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    • Hari 8

      Ruhetag - Shabbat

      22 Februari 2020, Palestina ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

      Auch heute gab es leider wieder wenig Fotos zum zeigen da heute Shabbat ist und auch wir als Gruppr Ruhetag feiern. Wir haben uns alle sehr gefreut nach einer eindrucksvollen stressigen Woche endlich Mal durchatmen zu können. Morgens ging es jedoch nocheinmal zum Shabbat Gottesdienst diese Mal in eine orthodoxe Gemeinde die sehr streng gläubig und traditionell lebt und glaubt. Die Synagoge war in zwei Bereiche unterteilt.Vorne  saßen die Männer auf Sesseln und hinten hinter einem durchsichtigen Vorhang die Frauen auf Holzstühlen, auch wir durfen uns getrennt dazusetzten. Wir haben uns in der hinteren Hälfte mit den Vorhang vor der Nase sehr diskriminiert gefühlt, aber die Frauen sind dies Form der Auslegung dort gewöhnt. Nach dem Gottesdienst  durften wir uns die Thorsrolle ansehen und der Thorslehrer Slomo lud und zu sich nach Hause ein. Zusammen mit seiner jüdischen Familie aßen wir ein gemeinsames Brunch und stellten viele Fragen. Da er orthodox ist darf er keinen Frauen die Hand geben was mir nicht unbedingt bewusst war, aber ich schnell mitbekam. Er erzählte uns alles über die Wichtigkeit der Familie im Judentum die Politische Lage und wie er die Konfliktsituation in Israel und besonders in Jerusalem warnimmt. Auch erzählte er uns Militärgeschichten von seinen Kindern die im Gaza Streifen stationiert sind.
      Abends gab es ein tolles 3 Gänge Menü im Gästehaus. Der Abend wurde in der Erlöserkirche beendet mit Tamar, die uns ihre persönliche Gründe erzählte warum sie zum Judentum konvertiert ist. Auch könnten wir alle Fragen los werden und wir sangen und aßen "Snääx" Morgen geht es nach Palästina Bethlehem.
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    • Hari 9

      Day 6 Biblelands tour

      19 September 2019, Palestina ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Day 6
      Bet She'an. Archaeological site mentioned in Joshua 17, Judges 1:27-28,1 Kings 4:12,1 Chronicles 7:29
      Drove for an hour, at times only metres from the border of Jordan. Quite bizarre for an Australian in an island nation without this type of border.. It felt like we could just about pole vault into another country..if it wasn't so heavily patrolled. Also driving through the West Bank, Judea and Samaria, so often reported about on the news, and the often incongruous biblical scenes like shepherds on donkeys with their flocks
      Shiloh.. Where Joshua divided the land after the wilderness wandering. It was one of the main centres of Israelite worship by virtue of the presence of the tabernacle and the Ark of the covenant, until it was moved in battle, the place Samuel grew up.
      Our first glimpse of Jerusalem, as our bus belted out an emotional rendition of The Holy City. A stop at the Mt of Olives looking across the Kidron Valley to the old city of Jerusalem. Another moving moment as our group sang 'Pray for the peace of Jerusalem' Then onto our hotel inside the walls of the Old City.. Very special ❤️
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    • Hari 12

      Day 9 Biblelands trip

      22 September 2019, Palestina ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Day 9 saw an early start to beat the crowds at the Temple Mount. Pictures here include a pile of rocks (!) significant because they are believed to be the rocks thrown off by the Romans when they destroyed the Temple.(since been excavated and left where they fell). As was foretold 'not one stone shall remain upon another that will not be thrown down' (Matt 24:2).. the Golden gate which was opened on the Day of Atonement to let the red heifer out as a scapegoat into the wilderness and killed. Now bricked up which I found quite appropriate...Solomon's porch mentioned quite a few times in scripture...Dome of the Rock.. Now a Moslem shrine believed to be built on the site of the Most Holy Place on Mt Moriah...The site where it's believed the Gate Beautiful was..a gate that Jesus would've used many times.
      Then we walked down through the Dung Gate to the Old city of David..still an active archaeological dig as they uncover more every day that dates back to the time of David. Awesome views of Mt of Olives the oldest active cemetery in Israel.
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    • Hari 11

      Day 8 Biblelands tour

      21 September 2019, Palestina ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Day 8 started with a visit to Golgotha, the place of the skull and a breaking of bread at the Garden tomb.. Another very emotional moment.Then back to the reality of present day Israel as we drove through the West Bank in Palestinian occupied territory
      Herodian..a palace fortress built by Herod on a man-made hill which became his burial place.
      Next stop Bethlehem.. Not the serene relaxing visit to Jesus birthplace you may expect. After a lengthy stand off when our bus driver was refusing to drive into the Palestinian held city, a rather stressful game of chicken between buses, cars and people on grotty narrow streets in a huge filthy city, all the time feeling uneasy. All I can say is now I've been to Bethlehem and don't feel the need to do that again! All part of the adventure in a bit of a roller coaster of emotions day. A fabulous end with a spectacular sound and light show in the Citadel of David.
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    • Hari 10

      Day 7 Biblelands tour

      20 September 2019, Palestina ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Day 7 started at the Jaffa Gate where our hotel is .. We noticed the bullet marks from the 1967 war when the Jews managed to take back the old city.. From here we started the Ramparts walk along the wall.. Couldn't help singing "Walk about Zion and go round about her.. mark well her bulwarks, consider her palaces.."🎶. On to the Zion gate with bullet marks from the 1948 fighting..Jews firing on the Jordanians inside unsuccessfully. Next we headed to the Jewish quarter.. inside of which was the Burnt House and the Herodian quarter destroyed in AD 70 by the Romans.. rediscovered after the 1967 liberation including the excavated priestly precinct including highly likely the very house of Caiaphas and the room where Jesus would've appeared before the Sanhedrin.. we stood in the courtyard where Peter was warming his hands by the fire when Jesus turned and made eye contact after Peter had denied him thrice.. Mind blown again 😮
      Fascinating that 36,000 people are living in 1 square km in the Old City across the Jewish/Christian/Armenian and Moslem quarters, all trying to get along.. mostly!
      Walked through the Cardo (lit meaning Hinge.. The mall/main street that every Roman City hinged around) 2000 years old!
      We saw the part of the wall that Hezekiah built 8m high 6m wide. That's quite a wall!!😮
      Then headed back down to the Western Wall.. Sabbath tonight so it was much more chaotic and crowded..a unique experience.
      Another fabulous day wandering the narrow cobblestone streets of Jerusalem ❤️
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    • Hari 12

      Day 9 continued..

      22 September 2019, Palestina ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Next..Hezekiah's tunnel...a surreal and fantastic experience walking through cool running water, sometimes knee deep in a narrow tunnel.. Exiting at the Pool of Siloam.
      After lunch the group did a few different things.. We walked to the Garden of Gethsemane with Julie and Phil which was a lovely peaceful garden of veeeery old olive trees.. if this was the actual garden or somewhere close to here it was easy to see why Jesus came here to pray before his arrest. Made me feel equal parts calm and ridiculously excited to be here😊
      We then wandered back through the old cobblestoned streets of the Old city browsing the markets. After dinner we did a tour of the Western Tunnels.. Of interest was this 14.6mx5.3m single stone which was part of the original wall . Massive and amazing workmanship for just the fence basically..let alone the actual Temple!.. Walking through narrow tunnels on the original floor stones of the market place. Another fabulous day 😊
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    • Hari 13

      Day 10 Biblelands trip

      23 September 2019, Palestina ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Day 10 First stop the Theodore Herzl memorial "If you will it, it is more than a dream"
      This told the story of his dream for a Jewish state which at the first Zionist congress caused great excitement. He says "there is no national existence without territory" and declared that within 50 years there would be a Jewish state. After there was no progress at the second Jewish Congress in 1898 he sailed for Israel to discuss his vision for his people, travelling several countries arranging loans and negotiating deals to obtain a piece of the Promised Land using his own money. He died in 1904 not seeing the fulfillment of his dream, but leaving a legacy to which all Jews are indebted.. Only after the Holocaust did the world recognise the need for a Jewish state 50 years after Herzl proclaimed it would happen.
      He was buried in Vienna but he was so confident of his vision that he wrote in his will to be buried in the Holy Land .In 1949 his body was interred in Israel here on Mt Herzl.
      Next stop the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum. 😢I really wanted to stay long enough to bear witness to the suffering, but found it overwhelming. Man's inhumanity to man at its worst and I can't even write about what I saw and heard there.
      It's easy to think of 6,000,000 as a statistic but this quote on the wall stuck with me ."It is not that 6 million Jews were murdered, but that there were 6 million murders and in each of them one Jew was killed." Unfathomable.
      Our last afternoon and evening in Jerusalem was spent wandering the streets soaking up the culture and enjoying a drink on the rooftop overlooking the city walls, cementing friendships old and new ❤️
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    • Hari 19

      Christian Quarter

      21 Oktober 2022, Palestina ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      The Christian Quarter is (obviously) one of the four sections of the Old City (Christian, Arab, Armenian and Jewish). For some reason, it feels even older than the other quarters with extremely narrow and winding alleys. I came through fairly early in the day, so most of the shops wee still closed up.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 7

      Jerusalem - Jüdisches Viertel

      25 Oktober 2019, Palestina ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Die Altstadt von Jerusalem misst etwa 1 qkm, ist von einer massiven Stadtmauer umgeben und ist in 4 Viertel unterteilt: das jüdische, das christliche, das muslimische und das armenische Viertel.
      Die Geschichte dieser Stadt ist sehr komplex: Jerusalem wurde mehrfach zerstört, wiederaufgebaut, von unterschiedlichen Glaubensgruppen erobert und beherrscht.

      Unser Weg führt uns durch die Eingangspforte im Süden zunächst in das jüdische Viertel (blau eingezeichnet). Heute, am Freitag, haben die Juden ihren Feiertag (entspricht unserem Sonntag) . Zunächst gehen wir zur Klagemauer oder "Westliche Mauer". Sie ist ein Teil der Mauer des Herodianischen Tempels.

      Frauen und Männer haben getrennte Bereiche, die durch einen Zaun abgeteilt sind, so dass Thomas und ich uns auch trennen müssen. Die Frauen sitzen auf weißen Plastikstühlen mit ihren heiligen Schriften in der Hand meditativ betend zum Teil direkt an der Mauer. Andere lehnen sich mit ihrer Stirn und den flachen Händen an die Mauer und sprechen Texte. Überall in den Mauerritzen stecken kleine Zettel, die Wünsche beinhalten.
      Alle Männer, die an die Mauer wollen, müssen sich eine Kippa, diese kleine runde Kopfbedeckung, anziehen. Die jüdischen Männer haben alle Schläfenlocken und Bärte, was auf ein Gebot der Tora zurückgeht. Die Kleidung ist überwiegend schwarz, viele in allen Altersstufen tragen auch schwarze Hüte.
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    • Hari 124

      Palestine, Jérusalem 1

      6 Desember 2019, Palestina ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      La journée promet d'être longue. Les parents de Khalid rentrent à Paris et nous prenons la direction de la frontière King Hussein / Allenby Bridge, direction Jérusalem. Côté israélien le passage prend du temps, en particulier pour les personnes voyageant seules, les ressortissants de pays arabes ou simplement les personnes ayant un nom arabe. Pour ces derniers, contrôles supplémentaires en bonus. Khalid doit répondre à un tas de questions, on regarde ses photos, conversations whatsapp, profil facebook, etc, etc. Pas plus de détails ici mais c'était sport.

      A 13h30, on est les derniers à la frontière qui est maintenant fermée et on se dit que c'est fichu. Mais au final... ça passe. On sort, tout contents. Sauf que comme tout le monde est parti depuis longtemps il n'y a plus qu'un taxi (qui essaie de nous arnaquer bien sûr) et un bus qui va à Jéricho. Ben tiens, un petit tour en Cisjordanie, pourquoi pas? Donc on se farcit un trajet sympa : bus, taxi, puis un autre bus, et passage par un checkpoint israélien. Dans le premier bus, un Palestinien qui revient de Jordanie avec un tas de paquets de cigarettes tchatche les passagers pour que chacun lui prenne une cartouche pour passer les contrôles. Ben oui, il fume 2 paquets par jour pour rester en bonne santé, il faut fournir !

      Enfin on arrive à la Porte de Damas et on se rend à notre hostel dans la vieille ville. On a une cellule de moine inconfortable et où il fait froid, mais la vue depuis les toits est splendide. Les cloches et les appels à la prière se mélangent, c'est unique!
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