Nova Zelândia
Victoria University of Wellington

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    • Dia 4

      Napier to Wellington

      6 de janeiro de 2018, Nova Zelândia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      We said goodbye to Napier this morning and drove south to Waipukurau, which is where my great grandparents got married. I don't know which church they got married in - Anglican or Presbyterian - so I took a photo of both. We arrived in very windy Wellington at lunchtime and went on the Cable Car ride to the top of the hill overlooking the city and the harbour - beautiful!!!Leia mais

    • Dia 60


      18 de junho de 2015, Nova Zelândia ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      The morning was spent planning out our forthcoming adventures on New Zealand's South Island, to which we depart tomorrow. After this, some lunch and laundry we visited Wellington's Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa.

      Entry is free to the museum, which covers five large floors of exhibits on art, nature, history and culture related to New Zealand that we roamed through. There were exhibits including an enormous whale skeleton and a preserved giant squid; a house that simulated an earthquake and furniture made from the recent earthquake in Christchurch; a preserved Waka (Maori canoe) and Wharemoe (sleeping house), similar to that which we slept in at Tamaki.

      The most emotive exhibit was that to the centenary since Gallipoli. The exhibit included over-sized but incredibly lifelike models of those who were at Gallipoli, accompanied by their stories. The last of these figures waded through a pool of paper poppies left by visitors. There was healthy reference to the Maori, who, following fierce debate to allow them, fought and died alongside European New Zealanders.

      The museum also exhibited the ambiguous Watangi treaty as well as how the famous Haka has been commercialised and imitated without Maori consent and required legal action to rectify.

      The museum stays open until 9:00pm but by 6:00pm hunger and tiredness lead us to the exit. We stopped off at the supermarket for a large portion of cooked chicken and rice (bargain at only $4) before heading back to our hostel. It would be an early night as tomorrow we were back on the road and over the water to the South Island.
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    • Dia 98

      2nd Test Match

      6 de julho de 2017, Nova Zelândia ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      The second test match was amazing - mainly due to the fact we won. The boys went to the match while me and Amie watched in a pub. There was an 8m high jump into the wharf which the boys said they would jump off if we won (I dont think any of them believed we actually would!). So after the match they stuck to their word and jumped into the freezing water.
      Activities during this time included horse riding which was very entertaining for me and Amie - especially as the place we went to looked like something out of a horror movie. The boys were put onto the horses with no safety briefing or riding hat, just as we heard gun shots from around the corner. They feared for their lives but thankfully the ride went without a hitch.
      We also visited a natural hot spring which was lovely and relaxing.
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    • Dia 124

      Day 2 - Wellington

      4 de agosto de 2017, Nova Zelândia ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Our day started with a tour of New Zealand's parliament building which was actually very interesting. We got to learn a little about New Zealand politics as well as learn about the building itself including how they have made the building earthquake proof (which is incredibly clever). Unsurprisingly we weren't allowed to take any pictures inside but the building was absolutely gorgeous. There is a mixture of architecture as it has burnt down a couple of times, but it has a very British feel about it.

      We got to go in the main chambers which has the same green carpet as the House of Commons as well as red in the upper house. New Zealand however doesn't actually use its upper house anymore (like our House of Lords) so it is now only used for events and for the Queen or her representative to welcome in the new party after an election.

      In the afternoon, we had a mooch around the town centre including the famous Cuba Street. Cuba Street is full of amazing quirky shops so we did some window shopping and fantasied about buying all the things we can't afford. We did however have a couple of things that we did need to buy. After wearing the same small selection of clothes for 4 months straight we are starting to look a little trampy. We are going with this however there are a couple of bits that we just couldn't cope with anymore. One of which is Simons jeans which had a HUGE hole in so we got him some new jeans. The second was some trainers for me as mine now have massive holes in each of them. After spending lots of money that we didn't really want to spend, we went back to the van and played some cards, before watching some more Netflix.
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    • Dia 123


      3 de agosto de 2017, Nova Zelândia ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      The weather forecast was pretty pants for the day so we decided to do some indoor activities. Wellington has the nickname 'Windy Welly' and we can certainly see why!

      After breakfast we headed to Weta Cave, the company that did all of the special effects for the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies as well as a plethora of other movies including King Kong and District 9. They also have a digital department that worked on a lot of the digital effects for Avatar. They have a small museum there that you can look around for free as well as a short documentary on Weta and what they do. In addition to this there are a couple of tours that you can do. We decided to do the workshop tour which was around 45 minutes long. We are so glad we spent the extra money as the tour was really interesting. Our tour guides parents work for Weta in the special effects and make up department and he now also works there and I honestly don't think there is anything that he doesn't know. We got to see lots of props and costumes from a variety of the movies they work on, from futuristic guns to Elven swords. He also explained a little bit about how they make some of the props using CNC machines and 3D printers. We even got to catch a glimpse of a CNC machine in action which was in the process of making a full size horse.

      Unfortunately we were unable to take photos inside as everything is subject to copyright however outside they have 3 huge models of the trolls in Lord of the Rings so we didn't go away empty handed.

      With the weather still pants we went to the Te Papa museum in the afternoon. The museum is absolutely massive and spans over 6 floors. You could probably spend a week here and still not see everything. Best of all though it is completely free so we spent a good few hours there checking out a couple of exhibits. The best exhibit was a temporary one they had on Gallipoli, which many New Zealanders invaded alongside the British in the First World War. As part of the exhibit they had huge models of soldiers and then you learnt about their story. The soldiers had been made by Weta and they were absolutely amazing. We learnt on the tour that the hair on their head is real human hair and someone had to painstakingly insert every single hair. The other hair on their face and arms was yak hair. They were so realistic. The exhibit was very interactive and really interesting. A harrowing, yet incredible experience.
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    • Dia 62

      Weihnachten in Wellington

      26 de dezembro de 2017, Nova Zelândia ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Dieses Jahr wurde Weihnachten nicht in der Familie sondern in Wellington gefeiert. Wir hatten uns Wellington ausgesucht, da wir dachten, dass wir Weihnachten am Strand verbringen wollen. Nur leider hat das Wetter nicht ganz mitgespielt, denn es war zwar die letzten Wochen in Wellington gutes Wetter, zu unserer Ankunft war der Himmel jedoch bedeckt und es hat am 1. Weihnachtstag geregnet. Allgemein ist in Neuseeland nicht Heiligabend der große Feiertag für Weihnachten sondern der 1. Weihnachtstag.
      Da alles geschlossen hatte und auch das Wetter schlecht war, haben wir uns gedacht, dass wir zur Feier des Tages Essen gehen. Dabei sind wir auf dem Weg über einen nett dekorierten Weihnachtsbaum gestoßen und haben ein chinesisches Restaurant gesehen, wo wir uns Nudeln gegönnt haben. Folglich wurde deshalb auch nichts aus dem Weihnachten am Strand und wir sind stattdessen ein bisschen in Wellington rumgegangen. Am nächsten Tag haben wir uns sogar noch klassische neuseeländische Schokoriegel gegönnt, die es auch auf jeden Fall wert waren, jedoch nicht lange durchgehalten haben. Natürlich fehlte in Neuseeland das Weihnachtsgefühl, was man so kennt, vor allem, weil es ein Weihnachten ohne Familie und ohne die altbekannte gemütliche Weihnachtsstimmung war.
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    • Dia 58

      Kiwi Exp. - River Valley to Wellington

      16 de junho de 2015, Nova Zelândia ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      It was a cold wet morning in River Valley as we got up to meet the day. We shared a dorm with Pierrick and a South Korean, Chang, who is not on our bus but also happened to be staying at the lodge. Chang was very pleasant but snored like a buzz saw, so much so that it even woke Alex.

      After last night's drinking game antics our bodies were marked with bumps and bruises where gravity had got the better of us when trying to get matchboxes from chairs and get under tables without touching the floor. Alcohol had dulled any injury at the time letting us believe we should have another go...

      After breakfast we took a walk with Gali and Abi in the crisp morning air. We were given a lift out of the valley on the floor of a staff van that threw us around as the chassis bounced over unmade track. Let out at the top of the valley we walked back to the lodge. Sheep grazed on the green hillsides around us whilst in the distance the white cold of mountains and grey frost on alpine forests reminded us how cold it was. Here the road was tarmac and the decline gentle but on the final 2-300m it turned to gravel and became much steeper. The decline pushed our feet forward so we felt as if we were tip-toeing down the track. When we all left the lodge to get back on the bus at the top of this track we were panting for air by the time we reached the top.

      Even by the admittance of our driver, Jared, the day was an uneventful drive to Wellington, although to lighten this we did stop at a large adventure playground with equipment for all ages. We swarmed into the park like children; running on giant hamster wheels and through swing bridges; screaming down tube slides and zip lines; swinging from monkey bars and ropes. It was a great way to burn off some energy built up from a long bus ride.

      That wasn't the end of our exercise however as when we made our way to our hostel it included an unexpected steep climb, this time with the full weight of our rucksacks. The fresh air and the exercise still coursed through us as we sank into our bed and a deep sleep.
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    • Dia 26–27

      Wellington 2ter Tag

      7 de dezembro de 2023, Nova Zelândia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Heute alleine die Stadt unsicher gemacht und ins Hostel eingecheckt.
      Highlight war aufjedenfall das gratis Museum, welches riesige, ziemlich realistische Figuren ausgestellt hat.

    • Dia 121

      Passage sur l'île du nord - Wellington

      5 de março de 2016, Nova Zelândia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Après nous être levés aux aurores et avoir reçu une amende de 150 NZ$ pour ne pas avoir respecté un stop complet au croisement d'une voie ferrée (le flic qui se poste à cet endroit-là doit se faire des oeufs en or!), on embarque sur le ferry à Picton pour Wellington, la capitale de la Nouvelle-Zélande.
      C'est une petite ville qui a son charme malgré un intérêt limité. Les amateurs de café y trouveront leur compte car de nombreux cafés à la décoration stylée et qui torréfient eux-mêmes les grains se vantent tous d'avoir le meilleur café. Au moins cette concurrence, même si elle paraît un peu artificielle (la NZ n'est pas spécialement reconnue pour son café...) apporte un certain dynamisme et une qualité à ce breuvage, on a testé pour vous.

      L'île du nord se révèlera totalement différente de celle du sud, beaucoup plus densément peuplée, plus urbanisée et industrialisée. A suivre...
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    • Dia 12

      Napier to Wellington and a white kiwi

      2 de novembro de 2016, Nova Zelândia ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Wednesday 2nd November Daily Mileage 372
      Cumulative Mileage 1,004

      So sad to say bye bye to Wendy and Peter, they have been wonderful hosts and even gave us a typewritten sheet of ideas for stops on the journey to Wellington. Special people.
      We have a long old drive ahead of us today, so after one of Peter’s ‘specials’ for which he is renowned which consists of a full English fry up beautifully finished off with parsley and black pepper, Peter and Janet were ready for the road. I kept to my usual fruit, muesli and yoghurt which agrees with me much better than a fry up. We broke the journey by stopping at Pukaha, a bird conservation place in Mount Bruce. They do a lot of work creating habit for, amongst other birds, kiwi’s and we thought this was our best chance of seeing them. They have the only white kiwi in the world, it is not an albino, but both parents had the recessive white gene which produced a white chick. World media went wild when she was born in 2011 and there was extensive coverage on the news. As they are nocturnal birds they were inside in a large night light enclosure. We were very lucky and saw both birds, they are not always seen so we did feel privileged. The white hen kiwi was nearly twice the size of her brown mate and at one point was chasing him around the enclosure pecking and jumping on him. They were both letting out shrill cries and did not sound very happy. Must have been having a domestic!! Apart from birds there were also some very large eels in a river that ran through the reserve. Peter was keen to go to see them fed so we headed off in that direction. When the staff who were doing the talk asked if anyone would like to feed the eels his hand shot up. There was a short plank suspended above the water which he stood on. The food was in a large plastic bucket, he scooped it up onto a long handled flat ladle and balancing on the plank of wood leant out over the river and offered the ladle low on the surface of the water to the eels. Janet and I were stood on the path on the bank of the river and could see the writhing, seething mass of eels waiting in anticipation for food. They were huge eels, the biggest were at least 6’ long with a thick girth as well! The food comprised of kitchen scraps, a couple of eggs and a mouse that had been caught in a trap somewhere all mixed up in a mash. The eels seemed to love it and were sucking the spoon to get the food. Peter loved it, he said it made his day.

      Making our way to the café, we saw some Kaka parrots sitting on the backs of chairs on the veranda. They are a large brown and green parrot with a red breast who indigenous to New Zealand. Creeping onto the veranda we managed to get a couple of photos before they flew off when some noisy children came out. We had a tea and cake in their shop then, feeling much refreshed hopped back into the car and pressed on to Wellington. The road took us over some high mountains, the road twisting and turning steeply as it wound up the sides. There were passing places which offered motorists the opportunity to pass the large double trailer articulated lorries that also used the route. Peter let cars behind us know his intention to overtake by putting on the windscreen wipers and pulling out. Fortunately none were so close for it to be a problem, but it made Janet and I laugh every time he did it. We also saw lots of police speed traps and as in the UK drivers coming towards us flashed their lights to warn us of the trap. Peter responded by squirting the windscreen washers and giving the thumbs up – more laughter from us all.

      Upon our arrival in Wellington we saw a familiar sight moored in the port – the Sea Princess, she must have sailed from Napier around the coast overnight to Wellington.

      We were making our way to our accommodation when we went round a corner and whoooaa, found ourselves at the top of the steepest hill I have seen and a very steep gradient too. It was like being at the top of a big dipper rollercoaster. Gulping we started down the hill, discovering that our B&B was halfway down! We pulled over, making sure the handbrake was securely on and unloaded the car. Peter then took it back to Thrifty rental depot. We don’t have a car in Wellington and will be catching the ferry to the South Island afterwards where we will pick up a new car. Our new hosts, Ann and Dartrey Lamb are very pleasant and recommended a pub in the town for a meal. We got caught in a heavy shower on the way back and ended up rather wet.
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Victoria University of Wellington, Victoria University, جامعة فيكتوريا, Vellinqton Viktoriya Universiteti, Universitat Victòria de Wellington, Universidad Victoria en Wellington, دانشگاه ویکتوریا در ولینگتون, Université Victoria de Wellington, ヴィクトリア大学ウェリントン, 웰링턴 빅토리아 대학교, Uniwersytet Wiktorii, Universidade Victoria de Wellington, Университет королевы Виктории, Victoria Üniversitesi, 惠灵顿维多利亚大学

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