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Top 10 des destinations de voyage : Tomar
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    • Jour 10

      Etappe 8

      17 mai 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Als wir heute Morgen, mehr oder weniger ausgeschlafen, Fatima verliessen war es noch recht früh am Tag. Wir wussten ja, dass uns heute eine ziemlich lange Wanderstrecke bevorstand. Und so war es dann auch....Diese Etappe war recht anstrengend! Erstens, weil sie nur bis zum Ortsausgang von Fatima ausgeschildert war und zweitens, weil die Gegend sehr hügelig ist und oft an Hauptstrassen entlang führt. Somit waren wir immer irgendwie damit beschäftigt, nicht vom Weg abzukommen. Diese Strecke wird auch nicht sooo häufig begangen. Einige Pilger bevorzugen dafür, wenn schon, dann den Bus. So können sie diese landschaftlich schöne, jedoch etwas einsame Gegend auch geniessen. Wir konnten das auch, sogar viiiel länger!! Schatten gab es leider nicht allzuviel! So waren wir oft der heissen Sonne ausgesetzt. Darum wurde wohl der Durst auch immer grösser und dafür die Schritte etwas kleiner. Echt..es gab wirklich kein einziges Gasthaus am Wegesrand. Im Tomar angekommen, stürzten wir uns sogleich ins erste Café und erholten uns von dem langenen, "trockenen" Marsch! Dann bezogen wir unsere, auch heute wieder schöne, Unterkunft!  Weil Tomar viel zu bieten hat, machten wir anschliessend noch eine kleine sightseeing Tour. Zum krönenden Abschluss fanden wir uns in einer Gartenwirtschaft wieder, wo eine junge Musikerin mit Gitarre im Arm, gekonnt wunderschöne Lieder zum Besten gab. Das war ein genialer Abschluss für den heutigen Tag.
      Tschau zämä!
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    • Jour 9

      Day 6: Golega to Tomar

      9 mai 2022, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      The walk from Golega to Tomar was another long 30+ kilometre trek in 30+ sunny weather with nary a cloud in the sky.

      We started gently to ensure any potential sore spots didn't develop into something full blown that would quash our Camino. The first third of the walk went by pleasantly and we enjoyed the relative coolness of the morning. The second third took us through a eucalyptus forest that offered dappled shading and some good climbs. We then slogged through the last third on mainly open roads that mercilessly offered no shade.

      We were so happy to arrive in Tomar, and even happier knowing we were going to take a rest day tomorrow.

      We felt a great sense of accomplishment having accomplished 2 long days in a row under such heat, but we agreed that we would do our best to avoid 30+ kilometre days going forward.

      Total kilometres walked since Lisbon: 152
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    • Jour 26


      19 mai 2022, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Tomar is a small town in central Portugal that has an outsized historical footprint. This is where the headquarters of the Knights Templar in Portugal was located (see additional posts). This post looks at the town itself.
      When the Romans were here, this was called Sellium. After the expulsion of the Moors in the 12th century, the site was granted to the Templars who became the feudal lords. The town developed, 1st within the walls and later expanded outside the fortress walls. Today the old town is located around the foot of the hill upon which the fortress is built. The newer town is beyond the old town.
      The 1st picture is the view from my room. That is the castle and convent on the hill. The 2nd picture is the church of St. Mary of Olival that dates to at least the 12th century, though the current building is a 13th century renovation. Many Templars are buried here.
      The 3rd picture clearly demonstrates the importance of the Templars to Tomar. That's a city sidewalk with Templar crosses everywhere. The 4th picture is s city park with a waterwheel designed to lift water, probably originally for irrigation. The 5th picture is a view over the town from the castle. The 6th picture is a formal garden in a park at the foot of the castle hill. The 7th picture is in the best preserved medieval synagogue is Portugal. It dates to the middle of the 15th century. You can see the Torah in the ark.
      The 8th picture is the main square, Republic Square. The stature is the 1st grand master of the Portuguese Templars, Gualdim de Pais. The 9th picture is a typical street in the old town.
      The 10th picture is part of the Camino de Santiago, the famous pilgrimage path. The Portuguese route passes through the castle and convent.
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    • Jour 7

      Day 7, Zero day in Tomar, Portugal

      7 avril 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

      It was a nice break to be able to leisurely wake up and lounge in bed this morning. We hope to do a rest day about once a week while on this journey. Tomar has been the ideal rest stop. There’s lots to see, a plentiful grocery store, and a great selection of restaurants. The history here is amazing. We grabbed a Tuk-Tuk ride up to the 12th Century Knights Templar castle then took a short stroll through town.En savoir plus

    • Jour 27

      Templar Church

      20 mai 2022, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Given that the Templar Fortress/Convent of Christ is the main event in Tomar for me, then the main event in the main event is the church. I was simply blown away. The church is round with a squared off later addition.
      The 1st picture is from the outside. You can see the round section to the right which was the original part of the church. In order to build suspense gradually, I'll start with the later, rectangular addition. It contains 2 choirs: the upper in the 2nd picture and the lower, directly below the upper, in the 3rd. The low window in the 2nd picture below the upper choir opens on the lower choir. The entry to the church is in the rectangular space between the choirs and the main, original, part of the church. The 4th picture is a small side chapel off the main church.
      The rest of the pictures are in the round church that dates to the 12th century. The high roof, the artwork, the free standing central nave, the carving and so much more took my breath away. I hope these few pictures give you some small idea of the awe I experienced here. I even backtracked to visit the church again, and I still left stunned.
      I'm told that the design may have been in influenced by the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the Dome of the Rock, both in Jerusalem. That's seems feasible given the Templar presence there and their devotion to that city. Also, it seems that the design provides for Templar knights to be able to ride their horses into the church and around the Charola, as it's called, to receive a blessing immediately before departing on a journey. I just love the practicality!
      I don't think I've ever suggested that some place I've been is a must see. But if you are at all into history, the Templars, art, or even church architecture, you need to come here. It's that big a deal.
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    • Jour 12

      Day 8 Rest Day in Tomar

      16 septembre 2023, Portugal ⋅ 🌧 72 °F

      Day 8 Rest Day in Tomar. Saturday, September 16. Sightseeing walked 9.5k/6m

      It’s raining! Thunder & lightening too. Ventured out about 9:00. Hit the pharmacy for some foot cream with exfoliate for my rough heels and more tape. Had a healthy breakfast of scrambled eggs, greens and bacon. Got an extra pair of socks, if I decide to start wearing them for my walks.

      Pouring Rain Again. Chilled out in my nice big, bright, airy room for a couple hours. Then it was off for a hike up to the Templar Castle & Convent of Christ.

      The Templar Castle was built in 1160 in the image of Middle-East castles. I was able to walk around the grounds and the walls. Photos provide an idea of its size.

      Convent of Christ (World Heritage site) part of castle grounds and built from the 12th century. It was home to the Order of Christ from the 14c onwards. This place is massive. I took a lot of photos. Just hard to explain the art, tiling, architecture, etc.

      Visited a couple churches and back to room to get my pack reorganized. It sure was nice not to have to pack it all up & put it on today! Tomorrow back to the path.

      Enjoy the photos and captions. Bom Caminho
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    • Jour 27

      Templar Castle and Convent of Christ

      20 mai 2022, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      This is, for me, the main attraction in Tomar. The castle/monastery was founded in the early 12th century by the Order of the Poor Knights of the Temple, the Knights Templar. In the 13th century, Tomar became the seat or main headquarters of the entire order.
      When the Knights Templar Order was dissolved in the middle of the 14th century and at the urging of the king of Portugal, a new order, the Order of Christ, was proclaimed by the Pope. In Portugal, the members and assets of the Templars were transfered to the new order. The Templar fortress became the Convent of Christ and headquarters of the new order.
      This is an incredibly spectacular space, so much so that it has been the setting for many movies. In fact, filming was in progress during my visit. So significant parts of the convent were closed. Oh well.
      The 1st picture is the main gate. The next 5 pictures are various cloisters scattered throughout the convent. I don't think I've ever seen a monastery with more than one cloister. Here are 5, and others were in the closed section. The 2nd picture catches a corner of the church (see another post) above th cloister. The 3rd picture is the hospitality cloister for pilgrims, clergy, traveling brothers, etc. Social standing determined which floor one was lodged. Higher standing, higher floor.
      The 7th picture is the church (see another post), and the 8th picture is the ornate Manueline window. This open into the chapter house (closed). The Manueline decorations, named for King Manuel I, celebrate the age of discovery.
      The 9th picture is an arched hallway in the convent.
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    • Jour 15

      Aveiro et Tomar

      24 septembre 2022, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Routine habituelle, on part de Coimbra vers 10h00. Maintenant direction Aveiro, le Venise du Portugal. C'est une ville située sur la côte ouest du Portugal, au bord d'un lagon nommé Ria de Aveiro. "Cette ville se caractérise par ses canaux sur lesquels naviguent des barques colorées (barcos moliceiros), traditionnellement utilisées pour la récolte d'algues." Nous en profitons pour faire un tour et le guide nous montre l'eau dans un bidon qui est effectivement transparente. C'est donc les algues au fond du canal qui donne la couleur verte de l'eau. De plus, dans la ville, non loin du centre se dresse la cathédrale d'Aveiro, ornée d'un imposant clocher. C'est une belle ville, mais je m'étais tellement fait vanter la beauté que je suis un peu déçu malheureusement.

      Vu les circonstances, on se dit qu'on peut se rendre à l'autre ville mise sur l'itinéraire : Tomar. Bon, là nous avons été conquis. Une magnifique ville près d'une grande rivière où plusieurs ponts anciens nous amènent de l'autre côté de la rive. C'est vraiment beau! On marche dans cette splendide ville où beaucoup d'art et de culture y sont significatifs. Un ancien camping y est aménagé pour les campervan, parfait pour nous cette nuit. Pas compliqué de même, on aime ça !! :)
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    • Jour 11

      Etappe 9

      18 mai 2023, Portugal ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Unser heutiges Tagesziel war Cordiça, welches ca.28Km von unserem Ausgangspunkt Tomar entfernt liegt. Also hiess es wieder früh aus den Federn, alle Sachen zusammen packen und los geht's. Also mit den "allen Sachen" gab es heute ein kleines Problem. Als wir nämlich unseren Proviant für den Tag aus dem Kühlschrank nehmen wollten, mussten wir feststellen, dass sich bereits ein "nicht so ganz edler Pilger", an unserer neu gekauften Wasserflasche vergriffen hatte. Ganz so dreist war er alledings nicht, denn einen kleinen Schluck liess er für uns doch noch übrig!
      So starteten wir halt ohne Wasser, im Wissen, dass wir nicht lange auf einen neuen, erfrischenden Durstlöscher warten müssen!
      Die heutige Etappe war durchgehend schön. Wir waren lange Zeit im Wald unterwegs, wo wir von lautem Vogelgezwitscher begleitet wurden. Wenn wir dann wieder einer Strasse folgen mussten, wurden unsere Augen von prächtigen Wiesen mit hohem Gras, verschiedenen Blumen und vielen Schmetterlingen verwöhnt. Sich so in der Natur aufhalten zu dürfen, hat also schon etwas!
      Irgendwo auf dem Weg fiel uns heute eine junge Frau auf, die kaum mehr gehen konnte. Wir kamen mit ihr ins Gespräch und sie erzählte, dass sie etliche Blasen an den Füssen hat. Sie hat offenbar vor ihrem Start nicht gewusst, wie wichtig die Fusspflege vor so einer langen Wanderung ist. Nun...wir zogen weiter, ich mit einem etwas schlechten Gewissen, weil ich ihr meine bewährte Créme, die in meinem Rucksack lag, nicht angeboten habe. Etwas später trafen wir "die Dame mit dem schleppenden Schritt"  in einer Gartenwirtschaft wieder, wo ich ihr dann meine Créme doch noch überließ.  Das schöne an dieser Episode ist, dass mich in unserer heutigen, übrigens super Unterkunft, eine weitere Pilgerin fragte,  ob ich heute einer Amerikanerin eine Fusscréme überlassen hätte. Ganz erstaunt sagte ich ja, worauf sie mir erzählte, dass sie diese Pilgerin kenne und diese ihr von mir erzählt hätte.  Übrigens....sie sagte die Salbe sei eine Wohltat. Nun frage ich mich: Bin ich nun eine Wohtäterin! 😂
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    • Jour 8

      Etapa 6: Calvinis

      11 janvier, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      I made it to the Alburgue in Calvinos after dark because I’d got a little to excited about the Tomar and ended up darting longer than planned. In Calvinos, I met a lady from Lisbon named Margarida who had had a double hip replacement about half a year ago and is doing the Camino in sections.

      I also discovered that I enjoy Sardines (A Portuguese favorite) after I made this Sardine Shrimp ramen soup.
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    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Tomar, Tomar Municipality


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