Puerto Máncora

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Viaggiatori in questo posto
    • Giorno 72

      Hiding from the sun

      17 luglio 2015, Perù ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      The next few days were spent hiding from the sun as some of my skin, especially my feet, was really pink and hurt every time I went outside / got warm. I had to sleep with my feet under a wet cloth :(

      So we did little except hang out in the room or in the deck chairs or in the shade by the pool. For a sun worshipper such as myself this was quite torturous but the hostel is so pretty and full of dragonflies and hummingbirds it wasn't so bad.

      Anna had another surf lesson with Roberto, this time with a wetsuit that didn't expose her bum to the entire beach!

      We went to the clinic every afternoon so they could stab me in the bum - they alternated sides but soon ran out of options and turned me black and blue and unable to lie on either side!

      Anna had her regular street seafood fix for lunch plus we had numerous coconuts, plantain chips, ice creams and cremoladas.

      We had some of the loveliest and poshest dinners so far on our travels...pasta at Mosca en la Sopa (fly in the soup) and mexican at El Aji.
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    • Giorno 73

      Surgery - eek!!!!

      18 luglio 2015, Perù ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      We got to the clinic for 8am and I was sent up to my own ensuite room - nicer than some hostels we've stayed in! They put me in a gown, wrapped my legs in compression bandages and put me on a drip. Anna was sent away and came back a couple of hours later to find me bored senseless, still waiting.

      Just before midday they sent Anna away again, gave me a fetching hair net and plastic slippers and led me to the operating room - bum hanging out for all to see!

      The anaesthesiologist starting talking about how he was going to stab me in the back which made me nervous but then they injected a sedative into the cannula and I went all woozy and don't remember much else.

      I came round in my room, not being able to feel or move my lower body. It felt like twitchy leg syndrome without being able to shake your legs for relief - very uncomfortable. I fell asleep and when I woke up the horrible sensation was gone thankfully.

      I needed the loo but couldn't get to the bathroom; the nurse didn't know what to do but eventually sent Anna out to buy me a giant nappy!! However, my bladder muscles must have been asleep so I couldn't go anyway. Anna went off to get some dinner and the nurse didn't check on me again.

      After a while the pain from needing to pee was unbearable so I decided to see if I could walk as I had some feeling in my legs. Turns out I couldn't! I fell over and smacked my face on the floor! Luckily I hadn't pulled my cannula out, but couldn't get back up and fell over again. Due to the numbness I bounced well and didn't feel much. It did make me laugh (possibly somewhat hysterically) trying to get my floppy legs to work. Eventually I managed to pull myself back onto my bed and lay there feeling sorry for myself waiting for Anna to come back and rescue me.

      When my knight in shining armour returned, my legs were just about back to normal and she helped me to the loo. After a long time, my bladder eventually woke up and the intense pain went away, only to be replaced by the pain in my bum as the anaesthetic wore off.

      They gave me more drugs at 10pm but they didn't seem to help. I insisted Anna went home and lay in pain for ages. At midnight I asked for more drugs but the night nurse said I couldn't have anything else. I turned on the waterworks so he phoned the surgeon who said I could have some more so eventually the pain went down a little.

      I didn't manage to get much sleep though. In the morning they inspected me, cleaned me up and then sent me home about 11am.

      There was a bit of a welcoming committee back at the bungalows as we'd got to know a lot of people. One very lovely couple had gone searching high and low for flowers but couldn't find any so brought us a bag of fruit - she said she hadn't slept from worrying! (she also said she could feel my pain in her intestine as she was a healer!!).
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    • Giorno 74


      26 febbraio 2015, Perù ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Time for vacation! After hardcore archeology and serious high mountain trekking, the last two days of Peru have been beach, pool and the Pacific ocean in the marvelous town of Mancora, close to the border of Ecuador. vacation needed while traveling??? may sound strange for everybody who have not done a big backpacking yet (to some even unfair). But traveling is not holiday, and sometimes one simply needs some time to rest and simply reflect on the hundreds of things one has seen and the people one has met on the trip...well, we ourselves wouldn't have thought so before the trip...but we actually realize, we are not getting any younger :-( So, here we are, getting strengths before flying out to the pacific on to the Galapagos islands, before returning to the Andes to complete it with the northern parts in a Ecuador and Colombia!Leggi altro

    • Giorno 281

      Huanchaco und Macora - beach time :)

      12 luglio 2017, Perù ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Von Lima aus nehme ich den Nachtbus nach Trujillo, von dort geht es weiter nach Huanchaco ein kleines Surferdorf.
      Eigentlich will ich ja mit dem öffentlichen Bus von Trujillo dorthin, das ganze stellt sich aber etwas komplizierter heraus als gedacht - die Locals schicken mich leider von hier nach da und angeblich ist es jedesmal ganz sicher der Ort an dem der Bus oder Collecitvos (Minivans) abfahren sollen (sowas wie richtig Haltestellen werden ja auch überbewertet 🙄)...nach 45 Minuten gebe ich auf und nehme einfach ein Taxi 🙈

      Da ich mich immer noch nicht fit fühle, traue ich mich bei 17 Grad Wassertemperatur und nur knapp über 20 Grad Lufttemperatur noch nicht surfen zu gehen, also verbringe ich die 3 Tage mit relaxen (das Hostel hat einen super Blick aufs Meer und die Sonnenuntergänge sind fantastisch), anderen Leuten beim Surfen zu sehen und ein bisschen Sightseeing.

      Von Huanchaco aus geht es dann wieder per Nachtbus weiter, es geht zu meinem letzten Stop in Peru Mancora, wahrscheinlich einer von Perus bekanntesten Surfspots. Auch wenn sie im Winter eher bessere Bedingungen zum Kitesurfen haben, lassen sich ein paar surfbare Wellen finden. Ansonsten ist es der perfekte Ort um mal wieder entspannt ein paar Tage Sonne und Strand zu genießen und ah ja Yoga gibt es auch 😍 Von der Grillenplage in beiden Orten berichte ich besser nicht 🙈 (obwohl es inzwischen angeblich schon viel viel besser ist).

      Nach 9 Monaten habe ich gerade leider gar kein großes Interesse daran Leute kennenzulernen. Es waren in letzter Zeit irgendwie zu viele neue Leute, die man nie wieder sehen wird und mit denen man immer die gleichen oder sehr ähnliche Gespräche führt. Aber nichtsdestotrotz kann ich nicht anders und lerne ich auch hier wieder nette Leute kennen - ich kann halt auf dies Dauer doch nicht still sein oder nur Selbstgedrehten führen 🙈🙊

      Auch wenn ich die Zeit vor allem in Mancora extrem genieße, ist es irgendwann an der Zeit sich von Peru zu verabschieden und sich auf den Weg nach Ecuador zu machen...

      Goodbye Peru 🇵🇪 und es geht weiter nach Ecuador 🇪🇨
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    • Giorno 68

      More tests

      13 luglio 2015, Perù ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      We grabbed a tuktuk to take us to the doctors (2S) for a load of tests at 8am. The testing man spoke no English and spoke at a dozen miles an hour so we had no clue what was going on for most of it. I'm not a great fan of needles but survived the blood sample with no problems. However when he started poking a needle in my ear I went all dizzy and faint and had to be brought round with some smelly stuff. We googled it and think he was doing a coagulation test!

      Then a nurse gave me an ECG which consisted of clamps around my ankles and wrists and a load of suckers on my chest - I looked like I'd been attacked by an octopus afterwards!!

      We headed back for breakfast and an hour or so later went back for the test results. I was sent off with another prescription for yet more drugs - which were hard to find and expensive - £40 for 4! We got them home and realised they were vials that needed to be injected! We had no idea if we were expected to inject them so rang Anna's mum (ex-midwife) to be talked through it... then wussed out and went back to the doctors for the third time and they stabbed me in the bum for 2S (40p) leaving a nice bruise.

      We sat outside our hut reading for a while. Hummingbirds came to feed on the cactus flowers out the front and huge birds circled overhead - I think they were vultures eyeing me up!

      Late afternoon, when the sun had cooled slightly, we lay on the beach and then watched the sunset.

      We went to Angela's, a veggie restaurant for dinner (50S). I had falafel (no wrap but strangely filling) and real ginger tea whilst Anna had a spinach and cheese pastry. I was impressed, she wasn't!
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    • Giorno 67

      Time to call in the doctors

      12 luglio 2015, Perù ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      We had a lovely breakfast of fruit salad, sugar puffs and yoghurt, plus rolls, then watched the Wimbledon final.

      We then headed to the medical centre as Anna had convinced me it was time to deal with the continuous pain that I've been in.

      It took us a while and a tuktuk to find the clinic, then the doctor saw us straight away (70S). We did quite well with our Spanish but luckily the doctor spoke some English as well. After an examination I was told I needed surgery, was given a pain shot in the bum and prescriptions for lots of drugs (60S) - yey!

      After some street food for lunch we headed to the beach (and had yummy caramel-filled churros for 1S) but it had clouded over and got a bit chilly so we retreated to the sheltered pool. An English couple joined us and promptly dropped their room key through the decking. Anna gamely volunteered to climb under, through the dirt and cobwebs to retrieve it in scenes reminiscent of the crystal maze. Several scratches and possible spider bites later, she emerged victorious and jumped straight in the pool, earning herself a huge beer.

      We had dinner at a popular Asian place called Tao (80S) which was lovely with beautifully presented dishes. To start, they gave us plantain chips with tamarind and passion fruit dips, then another portion as we said how nice it was. Then our starter of spring rolls turned up which was huge and we struggled to eat them all! But we powered through our mains of pad thai which was more noodle curry but very nice. Anna also had the hugest glass of red wine - third drink of the day, I may have to check her into rehab soon! My drugs had kicked in and I was actually able to sit at dinner without mountains of pain which was as pleasant relief :) And on a wooden chair no less - we have been selecting our restaurants for the last few weeks based primarily on chair comfort!
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    • Giorno 66


      11 luglio 2015, Perù ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      After our long bus ride, we were accosted by the masses trying to sell us hostels. They said the one we wanted was miles away and we hadn't been able to download a map so we got in one of the motortaxi tuktuk things for 5S. In fact we could have walked it in 15 mins but nice not to with bags in the heat.

      We are staying at Kimba's Bungalows which have are a set of wooden indonesian-themed huts. They didn't seem to know if they had any availability but eventually found gave us an upgraded room for 120S.

      We went for a wander around the little surfy town which is lovely and has tons of cheap food. We both had coconuts, our first in so so long (3S). Anna found a huge plate of street seafood for 6S and had an ice cream and a cremolada (iced fruit slushie) for 3S each. We sat on the beach for a while so the alcoholic could indulge her habit with some dark beer.

      My liquid diet seems to have been no help at all so I gave up and had some chocotejas we had bought in Paracas - chocolate caramels with nuts, yum yum.

      For dinner we grabbed some more street food - veggie burrito for me and Mexican burger for Anna plus drinks for 24S - my kind of prices!
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    • Giorno 30

      Lass mal was Interessantes machen

      6 ottobre 2016, Perù ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      Also Surfen macht auch mal Spaß, und dann...halt mal so am Strand rumliegen. Kann mal machen, da wird mir aber schnell langweilig.
      Dieser Ort hat etwas seltsames an sich. Mitten in dieser ariden Landschaft ist ein Dorf voll mit Surfern und Leuten aus den westlichen Ländern. Die Stadt ist nicht groß, es scheint das es außer den Hostels und dem Strand nicht viel gibt.
      Das Essen ist gut, was mir nach manchen Mahlzeiten in Ecuador sehr entgegen kommt.
      Auf der einen Seite Leben die Menschen vom Tourismus hier, auf der anderen kommt es doch schon sehr wie ein Gringo Playground rüber. Ein Platz an den die westlichen Kinder mal in die vollen gehen.
      Da ist es nicht komisch, das selbst ich, der Adonis des Schwarzwalds, mit den 20 Liegestützen und Sit ups die ich mir jeden Morgen aus dem Körper quäle, eher einer von der "Fett und unförmig" Abteilung bin. Da laufen halt die Proteinshake getrimmten Bodys rum. Zumindest kann ich mit meinen Beinen mit allen anderen mithalten. Beine trainieren scheint hier kein hohe Priorität zu genießen. Braucht man ja auch nich zum rumliegen am Strand.

      Trauriger Weise enttäuschte die Party im Partyhostel gestern Abend komplett. Da kann auch nicht aufwiegen, das die Zimmer im Hostel auch wie Gefängniszellen aussehen. Aber gut das wir einen Plan haben. Jeroen und ich haben hier Emma wieder getroffen, die auch im Community Hostel war. Sie und Susie, eine Holländerin mit der sie reist, wollten nach Huaraz. Da gibts mehrere Wanderstrecken und ein paar Ruinen in der Nähe.

      Also Las mal was interessantes machen.
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