Nova Zelândia
Central Hawke's Bay District

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Os 10 melhores destinos Central Hawke's Bay District
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Viajantes neste local
    • Dia 101

      Te Mata Peak

      21 de janeiro de 2015, Nova Zelândia ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Mala prochazka pred veceri smerovala na siroko daleko nejvyssi kopec se super vyhledy do okoli. Teda byly by super, kdyby dnes po x dnech neprselo (diky bohu za dest: po desitkach kilometru na gravel roads uz jsme skoro zapomnely, jakou barvu ma nase auto :-/).
      Ale i tak to stalo zato a oblicej obra, co tu podle stare maorske povesti umrel pote, co se pro svou lasku snazil prokousat se hrebenem a zaplatil za to zivotem, byl i tak poznat docela v pohode.
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    • Maraetotara Falls

      6 de dezembro de 2020, Nova Zelândia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      After the Hastings Farmers Market in the morning and a hike on the Te Mata Hills we decided to cool off at the Maraetotara Falls. While Isi just went for a quick swim Jake jumped from a tree and the falls into the water.Leia mais

    • Dia 73

      A Bird Walk, Honey and Wine Tasting

      21 de fevereiro de 2020, Nova Zelândia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Today is our littlest grandson’s birthday in Canada. Of course, we are one day later here. Nathan turned three today and is so excited for his birthday party tomorrow. He is a sweetie and we miss him...

      The weather here is warm, 32C, during the day. Rain is needed badly and farmers are worried about their crops and cattle. All the hills here are yellow and dry.

      Today is Friday and we are meeting up with Donna again. She is staying on the north side of Napier and we are in the south, in Taradale.

      Our hostess suggested that we visit the Pekapeka Wetlands for a pleasant walk. The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council with community support have restored this area which is 10 minutes south of Hastings and it is lovely. Btw, Hastings and Napier are twin cities and are next door to each other. Taradale, where we are, is in a rural area Inbetween the two..

      Pekapeka swamp is all that is left of what was once a much larger wetland complex. Tree roots have been found beneath the peat that suggests the wetland was once forested – more than 10,000 years ago.

      Pekapeka is thought to be named after the bats that inhabited nearby caves as pekapeka is Māori for 'bat'.

      The three of us took a walk on the network of boardwalks and pathways through historical hunting and fishing grounds for the local Maori. Apparently three villages or Maori forts were here at one time. They used to fish for eels and we saw several in the water.

      We took our binoculars so were able to see lots of birds - Black Shags (cormorants), Little Shags, Black Swans, Blue Ducks, Pied Shag, Welcome Swallows, Australian Coots and a lot of birds that we don’t know the names of. We met some birders who helped us out with identifications.

      For a long time, wetlands were not valued for the important systems that they are. For many years Pekapeka was used as an illegal dump and, among other rubbish, the remains of two demolished hotels are here. Some of the rubble and reinforcing rods were left after the cleanup as a stark reminder of how badly this ecosystem was treated in the past.

      After a pleasant walk on the boardwalks through the wetlands, we drove our cars to the Arataki Honey Centre in Hastings.

      Arataki Honey is the number one beekeeping business in the Southern Hemisphere, with 20,000 hives across New Zealand.

      The centre has been set up so that visitors can learn interesting facts about honey bees, how they live, their role in the food chain and the products they produce. The centre has some large windows where we could observe hives.

      At the end of our visit we were able to taste the 10 distinct and delicious varieties of Arataki Honey, gathered from New Zealand’s unique flora and fauna. That was a sweet experience.

      The souvenir shop was stocked with all things to do with bees and honey. It was fun looking through the items.

      Lunch was on our minds and we decided that since we were in grape growing and wine country, we would have lunch and a wine tasting at Oak Estate Cellar Door and Kitchen.

      We sat outside in a vineyard and enjoyed sharing a delicious platter, all homemade, and accompanied by a generous side basket of homemade bread. We sampled beautiful pate, smoked chicken, fish pate, pork terrine, burnt butter - all with accompaniments.

      The wine samplings were all good but our favourite one was the Pinot Gris.

      “Grapes were selected from 2 vineyards in the Maraekakaho area. Gentle floral appeal on the nose, flowing into flavours of tropical fruits and citrus notes, with a rich texture and mouth feel, finishing with a crisp clean dry finish. Residual sugar: 5g/L”
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    • Dia 101

      Havelock North

      21 de janeiro de 2015, Nova Zelândia ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Couchsurfing No. 2, tentokrat u Jona (Jonathana) Watkinsona, fakt cool typka, co ani nebyl doma, kdyz jsme prijely ;-). Zato tady byly 2 Nemky, ktere v jeho modrem domku se super terasou a vyhledem primo na Te Mata Peak taky prespavaly.
      Tak jsme na Jona pockaly, az se vrati z bezeckeho treninku, pak s nim daly kapku vina a kousek ryby, co den predtim "uharpunoval"... a vubec - docela se na jeho gaucich zabydlely.
      P.S. V sobotu u neho spime znovu ;-).
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    • Dia 216

      Te Mata Peak

      13 de setembro de 2017, Nova Zelândia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Nach Napier folgte Hastings. Dieses Mal eine kurze Fahrt von vielleicht 15 Minuten, die wir auch kurz unterbrochen haben um uns Maori Ruinen anzuschauen. Hastings an sich hatte auch nicht viel zu bieten, sogar unser Campingspot war gruselig. Eigentlich hatte der auch nichts mit Camping zu tun, haha. Wir haben nämlich mitten auf einem Cityparkplatz übernachtet, mitten im Zentrum. Also haben wir beschlossen, den "Te Mata Peak" zu laufen. Man konnte sich zwischen mehreren Trails entscheiden, wir nahmen einen, der laut Board 2,25 Stunden gehen sollte. Dieser führt über verschiedene Gipfelspitzen, von denen man Hawke's Bay sehen konnte. Außerdem konnten wir auch die Berge von dem berühmten Tongariro Nationalpark nahe Taupō sehen, bei denen noch Schnee auf den Spitzen lag. Auf und ab, zuerst über Steine bzw. fast schon Felsen, in denen Fossilien waren, vorbei an Abhängen etc. Das letzte Stück ging durch einen Wald. Über Stock und Stein sind wir mal wieder gestiefelt. Und haben den Trail unter 2 Stunden geschafft, trotz Verschnaufspausen. Wahrscheinlich sind diese vorgegebenen Zeitangaben an Senioren gerichtet, die noch ihren Wanderstock mit haben. Keine Ahnung, wir waren definitiv schneller und stolz. Allerdings müssen die Neuseeländer noch an ihrer Beschilderung feilen, ein Pfeil NACH einer Wegkreuzung statt davor bringt nicht so viel, haha. Uns hätte es wahrscheinlich nicht gewundert, wenn wir unterwegs einen verschollenen Wanderer gefunden hätten.Leia mais

    • Dia 61

      Pekapeka Wetlands

      30 de janeiro de 2020, Nova Zelândia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      I woke up from the rain dropping on my car 😬

      But I must say, the tape is definitely helping and I could not see any water coming in 💪🏼
      Ok, it was not raining soo much but I am happy anyway.
      The weather forecast ist not to bad either, it should stop around early lunchtime.

      So I had a good breakfast, of coarse my new friend the cat was around again 😉🥰
      Cut little one and so in love with everyone that spends some time with her.

      I then drove into the town to buy some more tape, better I have some around when I need it!
      I also need my shopping and then left Carterton to drive to Hastings.

      As it was still raining I didn’t stop in the beginning.
      And so I was actually already almost in Hastings when I stopped for the first time.
      The Pekapeka Wetlands was a nice little stop beside the roads.
      I took a short walk here and then went actually straight to Te Awanga where I will spend the night.
      It got pretty hot during the day and it’s over 30 degrees now, so I was just not feeling for more adventures.
      I found an old but nice little campground here and as the owner could not change my 50$ note I got it even cheaper than the normal price.
      So I paid 10$ instead of 15$. Sometimes you need to be lucky 😉

      I got a spot right beside the beach and spend the rest of the day planning the next days.
      Here are living a lot of cats and dogs so I got a lot of animals around me to pet what I really enjoyed!
      I miss Snoopy really much and I am happy when I can borrow some other dogs for a little while.

      When I came back from dinner I saw this amazing sunset over the ocean, so I just left my stuff in the car and went to the beach.
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    • Dia 104

      Havelock North

      24 de janeiro de 2015, Nova Zelândia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Vyzivny konec dne v Havelocku. 5 minut pred koncem koncertu se k nam pridal Jono. A protoze jsme se rozhodly, ze chceme ochutnat jehneci a ve meste pry podle neho byly jen moc drahe podniky, tak trochu jsme ho donutily pripravit nam vecu u neho doma. Nejdriv jsme vsichni povinne - jako spravni Francouzi - snedli jednu syrovou musli zakapnutou citronem, jako predkrm byly musle dusene v pare a hlavni chod - jehneci na grilu s pecenymi bramborami a zeleninovym salatem. K tomu lahvinka bileho, cerveneho... a nakonec az do brzkych rannich hodin neplanovana, ale veeelmi vydarena partoska ve meste, na kterou nas vzal Jono a jeho maorsky "bro" (jehoz jmeno si ani jedna nepamatujeme). (Zadne foto z vecirku - nastesti :-) - neporizeno.)
      Vyzivna sobota ;-).
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    • Dia 101

      Havelock North

      21 de janeiro de 2015, Nova Zelândia ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Neni nic lepsiho, nez kdyz za peknou veci stoji jeste hezky pribeh. V Birdwoods Gallery asi 3 kilometry jizne od Havelocku maji jasno.
      V roce 2005 ji otevreli manzele Bruce a Louise Stobartovi, kteri na Zeland emigrovali ze Zimbabwe. Od te doby z Afriky vozi kazdy rok kamenne sochy, keramiku, pletene zebry a opice (ty se mi libily hodne! - na kazde z nich byla prilepena fotka zeny, ktera ji vyrabela a ktera diky ni bude mit - snad! - o neco lepsi zivot). A vystavuji taky dilka lokalnich umelcu. Treba - prvni suvenyr, ktery jsem tady proste MUSELA poridit (no jo, budu ho holt 9 mesicu vozit v aute :-/). Nechejte se prekvapit, co a pro koho to bude ;-).
      Kapitolou sama pro sebe je mistni Sweet Shop se sladkostmi vseho druhu. Jako z predminuleho stoleti. Vybira se ze stylovych sklenenych doz - na vahu. Treba karamelova kostka s kiwi a medem, zazvor v cokolade... no skoda povidat!
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    • Dia 32


      20 de abril de 2019, Nova Zelândia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Eigentlich wollten wir zum Cape Kidnappers. Leider hat das Wetter so gar nicht mitgespielt und wir mussten uns einen Plan B überlegen. Wir haben die 2 Tage trotzdem genutzt. Der Te Mata Peak stand ganz oben auf der Liste. Natürlich dufte auch nicht Hawthorne Coffee fehlen, wir machten uns also auf zum Farmers Market, auf dem es einen Stand gab. Die Schlange war ziemlich lang, es hat sich aber gelohnt zu warten. Wir haben uns noch durch alle anderen Stände probiert und bevor wir uns für unser Abendessen entscheiden konnten, wurde plötzlich alles dicht gemacht. Bevor es nach Rotorua ging, frühstückten wir noch bei Maina.Leia mais

    • Te Mata Peak I

      17 de janeiro de 2020, Nova Zelândia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      We went for a hike around Te Mata Park.
      Local legend says the Peaks look like a Maori chief who died trying to win the hand of a local rival chief's daughter. Jake thinks they look like a dragon.
      We also bumped into Bill and Jill who we met in Ohope Bay a few days before.Leia mais

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