Møller og Ost, og en lille blomst.

      11 September 2023, Belanda ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Efter en dejlig cykeltur på 27 km, hvor vi også skulle med færgen, havnede vi i Zaanse Schans, hvor de autentiske gamle hollandske møller står. Helt fantastisk sted, sikke skønne omgivelser. Vi fik købt 3 forskellige oste, de smager fantastisk.
      Fik også en lille blomst, til at skabe hygge i camperen. Lidt kitsch, men hyggeligt💐
      Og Holland er et fantastisk land at cykle i, 54 km uden at forlade en cykelsti, selv på færgen var der cykelsti.
      Kan varmt anbefales
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    • Hari 59

      Windmills On My Mind

      24 Mei 2023, Belanda ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Our last full day dawned after a very quiet night on our funky houseboat.

      We decided to forego the mayhem of the city, and instead hopped on a 391 bus to Zaanse Schans to stare at windmills in awe.
      The driver showed skills worthy of F1 in his cornering technique, and we arrived to see the sails spinning in the distance.

      I had visited back in 2010 as part of a Scout Camp, but it was a little less stressful having only Christine to look after, instead of 20 excitable youngsters 🤣

      We watched a man make a clog in abut 5 minutes, then saw a fake cow being milked before having some samples, including the appealing beer cheese👍

      A stroll along the bank of the Zaans was peppered with photo opportunities of several working mills, most of which appeared to be thatched.
      Between the 18th and 19th centuries, around 600 windmills were built on the banks of the River Zaan to power the regions industry. In this area, 11 can be seen, some dating back to the 1500s. 2 are on their original site, the rest moved between 1961 and 1974 to preserve the history.

      Next, we spotted a small boat ferrying people across. Stepping aboard, it felt like it was run by a pair of enthusiastic pensioner volunteers…which it was, with Cap’n Birdseye at the helm!
      The lady claimed it was her first day, and they gave each person an A4 sheet outlining some history of the properties we would see: very cute!

      On the other side, we strolled about admiring the old houses, then found ourselves outside the very well kept Brouwerij Hoop - a microbrewery.
      The perfect spot for lunch and a beer. The drinks were lovely….the food….well, let’s say the chef perhaps had a slow timer: slightly overdone 😳

      From there we headed back to town by train, and a slightly dangerous walk along a well used cycle path….my navigational skills finally letting me down a shade😱

      Amsterdam is a nice place to wander:
      watching the queues at the Van Wonderen Stroopwafel shop (serving since 1907);
      Marvelling at the sheer number of cycles (and total lack of scooters) - it is incredible we failed to witness a single crash, the criss-crossing of cycle/car/pedestrian lanes at junctions is crazy;
      Admiring the number of ‘herbal’ stores 🤪
      Also astonishing how much the older buildings are leaning off from vertical 👀

      We headed uptown to the museum quarter. Nice to hear some good quality buskers: violins, accordion, sax, clarinet….but it felt like they all played the same tunes. Does Amsterdam have a buskers charter, with weekly playlists? “Hallelujah” was todays favourite, heard at least three times🤷‍♂️

      On the museum front, it turned out we should have booked Van Gogh about 2 weeks earlier to get in. Then we remembered we had seen it all at the Van Gogh Experience in Leicester during lockdown, and instead made for the rather more contemporary Stedelijk Museum: the very place I visited back on my 1987 Interrail experience!

      Inside we started with the General Idea section downstairs. A trio of men who spent 25 years together in all possible senses of the word, with two sadly dying of aids in 1994. Interesting art…
      We also discovered a few works by the likes of Degas, Picasso, Monet, Van Gogh, Chagall, as well as one Jackson Pollack and some Andy Warhol.
      Charlotte Perriand featured heavily in the furniture section, but we knew her better for designing the very stylish Les Arcs Aiguile Grive apartments we were so familiar with.

      Overall, a couple of hours at a varied and enjoyable museum, although sadly the cafe was closed when we were gasping for a drink 😔

      Afterwards, we headed past the impressive Rijksmuseum and sought refreshment in the sun at Cafe Hans en Grietje. Amazing how invigorating the power of a cuppa can be!
      A stroll back past the Cuddle Pub, & on for a look at the Sea Palace, a favourite work haunt to take customers in years gone by.

      With time marching, we went back through the station to pick up a light salad dinner & catch the 8:15 F4 ferry back across to our home side.
      A nice day out, with the distinction of being the second most steps walked on any day…
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    • Hari 3

      Zaanse Schans

      25 Mei 2015, Belanda ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Heute führt uns unser Weg zuerst nicht nach Amsterdam, sondern nach Zaanse Schans. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Art Freilandmuseum, das die verschiedenen Seiten und die Entwicklung von Holland zeigen soll.
      Es gibt viele kleine Lädchen, eine Holzschuhmacherei, eine Mühle, eine Käserei und vieles mehr zu besichtigen. Ein wirklich lohnenswerter Besuch. Wir hatten Spaß.
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    • Hari 8

      Les moulins de Zaanse Schans 🌬

      15 Maret 2022, Belanda ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Après une nuit reposante pour tous, on savoure notre petit déjeuner à l'auberge.
      On prend des forces en prévision de notre journée "chargée".
      Un camarade de chambre nous a conseillé un petit magasin pour louer des vélos à 7€ la journée et on saute sur l'occasion pour en louer et se diriger vers les moulins de Zaanse Schans qui est un lieu emblématique des Pays Bas.
      Nous avons proposé à Alexia qu'on a rencontré dans l'auberge de nous accompagner. Et grosse coïncidence : elle connaît très bien Grenoble car elle a quitté la Chine pour faire son erasmus à GEM. Comme le monde est petit !

      Après 15km de vélo, nous arrivons dans ce très joli lieu. De magnifiques maisons vertes entourées par des moulins aux ailes immenses.
      Nous profitons de ce moment pour nous balader et même profiter d'une petite dégustation de fromages. Les fromages ne sont pas aussi variés qu'en France mais leurs différences d'affinage et de goûts les rend tout de même appétissants.

      La soirée s'annonce tranquille. On reprend des forces pour visiter le centre ville d'Amsterdam demain.
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    • Hari 5

      Windmills, windmills, windmills

      10 April 2022, Belanda ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Goedemorgen family and friends, another day, another adventure! It is Sunday and we take a little slower and don’t leave the hotel until 10! It is beautiful out, not to much wind, sunshine blue skies and still a little cool.
      So a tram ride to Central station and then with tickets in hand to hop on a bus for Zaanse Schans! The bus is full as others have the same idea! A half hour ride and we see windmills!
      There are 20 in the area (there used to be 1000 in the Zaan district). Windmills all do a specific job. Some saw wood, others milled oilseed, others made paint. It goes on from there.
      This area reminds me of Heritage park with its quaint shops and old world feel.
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    • Hari 3

      Zaanse Sanchs (NL)

      10 Juli 2017, Belanda ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      The Zaanse Schans is a residential area in which the 18th and 19th centuries are brought to life. It is a little hamlet, really just for tourists. My timing was perfect, as I was leaving all the tour buses began arriving.

      Leaving Zaanse Schans I battled a bit with my navigation. Lesson #1: don't always believe directions given by a local. Finally found my way and began heading towards the coast, and the North Sea.
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    • Hari 2

      Zaanse Schans

      28 September 2021, Belanda ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      I got up the next morning and grabbed my stuff, turns out I wasn't able to put the truffles in the fridge unfortunately. I got to the train station and made my way to Zaanse Schans first to see some windmills, I had a nice Dutch breakfast before heading into the site. It was really pretty, with windmills built by the waterside and a small village inside that also had connecting canals. Supposedly, there should also be tulips if I went on the right season. I looked around for a bit and made my way to Zandvoort beach afterwards.Baca selengkapnya

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