South Africa

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    • Day 52

      Kapstadt 10.02.2024

      February 10 in South Africa ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

      Letzte Nacht 01:25 sind wir ums Kap der guten Hoffnung rumgekommen. Heute Morgen sind wir im Tagen in Kapstadt pünktlich um 07:30 angekommen bei schönstem Wetter und kühlen Temperaturen. Diesmal konnten wir direkt am Cruise Terminal anlegen und die Immigration im Terminal erledigen - zudem brauchten wir keinen Shuttle Bus. Heute habe ich einen Ausflug mit Kleinbus in ein Township gebucht, waren nur 7 Teilnehmer. Die Enttäuschung war groß - statt Wellblech Hüten sahen wir gemauerte Hütten, Teerstrassen und im Hinterhof Audi‘s🙈. Nach der Besichtigung verschiedener Beschäftigungsprojekten/Entwicklungsprojekten und einer Grundschule und einer Oberstufen Schule die einem Gefängnis gleicht habe ich den Reiseleiter soweit gebracht, dass er mit uns noch eine gute Stunde durch eine richtige Wellblech Siedlung mit Sandwegen und keinen Autos gelaufen - das hat dann einen ganz Tiefen Eindruck hinterlassen - unglaublich spannend - der hat diese Führung perfekt gestaltet 😇🍀🙏.
      Am späteren Nachmittag bin ich zu Fuß an die Waterfront gelaufen und habe dort das 2. Mal noch den Tabakladen leergekauft. Anschließend wieder das Immigrationstheater wegen dem Ausreisestempel. Abends 22:00 haben wir trotz heftigen Sturmböen Kapstadt noch verlassen können - mehr Bilder folgen später.
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    • Day 11

      Day 11 : Cow, cabernet, clouds

      January 29 in South Africa ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      We’re both a little groggy this morning. Last night was comfortably the latest and booziest night we’ve had while we’ve been here. We’ve nothing much planned today. After being pretty hectic for the past 5 days, we thought a slightly slower day before we head over to the winelands was deserved. We’ve a late lunch booking, and the formings of a plan to head up Table Mountain for sunset.

      Lunch is at a steakhouse called Bo-vine, over in Camps Bay. It’s just over the road from the beach, and the views are stunning. The beef is great - rib-eye for me, and sirloin for Vicki. Incredibly simple food, but sourced well, accurately seasoned, and perfectly chargrilled. A bottle of Warwick Cabernet Sauvignon is a great accompaniment.

      We walk down the beach back to Tiger’s Milk for a post-prandial. Vicki locates a Pina Colada, I bathe in Savanna. The clouds are gathering over Table Mountain. High winds are forecast later this evening, and our planned visit to the top of the mountain is looking increasingly unlikely. While we’re at Tiger’s Milk, we decide to sack it off, and head back to the hotel. Checking the Table Mountain website, we discover that the cableway service has been suspended.

      Back at the Hyde Hotel, we head to the Skye Bar for a glass of Shiraz. It starts to rain. The cloud draping itself over Table Mountain is spectacular to watch. We decide to have a chilled evening, and have some dinner at the hotel. The clouds continue to amaze us. There’s a heavy shroud over Lion’s head now, but out to the coastline the cloud is lifting, and there are some amazing views of the sunset. We’re pretty tuckered, so end up having an early night, and cross fingers for a long and deep sleep…
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    • Day 16

      Neighbourgood Hill - Coliving

      January 22 in South Africa ⋅ 🌬 25 °C

      Usually I book Airbnbs to stay and a coworking space to work from. This time I decided to go with a coliving/coworking place called Neighbourgood. They have several locations in Cape Town and you can also work from the other places. The one I'm staying also has a little coffee called Nourish'd with very delicious food and drinks.Read more

    • Day 8

      Clifton 4-Lion’s Head, the city’s magic

      January 27 in South Africa ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Not to despair: I’ve got myself a new travel buddy. 🤩 Thank you shitty winter weather in Amsterdam, that you destined us with Maartje to enjoy South Africa together!!! 🪐 We started the day off with a brunch in a local artsy spot with a vintage market, then headed to the beach, Clifton 4th this time, then after a short rest & shower sesh we headed up to Lion’s Head to watch the sunset. 🌄 Another time, we got some warnings to make sure that we are well prepared and luckily we decided not to bring the bottle of wine to enjoy on the top as the track where soon turned into rock-climbing, hanging on for our dear lives haha. The wind wasn’t as crazy as typically but this didn’t make the climb much easier. But the view… it was worth all the adrenaline boost on the way up and even more so on the way down. We just couldn’t get enough, had to stop every 5 meters for a next picture an d a next picture. Thank you nature for being so beautiful! 🥰 At night we went to town for a drink or two in one of the famous bars-clubs and hoped that we’ll manage to snooze in a little tomorrow morning. What a special day again! ✨Read more

    • Day 24

      The other side of Cape Town

      January 18, 2023 in South Africa ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Nathi was our guide at the Township-Tour. Our tour took place in a township called “Langa”.

      In Langa live poor black people next to richer ones. Sometimes it’s dirty, sometimes it’s quite a high standard. There is a neighborhood called “Beverly Hills”.

      The social bonding in Langa is important for the people. Nathi calls his neighbors family members because they take care to his kids when he can’t do it.
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    • Day 10

      Day 10 - A little more wine than planned

      January 28 in South Africa ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      We wake up with vim and vigour. We’ve planned a late breakfast/brunch, followed by an improving walk through Tokai Forest. We *might* stop at a Constantia wine farm on the way back to Sea Point. Showering, I discover yesterday’s sun-based queueing has left me with a hell of a t-shirt tan.

      Arriving to our brunch booking, we discover that Blockhouse Kitchen is located ON a wine farm - Constantia Uitsig. We have a lovely feed, and decide that since we’re here already, we might as well have a wine tasting. Our host is a jaunty chap from Zimbabwe. He is generous with his pours. Some of the wines are stellar. We both love the Chardonnay Reserve, and the Estate Red is sensational. We’re going to try and be well behaved, and not buy tons of wine along our travels. It’s tempting to cast these good intentions to one side.

      We quickly abandon plans of a walk, and take a lovely little drive to Buitenverwachting - brilliant name. Correctly pronounced, it’s ‘Bay-ten-vare-vack-ting’ We visited back in 2019, and had a sublime oaked Sauvignon Blanc. I’m very excited to try it again. We are, however, foiled. The estate is closed on a Sunday… Not to be deterred, we head onwards to Groot Constantia, where we have a tasting of the estate’s red wines. Again, we could buy several. We’re going to head up and over Constantia Nek to get back to our hotel, and accidentally stumble across an estate with which I’m unfamiliar - Beau Constantia. Reasoning that it would be rude not to, we stop in for a quick glass of wine, and some pretty good Dim Sum. The views across to Muizenberg are stunning. We sit back, and ease our way through a happy half-hour of watching the world go by.

      The drive back along the coast is beautiful - even moreso heading North than it is when driving South towards Hout Baai. Camps Bay is packed - an actual traffic jam. Back at our apartment, we’re not 100% sure what to do with ourselves. We have some biltong, and I decide a nap is probably gonna work for me. An hour later, I wake up feeling refreshed, but a little less than fresh. A Savanna and some Drowoers later, I’m ready to go out.

      We go to the Codfather - not our first time, but maybe our last. They do fish, really REALLY well. They seem to both of us to have become a little greedy since our last visit. The tables are packed SO tightly that we basically share a conversation with our next door table. Anyone gets up, and they have to run the gauntlet past our table, and invariably bump into us. The concept is brilliant - you choose your fish of choice from a beautiful, market style array. There is a host from which to choose. There is some confusion when I ask for a crayfish, and what turns up is clearly a lobster. The food is really well cooked, but there’s just a sense that we both have that the restaurant is now more about profit than enjoyment. I recently recommended it to some friends visiting Camps Bay - I’m not sure I would do so again.

      We walk down the Camps Bay beachfront as the sun sets, and are struck by the beauty of the place. We stop in at Tiger’s Milk - half way between a pub and a bar. There’s a DJ banging out some pretty decent progressive house. We both comment that we’d love to see a DJ playing this kind of music in the UK, but it’s SO tough to find these days. What was going to be a quick post prandial turns into something quite a lot longer. We finally pour ourselves into an Uber just after 23:00, which based on our trip so far, is VERY late. Arriving back to our apartment, we crack open the bottle of Amarula sitting in the bottom of the fridge. We have nothing to wake up for tomorrow, so will deal with Monday when it arrives.
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    • Day 3

      1. Frühstück, Kirstenbosch & Tafelberg

      January 9 in South Africa ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Frühstück im "Bootegger" in Sea Point. Danach sind wir per Uber zu Christel & Franz-Josef nach Constantia gefahren. Wir sind zusammen nach Kirstenbosch in den botanischen Garten und danach zum Tafelberg.
      Kaum waren wir mit der Seilbahn oben, hat es sich zu gezogen. Es ging ein sehr kalter Wind. Alle hatten eine Jacke dabei, außer Franz-Josef. Er hat dafür jetzt einen gelben Kaputzenpullover vom Tafelberg.
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    • Day 4

      Cape Town, new city-new friends

      January 23 in South Africa ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      As per usual, we started off with a walking tour upon arriving to Cape Town so that we can get to know the city and its history quick & dirty. Unfortunately our tour guide was a bit too knowledgable and didn’t have the best story-telling skills but it was a nice intro to the city anyway. In short: loads of history and past & current social and economical struggles. Two fun stories for the day.
      1. On our first night I was swiping through instagram when I saw that a lovely friend of mine who was already featured in the South-Central America trip Penguins edition as I know her from Puerto Escondido is renting out her room for a few weeks back in Amsterdam, so I texted her jokily if she’s in South Africa. Well, guess what, yepppp. So we met Maartje in Cape Town, and we’ll be making memories together with her too - what a small world. ✨🌏
      2. After watching the sunset, we decided to check out one of the 100+ spots I pinned in South Africa for dinner. Not only the food and cocktails were excellent in Tjing Tjing, we escaped to the rooftop area from the heat where some kind strangers offered us a spot at their table. Well, these kind strangers turned out to be local “celebrities” too, we seem to attract the cream of people over here 😂 Reyno, the crazily impressive PR smile, is a Royal Genie who is the face of the most luxurious yachts of the world and introduced them when the ride for the first time. Nina co-owns a super cool restaurant called Black Sheep and a bar, Dark Horse. And Andro is a very popular and much appreciated private pedetrican. Turns out, Reyno was in town and they were having their reunion as being brothers and sisters, and got so excited to meet us that we agreed to have a little roadtrip tomorrow to meet the penguins and maybe make our way until Cape Point, the most southwestern part of the world. 🤩 Unbelievable!!!
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    • Day 8

      Day 8 - Pt 2 : Pot Luck

      January 26 in South Africa ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Dinner tonight is at one of our favourite Cape Town restaurants - The Pot Luck Club. We had dinner here when we were last in town, and it was sensational. We’ve been struggling to spend our daily spend budget so far. The £ to ZAR exchange rate is so favourable at the moment, and South Africa has always offered outstanding value to Brit travellers. That might all change tonight though.

      It’s still warm when we head out, and we’re glad of the air-conditioning in our Uber. Arriving at The Pot Luck Club, it immediately feels familiar and welcoming. We kick off with some pre-prandials - an Inverroche Amber and tonic for me, and a kiwi and strawberry Daiquiri for Vicki. Yum.

      It’s a sharing plate kinda place - and we’re encouraged to order between 6 and 8 dishes to share. We go for 7, figuring that average doesn’t always have to be average. What follows is a succession of show-stoppers. Some really imaginative cookery on display, but brilliantly executed. The Chef Patron is a guy called Luke Roberts - Brit by birth, traveller by nature. The geographically diverse nature of his life is evident in his food - hints of southern Europe here, a dollop of South East Asia there. There are a couple of fish dishes in particular that are as good as any we’ve eaten anywhere. Just sublime…

      While we eat, the sun starts to track to the horizon. Behind us is Table Mountain, shrouded in mist and cloud. Over towards Lion’s Head though, the clouds are dispersing, and the sun’s rays are starting to push through. By the time we’re finishing our savoury dishes, there’s a spectacular sunset on display, and diners are queuing at the fire exit door to take pics. We don’t need, but very much want to share a dessert - a peanut butter bombe, with a banana mousse and a Frangelico sabayon. Neither Vicki nor I have a particularly sweet tooth, but this dish straddles the line between sweet and savoury perfectly. It’s big - big enough to share very happily. We wash it down with a glass each of the Joostenberg estate’s noble rot Chenin Blanc dessert wine - a wine I first tried way back in 2003. It’s a brilliant partner.

      We’re not full to bursting, but we both know we’ve had a good feed. The bill is incredibly reasonable for the experience we’ve had. Whilst it’s pricey by South African standards, in London, it would cost several times as much. We’re forklifted into the back of an Uber, and head back to our hotel. We stop in at the rooftop bar for a glass of wine before we fall into bed...
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    • Day 10

      22.10. Erster Tag in Kapstadt

      October 22, 2017 in South Africa ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Wunderbar ausgeruht fühlten wir uns beim Aufwachen. Ein Blick aus dem Fenster ergab: Die Sonne scheint! Die junge Dame an der Rezeption lag gestern Abend wohl richtig mit ihrem Tipp, heute gleich morgens auf den Tafelberg zu fahren. Aber erstmal gab es ein vorzügliches Frühstück.Der Kaffee lecker, Toast, Brötchen, Müsli, Obst, frisch gepresste Säfte, Rührei, Bacon, Würstchen - auch die obligatorischen Baked beans, Käseplatte, Aufschnitt... da blieben keine Wünsche offen. Damit auch Thorsten staunen und sich nicht gleich auf den Innenstadtverkehr konzentrieren musste, beherzigten wir den Vorschlag von Peter "Westernwaldi", uns Tickets für den Hop on- hop off-Buss zu kaufen. Zu Fuß liefen wir etwa 20 min zur Waterfront, wo es den Ticketshop dafür gibt, kauften gleich zwei 2-Tages-Tickets inklusive Seilbahn-Tickets für den Tafelberg. Abfahrt war sofort und Dank der Audio-Guides im Bus in Deutsch, erfuhren wir eine ganze Menge zu dem, was wir sahen. Am Tafelberg stiegen wir aus. Schnell einen Sonnenhut für Kerstin gekauft und dann an die laaaange Warteschlange angestellt. Nach ca 1 1,5 h Wartezeit (wie gut dass wir wenigstens an der kürzeren Schlange stehen durften, weil wir schon die Tickets hatten) ging es dann mit der Seilbahn hoch hinauf auf das Plateau des Tafelbergs.Strahlend blauer Himmel, eine grandiose Aussicht, eine Tier- und Pflanzenwelt zum Staunen. Es war wie im Traum. Die bei vorhergesagten 20 ° wurden sicher weit übertroffen, ließen den Schweiß rinnen und zwangen uns zu einer schönen Wasser- und Cappucino-Pause im Café bevor wir nach ca 2 Stunden die Abfahrt antraten.Dort wartete schon wieder einer der Busse und wir konnten die rote Rundtour weiter mitfahren. Auch hier hatten wir noch wunderschöne Ausblicke, fuhren an der Küste an diversen Buchten und Stränden vorbei, erfreuten uns an glitzernden brausenden Wellen, dem Wind auf dem offenen Oberdeck des Busses und den Erläuterungen aus dem Kopfhörer. Am Ende der Tour schlenderten wir etwas an der Waterfront (Touristen-Amüsier-und Hafenviertel) herum, speisten sehr leckeres "Hungarian hat bread" in der Food-Hall, streunten durch ein Shopping-Center, fanden einen Vodacom-Shop und wollten eine Prepaid-SIM-Karte kaufen. Naja, wollten.... Bis wir feststellten, dass wir dazu unbedingt das entsprechende Handy dabei haben mussten. Ohne geht es nicht. Da das extra dafür mitgenommene uralt-Handy aber im Hotel lag, mussten wir unverrichteter Dinge wieder gehen - sehr zum nicht zu übersehenden Unwillen des Verkäufers. Bei Pick n Pay versorgten wir uns dann noch mit ein paar kleinen Snacks für die nächsten Tage und liefen zurück zum Hotel. Akkus laden, Füße hoch, Bilder sichten, frisch machen und schon war es Zeit, zum Abendessen zu gehen. Wir ließen uns von Jimmy und seinem Kollegen ein Restaurant empfehlen und gingen asiatisch essen. Ganz anders als asiatische Restaurants bei uns war dieses sehr kühl eingerichtet und bis auf eine Gruppe Asiaten und einem weiteren Pärchen leer. Das Essen war frisch und wohlschmeckend, wenn auch nichts Besonderes. Über den Preis kann man nicht meckern (1 Vorspeise, 2 Hauptgerichte, 3 Getränke rund 20 Euro). Obwohl die Hotelangestellten versichern, dass die Wege zu den nächsten Restaurants auch abends sicher sind, ist es uns doch nicht so ganz geheuer. Es ist nicht viel Fußgängerverkehr auf den Wegen und wenn wir jemandem begegnen sind es meistens etwas suspekt wirkende Gestalten. Mal sehen, wie wir das morgen regeln. Vielleicht bestellen wir uns etwas ins Hotel.Read more

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