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    • Dag 81

      Urbexing and pierogis again

      27. juli 2023, Polen ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Last night we finally went and explored the abandoned construction site across from our appartment. It's a really popular spot, we're always seeing people roaming around up there. The place was super cool and the view was awesome. A few weeks ago I saw a girl sit on the edge which looked insane and ive been psyching myself up to do it ever since ahahaha. In the end i managed to do it but I was beyond terrified, its by far the scariest thing I've done since the gloster tree in Pemberton. Today we went to the same great pierogi place for a third and final time. We got raspberry dessert pierogis this time which were quite nice but we ordered too much and got really full so couldn't enjoy them fully. Also got a polish bahn mi from the same great Thai place, it was really nice but slightly worse than friendship. It's been a good productive couple of days :)).Les mer

    • Dag 38

      Flying to warsaw

      14. juni 2023, Polen ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      I had to wake up at 1am to fly to warsaw which meant I ended up being awake for a full day and a half! Luckily I was so excited I never really felt tired. Warsaw is awesome so far! Our appartment is super comfortable, were on one of the main streets that run all the way to the cbd and there're trams that come through literally every 5 seconds so it's very well situated. The planes didn't provide food so by the time I got here I was starving. I found a good looking Thai place a few days ago so we unpacked and went straight there. It was the best meal I've had this trip!! I had thai orange curry with fish. Absolutely delicious. I was ecstatic :)). Next we went to the shops and bought some alcohol and energy drinks to keep us up and then spent the rest of the night watching soccer on TV. There's a pizza hut across the road so we had that for dinner. Polish pizza hut is way better than perths, I swear they wood fire their stuff here it was so crispy! Spencer's been a little on edge all day about being in a foreign city like I was when I landed in tbilisi. It's kinda nice to see how much I've settled in to being abroad.Les mer

    • Dag 57

      Found a great market near our apartment

      3. juli 2023, Polen ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Went to a vege market that I've been riding the tram past all the time. It was great! I was there for ages because I wanted to make a leek pasta recipe that Christie showed me but I couldn't find the anchovies. Mum, dad and ethan were on video call helping me look ahahah. All that roaming around was definitely worth it because the pasta was the best! I also got some salad dressing so I'll be able to go back tomorrow n get things for a salad. I'm trying to be healthy after netherlands coz I basically only ate chip sandwiches the entire time there. Also finally found skittles in a big packet hell yeh!Les mer

    • Dag 16

      Groooßstadt und Flaggenmeer

      30. april 2023, Polen ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      Eigentlich wollten wir zwei ja nicht nach Warschau. Da wir aber sonst nur super nervige Verbindungen für unsere Fahrt nach Vilnius gehabt hätten sind wir so jetzt doch halbspontan hierher gefahren. Auf dem Weg hatte Feli unsere erste und vermutlich auch letzte längere (nette) Unterhaltung mit einem älteren Polen, der uns sehr viele Tipps geben wollte, was wir uns alles in seinem Land angucken müssen - auf Französisch, da er häufig in Frankreich Urlaub macht. Nach unserer Ankunft in Warschau - erster, zweiter und dritter Eindruck: Groß, hektisch und laut. Beim Verlassen des Bahnhofs steht man direkt vor dem Kongress und rund um uns reihen sich riesig hohe Türme aus Stahl und Glas. Ein etwas irritierendes Gefühl vermittelt uns das Flaggenmeer Rot-Weiß. An jeder Straßenlaterne zwei Flaggen plus an so ziemlich jedem Gebäude mehrere weitere Flaggen. Ein Park durch den wir kommen ist dagegen wirklich schön komplett mit Blumen gepflastert und entschädigt etwas für den Kulturschock. Morgen früh geht's dann für uns raus aus Polen und Richtung Baltikum mit Vilnius als nächste Station.Les mer

    • Dag 3

      Warschau - Beeindruckend

      25. mai 2023, Polen ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Auf dem Weg zum Bahnhof habe ich versucht so viel wie möglich von der Stadt zu sehen.
      Warschau ist eine wunderschöne Stadt mit vielen beeindruckenden Gebäuden und ich habe mit Sicherheit nur einen kleinen Teil davon gesehen.
      Warschau ist auf jeden Fall einen längeren Städtetrip wert.
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    • Dag 10

      2024-03-10 Warschau Kulturpalast

      10. mars, Polen ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Da wir nur diesen einen Tag hatten, beschlossen wir, uns nur rund ums Hotel aufzuhalten. Wie praktisch, dass auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite direkt der Kulturpalast mit seiner Aussichtsplattform in der 30. Etage war. Wir haben 50 Pzl bezahlt für uns beide. Das lohnt sich auf alle Fälle. Man hat von da oben einen super Blick rundum auf die modernen Gebäude, bis zur Altstadt und bis zur Weichsel konnte man sehen. War nur verdammt windig🌬💨🌬💨🌬💨Les mer

    • Dag 6

      Day 144: Warsaw Uprising Museum

      2. juni, Polen ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

      Today we dove into more World War II history and how Warsaw residents rose up to fight off both German oppressors and then Soviet oppressors. This part of Polish history was practically erased from textbooks, museums, and memorials because the Soviet government didn’t want citizens to learn how their people led an insurrection against the Nazis.

      The museum detailed the horrors Polish and Jewish citizens faces in Warsaw and the ghettos. The insurgents planned underground and used sewer systems to lay communication cables, move around the city, and avoid air raid bombing. On insurrection day, the Soviet’s fell through on promises to support this group and also didn’t allow allied forces (UK/US) to land aircraft on Soviet bases to supply the insurrection. Overall, the uprising created problems for the Germans and they had some success in the beginning. However, Germany punished Warsaw for the insurrection by carpet bombing it to the ground. After the Soviets eventually removed German occupation forces, they quickly worked to label the Polish insurgents as criminals and put them in Russian labor camps to die. All mentions of the uprising were removed and no memorials could be made to their sacrifice.

      It wasn’t until 1989 that more information on this uprising was released and historians worked with members to bring videos, photographs, and text to light. It was an awesome museum.


      Placki Ziemniaczane Z Gulaszem Z Szynki Wieprzowej (Potato Pancakes)
      Beef Tartar
      Nalsníki z Farszami (Crepes with Stuffing)

      Warsaw Uprising Museum
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    • Dag 16

      Mit nasser Buchs nach Warschau

      28. juni 2020, Polen ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Auf unserer bisherigen Reise hatten wir kaum Probleme mit dem Waschen unserer Kleidung - wie von Julias Mutti befürchtet. Allerdings gestaltet sich das rechtzeitige Trockenwerden der Kleidung als komplizierter als erwartet. Nach erfolglosem zweitägigem Trocknen in unserem Appartment, mussten wir heute daher auf den Fahrtwind auf der Autobahn setzen.
      Während der heutigen Autofahrt Richtung Warschau kamen unglaubliche Allgemeinwissenslücken Achmettis zu Tage: der Song "Ich lebe" von Christina Stürmer war ihm unbekannt. Anschließend wurden Wissenslücken auf beiden Seiten geschlossen, indem wir uns via Podcast über die polnischen Wahlen informierten. In Warschau angekommen trafen wir einen alten Bekannten aus Dresden, mit dem wir uns vor gar nicht allzu langer Zeit tierisch verfranzt hatten. Mit dabei waren zwei Erasmusbekanntschaften, die auffällig oft über Frankreich zu reden schienen. Irgendwann wurde dann auch Juletti klar, dass es sich nicht um France sondern Franz handelte, dessen Namen für Pol*innen einfach nur schwer auszusprechen ist. Ansonsten gab es auf dem hippstrigen Foodmarket gutes Bier und leckeres Essen für unverschämte Preise (normale deutsche Preise).
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    • Dag 4

      Day 142: Warsaw Bar Crawl

      31. mai, Polen ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      The train ride to Warsaw was 4 hours so we woke up early and grabbed a 9:45 to arrive by 1pm. We had an opportunity to do a bar crawl in Prague, but decided to rest instead; thus, Warsaw would be our official bar crawl night. We relaxed and prepared our bodies by drinking water, eating perogis and other heavy dishes, and sneaking in a nap (aka an hour of work).

      Warsaw Pub Crawls offers tours to meet others while drinking at local bars ($20 per person); you receive a welcome drink and play games at the first bar to break the ice and then receive a welcome shot at each new bar. After four bars, you go to the club!

      We sat down at a table with one American from Alabama (Brady) and then were joined by Jonas from Sweden, Wilheim from Netherlands, Lukas from Belgium, and Christian from Germany. Our squad was set for the night. We had so much fun bouncing around to each bar, playing flip cup, and watching the younger kids sing karaoke. Mary was 1 of 4 girls on a 30 person crawl so it was hilarious to watch all the guys try their luck with the other 3 girls (specially Jonas and Wilheim). Christian and Lukas gave up and were content to spend time with us as fourth wheels.

      At the final bar, Kieran was feeling pretty saucy and it was time to go home. We tried to say goodbye but Lukas and Christian were distraught. We agreed to meet up with them the next day and walked home 40 minutes. Kieran was actually very drunk so fed him some ramen noodles and water to prepare for damage recovery.

      Level Rooms

      Radio Cafe

      More Perogis
      Stuffed Cabbage Roles
      Polish Wedding Soup (Tripe)
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    • Dag 1


      24. april, Polen ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      no rain, vegan food, street art, a scary elevator that we were trapped in for a bit (our own fault, hihi), a bath before sleep and good company - what else do you need? 😍🙏🏽

      video: we found out how the elevator worksLes mer

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