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    • Giorno 2

      Primo giorno Mastery 7

      15 aprile 2023, Portogallo ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Dalle 10 alle 19
      Primo giorno di evento Mastery 7, molto interessante avevamo il pass vip quindi potevamo accedere alla lounge (non ho fatto nessuna foto ma non era niente di che, c'erano solo cibo e bevande gratuite)Leggi altro

    • Giorno 5

      Workshops und Gala Abend

      14 maggio 2023, Portogallo ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Am Samstag musste mein Magen sich erstmal erholen, aber dann ging’s los mit Workshops und Unternehmensvorträgen. Alles recht spannend und natürlich auf Englisch. Das Highlight der gesamten Veranstaltung war dann das Gala Dinner an der Brücke. Wir hatten alle Abendkleider oder Anzüge an und haben auf unser europäisches Netzwerk angestoßen 🥂 Danach sollte es noch im Club weitergehen, aber da Shag sich dann verlaufen und wir sind an der Promenade am Wasser langgelaufen. 🌊 War mit einem Pulli such nicht zu kalt draußenLeggi altro

    • Giorno 41

      The Ajuda National Palace Lisboa

      21 settembre 2023, Portogallo ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      The Ajuda National Palace is a neoclassical building from the first half of the 19th century.

      It became a royal residence on king Luís I accession to the throne and it remained as such until the end of the Monarchy (1910).

      It still holds its decorative artworks in place in a lively and truthful to its origins display.

      On the ground floor, from the Music Room onwards, the private apartments can be found, while State Rooms occupy the upper floor.

      As a museum, it gathers important collections of decorative arts from the 18th and 19th centuries: gold and silver works, textiles, furniture and ceramics as well as paintings, sculptures and photographs.

      The most important State ceremonies held by the President of the Republic still take place here
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    • Giorno 12


      2 ottobre 2023, Portogallo ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Den Campingplatz Lisboa Camping fanden wir als einzig sicheren Platz in Lissabon. Mit dem Bus und Fahrrad war die Altstadt und Belem gut erreichbar.
      Die Stadt am Teja hat Weltkulturerbe-Denkmäler, viele Kirchen, Museen, interessante Gassen und Plätze, .......und viele Einkehrmöglichkeiten.
      Die nostalgische, dottergelbe electricos (Strassenbahn) und ein Aufzug mit seiner beliebten Aussichtsplattform, der Elevator de Santa Justa, verbinden die Unterstadt mit der Oberstadt.
      Die Stadt besteht aus sieben Hügeln und wir haben uns den Spass gegönnt, sie mit einem Tuk-Tuk zu erkunden.
      Belem beheimatet die wichtigsten Weltkulturerbe-Denkmäler Lisabons.
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    • Giorno 45

      A Visit to MAAT

      28 ottobre 2023, Portogallo ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      This morning we set off for the suburb of Belem to visit MAAT, the Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology. It is located in two buildings, a disused Power Station and an architecturally magnificent modern building.

      One of the main artists being featured at the moment is Joana Vasconcelos, a Portuguese artist known for her large-scale installations. She was the first artist to receive the EDP Foundation New Artists Award in 2000. Joana takes over the interior spaces of the museum’s two buildings and her work is also in the outdoor area, showing a series of works either previously unseen or not seen in many years. A further common thread across almost all of these works is that they are mechanical and/or luminous pieces, hence the unifying title chosen - PLUG-IN

      Joana Vasconcelos maintains and develops the traits of irreverence from earlier works (in themes, forms, materials and working methods): an ironic, humorous and critical look at the things in the world and the nature of those things. What she does is steal things from everyday life and give them another dimension. What is poor becomes rich, as in fairy tales; and what is rich explodes into excesses that break the boundaries of plausibility and reasonableness. Under the cloak of her fantasies and commitments Joana Vasconcelos’ work contains the naked truth of the work of art as a reflection on reality; as a process that transforms reality; as a critical look at reality.

      In 2012, Vasconcelos showed her work at the major annual contemporary art exhibition in the Palace of Versailles. She was the first women and the youngest contemporary artist to exhibit in Versailles. In 2020, she created a massive site specific work, “Valkyrie Mumbet” at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston. This was her first solo exhibition in the United States. The work is part of a series of large scale pieces the artist creates for specific spaces, in homage to inspiring women connected with that location. This particular work honours Elizabeth Mumbet Freeman, an enslaved woman whose court battle for her freedom in 1781 helped make slavery illegal in Massachusetts.

      I loved all her installations, especially the Valkyrie Octopus and Tree of Life. I can’t imagine how many hours it took to create these two installations.
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    • Giorno 31

      Hilfe von Fremden

      17 marzo 2023, Portogallo

      Aufgewacht sind wir heute in Algés auf einem Caravan-Parkplatz neben einem Industriehafen. 9 km von Lissabon entfernt. Die Nacht war etwas unruhig. Man hörte Züge fahren, der Baum über dem Auto klapperte ans Blech und ab und an fuhren Autos vorbei. Nach dem ich aufstand, sprang ich gleich aus dem Auto und schaute mir die Gegend an. Es gab sogar einen kleinen Strand. Daneben etliche Industriegelände und ein mexikanisches Restaurant. Wir machten uns fertig, frühstückten und gingen zur Bahn. 20 Minuten später standen wir schon inmitten belebter Gassen, wunderschöner Architektur und unzähligen Menschen. Unser erster Stopp: Kaffee kaufen. Wir liefen eine Straße fast bis zum Ende hoch und landeten in einem hippen Café. 2 Latte und 1 Packung kolumbianische Bohnen später schritten wir glücklich weiter. Das nächste Ziel: ein Reformhaus. Ich brauche meine Sole-Zahncreme. Dazu kamen noch: Sonnencreme und 2x veganer Schokoaufstrich (wer weiß, wann wir wieder welchen bekommen). Wir schnupperten durch ein paar Vintageläden, tranken Sangria in der Sonne und schlenderten ganz entspannt durch die Straßen. Irgendwann zwischendurch haben wir noch mit Onkel Peter telefoniert. Er war gerade bei Oma und Opa zu Besuch. Danach trieben wir uns weiter von einem schönen Platz zum Nächsten. Als unsere Mägen sich meldeten, machten wir uns auf ins Kongo. Ein Veganes Restaurant mit sehr guten Bewertungen. Vorspeise, 1 Liter Sangria und die Hauptgerichte teilten wir uns. Zum Abschluss gab es noch eine Snickers-Tarte. Ein Traum. Wir kugelten uns in den Parque Eduardo, um die Aussicht auf eine der größten Straßen Lissabons zu genießen. Es wurde gerade dunkel als wir uns auf den Rückweg machten. Zwei U-Bahn Stationen später standen wir vor dem Ticketautomat des Nahverkehrs. Wir verstanden erst nicht, dass wir dafür ein neues Ticket benötigten. Ein älterer aufgedrehter Mann sprach uns an und half uns bei der Auswahl der Tickets. Nach einem kurzen Hin und Her bewahrte er uns davor eine Rückfahrt zu kaufen, die wir nicht benötigt hätten. Am Ende schenkte er uns zwei aufgeladene Karten mit denen wir einfach durch den Schalter gehen konnten. Ich traute ihm nicht ganz über den Weg und kontrollierte unsere Wertgegenstände. Irgendwas musste daran doch faul sein. Jetzt sitzen wir aber in der Bahn und steigen in zwei Stationen aus. Anscheinend war er einfach nur nett.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 7

      MAAT: Adeus Lisboa

      6 agosto 2022, Portogallo ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Zum Abschluss des Tages fahren wir zum Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology (MAAT). Der formschöne Bau des Museums für Kunst, Architektur und Technologie liegt im Stadtteil Belem direkt an der Uferpromenade des Tejo. Er ist einer Welle nachgebildet und soll an die Seefahrt erinnern. Die Fassade besteht aus 14936 dreidimensionalen Kacheln, in denen sich das glitzernde Licht reflektiert. Das begehbare Dach ermöglicht schöne Stadtsichten. Zum Museum gehört auch das nebenan liegende, ehemalige Dampfkohlekraftwerk Central Tejo. ist architektonisch sehr interessant und man hat einen tollen Blick. Am Ufer des Tejo ist wirklich was los. Bissel wie bei uns am Elberadweg 😉. Heute zum Samstag ist überall Party angesagt. Wir verabschieden uns schon wieder von Lissabon. Eine Woche ist weg wie nichts...Leggi altro

    • Giorno 12

      Jerónimos Monastery

      2 luglio 2022, Portogallo ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

      I loved the Jeronimos Monastery - the courtyards and all the carving and the church were all amazing. Uplifting church, peaceful cloisters, and disturbing stone carvings - what's not to like? Construction began in 1501 and the monastery largely survived the 1755 earthquake, It seems largely in the Manueline style, with these great naval-themed carvings. Even the tombs of Vasco de Gama and Luís de Camões, which were redone in the late 19th century, were in neo-Manueline style.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 2

      Pasteis de Belém

      29 giugno 2019, Portogallo ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Pasteis de nata... Was invented in Belem. And they are, hands down, the best pasteis de nata in the world. Whatever they sell you downtown, is just not as good - you gotta go Belem and queue for it to get it!
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    • Giorno 5

      Day 4 in Lisbon

      22 aprile 2017, Portogallo ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      So, each day gets tougher to get out of bed, but by God we did it! Hiked up a few small hills to a Farmer's Market, where we bought some bread and cheese and then ate at a small restaurant in this pretty little park next to the market. Afterwards, we headed out for a 10 minute walk to a metro stop, where we jumped the metro for two stops to a train station where we were going to catch a bus to the Tile Museum (Tiles are definitely a big time Portgugese thing). After waiting around for a bit, it suddenly dawned on me that perhaps we were on the wrong side of the station! Sure enough, whipping out Google Maps and studying that little arrow which shows which direction.the Tile Museum lies revealed our error! So we went to the other side and after about a 20 minute wait , the bus showed up and we jumped on it for the mile ride to the museum.

      Got off, explored - = actually petty good! Had some ham and cheese sandwiches and then the plan was to head towards Belem where the Jerónimos Monastery
      https://goo.gl/maps/6fc5g56vcYS2 lies along with those world famous custard pastries (ok, so you haven't heard of them, but you should - scrumptious - we had already had a few, but these were warm and served with powdered sugar and cinammon! But I digress! First of all we decided we didn't want to wait for an hour for a bus to come by, so I whipped out my Uber app, requested a driver and within 2 minutes he pulled up. 10 minutes later we were at our destination. Great guy - nice Mercedes. We then jumped on the 15E tram using our Zap cards which we had just refilled (refillable Metro cards). Note - zap cards can't be refilled in the Metro in Lisbon with Visa cards - won't take them. We kept using cards and wondering what the hell was going wrong - well, had it confirmed later by a shop clerk.

      Waited on the tram for Belem - the sign said it would show up in 25 minutes - everybody is standing in the sun. It gets down to 4 minutes and then suddenly it jumps back up to 23 minutes. People were getting a bit crazy by then. It finally shows up and we pack on like little sardines (a Portuguese thing) . Totally smashed for the 30 minute ride. Fiinally make it to the monastery - impressive! Sprawls over about 3 blocks. Interior is amazing as is the church. Definitely a must see in Lisbon. Headed over afterwards to see the monument "Age of Discoveries" (built in 1960) on the water dedicated to Vasco de Gama and his explorers - Awesome memorial - starting to wear out, backtrack to the pastry shop we had heard so much about - world famous custard tarts - oh boy , were they good - warm - slightly crunchy crust - dang - consumed 4 between us and took 6 to go. (for a video by Rick Steves on Portugal and how these are made , see this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYh4SiuFvsc Back to the tram, we caught one of the old fashioned ones - again packed - nice thing about this one was that it didn't stop at any of the 14 stops on the way back to Lisbon - too full. So we got back fairly quickly. Spent a 1/2 hour in a Lisbon souvenir shop, then took a 10 minute stroll north towards our apt with a sidetrack to a Rick Steves recommended little hole in the wall where I had a Bifana sandwich (marinated pork - another Portuguese speciality) and Janet had Monkfish stew with rice. Oh , did I say I had a half bottle of Portugal red wine? Do you know how hard it is to type this at 10:45 after a half bottle?

      So tomorrow - we're heading to the airport on the metro bright and early where we are going to pick up our little ECAR to head south to the southern coast of Portugal and 2 nights in Lagos. Should be interesting adventure.!
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    Potresti conoscere questo luogo anche con i seguenti nomi:

    Belém, Belem, Torre de Belém, Belém Tower, Belémin torni, Tour de Belém, Belém torony, Betlehemsturninn, Tuerm vu Belém, 贝伦塔

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