Et 15-dags eventyr af April in Botswana Læs mere
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  • Dag 1

    Victoria Falls

    8. april 2017, Zimbabwe ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

    An overland, mobile camping safari from Victoria Falls to Maun via Chobe, the Makgadikgadi Salt Pans and the Okavango Delta: with the express purpose of learning a little about Botswana prior to linking up with the students of Sedie and Mathiba Schools

    Fri 7 April Depart Sydney, Australia
    Sat 8 April Arrive Victoria Falls (midday), Zimbabwe
    Sun 9 April Victoria Falls
    Mon 10 April Kasane, Chobe National Park
    Tues 11 April Kasane, Chobe National Park
    Wed 12 April Nata & visit to salt pans
    Thu 13 April Makgadikgadi Pans (Planet Baobab)
    Fri 14 April Maun camping
    Sat 15 April Okavango,mokoros and overnight camping
    Sun 16 April Okavango, mokoros and overnight camping
    Mon 17 April Sitatunga Camp & horse riding safari
    Tues 18 April Sedie School & Lion Conservation talk
    Wed 19 April Sedie School & Rhino Rehabilitation project
    Thu 20 April Sedie School & Wildlife film show (Dr Tim Liversedge)
    Fri 21 April Sedie School, then fly Maun - Johannesburg - Perth
    Sat 22 April Perth - Sydney
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  • Dag 3

    Kasane Day 3

    10. april 2017, Botswana ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    A snapshot of our day

  • Dag 4

    Chobe National Park & River Cruise Day 5

    11. april 2017, Botswana ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

    Highlights of another successful day in Chobe NP: seeing game from both the land and the water.

  • Dag 5

    Nata Day 6

    12. april 2017, Botswana ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

    Today we left the Chobe River and after packing up our tents and breakfasting we headed south on the main road (that eventually leads to Gaberone). Hundreds of huge trucks parked on the side of the road waiting to clear customs at the Kasangula border post (it can take up to 2 weeks for them to get through!!).
    Dry flat country (although one huge irrigated sorghum farm) and occasional wild life. We saw a big bull elephant, some zebra and occasional buck. Reached our campsite at Nata Lodge early afternoon only to learn that our visit to the bird sanctuary was impossible because the roads were flooded. So plenty of R & R and relaxing around the pool during the afternoon. Sat and chatted after dinner and all had made the best of the circumstances
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  • Dag 6

    Gweta Day 7

    13. april 2017, Botswana ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    Concerns about travel today were heightened by the huge pools of water alongside the road. Eventually, the water was over the highway - half a metre deep - but carefully driven by our reliable driver, Dumi, we made it through a kilometre of water following another vehicle to reach higher ground; and eventually Planet Baobab, a true oasis in the middle of the Kalahari. The pool was soon occupied by the entire Oxley group after we had pitched our tents. For lunch, we went to the nearby 'Cattle Post' where we ate a traditional local meal, including mpani worms, sadza, spinach, beans, etc.
    Later in the afternoon we went for a drive around the village of Gweta and were shown the important parts of the community (primary school, hospital, library). Camp fire dinner cooked by Gift was spoiled by a passing thunderstorm so we retreated to shelter to finish it off. And later to the lounge for cards and talk before bed.
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  • Dag 7

    Maun Day 8

    14. april 2017, Botswana ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    We had a fascinating morning, one of the best of the trip so far. Up at 5.00, we were loaded up on 2 safari jeeps (along with 6 other visitors) and we headed off on the 1.5 hour trip southwards towards the salt pans. The countryside gradually became drier and drier and eventually there were no trees. And then suddenly we were upon a meerkat colony (a group of 17, with several burrows). What a busy group to observe! As they warmed up in the sun they became used to our presence and then they went off foraging with us following slowly afterwards.
    We had breakfast close by before moving to the Ntetwe Pan, part of the huge Makgadikgadi Salt Pan complex. A vast expanse of salt right out to the horizon. No water in sight. One felt quite insignificant on such a vast landscape.
    It was another 1.5 hour journey back to Planet Baobab where we took our tents down, had lunch and a last minute dip before heading westwards and Maun: an uneventful 3 hour trip. Supermarket shopping in preparation for our Okavango adventure followed and we headed for our nearby Sitatunga Camp where we put our tents up for the night.
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  • Dag 8

    Okavango Delta at Boro Day 9

    15. april 2017, Botswana ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Today was the first of 3 days we spent in the Okavango Delta. We left our bags in Sitatunga Camp guarded by Dumi in the truck, and taking Gift with us, with only day packs filled with minimum clothing, rattled our way through Maun on the back of an old 10-tonne truck to the Boro district of the delta.
    There we were met by 9 villagers who lined up to take us and our provisions in mokoros to the island, 1.5 hours away, on which we were to camp for the next 2 nights. It was an interesting ride through the reeds with occasional hippo pools and paths. Once we were on dry land we set up our tents and after lunch relaxed through the heat of the day, some talking, some sleeping.
    At 5.00 we were polled to a nearby island where we set off on a walk to a hippo pool. In all we walked for about 2 hours during which saw hippo and wildebeeste. A beautiful clouded sky allowed for magnificent sunsets as the night closed in on us. Dinner back at camp cooked by Gift and his helpers and we were all in bed reasonable exhausted after an interesting day
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  • Dag 9

    Okavango Delta Day 10

    16. april 2017, Botswana ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Up at 6.00 this morning, had a warm drink, and then we were taken by the mokoro polers to a nearby island where we walked for the next 4 hours. It was a beautiful morning and we split into 2 groups, led by either Andrew or Simon. They took us close to giraffe, zebra and we saw wildebeeste and elephant in the distance. As the day warmed up, we were glad to return to the mokoros and a very late brunch.
    During the heat of the day we sat in the shade of the campsite trees and either talked, read or dozed.
    At 4.00 we left again for a short mokoro ride through the reeds to a hippo pool to watch for hippos and the sunset. Unfortunately there were no hippos this time and the sunset was not as spectacular as the previous night, but that is the nature of being in the wild. We returned to the camp in the gloom for a great meal cooked by Gift.
    After dinner we sat around talking and started singing. Suddenly we were surprised by the entire group of polers and Gift who gathered on the other side of the campfire and began singing and dancing, much to our delight. They soon included us in their singing and then forced us to sing back to them (with us providing a rather ragged version of Waltzing Matilda and a few others). It was an hilarious and fun end to the day, with Andrew posing riddles and questions to end the occasion.
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  • Dag 10

    Sitatunga Camp Day 11

    17. april 2017, Botswana ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Today we were up again at 6.00, grabbed a quick drink and we all went for a short walk, after being poled to a new, but nearby, island. Again, we saw an interesting cross-section of wildlife. Back to camp to pack up our tents and eat our last meal in the Okavango. By mid-morning we were on our way through the reeds, all 9 mokoros, returning on the 1.5 hour pole back to Boro base.
    We were met there by the ancient truck that had brought us, and after loading up and saying farewell to our poling friends, we were on our way back through Maun and out to our base at Sitatunga for a shower and lunch. Tents with our own ensuites (!!) and electricity.
    It was the end of the trip for our ATC tour staff who had brought us all the way from Zimbabwe. It was extremely sad to say farewell to Dumi and Gift who had looked after us so well for 10 days.
    Our Sedie hosts were waiting for us (10 students and 3 staff) but we definitely needed to scrub up after no showers for 3 days (but it was worth it).
    After lunch all 26 of us piled on to 2 vehicles and set off for our horse-riding safari, hosted by Rides on the Wildside's Dany Hancock. We were mixed up and split into 4 groups for a ride, a grooming session and initiative activities. The ride was fun because we were in a private game reserve and saw giraffe, oryx, eland and zebra. Finishing in the dark, we said farewell to our new Sedie friends and headed back to Sitatunga for a late dinner and bed immediately afterwards. It had been another day of great memories.
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  • Dag 11

    Sedie School, Maun Day 12

    18. april 2017, Botswana ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    After a late breakfast this morning we were picked up by Sei Letsapa in his minibus and driven the 13 kms into Sedie School. Once there we were invited into their staffroom where there was a gathering of local dignitaries to welcome us, including the local education office rep, chairwoman of the school council, many others, the Heads of both the secondary school and Mathiba Primary School, some of the school staff (not bad since they are on holiday), and all the Sedie hosting students. An impressive array listened to many speeches of welcome.
    After the welcome we were shown around the school from the computer room, to the agricultural beds that each Form 3 has to tend as part of their education.
    After familiarising ourselves we settled into a pattern of activities with sessions being organised by a Sedie science teacher, a Botswana history talk, an Australian history talk by Peter Craig, an ethics session (Michael Parker) and a music session to choose some songs for our final concert.
    Late lunch under the tgotla (the meeting tree) and then we dispersed to be hosted for afternoon tea by four of the Sedie families in their own homes. We found this experience most rewarding.
    We arrived back at Sitatunga well after dark for dinner after which we practised for our concert. It had been a busy day - but a good one
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