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    • Dag 2

      Peterhof Palace Gardens

      6. oktober 2019, Russland ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      The place was virtually decimated during WW2 by the Germans. But the gardeners hid a lot of the statues by burying them. Most of it has been returned to its former glory. The gardens are just as stunning with over 300 fountains, all of them gravity fed.Les mer

    • Dag 11

      Hotel Renesanse

      25. juni 2019, Russland ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Nachdem unsere Campingplatzsuche nicht erfolgreich verlief - entweder voll oder gar nicht mehr vorhanden - sind wir im „exklusiven“ Hotel Renesanse gelandet ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Heute Morgen beim Frühstück haben wir dann mal gemeinschaftlich darüber philosophiert, wo wir genau übernachtet haben 🤔 Spiegelwände, Whirlpools in jedem Badezimmer, rote Nachttischlampen, Stangen im Frühstücksraum, Büsten ... na, was meint Ihr?Les mer

    • Dag 69

      Peterburg und Peterhof

      8. mai 2023, Russland ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Ausschlafen an der Hauptstraße war natürlich nicht möglich also früh morgens erstmal in die Nächste Stadt, Kingsepp. Frühstück gab´s beim Russischen McD. und dann hieß es warten bis die Geschäfte aufmachen das ich ein SIM kaufen kann, die Banken sind Montags geschlossen wie ich feststellen musste, Dienstag ist ja Feiertag da hätte ich mal mehr als 200€ wechseln sollen, naja, ich habe nach langem suchen auch eine Versicherung gefunden die mein Auto versichern würde dafür habe ich aber aktuell nicht genug Geld 115€ für 3 Monate. Also mache ich mich erstmal auf Richtung St. Petersburg.
      Durch den Feiertag ist echt viel los und es dauert ein wenig bis ich ein Parkplatz finde, zuerst zur Peter u. Paul Kathedrale und anschließend zum Schloss Peterhof. Puh was für ein Prunk im Garten, für mich als Ausländer ist der Eintritt teurer (1200 statt 600Rub), interessant und find es eigentlich nicht so schlecht.
      Der Garten ist echt Riesig und abends mache ich mich auf die Suche nach einem Platz zum übernachten direkt am Fluss Reka Strelka am royal sculpture walk der aber geschlossen ist. Kurz Drauf habe ich Chinesen beobachtet wie sie einfach eine Drohne steigen lassen haben obwohl ein Verbotsschild angebracht ist kurz drauf waren auch einige Polizisten da die Ihn und die Drohne mitgenommen haben. Ich hab dann noch einen Polizisten gefragt ob generell Drohnen verboten sind und ob es Ok ist hier zu stehen ein generelles verbot gibt's nicht und solange ich kein Feuer mache kann ich auch stehen bleiben.
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    • Dag 32

      Sankt Petersburg

      21. september 2016, Russland ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Nach etlichen Kontrollen der Reisepässe und der Visa sind wir gut in Russland angekommen. 🇷🇺
      Sankt Petersburg ist eine wunderschöne Stadt mit vielen schönen Kathedralen, Palästen, Parks, Gebäuden und Tieren. 🐿
      Obwohl sich Sankt Petersburg gegen aussen als Weltoffene, moderne Stadt präsentiert, redet (fast) niemand Englisch. Man muss mit Händen und Füssen kommunizieren, um das zu erhalten was man möchte. 🇺🇸🚫🇬🇧
      Der Transport mit dem öffentlichen Verkehr ist wahnsinnig günstig und gut. Nie hatten wir auf eine U-Bahn länger als 30 Sekunden gewartet... 👍🏻
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    • Dag 2

      Peterhof Palace

      6. oktober 2019, Russland ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      Did a tour of Peterhof Palace today, about an hour south west of St. Petersburg. This is the Palace that Peter the Great created as a consequence of Versailles. It was used by all the Russian royals, including Catherine the Great, a couple of Alexander's and a couple of Nicholas's, most noteably Nicholas II, the final Romano who along with his whole family were killed a year after the Russian revolution in 1917.

      An amazing Palace full of many rooms, all decorated differently, quite a few with a lot of gold picture frames, mirrors and furniture. They are quite rightly very protective of it, with us wearing overshoes, making sure you don't dawdle too long due to the amount of visitors, and not even being allowed to extend your arms over the rope barriers to take a photo. Didn't stop a couple of Chinese women being thrown out for abusing this.
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    • Dag 5

      Peterhof und noch mehr...

      5. september 2019, Russland ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Nach abenteuerlicher Anfahrt im Kleinbus stand die Besichtigung des russischen Versailles in Peterhof an.

    • Dag 5

      Peterhof Palace

      10. april 2018, Russland ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      This morning we were venturing further out of the city to the Peterhof Palace. We had to use the metro and then catch a bus the rest of the way.

      First though we wanted to find somewhere to eat breakfast. Kyria really wanted to find a bakery this time so we headed to the metro and walked around the block until we came across one. As soon as we opened the door the smell that assailed ones nose was sublime! Warm and like fresh bread...funnily enough.

      We left with packets of croissants, cinnamon scrolls and a few other varieties to tide us over until lunch.

      The metro trip was pretty straightforward and we were able to walk out and almost immediately find a bus to take us out to Peterhof where the palace was located. It was more of a mini van than a bus but people seemed to be able to use their travel cards on it as well. The driver had all the money sitting in front of him on the dash and seemed quite adept at taking money and handing back change as he was driving! There weren’t that many seats though and people had to do some shuffling when others had to get off. Luckily it wasn’t full when we hopped on so we all found seats. It was about 1/2 hour - 40 minutes bus ride.

      It was nice to view the outskirts of St Petersburg as we drove past. We could imagine how beautiful it would look when it had greened up and the trees weren’t bare. There was still beauty there though.

      I have so many photos from today I’ll have to split this up a lot!
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    • Dag 5

      Peterhof Palace

      10. april 2018, Russland ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      It was a rather grand entrance view to the palace as we walked into the grounds. Even though the time of year, it was still magnificent. Although my favourite ‘palace’ is still Malmaison in Paris - the home of Josephine and Napoleon.

      We were a bit unsure how to get in as there didn’t seem to be an entrance from the front but we followed some other people, asked for directions and found our way round the back where the entrance was. We were somewhat aghast to see a massive Asian tour group lined up waiting to enter. If we had to wait behind them it would take forever. Thankfully there was a separate queue for non tour groups and we skipped ahead of the group - phew.

      We had to put funny sack sort of bags over our shoes, I guess to protect the floors. We hadn’t needed it at the other palace but oh well! They made walking somewhat slippery and it was tempting to try and skate along the floors but with a formidable Russian observer in every room we didn’t dare try.

      Heidi went to walk through the turn table thing into the palace, bumped her head, cried and was given a little fluffy duck from a museum staff lady on the way in. Then on the way out she was sooking about something and was given a lolly. She’s going to be a spoilt one by the time we get home!

      As we managed to get ahead of most of the tour groups we were able to get some pictures without having crowds of people in the way.
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    • Dag 11

      Guten Moooorgen

      25. juni 2019, Russland ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      ...was für wirre Tage hier in Russland. Gestern Nacht sind wir dann auch in St. Petersburg angekommen und die Suche nach einer Unterkunft gestaltete sich etwas schwierig....letztendlich sind wir dann beim "Renaissance-Club" gelandet, der um Mitternacht nach Klingeln geöffnet hat 🤣🤣Les mer

    • Dag 5

      Walking the Grounds of Peterhof Palace

      10. april 2018, Russland ⋅ 🌙 3 °C

      The Palace is set right next to the sea which the gardens were on the edge of. The sea was frozen for a good way out so we ventured out onto the ice - it was quite an amazing sight. We could see a big boat making its way through the ice further out to sea.

      After this we trekked back towards the palace and out of the grounds to find somewhere to have lunch. We spied a playground on the other side of the road and managed to avoid Heidi seeing it by getting her to count the windows on the palace as we walked past 😂 so easy to distract at this age!

      We found a place near where we had to catch the bus back to St Petersburg and enjoyed a nice lunch of various dishes - borsch (traditional Russian soup composing mainly of beetroot - quite yummy), chicken soup, fettuccini carbonara, stroganoff etc.

      Then we caught the bus and metro back to the apartment. I bought a punnet of large juicy looking strawberries on the way back and popped into a couple of shops with Kyria whilst the boys continued homewards. Heidi had fallen asleep on the way home but she woke up when we left the metro due to the cold air.

      We had a bit of time at the apartment before heading out for an early dinner as Mike and Kyria were going to see the Nutcracker Ballet tonight (we can’t all go to this as Heidi isnt allowed in so we’re taking it in turns).

      Thus ends another day - we’re having a ball if you hadn’t already figured that out! 😁
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    Det kan også være du kjenner dette stedet med følgende navn:

    Peterhof, Petergof, بيتيرهوف, Горад Пецяргоф, Петерхоф, Petěrgof, Πέτερχοφ, پترگوف, Pietarhovi, Pjetergof, ペテルゴフ, პეტერგოფი, 페테르고프, Петергоф, Peterhofium, Pēterhofa, Paleizencomplex in Peterhof, 彼得宮城

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