Zaansche Schans

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    • Dag 4

      Zaanse Schans

      5 juni 2022, Nederländerna ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Haben das Museumsdorf Zaanse Schans besucht und alte, originale Windmühlen besichtigt.
      Die Farbstoffmühle - anno 1782, eine Kappenwindenmühle, ist vermutlich die letzte verbliebenen windbetriebene Farbstoffmühle der Welt.
      Die Sägemühle - auch eine Kappenwindmühle - wurde 1942 abgerissen und anhand von Zeichnungen und moderner Computertechnik wieder aufgebaut.
      Ölmühlen gab es ab 1600 und dienten zur Herstellung von Leinöl (für Farben und Lacke), Rapsöl (für Lampenöl und zum Kochen) und Hanföl (als Grundbestandteil von grüner Seife).
      Im 17. und 18. Jhd. erlebte die Region Zaanstreek ihre industrielle Blütezeit und es gab an die 1100 Windmühlen im ersten westeuropäischen Industriegebiet.
      Es gibt ein interaktives Windmühlenmuseum über die Entstehung und die Geschichte der Region und der Windmühlen. Weiters eine Käserei, ein Zeitmuseum, eine Küferei (Fasslbinder) und die Schokoladefabrik im Zaans Museum.
      Sehr interessant und wirklich toll organisiert. Wir haben viel erfahren und viel gesehen. Die Museen sind interaktiv und spannend gestaltet.
      Später haben wir unsere Leipziger Freunde getroffen, die heute in Amsterdam angekommen sind und mit denen wir ab morgen 8 Tage mit einer Motoryacht auf den Kanälen im Norden Hollands unterwegs sein werden.

      P.S. habe mir in Zaanse Schans einen "Friesennerz" gekauft und nachdem es heute so geschüttet hat, habe ich mit dieser Regenjacke einen Stresstest gemacht - Jacke war dicht, Sneakers nicht so....
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    • Dag 96

      Another day in Amsterdam!

      25 juni 2022, Nederländerna ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

      Miles: 5.1 Steps: 14191
      Flights stairs: 10

      So the weather has definitely not been as bad as forecasted here in Amsterdam. It has hardly rained at all, and actually it’s been beautiful blue sky for the most part.

      We keep seeing all different kinds of restaurants - so different than in the US. Today we saw a fast food place, where the food is kept in little cubbies and you access it yourself. Like a vending machine, but it was warm, and actually not half bad.

      We took a day trip out to the small town of Zaanse Schwans. Just a 20 min train ride out of town. It is a town of historic working windmills and houses that recreated an 18th century Dutch village. They had many demonstrations going on — cheese making, clog building, and we were able to go thru the last working dye windmill in the world. They create dyes for paints and chalks - most notably the chalk used to line futbol fields! It was a really relaxing time walking around the village. And an added plus … the whole town smelled of cooking chocolate, as there was a huge chocolate making factory right next door. Very odd and fun to constantly smell chocolate everywhere.

      After seeing the village we went into to town and saw “Jurassic World”. This is our third movie in Europe, and this theater was even different than the others. It had lamps at each big wonderful seat. Great experience, and pretty good movie. 😃
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    • Dag 4

      Full Day in AMS

      10 juni 2022, Nederländerna ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

      It’s only 6:30 p.m. and today has been a DAY! We started out by being introduced to our IES staff (the program leading the study abroad) and being introduced to the area around. I have never seen such beautiful architecture and it is so fun how different it is than home! Next we took a tour to Zaanse Schans to see the history behind the windmills in Amsterdam. Here, us late arrivals got to meet the rest of the IES students and met up with a few at a borrel after our tour. Borrels - casual hangouts often involving a few drinks. After this, I made my first grocery trip and am officially stocked up on snacks! Although today was so very fun and eventful, I am so happy to be laying in my bed. 🤩 Bonus - Elena finally received her luggage ❤️Läs mer

    • Dag 28

      Mulini e Utrecht

      12 augusti 2023, Nederländerna ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Oggi lasciamo l’Olanda con i suoi mulini e canali
      Piccola fermata a Utrecht per il pranzo
      A domanil
      Sirù: io ho continuato con le trasgressioni, oggi ho mangiato vietnamita, oramai non mi ferma più nessuno.
      Ah dimenticavo. La Baby oggi ha fatto i capricci perché aveva fame e dove voleva mangiare c’era troppa coda, non capiva gli ingredienti e quindi, immusonita, ha rinunciato e subito dopo, vedendomi mangiare, ha cominciato a brontolare perché non l’avevo aspettata. Io ridevo di gusto a bocca piena 😂
      Canzone del giorno: C. Consoli « mulini a vento »
      My POV (Baby): è mancato il gentleman 😂
      Comunque è vero, ero immusonita 😂😂😂
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    • Dag 9

      Die Windmühlen von Zaanse Schans

      10 maj 2023, Nederländerna ⋅ 🌫 11 °C

      Der letzte Morgen in Holland. Hier waren wir vor 2 Tagen schon früh morgens bei stockdickem Nebel, was aber auch sehr schön war für stimmungsvolle Fotos. Wir haben kaum vor die eigene Nase gesehen und heute entdecken wir Windmühlen, die beim letzen Besuch vor lauter Nebel gar nicht sichtbar waren 🙈Läs mer

    • Dag 3

      Zaans Schans

      4 juli 2022, Nederländerna ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Woke up early today to pick up our rented car and start today's journey. Today we went to zaanse schans, one of Netherlands oldest preserved village. We got to experience how people lived back a long time ago, what they had to struggle with and their working life.
      This included seeing the weaving house, the copper workshop, the cheese workshop and the clock workshop. Seeing how the process of all these products used to be done and are still used today was a mesmerising experience. We also got to see the oldest windmills and how they impacted the yield of the product made. I learnt a lot from this village and the view was indescribably beautiful.
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    • Dag 8

      8.Tag Zaanse Schans 1

      23 september 2023, Nederländerna ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Auf dem Weg zum nächsten Stellplatz haben wir beim Freiluftmuseum Zaanse Schans gehalten.
      Ungefähr 1.900.000 Besucher besichtigen jährlich dieses Freiluftmuseum, das mit dem Gedanken errichtet wurde, das historische Erbe dieses ältesten Industriegebiets der Niederlande zu zeigen. Viele Häuser des Ortsteils sind bewohnt, so dass nicht nur Touristen auf dem Gelände anzutreffem sind.Zwischen 1961 und 1974 wurden viele alte Gebäude aus der Zaanstreek zur Zaanse Schans transportiert, wieder aufgebaut und in ihren ursprünglichen Zustand versetzt. Die am Ort bestehenden Windmühlen wurden restauriert, weitere aus der Zaanstreek dazugestellt. Es gibt eine unter Denkmalschutz gestellte Farbmühle " De Kat " Die Mühle ist auch heute noch jeden Sommer in Betrieb.

      Es gibt viel zu besichtigen , aber viel zu teuer.Parken 15€, Museum 30€ p.P .Das gilt nur für das Museum.Mühlen und Häuser würden noch extra kosten. Wir sind nur spazieren gegangen..War kostenlos 😁
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    • Dag 22

      Day 21a - the long road home

      15 september 2023, Nederländerna ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Up at 9am after a sleep in 🤫. Still no idea what to fill today with, but I think I can work it out lol. Breakfast somewhere first and COFFEE. Then we will see 😎. Zaansdam museum is the place to visit…. And wow, a walk through Dutch history awaits. I will let the pictures tell the story ☺️. After 5 hours walking around and enjoying all the treasures it’s off to the airport and I start the journey home! Next entry will be Dubai!Läs mer

    • Day 52 - Amsterdam, Netherlands

      30 augusti 2023, Nederländerna ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Today we were both in need for a sleep in… such a tough life this holiday thing! So we got up late, looked out the window and found it was raining. So our plans switched a bit, we got ourselves ready, had some breakfast and headed to find coffee. We trammed to Ted’s cafe near Anne Frank’s Museum, while we were there I saw Bittenballen on the menu, a Dutch snack filled with veal!
      After coffee I went to the supermarket to try the other Dutch snack I had been told about, a Frinkendal, which is a sausage, the one I had was a sausage in pastry cold… lets say I’ll opt for Bittenballen!

      We went towards town as it was still somewhat raining as we wanted to collect some things from some shops. It started to clear so we thought our original plans could go ahead. We trained out too Zannse Schans, home of the clogg museum and the windmills. This is an free open air village museum, though you have to pay for certain attractions like going into windmills and some museums. We walked around the clogg museum, sitting in the clogs outside & standing in the over size pair, seeing the cheese factory (so touristy) and of course a walk around the windmills. As we were walking the windmills it started to rain… actually coming in sideways is a better term! So we made our way to the station.

      We stopped off at Zaandam, which is a picturesque city in North Holland, Netherlands - other side of the river to Amsterdam! But has had city rights since 1811 as I learnt, so the more you know for that fact! We had been told Zaandam is a must, if you hadn’t seen cbd Amsterdam yes, but the main attraction is Inntel Hotel Amsterdam, an upscale hotel on an eclectic structure.
      We trained back to our hotel for a bit of a rest after this.

      I wanted to venture for one last adventure before leaving Amsterdam, so we caught this bus down to Artis, Amsterdam’s Zoo, but seeing it was closed we didn’t go in, but if you go to the side near a local restaurant, you’ll find a nice sitting area with a view of Flamingoes. While we were there, there was a local couple celebrating a birthday and some tourists that were commenting on how one of them didn’t think they were real… Amsterdam right there!
      After the Flamingoes and seeing their reality we wanted some dinner. Off to Foodhallen we go, and yes I checked google they were open! Katie opted for a healthy Mexican food bowl, I went for a chicken burger from a burger bar. Like Little High, finding a table is hard but Katie managed while I sorted drinks! For dessert I figured I’d have to have a Maltese McFlurry once more!

      We trammed back to the accomodation and packed seeing this is our last night in Amsterdam opting for not a late one.
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    • Dag 3

      Zaanse Schanse

      18 mars 2023, Nederländerna ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Brez vstopnine se šetkava čez mostičke med klasičnimi Nizozemskimi hišicami, kjer iz vsakega vogala ne ubežiš pogledu na osupljive mline na veter.
      Kot Slovenki si,kot je pričakovano, prištimava piknik na eni izmet klopic, kjer nihče ni sedel, po najini pobudi pa so še drugi turisti začeli ponavljati za nama.
      Začne malo kapljati, tako da se 10 minutni plohi izogneva z obiskom muzeja cokljev, kjer Išo navduši postopek izdelave te obutve. Če nebi imeli stroge omejitve glede prostornine in kilaže prtljage na letalu, bi si mogoče vsaka vzela en par domov za spominek. Četudi izgledajo štorasti in nepraktični, so tako vodoodporni kot fireproof!
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