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    • Day 9

      Destination Quinta da Gandia

      May 22 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      We both slept very well, and after a buffet breakfast at the hotel, We decided to explore Porto de Lima for about 45 minutes. And of course we took more pictures. Then we were finally on our way to our new destination. Quinta da Gandia, which is located in San Pedro de Rubiaes.
      Today, we saw some very beautiful sights, including waterfalls and streams and lots of green foliage.
      At one point, we hiked down to the water and sat on a rock and had a bite to eat. We ended up taking about a twenty five minute break, which felt really good. We got back up on the trail and came across three australian walkers, who told us that they had been hiking 19 days and they started in Lisbon.
      During the course of the day, we came across many walkers . We also came across a little snake, but I don't know what kind it is. Michelle freaked out at first, and we both started to laugh. I have to say that today was our most challenging day. We kept going up up up very, rocky terrain for hours. We also had to go through a muddy bog by hopping from rock to rock. It was definitely a good workout. I loved the day we had today!
      Tonight we are staying in a private home. And 2 other walkers that we had met before are also staying here. We were picked up by a private transfer van and taken to a local restaurant for dinner. We are back showere and ready to pass out. LOL.
      Bad Noite!
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    • Day 9

      Aqualonga at long last.

      April 28 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      Well, the time has finally arrived for me to climb the desolate mountain to reclaim the lost Dwarven kingdom of Erebor from the foul dragon Smaug. The rain started lightly, then not so much for almost 2 hours! I was shivering and couldn't wait for food and good bed. The burger had a fried patty of mac n cheese, and the castle like house I'm staying at is incredible, and the old man was very kind.Read more

    • Day 10

      We climbed a mountain!

      September 22, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      Today was a day of changes. We started off from Ponte de Lima under cloudy skies which made the early hours quite pleasant. By noon the sun broke through but the temperature felt cooler than the past few days.

      This morning we left our backpacks behind at our hotel and only carried water, snacks, and necessities (Compeed). Our packs will be retrieved by TopSantiago, one of the many bag transfer services operating along most Camino routes. I was able to pick up a sleek daypack to carry my essentials but we couldn’t find another one for Ellen so she had to make do with a random assortment of smaller pouches.

      We started out following the Lima River valley along beautiful streams in the dappled shade of eucalyptus and oak trees. We passed through more vineyards and small farms and were delighted to find not one but TWO fountains for soaking our feet. Ahhhhhh.

      We stopped for a snack at a cafe next to a fish hatchery, a refreshing oasis with a nice shady patio and comfy chairs. We caught up to many of the people who had passed us earlier in the day. A pair from Wisconsin whom we’d seen at breakfast at our hotel shared that they had rescued an older man who had keeled over in front of them the day before. We compared notes -diabetic, two new knees, etc- and decided it was likely the same South African man we had met a couple days earlier. I can’t believe he kept going.

      After I’d psyched myself out yesterday and ended up calling a taxi I purposely didn’t look at elevation profile for today’s stage. Good thing. By midday, the gently rolling hills of this morning had given way to some serious incline and the cobblestones had turned to boulders. We had to stop frequently to catch our breath. No cafes in sight, we slogged on. Eventually we reached what we hoped was the summit, rested in the shade for a bit before tackling the steep descent. My dogs are barking.

      Just to be sure every single muscle got stretched beyond its full potential we added an extra couple kilometers of steep downhill going off-Camino to get to our hotel, the Quinta de Gandra. Luckily there is a pool. And our bags were there waiting for us when we arrived! Amazing. We will catch a ride into the nearby town of Rubaies for dinner. Unless we fall asleep first.

      Upadate: Had a lovely pilgrim’s meal at a restaurant catering to large groups of tourists. The place was packed! Eight of us from our hotel went. Two of our group were young men who had cycled all the way from Porto today. They had to carry their bikes and gear the last 8k up the mountain because of the boulders. They sat at a table outside and the rest of us got a table inside. Alison & Peter from Somerset, England, Claudia and her husband whose name we both forgot from Germany, and us. The place was loud but the food was terrific and we all swapped stories about the South African man. Apparently Alison saw him today and he was was striding along. Since we didn’t come upon him lying on the ground on our way we can only assume he’s still going. The Camino Grapevine is impressive. There’s also a rumor of a Rastafarian leading a donkey which I really hope to see.

      Laundry’s drying. The chickens have gone to bed. Night all.
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    • Day 26

      An Exiting Day!

      April 10 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Oh what a day! I was in a hurry this morning to pack up, because I new it was going to be a big day. Have a look at the elevation pic! I started walking at 7:00am, and walked about 8 km's to the first cafe bar to have a sandwich before takling the mountain. When I went to pay however, I looked down to where my money pouch is around my waist, and there it was, GONE! PANIC!
      My passport, etc... in it. A fellow pilgrim was kind enough to pay my bill, and the bar owner called a cab for me to go back to the albergue and check. Well it"s enough to say that the next few hours were a right off. We had to wait for another cab that had a mobile payment machine so that I could pay using the tap of my phone. It was not at the albergue! Back to the cafe bar. The other pilgrims were fantastic. One even had a spare credencial so that I could keep going. Anyway the next thing was the mountain and another 12 km's. I arrived at the albergue and used the euros lent to me by Rafael the guy from Uruguay. I would start to figure out a plan. I went in and started to unpack my bag. Low and behold I glimpsed my money belt underneath my sleeping bag at the bottom. It must have been stuffed in there. Problem instantly gone! HURRAY! It was a little embarrassing at dinner when we all were together, and they deservidly had their fun. It felt good to pay everyone back tho. What special people. Anyway all is well that ends well.
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    • Day 9

      Arcozelo, Labruja, and Romarigães

      April 28 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      Leaving the Roman city of Ponte de Lima behind, I started to re-enter the pastures of the countryside once more. Listening to the aubiobook for The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein helped motivate me and keep my determination. The shadow of nivatable ascension up the looming mountain that is taller than the empire state building.Read more

    • Day 15

      Walk to Rubiaes

      September 25, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Our last full day in Portugal and another hot, sunny day after a beautiful cool morning. Didn't have a great sleep in the hot, stuffy 5€ municipal albergue. Only walked about 18km but there was a steep 5k climb in the middle and we were glad to get to the albergue, which is the nicest one we've been in yet. Lynn was keen to book a private albergue and we were glad we did after the not so great night last night. Hopefully there's enough food for dinner because people keep walking in and pressuring the hospitalero to let them stay, even though it is full.
      As happens on a Camino, we keep bumping into the same people during the day and end up staying in the same place as some.
      Off to Valenca then over the Minho River into Spain tomorrow.
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    • Day 6

      Ponte de Lima to Rubiaes

      August 31, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      WOW! Toughest walk on the Portuguese so far, climbing the Alto da Portela Grande.

      Another beautiful walk with gorgeous views, but wow, it was tough. We did have more pilgrims today as many start in Ponte de Lima, and we were all so relieved when we got to the top of the mountain - 1350 ft of elevation, and while some of it was on trails, some areas were very very rocky and steep. Even the 2 18 year old Portuguese guys had a hard time. We walked with these 2 kids until Rubiaes and were joined by others here and there along the way. Some more Portuguese, a brother and sister from Switzerland, and again, the 2 people from the US.

      Along the way, in one area, we saw a lot of trees being bleed to collect rubber.

      But here we are, at the Hostel Sao Sebastiao, after 12.5 miles of torture and life is amazing 🤩

      Not going anywhere for the rest of the day! Everyone has blisters so I’m not even going to mention them - lol
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    • Day 6–7

      Day 6 - Ponte de Lima to Rubiães

      April 14 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      Today I walked solo (but not really). Sarah has some bad blisters on her toes, so she took a rest day and caught a cab to our destination this morning. I started out on my own, but soon met up with fellow pilgrims that we’ve become friends with the last few days.

      That’s what I love so much about the Camino - the bonds you form with those walking the same path. Canadians, Australians, Americans, people from Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands… we all share rest breaks and meals together. Staying at the municipal albergues, we sleep and rise together too. The beds are fine and so far all the bath facilities have been good. Last night only cost €5! Nothing fancy here, just beauty and serenity. I joked today that we spend more on bandages and ibuprofen!

      Tonight, Sarah and I opted for a private room at a casa. There are others staying here too, and the municipal is just across the street. Tonight the local restaurant was full of pilgrims,and we all greeted each other warmly with smiles and hellos.

      Tomorrow, we leave Portugal and enter Spain (Tui). Hard to believe! It will become more crowded from Tui where many will begin walking the last required 100 kilometers for their compostela.
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    • Day 5

      Welcome to the jungle

      July 2, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Heute war wohl der härteste Tag auf diesem Camino. Die Etappe war 43,5 km lang. So war sie eigentlich nicht geplant, aber es fühlte dich gut an, endlich einmal auszupowern. Leider war die Sonne etwas zu kräftig, so musste ich ein paar Pausen machen. Marek hatte einen guten Schrott und Kan war irgendwann verschwinden, weil er langsamer lief.

      Insgesamt war es ein richtig schöner Tag auf dem Camino. Sogar Jan erreichte die Albergue, allerdings erst um 20 Uhr.

      Abends gab es dann eine schöne Spielrunde auf Spanisch und Englisch.

      English Version

      Today was probably the hardest day on this Camino. The route was 43.5 km long. It wasn't actually planned that way, but it felt good to finally be able to work out. Unfortunately, the sun was a bit too strong, so I had to take a few breaks. Marek had a good run and Jan disappeared after several kilometres because he was walking slower.

      Overall it was a really nice day on the Camino. Even Jan reached the albergue, but later at 8 p.m.

      In the evening there was a nice round of games in Spanish and English.
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    • Day 6


      September 20, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Moin. Heute gings um 6:45 los, wir waren wieder sehr schnell, verbrachten eine Kaffeepause mit André und seiner Freundin (wissen leider nicht wie sie heißt) aus Hannover und dann ging’s den bisher höchsten Berg hoch. Nur 400m aber echt steil und sehr steinig, kein richtiger Weg mehr. Danach waren wir mal wieder sehr euphorisch und man könnte es eher joggen als wandern nennen, sodass wir bereits um 11:45 an der Herberge (welche um 13:00 öffnete...) waren. Wir schnackten mit einem Mann mitte 50, der uns endlich alle Fragen zu sämtlichen Pflanzen am Wegesrand beantworten konnte, und einer 20jährigen Eutinerin. Jetzt sind wir geduscht, die Wäsche hängt gewaschen auf der Leine & inspiriert von einem älteren Ehepaar neben uns haben wir nun auch eine Flasche Wein gekauft und werden den Nachmittag ganz entspannt mit SkipBo, Kniffel & lesen verbringen.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Rubiães, Rubiaes

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