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    • Dag 5

      Unesco_Stadt Jaroslawl

      16 september 2019, Ryssland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Jaroslav,alteste Stadt an der Wolga,wir sehen mehrere Kirchen aus dem 17Jahrhundert,und ein altes Kloster das Christi_Verklärungskloster ein Straßennetz aus dem 17Jahrhundert mit vielen verschiedene StilenLäs mer

    • Dag 8

      Alexander Gardens

      12 oktober 2019, Ryssland ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      I then visit Alexander Gardens, with fantastic Autumn colours in the trees.

      The first public park in Moscow, Alexander Gardens sits along the Kremlin’s western wall. Colourful flower beds and impressive Kremlin views make it a favourite strolling spot for Muscovites and tourists alike. Back in the 17th century, the Neglinnaya River ran through the present gardens, with dams and mills along its banks. In 1821 the river was diverted underground and the gardens were created.

      Inside the gardens there is also a memorial and eternal flame at The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, which contains the remains of one soldier who died in December 1941 at Km41 of Leningradskoe sh – the nearest the Nazis came to Moscow. This is a kind of national pilgrimage spot, where newlyweds bring flowers and have their pictures taken. The inscription reads: ‘Your name is unknown, your deeds immortal.’ Every hour on the hour, the guards perform a perfectly synchronised ceremony to change the guards on duty.
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    • Dag 5

      Moscou, la ville européenne la + à l'est

      14 januari 2020, Ryssland ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

      On a passé qu'une matinée à Moscou (pour l'instant) mais on a quand-même vu quelques trucs :
      - Ce bon Karl Marx, tout de pierres vêtues.
      - Le Bolchoï, mythique lieu du ballet.
      - La place rouge sous un ciel gris et bien décorée pour Noël.
      - La cathédrale St Basile (un homonyme)
      - Un bâtiment que j'avais vu dans beaucoup de films d'espionnage mais jamais en vrai : le Kremlin.
      - L'arrêt de métro le plus stylé qu'on ai vu à ce jour.

      Il est déjà 13h ? Transsibérien nous voilà !
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    • Dag 65

      Spielwaren & Süßigkeiten

      8 augusti 2018, Ryssland ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      We found a very cool toy store with a lot of funny things. Even a helicopter was in there. A few meters away from this store there was a very cool candy store and of course we needed to try some.

      Eigentlich waren wir auf der Suche nach einem Supermarkt, aber wir haben ein kleines Spieleparadies gefunden. Der Laden hatte sogar einen Hubschrauber in dem man Pilot spielen konnte. Sehr witzig! Ein paar Straßen weiter gab es dann noch ein Süßigkeitenparadies und hier mussten wir natürlich auch zuschlagen!

      Kapitel sehr nützliches Wissen: Die Ü-Eier sind hier tatsächlich günstiger als in Deutschland. Top!
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    • Dag 15

      Moskau Kremel

      21 maj 2018, Ryssland ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Heute ging es bei strahlendem Sonnenschein und 22 Grad zum Kremel. Man kann nur in einen kleinen Teil und es wird sehr stark darauf geachtet das man nur auf den Bürgersteig oder auf dem Zebrastreifen gehen darf, sonst wird man angepfiffen und zurechtgewiesen.
      Die Kanone ist nur Fake, Russland wollte einen auf Dicke Hose machen, manche Sachen ändern sich nie.

      Sonst schon sehr beeindruckend, besonders die Kirchen.
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    • Dag 22

      Moscow - Sunday

      4 september 2016, Ryssland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      After a breakfast buffet (which I found a little less exciting than the dinner), we were due to meet up with our guide in the lobby. We booked our Russian itinerary through a tour company with the rather official sounding name of Russian National Tourist Office. The tour is either alone, or with a group, depending on demand. So Tessa wandered around the lobby asking English speakers if they were from our group. It turns out, there were multiple people who had booked through the same company, but only 5 were on our tour. Our tour guide for Moscow was Olga - a local of Moscow who's favourite city is St Petersburg.

      We went on a city tour by mini bus. Olga told us a load of facts, and since it's been several days since then, we've forgotten most of them already - except that Moscow was founded in 1147. We stopped for photos at a look out point and some probably overpriced souvenirs at a local store and then Olga showed us around Moscow’s underground rail stations. That probably sounds terribly tedious but the Soviets had beautifully decorated many of their main stations in the Moscow area. One particular station had many sculptures of people doing everyday things and there was a belief about some of the dog statues that if you touched their noses, you would have good luck. We saw many Moscow locals touch the dogs’ noses as they walked past and you can tell from the differences in colour on those statues as they had been worn down by touching over time.

      On this particular tour we have our afternoons free to ourselves, so we wandered over to the Red Square for some lunch and a general sticky-beak around. The food was excellent and I had probably the best beef stroganoff I had ever had up until that point. Our waiter was very friendly and we had a chat about his sister who now lives in Australia. Unfortunately Red Square was packed with stadium seating for their annual celebrations of the city’s beginnings 869 years ago (quite young really) so we didn’t perhaps get the best view of whole surroundings but it was still great to walk around.

      Back near our hotel, we headed to a local tourist village, I guess you would call it. It was a modern reconstruction of some older style Russian buildings with a truckload of souvenir stores and minor museums. We did check out the museum of vodka, because we were in Russia after all. We tasted some old-style vodka and some flavoured vodka, which were both nice, and chatted to the two ladies who were looking after the museum who wondered why we’d come so far to see Moscow. We also got a little distracted by two cats snuggling each other in the museum’s lobby section.

      We finished up the day by ordering room service at our hotel which was quite a trial as they initially managed to forget to bring up one of our drinks and two of our entrees. Luckily our waiter had a translation app on his phone so Tessa managed to reach a mutual understanding between him, her and the cook who the waiter had to keep ringing. Unfortunately the result was a little disappointing for Tessa when all was said and done as the dumplings just weren’t up to scratch.
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    • Dag 12

      Goldener Ring: Susdal

      13 juni 2019, Ryssland ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Der Goldene Ring, wir hatten unsere Vorstellung, dass es ähnlich wie Siebenbürgen ist (@ Ode an die Awo-Tour)
      Die Städte vorher waren unser Kulturschock... Gute Übung für Moskau, aber gemütlich waren sie nicht.
      Susdal, da war es: klein, hübsch und touristisch!!! :)
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    • Dag 42

      Moscow by day

      25 maj 2018, Ryssland ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      Finally we come to what is likely to be the last entry for this trip as we start travelling home on Sunday - Moscow-Frankfurt-Singapore (overnight)-Brisbane (Monday night) and home on Tuesday. So today was a very busy day touring the major sights of Moscow... well, actually it was mainly The Kremlin and involved quite a lot walking, queuing and standing around but not allowed to take photos inside the buildings.

      The Kremlin (which means fortress) is everything inside the Red wall. It's a city within a city and contains many churches, government offices including Mr Putin's, and the Armoury (treasurery). To enter the grounds there were security checks and no large backpacks permitted. There were guards that would blow a whistle at you if you walked on the road - you had to stay to the footpath. We visited another church (same old, same old), saw world's biggest cannon that has never been fired (probably too heavy to load the cannonballs), and a big bell that has never been rung because it had a crack in it when it was cast. The Armoury contained all the priceless objects from ceremonial garments, royal coaches, jewels and Faberge eggs (i really liked those) . We explored Red Square and the GUM department store... tried their world famous GUM icecream (very nice). Took photos of St Basil's Basilica with its colourful domes.

      Moscow itself is quite a green city with many parks and open spaces but they seem to think dandelions are a beautiful flower and leave them to flourish everywhere in the overlong grass. The traffic is horrible and is definitely not something English speaking people should even attempt. Check out the last photo and see if you can decipher the road sign. As with our entire holiday, we were fortunate to have beautiful weather and that certainly helped with our enjoyment of the places we visited.
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    • Dag 7


      27 april 2018, Ryssland ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Une grosse journée nous attend aujourd'hui puisque nous partons visiter le Kremlin. Car entre les murs d'enceinte, outre Vlad, il y a pas moins de 4 cathédrales, toutes richement décorées mais aussi l'armurerie qui contient tous les trésors du pays (couronnes, armures, vêtements d'apparat, argenterie, calices...) Et le fonds des diamants qui contient...des diamants. Mais des gros !

      Les photos ne sont malheureusement pas admises à l'intérieur des bâtiments mais on s'est rattrapés sur l'extérieur!
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    • Dag 21

      Moscow - Saturday

      3 september 2016, Ryssland ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      A long time on the train, a very very long time. Long and not very exciting until about 1am where the Polish border guards followed by the Belarus border guards kept us for what felt like 30 minutes by walking up and down the train checking and stamping everyone’s passports and documents. Eventually they left and even though the train stopped and started and changed directions continually, we arrived on time in Moscow.
      At the train station we were met by a taxi driver organised by the tour company we were using for our Russian section of our holidays and he took us to our hotel, a Russian branch of the Best Western chain. A very nice hotel although the décor and the 1940s Western music pumping through the place made me think of the Fallout game series.
      Check in felt a bit like checking in at the airport. We went through security gates, had our passports registered and signed official documents. This was all made more fun by the free champagne.
      We spent much of the remaining day recovering from the long train trip (I personally was starting to become run-down) and we had to take advantage of the cheap but plentiful dinner buffet before we hit the hay.
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