Nelson East

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    • Dag 266

      Meine drei Musketiere

      28 juni 2018, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Lukas, Fred und Viktor. Das sind die Namen meiner drei Musketiere. Vom ersten Augenblick an verstanden wir uns super. Die drei kommen aus Marseille/Frankreich und sie brachten mich dazu, wieder ein wenig französisch zu lernen. Aber nicht nur das. Ich malte wieder mehr, ging sechs Mal die Woche ins Fitnessstudio, (verrückt ne!?) und weinte das erste Mal zum Abschied von jemandem. Drei Wochen lang waren wir zusammen, Tag für Tag. Um die drei euch ein wenig vorzustellen, hier nun die Beschreibungen:

      Beginnen wir mit Victor 😜:

      Victor ist ein ruhiger, gechillter Redner... Im englischen... Im französischen sieht das ganz anders aus. Da kann er auch mal lauter werden. Victor war der erste der Truppe, der mich ansprach und wir verstanden uns von Anfang an prima. Ich war ganz schön oft gemein zu ihm und verarschte ihn die ganze Zeit. Das ist halt mein Humor 😌 und weil er immer wieder darauf reagierte, war es noch spaßiger. Wenn wir zusammen einen Ausflug unternahmen, saßen wir beide auf dem Rücksitz und ratschten. Manchmal wurde ich aufgrund seiner ruhigen Stimme immer wieder müde... Sorry Victor, ich bin immernoch so gemein zu dir. Victor kann unglaublich gut malen. Er bemalte zwei Seiten in meinem Buch und ich bin wahnsinnig stolz drauf und zeige es ständig irgendwelchen Leuten.


      Immer wenn ich an Lukas denke, muss ich schmunzeln. Lukas ist ein großer Teddybär mit tiefer Stimme und kann manchmal böse drein schauen, doch er hat ein riesengroßes Herz. Er erinnerte mich an Ralph von "Ralph reicht's", den Bösewicht, der eigentlich ganz lieb ist. Und das war auch der Name, den ich ihm gab. Lukas' english war relativ schlecht. Aus diesem Grund ratschten die Jungs französisch. Klar, ist viel einfacher und mich hat es keineswegs gestört. Lukas lernte english, ich französisch. Der Abschied von ihm fiel sehr schwer. Er schenkte mir ein Freundschaftsbändchen und malte mir einen Ralph Kopf in mein Buch. Ich habe geweint, als ich das Kunstwerk sah.


      Ach ja, der Fred. Fred ist ein hübscher Franzose mit grünen Augen, durchtrainiertem Körper und lustigem, zotteligem Haar. Er bereiste mittlerweile einige Orte und dementsprechend gut war sein english. Fred brachte mich dazu, 6mal die Woche ins Fitnessstudio zu gehen. Wir waren das absolute Training-dream-team. Wir pushten uns gegenseitig zu Topleistungen, er mich mehr natürlich... aber ich bin besser im Springseil springen 😂Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, wann es begann und warum, aber mein Name war "princess". Irgendwann nannte ich ihn dann Diva, denn er war mehr "princess" als ich. Fred ist wie Viktor ein Künstler. Er malt wahnsinnig gut Mandalas. Sehr präzise, mit Liebe zum Detail. Sein Traum ist, Tattoo-Artist zu werden und ein Studio in Amsterdam zu eröffnen. Ich bin mir sicher, dass er das schaffen wird. Wir kreierten zusammen mein zukünftiges Tattoo, das ich hoffentlich bald auf meiner linken Schulter haben werde.

      Ich hatte eine wunderschöne Zeit mit den Jungs. Deswegen haben sie sich einen eigenen Blog verdient. Und damit die drei diesen Blog lesen können, gibt es ihn hier nun in english.

      Lukas, Fred and Viktor. These are the names of my three musketeers. From the first moment we liked each other. The three come from Marseille / France and they made me learn a little bit of French again. But not only that. I painted more again, went to the gym six times a week (crazy right!?) and cried for the first time to say goodbye to someone. For three weeks we were together, day after day. To introduce you to the guys, here are the descriptions:  

      Let's start with Victor 😜:
      Victor is a quiet, chilled speaker ... In English ... In French it looks very different. He can get louder. Victor was the first of the group who spoke to me and we got along great from the start. I was quite often mean to him and fooled him all the time. That's just my sense of humor 😌 and because he kept responding, it was even funnier. When we took a trip together, we both sat in the back seat and chatted. Sometimes I got tired all the time because of his calm voice ... Sorry Victor, I'm still so naughty to you. Victor draws pretty well. He draw two pages in my book for what I am really proud. I show it always to strange guys.

      Whenever I think about Lukas, I have to smile. Lukas is a big deep-voiced teddy bear who can sometimes look angry, but he has a huge heart. He reminded me of Ralph from "wreck it Ralph", the bad guy who is really nice from the inside. And that was the name I gave him. Lukas' english was relatively bad. That's why the boys talked in french. Sure, it's much easier and it didn't disturb me. Lukas learned english, me french. To say goodbye to him was very difficult. He gave me a friendship ribbon and painted a Ralph head in my book. I cried when I saw the artwork.

      Oh, Fred. Fred is a handsome Frenchi with green eyes, a toned body and funny, shaggy hair. In the meantime he toured some places and therefore his english was good. Fred made me go to the gym six times a week. We were the absolute training dream team. We pushed each other to excellence, he me more of course ...but I am better in string jumping 😂 I can not remember when it started and why, but my name was "princess". At some point I called him "Diva" because he was more "princess" than me. Fred is like Viktor an artist. He paints Mandalas incredibly well. Very precise, with attention to detail. His dream is to become a tattoo artist and open a studio in Amsterdam. I'm sure he'll do it. Together, we created my future tattoo, which I hope to have on my left shoulder soon.

      I really enjoyed the time with you guys! That's the reason why you got your own blog in my story of my travel. I see you in Marseille... Or Germany... Or Amsterdam! Safe travels! Luv U!!

      Meer informatie

    • Dag 84

      The Centre of NZ

      25 november 2019, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Heute haben wir unser Auto mal links liegen lassen und das kleine nahegelegene Städtchen Nelson zu Fuß erkundet 😊 Highlight war die Wanderung auf den Botanical Hill mit dem "Centre of New Zealand", dem Mittelpunkt Neuseelands! Ich lasse einfach mal die Bilder sprechen 😍👌

      Was mir heute allerdings auch nochmal ganz klar geworden ist (da es in Nelson zb. den "Trafalgar Park" oder die "Britannia Heights" gibt) : Ich finde es superschade, dass die halbe Welt so einen krassen britischen/europäischen Einfluss hat durch die ganze Kolonialisierung und Missionierung. Manchmal kann ich echt nicht sagen, ob ich jetzt in einem Restaurant in Europa, USA oder Neuseeland sitze, weil einfach alles gleich aussieht, die Häuser, die Straßen, die Flyer... Das ist superschade! Wie cool wäre es zu sehen, wie sich die Indianer oder die Maori ganz ohne westlichen Einfluss entwickelt hätten? Was wäre das für eine spannende, komplett andere Welt... ? :)
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    • Dag 3

      Back to Down Under

      9 januari 2020, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      A long travel day transports us to warm weather, lush vegetation, longer days and hanging with Kirsten!
      Our next New Zealand adventure begins (we could get used to this place!) with a walk and lunch beside Maitai River in Nelson, and a hike up to the Center of New Zealand. What views! Each time we come here we understand more why our daughter chooses this as her home. After a short nap to manage the jet lag, a superb dinner at East Street Cafe...totally funky vegan locale. Day one extraordinaire!Meer informatie

    • Dag 13

      Another day in Nelson

      7 november 2022, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Jeder neue Neuseeländer erhält vom Goverment eine Pflanze. Bernadette organisiert dies jeweils.

    • Dag 21

      Quensgarden & Huangshi Garden🌼🥀

      10 maart, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      da mir hüt nid hei chönne wiiterzieh hei mirs üs gmüetlich gmacht im botanische Garte vor Queen & im Huangshi Garden. Chlin aber sehr schön gsi.🌼🥀

    • Dag 118

      Centre of New Zealand

      10 januari 2017, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Wir haben den heutigen Tag in Nelson verbracht :) Zuerst sind wir zum sogenannten Centre of New Zealand gegangen, wo wir einen Blick über Nelson hatten :) danach haben wir uns noch in den Läden in der Innenstadt umgeschaut und noch eine Weile am Strand gelegen, bevor es dann in Richtung Picton ging, wo die Fähre für die Nordinsel abfuhr :)Meer informatie

    • Dag 15

      Pretty Lazy Day in Nelson

      12 april 2016, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Today I kinda took the day off. I slept in until about 830. Eventually got out of bed and went downstairs to have breakfast. Afterwards I set out to the department of conservation. I had some questions regarding staying the night in Abel Tasman, more specifically Bark Bay because my friend Amy from last night had told me about the bioluminescence at high tide. The conservation officer told me high tide would be at three am and also that there was no guarantee that the bioluminescence would be visible (but Google it, they're so cool). After this discussion I decided I would just do a day trip to Abel Tasman tomorrow instead.

      I came back to the hostel hoping to go to sleep but Amy Selina and Robin we're awake and making crepes and asked me join them. Free crepes!? Umm yes please! We AL chipped in what we had. I chipped in peanut butter, bananas and chocolate and the Robin pitched in jam. I had one chocolate and one pb&j and they were both delicious. After my second breakfast I wandered back to the room and fell back asleep.

      When I awoke it was 115. I slowly got ready for the day. Before I left the hostel I sat down and read a book created by travellers coming through the hostel. Inside were entries from travellers from all corners of the world and each traveller wrote his or her favourite place back in their home country. The concept was so neat and I quite enjoyed the readings. There were a few from Canadians and even the people from BC had recommended the east including newfoundland and PEI. I found this quite nice to hear and now the east is definitely on my list of things to see 😊

      Around 3 I rented a bike from the hostel and set out. I don't know the last time I was on a bike but wow it is a skill that stays with you for the rest of your life. I took a quick stroll down the river before attempting to climb to th centre biological centre of New Zealand. I say attempted because after about 10 minutes of panting and sweating I decided I was not in shape to do so and turned back. I justified my laziness by remembering that the reviews didn't say it was all that great of view anyways haha.

      By the time I got down I was quite hungry again so I set out down Harvey street which is the main strip for food. Eventually I found an extreme pita and stopped there for a quick bite. The guy working was from golden bay and was moving to Wellington right away with his gf so she could pursue law. I told him he had clearly found a keeper haha. I then sat in the front window (which was open) and people watched as I had my lunch. I took to biking a bit more before finding a nice little stream part in the river. I even had some ducks come strolling through. I sat there writing this entry and listening to the water calmly flow along the rocks.

      When I got back to the hostel I just plugged my tunes in and curled into the hammock just outside the entrance. It turned out to be an absolutely beautiful day despite having rain in the forecast yesterday.

      Also today the guy at the front desk used the phrase "happy days" when I rented the bike from the front. I imagine it means the equivalent of no problem and I'm hoping to introduce the phrase into my vocabulary 😊

      I went to the grocery store with Alyssa the Ontatip girl from last night. Learned she studied health science and actually has a masters in it. Later at cake time I met Matthew who was an American and was here with his wife and 16 year old daughter. He was actually living in Myanmar which is apparently like one of the craziest real Estate markets on the world right now. Like $3000 USD per month barely gets you a shitty little shack on the outskirts of town. Pretty crazy. Later I figured out I'm going to franz joseph on Thursday which is a quaint little town situated right beside a glacier so I'm excited for that. I'll try figure out my plans with queenstown and wanaka tomorrow. Now is time for sleep because I have an early morning and busy day tomorrow!

      -Terrence out
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    • Dag 20

      Center of New Zealand

      9 maart, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Hüt simer vo Picton wieder chli wiiter gfahre richtig Nelson. Da heimr e abstächer gmacht zum Zentrum vo Neuseeland. Ds Zentrum vo Neuseeland isch im 19. Jahrhundert eh zentrale Messpunkt gsi. 📏

    • Dag 48

      23-10 Speciaal voor Dirk

      23 oktober 2018, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Openlucht museum

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    Nelson East

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